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I've had some people request that I post my old FE Facebook entries, so here they are. Sadly, the bold font didn't transfer and I can't be bothered to retag all of them.

(warning extremely long post)

Jill is a fan of Daein Army.

Jill is no longer a fan of Daein Army

Jill is a fan of Crimean Army

Jill is in a relationship with Mist

Jill is no longer a fan of Crimean Army

Jill is a fan of Daein Army

Mist wrote "WTF?" on Jill's Wall.

Jill is no longer a fan of Daein Army

Jill is a fan of Crimean Army

Jill is listed as single.

Jill is a fan of Daein Army

Jill is no longer a fan of Daein Army

Jill is a fan of Laguz Alliance

Jill is listed as in a relationship with Haar

Mist wrote "I am SO over you" on Jill's Wall.

Haar wrote "Wanna have some sex with the best unit in the game?" on Jill's Wall.

Jill likes Haar's comment.


Elincia has updated her status to "Why doesn't anyone love me?"

Geoffrey wrote on Elincia's wall. "I...I love...funions. I-I mean, I love...uh...yuri. NO! That's not what I-"

Lucia wrote on Elincia's wall. "Aww, baby, you want someone to come by and love you?"

Marcia wrote on Elincia's wall. "Oh, I'll come cheer you up! See you soon."

Lucia wrote on Elincia's wall. "Way to ***** block me, Marcia."

Elincia has updated her status to "These hicks I used to know are all "OMG revolution", so I guess we better do something. I'm not sure how much I care, though."

Nephenee wrote on Elincia's wall. "We can see your status updates, y'know."

Lucia wrote on Elincia's wall. "Hey baby, I'll help you out with a nice, hot, sweaty war, if you know what I mean."

Elincia commented on Lucia's post. "Great! Go on ahead to Ludveck's place. Oh, and do that stealthy thing you do so he doesn't think I know about his evil master plan. kk thx"

Geoffrey commented on Lucia's post. "Yeah, go away. Leave me...alone with my beloved queen..."

Lucia commented on her own post. "God, Geoffrey, you're such a creep."

Elincia has updated her status to "IT'S RAEP TIME LUDVECK!"

Ludveck likes this post.

Elincia commented on her own post. "No no no, I meant me to you."

Elincia has updated her status to "Oh noes, there is a war going on! I want everyone to think I'm helpful, but I don't like the whole killing thing because it gets me all dirty, so i'm just gonna equip a weird skill and pretend I'm too dainty and cute to take a life."

Kieran wrote on Elincia's wall. "It's okay, my queen! We can do all the killing you want! Let's start with the squinty eyed people!"

Geoffrey wrote on Elincia's wall. "My queen...if you were to be harmed, I would...my soul would never...and...please...uh, would you like to...can we...that is, if you don't mind...ahem! Nevermind."

Lucia commented on Geoffrey's post. "lol nub"

Elincia commented on Geoffrey's post. "You know, if you change your mind about saying something on the internet, you could just not post it."

Geoffrey commented on his own post. "...oh."

Elincia is listed as in a relationship with Tibarn.

Lucia commented on Elincia's post. "WHAT"

Geoffrey commented on Elincia's post. "Are you sure about that? Double Heaven affinity is...ah...quite inferior to, say, Heaven and Fire."

Lucia commented on Elincia's post. "LOL Geoffrey. Everyone knows HeavenxEarth is, like, the endgame OTP for swordies."

Elincia is no longer in a relationship.

Elincia is now in a relationship with Renning.

Lucia commented on Elincia's post "Again, WHAT"

Lucia has updated her status to "Maybe incest really is the way to go."

Lucia is listed as in a relationship with Geoffrey.

Geoffrey likes this post.


Soren has updated his status: "Back in Crimea. Today, I tell Ike that I'm a Branded!"

Ike wrote on Soren's wall. "What's a Branded?"

Soren has updated his status: "Back in Crimea. Today, I tell Ike about the Daein-Crimea war."

Ike wrote on Soren's wall. "Wait, what?"

Soren has updated his activities to "stalking Ike."

Aimee likes this post.

Titania has sent Soren a friend request.

Soren has rejected Titania as a friend.

Mist has sent Soren a friend request.

Soren has rejected Mist as a friend.

Mordecai has sent Soren a friend request.

Soren has rejected Mordecai as a friend.

Soren has updated his status "Leave me alone!"

Ike wrote on Soren's wall: "Soren, you have to play nice with your teammates."

Soren wrote on Ike's wall. "Fine, if you say so."

Soren has sent Volke a friend request.

Volke has rejected Soren as a friend.

Soren wrote on Ike's wall: "See? They don't like me either."

Lethe likes this comment.

Stefan has sent Soren a friend request.

Soren has rejected Stefan as a friend.

Stefan has sent Soren a friend request.

Soren has rejected Stefan as a friend.

Stefan has sent Soren a friend request.

Soren has rejected Stefan as a friend.

Stefan has sent Soren a friend request.

Soren has rejected Stefan as a friend.

Stefan has sent Soren a friend request.

Soren has rejected Stefan as a friend.

Soren has requested Nasir as a friend.

Nasir has accepted Soren's friend request.

Soren wrote on Nasir's wall: "I think you're a traitor"

Nasir wrote on Soren's wall. ""no u"

Soren is no longer friends with Nasir.

Ike wrote on Soren's wall. "Dude, I can't believe Nasir was a traitor."

Soren commented on Ike's post: "Uh, yeah, I know. It wasn't obvious at all. By the way, anything he told you was a total lie."

Ike commented on his own post "You mean...you didn't really win the chocolate chip cookie eating contest in Nevassa last year?"

Soren commented on Ike's post "...no."

Stefan has sent Soren a friend request.

Soren has rejected Stefan as a friend.

Soren wrote on Ike's wall. "Ike, Stefan's really getting annoying."

Ike commented on Soren's post: "Sorry, but he's one of our best fighters. Just block him or something."

Stefan commented on Soren's post. "Pretty please, Soren? We really need more young emo kids at the colony. We'll treat you real nice...you'll get your own cage and everything..."

Soren commented on his own post "...Wait, what?"

Stefan has sent Soren a friend request.

Soren accepted Stefan as a friend.

Stefan wrote on Soren's wall. "So, ready to talk about being the product of a sexual union between a king and a dragon princess?"

Ike commented on Stefan's post. "Soren's part laguz? That's SO HOT."

Soren is listed as in a relationship.

Ike commented on Soren's status: "Oh? Who's the lucky girl?"

Soren commented on his own status. "...Uh...I thought that, you know, when you said that I was SO HOT...that maybe..."

Ike commented on Soren's status: "Maybe what? That you should hook up with another half-and-half?"

Soren is now listed as single.

Soren is listed as in a relationship with Stefan.

Stefan commented on Soren's status: "So, ready to head back to the colony?"

Ike commented on Soren's status: "...Wait, I think I missed something."

Soren commented on his own status: "YOU HAD YOUR CHANCE, IKE!"

Soren is no longer friends with Ike.


Brom sent Heather a friend request.

Heather rejected Brom as a friend.

Nephenee sent Heather a friend request.

Heather accepted Nephenee as a friend.

Brom wrote on Nephenee's wall: "Hey, I think Heather musta missed my friend request."

Heather commented on Crom's post. "Nope. I just don't want to be friends with a fat ugly tub of guts like you."

Brom commented on his own post. ": ("

Calill sent Heather a friend request.

Heather has accepted Calill as a friend.

Calill wrote on Heather's wall. "You look fabulous! You must tell me what moisturizer you use!"

Heather commented on Calill's post. "I'll show you if you go out with me on Friday."

Calill commented on her own post. "Oh, sweetie, I can't do that. I'm married, you see."

Heather commented on Calill's post. "Eww."

Heather sent Ilyana a friend request.

Ilyana has accepted Heather as a friend.

Ilyana wrote on heather's wall: "FEED ME NAO"

Heather sent Ilyana a cupcake!

Ilyana has updated her status: "This is Zihark. I'm afraid Ilyana passed away from starvation. Apparently she was waiting for a new friend to bring her some food, but the friend never showed up."

Heather commented on Ilyana's post. "Dude, I know that's really you, Ilyana."

Ilyana commented on her own post. "What?! How?"

Heather commented on Ilyana's post. "Well, it has a lot to do with the fact that you borrowed my laptop to make that post."

Ilyana commented on her own post. "You suck Heather."

Heather commented on Ilyana's post. "You know that better than anyone, baby."

Heather sent Reyson a friend request.

Heather and Reyson are now friends.

Heather wrote on Reyson's wall "I bet your bundt tastes fantastic."

Reyson commented on Heather's post. "Sorry, I only serve pocky."

Heather commented on her own post. "Ohh...wow, I totally never would have guessed. I...can't believe I found a man attractive..."

Reyson commented on Heather's post. "It's okay. All the girls like me, regardless of anything else."

Heather has updated her status: "Joined forces with Micaiah. Now planning to murder Sothe and take his place."

Micaiah likes this post.

Sothe is no longer friends with Micaiah.

Heather has updated her status. "I kissed a girl, and I liked it."

Lyre commented on Heather's post. "Ugh, please. That got annoying after the first five times it popped up on the GFAQs ad banners."

Miciaiah updated her status: "I'm a Light Priestess! Better lose the pants."

Heather commented on Micaiah's post "You are my hero."


Mia updated her status: "Man, Ike poked me all over with his sword today."

Ranulf commented on Mia's post: "Did he get that sticky life fluid all over you?"

Ike commented on Mia's post: "Not really. Besides, Rhys was watching us closely while he tightly gripped his staff, so there wasn't much to worry about."

Mist commented on Mia's post: "I remember when Rhys used to let me put my hand on his rod. I miss those days."

Mia wrote on Ike's wall. "Hey, wanna mix up some Earth and Fire?"

Ike wrote on Mia's wall. "Sorry, but I already tried that with Oscar. Didn't work so well. Right now I'm looking for some darkness."

Mia wrote on Ike's wall. "kk. Hey, I should double fire with Rhys!"

Rhys likes this post.

Mia is listed as in a relationship with Rhys.

Rhys wrote on Mia's wall. "I don't think you and Ike should train together anymore."

Mia commented on Rhys' post. "What? Why?"

Rhys commented on his own post. "I'm just worried that one day he'll go too far with you."

Mia commented on Rhys' post. "Oh, please. I'm so careful with him, and we always fight in broad daylight so he could never do anything bad to me. Besides, we always have protection on hand to minimize penetration."

Rhys commented on his own post. "Well, all right. Just promise me that you'll be careful."

Mia commented on Rhys' post. "Don't worry, I will."

Mia has updated her status: "Ike has left a part of himself in me."

Ike commented on Mia's post. "I said I was sorry!"

Rhys commented on Mia's post. "What happened?"

Mia commented on her own post. "I...we got really into it, and...he...I...there's something still there, in my stomach..."

Rhys commented on Mia's post: "I'M GONNA BEAT YOUR ASS DOWN IKE!"

Ike updated his status effect to "Hiding from Rhys"


Kieran took the "Which Stephen King character are you?" quiz with the result Jack Torrence.

Astrid wrote on Kieran's wall: "Haha, good thing you don't have any kids to chase around with your axe."

Calill commented on Astrid's post. "Hey, has anybody seen Amy?"

Kieran has updated his status: "100 kills! Top 5, here I come!"

Geoffrey commented on Kieran's post: "Look, Kieran, I appreciate your enthusiasm, but the idea was to not kill those soldiers unless absolutely necessary."

Kieran commented on his own post: "But they were trying to kill Astrid!"

Makaloc commented on Kieran's post: "Huh? Oh, is that what they were doing? I thought they were proposing to her."

Astrid commented on Kieran's post: "Ohhh Makalov, you're so romantic. <3"

Marcia commented on Kieran's post: "So all that aside, why didn't you leave me any kills? I need the experience so I don't get roflstomped later."

Kieran commented on his own post: "It's okay, Marcia! You don't need to worry about getting roflstomped! I, Kieran, will pre-emptively roflstomp anyone who dares attempt to roflstomp you!"

Marcia commented on Kieran's post: "That's...weirdly charming."

Kieran is listed as in a relationship with Marcia.

Geoffrey wrote on Kieran's wall. "What did I tell you about getting romantically involved with other soldiers?"

Kieran commented on Geoffrey's post: "That it's manly and impulsive?"

Geoffrey commented on his own post: "Good man."

Kieran updated his status: "Going to the Tower! Ashera, here I come!"

Astrid commented on Kieran's post: "I wish I could go with you!"

Fiona commented on Kieran's post: "Yeah, why does he get to go and not us?"

Kieran commented on his own post "Because OS loves me more than you."

Kieran has updated his status: "Number 3 Killer! Woohoo!"

Makalov commented on Kieran's post. "I'm surprised you could settle for anything less than first."

Kieran commented on his own post. "What do you mean? I am perfectly content to be ranked alongside the mighty warriors Haar and Meg!"

Astrid commented on Kieran's post: "That's the spirit, Kieran!"


Sanaki has updated her status: "Some servant misplaced my royal robes, so I had him thrown in the churn. Now I have to wear the carpet instead!"

Sigrun commented on Sanaki's post: "Don't worry, Empress, it looks quite good on you!"

Astrid commented on Sanaki's post: "Hmm, this might be the start of a new fashion trend."

Sanaki commented on her own post. "You think? Maybe I should wear it for when I go meet Ike!"

Sanaki has updated her status: 'That ***** Calill thinks she's a better caster than me!"

Tormod commented on Sanaki's post: "no me"

Sanaki commented on her own post: "You are SO fired"

Tormod commented on Sanaki's post: "Cool. I don't really know what my job was with you anyway."

Tanith commented on Sanaki's post. "I guess we need a new Royal Shota. Hold on, I'm gonna go talk to Oscar."

Sanaki took the "What Fire Emblem character are you?" quiz and got the result Sety.

Sanaki commented on her own post: "YES"

Vika commented on Sanaki's post: "Hey, isn't that the quiz that you created?"

Sanaki commented on her own post: "...uh, I don't know what you're talking about."

Boyd wrote on Sanaki's wall: "Hey, Oscar tells me you're trying to get Rolf to be the new Royal Shota."

Sanaki wrote on Boyd's wall. 'Yeah, but Oscar won't let me have him."

Boyd wrote on Sanaki's wall. "I'll sell him to you for fifty."

Marcia commented on Boyd's wall: "HEY! Nobody gets to sell their siblings except me!"

Sanaki took the "What Final Fantasy character are you?" quiz and got the result Tidus.

Sanaki wrote on Vika's wall. "You made that one, didn't you."

Vika wrote on Sanaki's wall. "Yes."

Sanaki wrote on Vika's wall. "I see. Time for you to go in the churn."

Vika wrote on Sanaki's wall. "Aww, man..."

Rolf has updated his status to "Why me?"

Sanaki is listed as in a relationship with Naesala.

Leanne is no longer friends with Sanaki.

Sigrun is no longer friends with Sanaki.

Lehran wrote on Sanaki's wall: "So, now that all the fighting's over, ready to go back to the palace?"

Sanaki commented on Lehran's post. "Yeah. I built something while you were gone that I'd love to show you."

Vika commented on Sanaki's post: "Oh god RUN LEHRAN RUN WHILE YOU CAN"


Pelleas has updated his status to :"HALP IM UNDER ATAK!:

Jill commented on Pelleas' status: "I'll save you! DESTROY ALL BAD GUYS! Oh, look, there's a helpless priest surrounded by mages and archers!"

Zihark commented on Pelleas' post: "Jill! Noooooo"

Angry Bob The Fire Mage commented on Pelleas' post: "lol that chick is on fyr"

asalkbjwehbouiopasdf wewgvawegv

Pelleas has updated his status: "That's weird, I feel as though some sort of space time anomoly has occured. Also, HALP IM UNDER ATAK!"

Zihark commented on Pelleas' post: "I'll save you! DESTROY ALL BAD GUYS! Oh, look, there's a helpless priest surrounded by mages and archers!"

Jill commented on Pelleas' post: "Zihark! Noooooo"

Angry Bob The Fire Mage commented on Pelleas' post: "lol that guy is on OH MY GOD HES COMING FOsplurghbargle"

Zihark commented on Pelleas' post: "k we're good."

Tauroneo commented on Pelleas' post: "That was moderately arousing."

Pelleas has updated his status. "Branded are laem!"

Micaiah commented on Pelleas' status: "But you're Branded too."

Pelleas commented on Micaiah's post: "...oh CRAP I just realized that must be true! I HATE MY LIFE CUT ME PLZ"

Tormod wrote on Pelleas' wall: "Emo chick sages like you give guys like me a bad name."

Pelleas is no longer friends with Tormod.

Soren is no longer friends with Tormod.

Pelleas took the "What is your dream date?" quiz and got the result "Moonlit walk on the beach followed by becoming victim of ritual suicide."

Micaiah took the "What is your dream date?" quiz and got the result "Moonlit walk on the beach followed by performing ritual suicide"

Tauroneo took the "What is you dream date?" quiz and got the result "Watch ritual suicide with a guy in a belly shirt"

Pelleas has updated his status to "Dead'd"


Pelleas has updated his status to "I feel like we've been through this before, but last time I think I died. Anyway, time to go chill with Tibarn and avoid my mother!"

Almedha commented on Pelleas' post: "I HATE YOU! YOU NEVER VISIT ME!"

Egoraptor commented on...Pelleas' post: "Why do I love it so much?!"

Pelleas has updated his status to "Hey, it's Izuka! What's up, man?"

Zihark commented on Pelleas' post: "MUST KILL IZUKA! He makes laguz sad and stuff."

Pelleas commented on his own post: "Wait, you're just realizing this now? You two were in the same army for, like, five maps or something."

Zihark commented on Pelleas' post: "..."

Pelleas took the "How will you defeat a major antagonist?" quiz and got the result "By barfing on them"

Lehran commented on Pelleas' post "I...it won't come out of my clothes..."


Shinon wrote on Gatrie's wall: "I'm bored. Let's get drunk."

Gatrie wrote on Shinon's wall: "K. Not too drunk, though, I have a date in a few hours."

Shinon wrote on Gatrie's wall: "Is it that chick from 3-1?"

Gatrie wrote on Shinon's wall: "Yeah. Now that she knows I'm a beorc, she thinks I'm pretty cute. Teehee!"

Shinon wrote on Gatrie's wall: "Well, whatever. At least you're looking at the right species again."

Shinon took the "How will you die?" quiz and got the result "Killed by the son of the man you worship."

Shinon commented on his own post: "It's **** like this that reminds me why I didn't want to get a Facebook in the first place."

Ike commented on Shinon's post: "C'MERE BOI"

Rolf wrote on Shinon's wall: "I think Mom's been stalking me."

Shinon wrote on Rolf's wall: "What? But Ike told all the guards she can't come into camp, didn't he? I mean, I don't know why they would listen to that man-ape, but still."

Rolf wrote on Shinon's wall: "Well she's sneaking in somehow anyway. I woke up and she was standing over me with a knife and then I peed a little."

Boyd commented on Rolf's post: "I know this is a big problem, but HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA"

Shinon wrote on Rolf's wall: "Hey, when did she appear again?"

Rolf wrote on Shinon's wall: "Uh, 3-1 I think. Why?"

Shinon has updated his status: "Aimee stiffed me. This Blue Gem was only worth a little over half of what I could get for a Silencer!"

Shinon wrote on Gatrie's wall: "Dude, we need to talk about that chick you're dating."

Gatrie wrote on Shinon's wall: "She's sexy, isn't she? You really should consider having a threesome with us."

Shinon wrote on Gatrie's wall: "...okay, I'm going to just...not think about that. So anyway, you know who that woman IS, right?"

Gatrie wrote on Shinon's wall: "Aphrodite! Oh, g2g, she's taking my armor off."

Shinon sent Lyre a friend request.

Lyre accepted Shinon's friend request.

Shinon wrote on Lyre's wall: "Hey, take this test real quick."

Lyre took the "How will you die?" quiz and got the result "DEATH BY SHINON"

Shinon wrote on Lyre's wall: "HAHA LOSER"

Shinon is no longer friends with Lyre.

Gatrie wrote on Shinon's wall. "Hey, I've got some great news! I'm going to be Rolf's new daddy!"

Shinon wrote on Gatrie's wall: "You are a sick and twisted individual."

Rolf wrote on Shinon's wall: "Hey, Uncle Shinon, do you still have that 'Archery and Castration' book?"

Shinon sent Ike a cupcake!

Ike wrote on Shinon's wall: "Thanks, Shinon. I always wanted a cyanide flavored pastry."

Shinon commented on Ike's post: "np"

Gatrie has updated his status: "Sometimes it doesn't matter how much you love them, you can't always stay with the woman you love."

Shinon comented on Gatrie's post: "Yup."


Ranulf updated his status: "It's Caturday! Friends, I shall frolic in the fields fancifully free in my felineness."

Kyza commented on Ranulf's post: "May I come too, Master Ranulf?"

Lyre commented on Ranulf's post: "Of course not! It's CATurday, remember? You go hang out with your loser tiger friends."

Mordecai commented on Ranulf's post: "This comment makes me sad. Why is Lyre so mean to us?"

Muarim commented on Ranulf's post: "I don't know, but I suggest we three tigers go have our own party. That will show her."

Ranulf commented on his own post: "Geez, why does everything I say turn into a...catfight! lololololol"

Ranulf took the "Which breakfast cereal are you?" quiz and got the result "Cinnamon Toast Crunch"

Bastian commented on Ranulf's post: "Hmm, I would have guessed Fruit Loops."

Ranulf commented on his own post: "Because I'm such a loopy guy?"

Bastian commented on Ranulf's post: "No, because you are unstraight."

Kyza commented on Ranulf's post: "=D"

Haar wrote on Ranulf's wall: "So, are you coming to the Wind Affinity convention? We have coffee."

Ranulf wrote on Haar's wall: "No thanks, I have a meeting scheduled with Captain Fuzzyboots."

Haar wrote on Ranulf's wall: "...Captain Fuzzyboots?"

Ranulf wrote on Haar's wall: "Yes. He's another cat, very good at getting information out of enemy soldiers. He uses the morally ambiguous tactic of rubbing against their legs while purring."

Haar wrote on Ranulf's wall: "Ouch."

Ranulf has achieved a high score in Projectile Hairballs!

Ranulf commented on his own post: "324 feet! Beat that, Lethe!"

Lethe commented on Ranulf's post: "Oh, I will, Ranulf. I will."

Ranulf is listed as in a relationship with Captain Fuzzyboots.

Lyre wrote on Ranulf's wall: "You! I'll never forgive you for this!"

Ranulf wrote on Lyre's wall: "Lyre, we've been over this. I'm attracted to men, remember? You are female. There is no hope of us ever being involved in a romantic or sexual relationship."

Kyza commented on Ranulf's post: "But what about me? Are you sure you want to give up your chance for some interspecies backdoor action?"

Mordecai commented on Kyza's post: "Mordecai thinks that Ranulf should pay more attention to his support options."

Lyre commented on Kyza's post: "Who IS Captain Fuzzyboots anyway? I never met that guy. He better watch out!"

Tigrid is listed as in a relationship with Ranulf.

Lyre wrote on Tigrid's wall: "YOU! You were Captain Fuzzyboots all along! I'M GONNA RIP YOUR FACE OFF YOU **********ing ********!

Kyza commented on Lyre's post: "GASP! Wait for me, Lyre, I'll help!"

Lethe commented on Lyre's post: "Yeah, you are going to die now."

Ranulf commented on Lyre's post: "Lethe! You mean...not you, too!"

Lethe is listed as in a relationship with Ranulf.

Lyre likes this post.

Kyza likes this post.

Tigrid likes this post.

Haar commented on Lethe's post: "Whoa, what did she do to get everyone to be okay with her and Ranulf being together? And isn't he into guys? Why is he with her now?"

Mordecai commented on Lethe's post: "I cannot tell you...but I will say that catnip is a wonderful thing."


Meg has updated her status: "Getting ready to leave on my adventure! I love you all!"

Brom commented on Meg's post: "Be safe, girl! Don't forget to write!"

Nephenee commented on Meg's post: "Don't forget to buy some vulnerary when you can, y'hear?"

Calill commented on Meg's post: "Nephenee, this is the internet. If you are deliberately injecting an accent, then please come by my bar so I can beat you."

Meg tagged Zihark in a picture: "This is my husband to be! If anyone sees him, please let me know!"

Jill commented on Meg's picture: "Oh, I know him! He can be found at 5324, Sand In Crack Road, apt 329."

Meg commented on her own picture: "Why, thank you...heheheheh..."

Meg has updated her status: "I have a new student!"

Edward commented on Meg's wall: "Teach me. Mold me."

Aran commented on Meg's post: "wut"

Edward commented on Meg's post: "She has some serious sword moves! Why, she's able to use some weapons that I can't even hold without dropping them!"

Ilyana commented on Meg's post: "It's okay, Edward. I'm sure if you practice lots you, too, will be able to hold a Steel Sword."

Meg is listed as engaged to Zihark.

Zihark commented on Meg's post: "Um, pardon me? I don't recall proposing..."

Meg commented on her own post: "Aww, you big silly! I don't need a proposal form you! Just knowing that you love me is enough."

Zihark commented on Meg's post: "Well, um...Meg, you're a great girl and all, but I'm afraid I just don't feel that way about you."

Meg has updated her status: "In denial. Please stand by."

Ilyana commented on Zihark's status: "I'm not sure that was the best way to handle this."

Meg has updated her status: "I've promoted! Now I can use lances...now, I have the Weapon Triangle on my side...yessss..."

Micaiah commented on Meg's post: "I guess you won't have any more trouble with enemy sword users, will you Meg?"

Meg commented on her own post: "No, I won't have any more trouble with sword users at all."

Zihark updated his status: "Switching to GMs. Sorry,but Ilyana > Micaiah."

Jill likes this post.

Meg commented on Zihark's post: "That's right, run! It will only make it all the more sweet when I destroy you! Haha HAHA haha HAHA hahahahaha!

Leonardo commented on Zihark's post: "Man, why do we have to be on the team with the schizo stalker chick?"

Lucia commented on Zihark's post: "I think any team that has you on it will also have several schizo stalker chicks."

Meg has updated her status: "Going to endgame! I love you guys! Stay safe fighting the zombies while we're gone!"

Sothe commented on Meg's post: "Wow, it's almost as though she's forgotten about her raeg at Zihark."

Zihark commented on Meg's post: "I'm so glad I get to stay outside."

Meg updated her status to: "So I died in endgame because the big dragon ate me. Now...I'M A ZOMBIE CORPSE! HAHAHAHAHA"

Zihark has updated his status to "Fighting my ex-fiancee"

Astrid commented on Zihark's post: "Really? I just killed mine! Small world, isn't it?"

Meg updated her status to "What, you expected there to be a conclusive ending to this saga? Well there isn't going to be. I'm going to chase Zihark forever, and even though he will beat me every time, I will always come back for revenge."

Jason Voorhees likes this post.


Haar wrote on Elincia's wall: "Hey, need some help?"

Haar has updated his status: "Well, I guess they've got this handled. Looks I can continue my nap after all."

Elincia wrote on Marcia's wall: "Marcia, you were supposed to recruit him!"

Marcia commented on Elincia's post: "whoops"

Haar has updated his status: "Well, my delivery is over. I wonder what everyone's up to?"

Haar wrote on Ike's wall: "Hey, Ike, how are things?"

Ike commented on Haar's post: "Pretty bad. We've been fighting a bunch of enemy air units lately, but they outrange us so we can't fight back while they drop bowling balls on us."

Haar commented on his own post: "Don't you have Shinon and Rolf to deal with that? What about Soren?"

Ike commented on Haar's post: "Well, Shinon won't follow orders, Rolf's strength growth hasn't kicked in yet, and Soren was recently hit by a falling toilet seat so he's too humiliated so keep fighting.

Haar commented on his own post. "Ouch, that's pretty brutal."

Ike commented on Haar's post: "It gets worse. We tried to do this super awesome hit and run tactic on a camp. We were going to go in and burn all of their beauty supplies to decrease morale in the Begnion army. Well, we got in, and then one of the boxes of supplies was like waaay off in the distance, and Oscar and Titania were the only ones who could move fast enough to reach it, but they got swarmed by enemies and now we don't know where they are."

Haar commented on his own post: "Sounds like you need a flying unit to help out."

Ike commented on Haar's post: "Yeah, we really could have used one."

Haar wrote on Geoffrey's wall: "How are things?"

Geoffrey wrote on Haar's wall: "Not very good, I'm afraid. Astrid and Makalov were horribly wounded in the rebellion and can't fight anymore. Then, Ludveck's forces broke through a gap in our defenses because we needed one more person to hold the castle. Then, he took Elincia as his bride and she has to make sammiches for him three times a day. Then, these Begnion guys came and burned a village down and Ludveck wouldn't let us pwn them. Then, I stubbed my toe."

Haar commented on Geoffrey's post: "Ouch. And all that could have been avoided if you just had one more soldier?"

Geoffrey commented on his own post: "Yeah."

Ike updated his status: "I wish I had a Corrosion scroll."

Elincia commented on Ike's post: "You know what's cooler than Corrosion? A Physic staff."

Yune updated her status: "I can't believe Ashera beat us!"

Ike commented on Yune's post: "Seriously. Why couldn't the Intelligent Gods have given us another flier? Or, better yet, Haar! He should have been playable."

Elincia wrote on Marcia's wall. "You screwed us all. May you never find happiness."


Laura updated her status: "Hello all! I'm Laura the Cleric, one of the new additions to the installment Radiant Dawn. I hope I can help!"

Mist sent Laura a private message.

Laura updated her status: "H-hello...I'm Laura the priest, and I'm not, in any way, competition with Mist..."

Mist likes this post.

Laura sent Aran a friend request.

Aran has confirmed Laura as a friend.

Aran wrote on Laura's wall: "Wait, you got a sex change?"

Laura wrote on Aran's wall: "What? No!"

Aran wrote on Laura's wall: "No visible breast curves, man hands, and you're listed as a male only class. Gosh, Laura, I'm sorry, but I don't think we can be on a romantic relationship now."

Laura wrote on Aran's wall: "I can't believe you! You superficial jerk! Why don't you love me? SORROW!"

Mist wrote on Aran's wall: "Hey, baby, what do you say we go play battleship?"

Aran commented on Mist's post: "k"

Laura commented on Mist's post: ":-("

Rolf has invite Laura to join the "I hate Mist" club.

Laura is now a member of the "I hate Mist" club.

Laura posted in Rolf's group: "Um, what is this?"

Rolf posted in his own group: "It's a group for people whose lives have been utterly decimated by the atrocity that is Mist Greilson."

Laura posted in Rolf's group: "Oh...so, um, what do we do here?"

Rolf posted in his own group: "Plan to destroy her, of course."

Laura tagged Mist in a picture.

Rolf commented on Laura's post: "Whoa! I can't believe Mist is making out with Kyza!"

Kyza commented on Laura's post: "...?"

Mist commented on Laura's post: "That's not me! That's...uh...Tanith?"

Aran commented on Laura's post: "I cna't believe you cheated on me! I'm leaving you now!"

Mist commented on Laura's post: "Nooo! My life is ruined!"

Aran wrote on Laura's wall: "I'm so sorry, Laura. Can we get back together?"

Laura wrote on Aran's wall: "Sorry Aran, I'm afraid I've found a REAL man!"

Laura is listed as in a relationship with Rolf.


Nephenee wrote on Brom's wall: "I got you an axe. Want to play "Sack the village" with me?"

Brom commented on Nephenee's post: "Gosh, Neph, I dunno...last time we played I think I hurt my back a little..."

Nephenee wrote on Brom's wall: "I'll let you visit the sister's houses."

Brom commented on Nephenee's post: "Oh, yay! Let's go!"

Nephenee wrote on Elincia's wall: "So, uh, our town got wiped out by, um...the duke of...uh...Fell Ray? Yeah, we'll go with that."

Elincia commented on Nephenee's post: "The Duke of Felirae! Nooo! I can't believe someone is planning a revolution and wants to take over my throne!"

Nephenee wrote on Brom's wall: "That worked pretty well."

Brom wrote on Nephenee's wall: "Yeah, I sure am glad she believed ya. Oh, by the way, I found a real pretty necklace in one of the homes if ya want it."

Nephenee commented on Brom's post: "Yay"

Lucia wrote on Nephenee's wall: "I know what you did last summer."

Nephenee commented on Lucia's post: "0_0"

Bastian commented on Lucia's post: "We know all about you,, Nephenee. We know that you were in the capital. 'On business', you said, but did you buy or trade anything? No!"

Nephenee commented on Lucia's post: "Look, whatcha trying to say?"

Bastian commented on Lucia's post: "That YOU, Nephenee von Bareleg, viciously attacked an innkeeper on his way home from tiger pinning and amputated his arm!"

Largo commented on Lucia's post: "it was her? shes awfuly strong1"

Bastian wrote on Brom's wall: "And you, Brom Chubster, you were witnessed sitting on a good friend of Largo's until his ribs broke! What say you to that?"

Lucia commented on Bastian's post: "Don't deny it, Brom. It'll just make things harder for you."

Brom commented on Bastian's post: "I...OH GOD DEVDAN IM SO SORRY!!!!!!"

Lucia commented on Bastian's post: "Cool, that's over with. Book 'em, Geoffrey."

Geoffrey commented on Bastian's post: "Um, I can't. They're a hundred and thirty miles away and we're in the middle of a civil war."

Lucia commented on Bastian's post: "...this is your fault, Bastian."

Nephenee has updated her status: "Well, Crimea isn't gonna be good for me anymore. I think Brom and I are gonna move to Begnion, where mass murder is tolerated."

Brom commented on Nephenee's post: "Yeah. I wonder if we can talk them into a Phoenicis massacre?"

Naesala commented on Nephenee's post: "Sorry, I beat you guys to it."

Sanaki has updated her status: "There have been a series of murders in Sienne! You know what that means?"

Sephiran commented on Sanaki's post: "Empress, please don't do your Nancy Drew impression again..."


Lehran has updated his status: "Just spending time with my beloved."

Altina commented on Lehran's post: "Look, Lehran, it's a bunny! How cute!"

Lehran commented on his own post: "Oh, I think I brought a carrot with me...yes, I did! Here, little bunny rabbit, would you like a carrot? OW! It bit me!"

Altina commented on Lehran's post: "Aww, poor Lehran. Here, how about I give it a kiss and make it all better?"

Lehran commented on his own post: "Okay, sweetie! <3"

Soan commented on Lehran's post: "You guys are really lame, you know that?"

Dheginsea commented on Lehran's post: "I think they're cute."

Lehran updated his status: "Where or where have my powerz gone?"

Altina commented on Lehran's post: "I think, um, I...dunno? Heheh."

Soan commented on Lehran's post: "Have you done anything unusual lately?"

Lehran commented on his own post: "Well..."

Altina commented on Lehran's post: "You got bit by that bunny! That must be it. It has nothing to do with my womb. Not at all."

Dheginsea commented on Lehran's post: "A bunny has taken your powers? LOL"

Lehran updated his status: "Well, it only took a few hundred years, but I think I've finally convinced people to go on a Bunny Hunt!"

Misaha commented on Lehran's post: "Wait, you're the one planning to burn down Serenes? Dude, not cool."

Lehran wrote on Lekain's wall: "Hey, my great-exponent-granddaughter is talking smack to me. Can you kill her alongside the bunnies?"

Lekain wrote on Lehran's wall: "kk"

Lehran has updated his status: "NOOOO I killed all my heron friends with the bunnies! ANGST TIEM"

Ashnard wrote on Lehran's wall: "Hey, look behind you."

Lehran commented on Ashnard's post: "Hey, it's a bunch of Daein soldiers!...uh-oh"

Lehran wrote on Ike's wall: "Hey, thanks again for getting me out of there! You're my new hero."

Ike wrote on Lehran's wall: "np. Hey, can you stop that black night guy? He's chasing us and stuff."

Lehran wrote on Ike's wall: "Conveniently enough, yes! Hey, Zelgy-welgy, Sephiran wants his naked time!"

Zelgius wrote on Lehran's wall: "I hope you can blow my junk as well as you just blew my cover."

Lehran has updated his status: "Ike beat Ashnard. The end, OR IS IT?"

Lekain has updated his status: "I am Ashera's chosen!"

Lehran commented on Lekain's post: "No me."

Lekain has updated his status: "Wait, my Warp staff isn't working anymore OH SNsplat"

Lehran commented on Lekain's post: "lol"

Lehran has updated his status: "Hey, it's 4-E-5 and I'm not showing up! wtf?"

Micaiah commented on Lehran's post: "Oh yeah, I told the Black Knight to stick behind in 1-E, so you're dead now."

Lehran commented on his own post: "...oh."

Bunnie wrote on Lehran's wall: "WHAT NOW BITCH?"


Lollipops: Yune is a fan.

Yune invited Ashera to become a fan of Lollipops.

Ashera rejected Yune's invitation.

Yune wrote on Ashera's wall: "But you love lollipops!"

Ashera wrote on Yune's wall: "Well, I did until I found out you liked them."

Yune has updated her status: "My sister is laem"

Yune invited Dheginsea to become a fan of Lollipops.

Dheginsea is now a fan of Lollipops.

Dheginsea posted on the home page of Lollipops: "All right, looks like I get to make the first joke about Yune being into Lollis!"

Yune commented on Dheginsea's post: "I'm flooding the world, just because you said that."

Ashera commented on Dheginsea's post: "Oh good job, Dheggy."

Yune has updated her status: "Wow, that Greil guy needs to calm the hell down."

Ashera commented on Yune's post: "I guess being around you filed him with so much rage that he decided to kill everyone around him. Sort of like how I will probably feel if I ever have to deal with you being in the world again."

Elena commented on Yune's post: "I'm typing from beyond the grave to lol at Ashera's post. Hey, Ashera, let's play Go Fish!"

Dheginsea wrote on Ashera's wall: "lol, Ike's mom plays card games in heaven."

Almedha commented on Dheginsea's post: "Dad, you're such a loser. I'm going to Daein where it's FUN!"

Yune wrote on Ashnard's wall: "Hey, baby, wanna unleash a big, bad, dark god...dess?"

Ashnard wrote on Yune's wall: "Why is everyone telling me to do that lately? First that kind of femmy guy, and now the voices in my head...what's next, is my mount going to start talking?"

Rajaion wrote on Ashnard's wall: "May I have a pop-tart? I'm hungry."

Ashnard has updated his status: "Going insane. Don't care too much."

Yune has updated her status: "COME MICKEY MY LOYAL SERVANT"

Micaiah wrote on Yune's wall: "Hi! I'm Micaiah! I have no idea why I think listening to the random whims of a bird is a good idea, but nonetheless I think we'll be BEST FRIENDS FOREVUR!"

Yune commented on Micaiah's post: "...hmm. A bit bubbly for my evil henchwoman, but she'll do. Still, I was kind of hoping I'd get the mouse."

Rhys took the "How faithful are you?" quiz and got the result "Unwavering: Religious devotion absolute."

Yune wrote on Rhys' wall: "Ashera is evil. I'm good."

Rhys commented on Yune's post: "lol like I'd fall for that."

Laura likes this post.

Ike wrote on Yune's wall: "Darn, looks like I have to kill my bishop now."

Mist commented on Ike's post: "All according to plan...heheheh..."

Yune has updated her status: "lol! Dheggy and Ashera are such lamers compared to me!"

Sothe commented on Yune's post: "...you just called someone a lamer. I'm afraid you have just failed forever."

Yune commented on her own post: "I'm flooding the world, just because you said that."

Ashera commented on Yune's post: "Oh good job, Sothe."


Sigrun took the "Who is your dream date?" quiz and got the result "A General in charge of an army (dark hair is a must)"

Zelgius likes this post.

Tauroneo likes this post.

Zelgius wrote on Sigrun's wall. "You know, I always did feel that there was a special connection between us."

Tauroneo wrote on Sigrun's wall: "You look so much - I mean, nothing like my ex-wife. So, would you care to go with me to Daein's best Inn and Theatre? I can get us in to see Devdan and the Magical Talking Paper Thing."

Sigrun wrote on her wall: "Um...oh, dear, what to do now? I don't know which of you to choose..."

Marcia commented on Sigrun's post: "How's this? You go on one date with each of them and then you can pick one. I'll, you know, take the other one off your hands. If that's cool."

Sigrun commented on her own post: "hmm..."

Sigrun poked Tanith.

Tanith wrote on Sigrun's wall: "If you EVER do that again I will rip off each of your fingers and feed them to Valtome."

Sigrun poked Tanith.

Valtome likes this post.

Tanith is no longer friends with Sigrun.

Sigrun has updated her status: "Went on my date with Tauroneo today. I have to say, I wasn't expecting much, but Devdan's performance was pretty good."

Taoroneo commented on Sigrun's post: "It was a magnificent night, milady. <32hand"

Jill commented on Sigrun's post: "...<32hand?"

Tauroneo commented on Sigrun's post: "Yes. It is an emoticon I invented for me raising a woman's hand to my lips and kissing it."

Jill commented on Sigrun's post: "I...heehee...excuse me a minute."

Jill has formed the group "Tauroneo: Pimp King!"

Micaiah has joined Jill's group.

Laura has joined Jill's group.

Meg has joined Jill's group.

Fiona has joined Jill's group.

Leonardo has joined Jill's group.

Sigrun has updated her status: "Went on my date with Zelgius today. Despite our passionate hickeymaking, he was rather adamant in his refusal to remove his shirt."

Zelgius commented on Sigrun's post: "Er, I, um...have a bad scar. It's...unseemly. Not a first date sort of thing."

Tanith commented on Sigrun's post: "I can't believe this, Sigrun! I thought you had more self-control."

Sigrun commented on her own post: "What can I say? We drank some tea and had a nice lunch in the garden and all of the sudden I just had to know what his neck tasted like."

Levail commented on Sigrun's post: "So what did it taste like?"

Sigrun commented on her own post: "...um...you know, I think maybe I don't answer that question."

Levail has formed the group "Zelgius: I must lick him"

Astrid has joined Levail's group.

Vika has joined Levail's group.

Calill has joined Levail's group.

Sanaki has joined Levail's group.

Valtome has joined Levail's group.

Sephiran wrote on Levail's wall: "I'd join too, but I already have licked him."

Sigrun has updated her status: "Well, I think I've made my decision."

Tauroneo wrote on Sigrun's wall: "Pray tell, what is it?"

Zelgius wrote on Sigrun's wall: "What he said."

Sigrun is listed as in a relationship with Giffca.

Tanith likes this post.

Zelgius wrote on Sigrun's wall: "But Sigrun! He isn't really a general per se, and he wasn't part of this event, and...he's..."

Tauroneo commented on Zelgius' post: "I suppose true love cannot be constrained by Facebook quizzes. Well, looks like it's time for General Tauroneo to have a romantic dinner with Laura."

Giffca wrote on Sigrun's wall: "I am not aware that we've met. Who are you?"

Marcia wrote on Zelgius' wall: "So, I happen to like scars. Especially ones that sort of look like Ravens. Those are very hot."

Zelgius is listed as in a relationship with Marcia.


Devdan wrote on Calill's wall: "How are you doing? Devdan is ready for his illusion show at eight tonight!"

Calill wrote on Devdan's wall: "Yeah, everyone's looking forward to it. You should stay and have some drinks after - we've got another guy lined up after you, some new up and comer. And then after him we've got Makalov stumbling around breaking things with his face while he tries to find the bathroom."

Amy commented on Calill's post: "Can you bring the Amputator again? I love that trick!"

Devdan commented on Calill's post: "Well, Devdan will think about it, but only if Mia promises not to use the Amputator on Devdan's friends anymore."

Danved wrote on Calill's wall: "How are you doing? Danved is ready for his circus show at nine tonight!"

Calill wrote on Danved's wall: "Yeah, everyone's looking forward to it. You should come early and see the guy before you - he's pretty good, and it's kind of a similar act."

Amy commented on Calill's post: "Can you bring the Slapper again? I love that machine!"

Danved commented on Calill's post: "Well, Danved will think about it, but only if Marcia promises not to use the Slapper on her siblings anymore."

Calill wrote on Devdan's wall: "Hey, Devdan, are you feeling better?"

Devdan wrote on Calill's wall: "Yes, much better. What happened to me last night?"

Largo wrote on Devdan's wall: "Well, you finished your show and came to have a drink, then you started twitching and spasming and passed out. We took you into one of the bedrooms to rest, but when we checked up on you later you were gone."

Calill commented on Largo's post: "It's too bad...I was really hoping you'd get to see Danved."

Devdan commented on Largo's post: "Well, maybe next time? Devdan will be mentally prepared then!"

Danved has updated his status: "Show went really well! I feel that my only competition is Devdan in having the ultimate show!"

Dimentio commented on Danved's post: "GREEEEEEEEEEEEEEN!"

Astrid commented on Danved's post: "Did you see Sir Devdan's show?"

Danved commented on his own post: "No, unfortunately. I did not arrive until late."

Makalov commented on Danved's post: "That's too bad...he did this great thing where he broke a mirror by aiming it at my face!"

Danved commented on his own post: "Hmm, I must learn how to do such tricks!"

Devdan has updated his status: "Headaches increasing in frequency. Rhys says that they're purely psychological, so Devdan is taking Ginseng."

Laura wrote on Devdan's wall: "Ugh, that guy is suck a quack. You know Ginseng is an aphrodisiac, right?"

Astrid wrote on Devdan's wall: "Take me, sir. Take me hard."

Danved has updated his status: "I feel as though there is a ghost inside of me, an alternate consciousness that seeks to doinate my mind and my body."

Soren wrote on Danved's wall: "Have you encountered any ghosts lately? I hear sometimes they're touch you with an icy hand and make you lose one turn of combat."

Danved commented on Soren's post: "No, but I did eat a ghost peep..."

Nadved has created a Facebook account.

Nadved has updated his status: "Good day, I am personality #3. The world as you all know it is now over."

Bastian wrote on Nadved's wall: "o rly?"

Nadved has updated his status: "...putting world domination on hold. Why am I in prison already?"

Bastian wrote on Nadved's wall: "Calill came up to me and was like "omg Devdan and Danved are the same person an stuff" and I was like "so theres this prophesy that says a dude with three personalities will bring great ruin an stuff" and she was all "can u lock him up an stuff" and I said "like a boss" and she laughed."

Nadved wrote on Bastian's wall: "That's not very fair."

Lucia wrote on Nadved's wall: "Eh, nobody really liked your other personalities anyway, so we're just doing the world three favors at once!"

Devdan wrote on Danved's wall: "Are we up for interpersonality Go Fish later?"

Danved wrote on Devdan's wall: "kk"

Nadved commented on Danved's post: "You guys never let me play anything."


Altina wrote on Soan's wall: "Okay, Lehran is getting SUPER angsty and he hasn't had time for important relationship stuff. Wanna bang me?"

Soan wrote on Altina's wall: "Yes, very much."

Altina has updated her status: "2 out of 3. Dheginsea, I'm coming for you..."

Caineghis sent Stefan a friend request.

Stefan has accepted Caineghis as a friend.

Caineghis wrote on Stefan's wall: "You know, you look kind of like a green-haired, significantly smaller, sword-wielding version of my dad."

Stefan wrote on Caineghis' wall: "Really? What a coincidence. I have no idea why I would look sort of like a royal Lion."

Giffca commented on Stefan's post: "Well, you have TEH BRANDZOR, don't you?"

Stefan is no longer friends with Caineghis.

Caineghis wrote on Giffca's wall: "See what you did? Now we can never lure him into Gallia and unleash the righteous might of kitten!Skrimir on him."

Stefan sent Mordecai a friend request.

Mordecai has accepted Stefan as a friend.

Stefan wrote on Mordecai's wall: "Hi! Would you like to have dinner with me?"

Mordecai wrote on Stefan's wall: "Mordecai will as long as it is a just-friends dinner. And as long as no small woodland creatures are harmed in the making of it."

Stefan wrote on Mordecai's wall: "...Hey, you said yes! It's been a while since I've been around a laguz who would even bother answering that question coming from someone with TEH BRANDZOR."

Mordecai wrote on Stefan's wall: "Mordecai does not mind TEH BRANDZOR. They are pretty, sort of."

Lethe commented on Mordecai's post: "BAD Mordecai! No interacting with the freaks!"

Mordecai commented on Lethe's post: "Mordecai thinks Lethe can cram it."

Lyre likes this post.

Stefan wrote on Micaiah's wall: "Hey, wanna have Brandedsex?"

Micaiah wrote on Stefan's wall: "K, but can we wait until I promote again? That way we can do it spontaneously and I won't have to fumble with taking my pants off."

Stefan has updated his status: "Apparently the chick I decided to go after is actually the vessel for some goddess. But at least the goddess is an equal-opportunity employer!"

Yune wrote on OverratedSage's wall: "Dude, seriously, stop with the symbolism. It's getting preachy and annoying. And fail."

OverratedSage wrote on Yune's wall: "Oh, be quiet."

Stefan has updated his status: "I'm a king! Yay me."

Pelleas wrote on Stefan's wall: "Hopefully you won't get stabbed by the leader of your army."

Petrine commented on Pelleas' post: "Dammit, why did you have to tip him off like that?"

Stefan is no longer friends with Petrine.


Kurthnaga has updated his status: "My dragon power is telling me that someone needs help somewhere way off on the coast which is presumably nowhere near the capitol since that's by a bunch of lava caves! Despite the generally excrutiating slowness of dragons, I will appear there in minutes!"

Soren has updated his status: "My dragon blood senses that full-blooded dragon laguz are coming. This sucks."

Kurthnaga has sent Ike a friend request.

Ike has accepted Kurthnaga as a friend.

Kurthnaga wrote on Ike's wall: "Who's the mage? He reminds me of my sister."

Boyd commented on Kurthnaga's post: "OLOLOLOLOL"

Ike commented on Kurthnaga's post: "That's Soren. He's pretty antisocial and generally despises everyone that isn't me. Also, can you help us out? We're a little stuck."

Kurthnaga commented on Ike's post: "Sure thing! GARETH GO!"

Gareth commented on Kurthnaga's post: "My immense torso muscles demand that this ship MOVE!"

Mia has updated her status: "I'm thinking the fortune teller meant "red" instead of "white", because WOW THAT WAS HOT"

Rhys has updated his status: "Must...destroy...red...dragon..."

Kurthnaga has updated his status: "Just hangin' out in a women's prison."

Micaiah wrote on Kurthnaga's wall: "Hey, can you stand over there?"

Kurthnaga wrote on Micaiah's wall: "kk"

Aran has updated his status: "DEATH TO NON-LAURA PEOPLE!...wtf, why is the little kid like ****ing invincible?"

Kurthnaga has updated his status: "Mmm, that generic-looking green haired soldier was tasty."

Ilyana wrote on Kurthnaga's wall: "But I'm supposed to be the cannibal..."

Kurthnaga wrote on Ena's wall: "So, how much longer until you're done grieving over my brother?"

Ena wrote on Kurthnaga's wall: "You could at least wait until I'm not carrying his child to hit on me, you know."

Dheginsea has updated his status: "I WILL KILL YOU ALL! Not you, Kurth. I guess I won't attack Ena either, since then Nasir might get mad. Hey, does anyone want some tea?"

Gareth wrote on Mia's wall: "You're that beorc female that I saw on the boat."

Mia wrote on Gareth's wall: "You remember me! I'm so happy! I knew you were my soulmate!"

Gareth wrote on Dheginsea's wall: "Sorry King Dhegwatever, true love is making me switch sides early."

Nasir commented on Gareth's post: "Hey, I thought I was supposed to be her true love. I'm the white one, remember?"

Kurthnaga has updated his status: "The chaos is too much! RARGHGHLESMURFBLARGHIES!...whoa, I just beat the crap out of my dad. Whoops."

Tibarn commented on Kurthnaga's post: "meep"

Almedha wrote on Kurthnaga's wall: "I found my son! Soren, meet your new uncle!"

Kurthnaga wrote on Soren's wall: "It's nice to see you again, Soren! Hey, Want to see a magic trick? Sure you do! So you take a quarter and..."

Soren has updated his status: "My new family sucks."


Nealuchi has updated his status: "You human whippersnappers! Leave me alone!"

Zeffren commented on Nealuchi's post: "What are you gonna do, beat us to death with your cane? olol"

Nealuchi commented on his own post: "No, but I can claw your eyes out! I bet the ladies won't like it when you have to wear an eyepatch!"

Haar wrote on Nealuchi's wall: "Actually most girls find it charming."

Elincia wrote on Leanne's wall: "I'll save you, Leanne! Oh, and Nealuchi."

Nealuchi has updated his status: "Oh, my back! I...can't move!"

Leanne wrote on Nealuchi's wall: "Nealuchi, don't die on me! I...I...

~A thousand words

Have never been spoken~"

Nealuchi has updated his status: "VROOM VROOM!"

Marcia wrote on Nealuchi's wall: "Wow, I've never seen so many people die so horribly at the same time."

Haar has updated his status: "Just barely awesome enough to withstand the raegbird's wrath".

Nealuchi has updated his status: "For some reason, I felt the need not to travel with my king and am instead hanging out with a rather different flock."

Janaff wrote on Nealuchi's wall: "I though Naesala ordered you to go away so you couldn't try and interfere with his and Leanne's naked time."

Ulki commented on Janaff's post: "A heron and a raven sleeping together? Gross."

Nealuchi wrote on Janaff's wall: "It had nothing to do with that! I just wanted to see what life is like as a Hawk, that's all."

Tibarn wrote on Nealuchi's wall: "Life as a hawk is me punching Naesala repeatedly."

Reyson commented on Tibarn's post: "Yeah, that always makes my day. And my dreams."

Nealuchi has achieved a high score in The Age Game!

Dheginsea wrote on Nealuchi's wall: "I'd have the high score if the world made any sense at all."

Nealuchi wrote on Dheginsea's wall: "It's probably as relative to lifespan or something."

Lehran wrote on Nealuchi's wall: "Well, I've been living quite a long time for someone classified as a beorc."

Amy wrote on Nealuchi's wall: "w/e. You guys know I'm older than all of you."

Leanne is listed as engaged to Nealuchi.

Nealuchi wrote on Leanne's wall: "...?"

Leanne is listed as engaged to Naesala.

Leanne wrote on Nealuchi's wall: "oops"

Nealuchi took the "What food are you?" quiz and got the result "Salmon"

Nealuchi commented on his own post: "wat"

Rhys commented on Nealuchi's post: "It's the Skyfish! WOOOORSHIP!"

Laura commented on Nealuchi's post: "You never told us you were a god, Nealuchi!"

Rhys formed the group "Datatsushi cult".

Laura is now a member of Rhys' group.

Marcia is now a member of Rhys' group.

Ilyana is now a member of Rhys' group.

Rhys wrote on Laura's wall: "Wait, Ilyana can't be here!"

Ilyana has updated her status: "Mmm, skyfish tastes nice."

Rhys has updated his status: "...We're so boned."

Nealuchi has updated his status: "Well, I've learned a lot over this journey! But I'm afraid now it's time to suck the continent into a hellish alternate dimension."

Ike has updated his status: "fleeing Nealuchi's wrath"


Muarim took the "What's your natural affinity?" and got the result "Water"

Mordecai commented on Muarim's post: "Mrawr?"

Tormod commented on Muarim's post: "So...broken test, or did you just fudge some of the answers?"

Muarim commented on his own post: "Both. I was actually trying to get Earth."

Vika commented on Muarims' post: "lol that's what I got!"

Ranulf wrote on Muarim's wall: "Dude, you have to talk some sense into Tormod."

Muarim wrote on Ranulf's wall: "He doesn't want to join the Laguz Alliance. I'm not going to ever be able to change his mind."

Ranulf wrote on Muarim's wall: "Come on, please? You know he'll listen to you. you're like his father! And you owe it to your beast tribe buddies!"

Vika wrote on Ranulf's wall: "Hey, talk to him all you like, he's never gonna change his mind about this Nino thing."

Tormod wrote on Ranulf's wall: "She demands that I be useless in combat so that I can bestow intense gratification upon those who train me! DO YOU DARE QUESTION EL NINO?"

Muarim wrote on Ranulf's wall: "Don't worry, we'll join up eventually. I'll make sure to not completely suck."

Ranulf wrote on Ike's wall: "I think maybe we don't want Tormod's help...he's a bit nuts, yeah?"

Muarim has updated his status: "Staring into the depths of the soul."

Vika commented on Muarim's post: "Dude, that's, like, deep and stuff."

Tormod has updated his status: "What do you see, Muarim?"

Muarim wrote on Tormod's wall: "I see...cheetos."

Kyza commented on Muarim's post: "I KNEW IT! You aren't a real tiger!"

Mordecai commented on Muarim's post: "Why is Muarim not a real tiger for seeing cheetos in his soul? Mordecai sees those as well when he is meditating in the forest."

Kyza commented on Muarim's post: "Hmph. May the Frosted Flakes never bestow happiness upon you."

Giffca commented on Muarim's post: "The lack of Winnie the Pooh in this conversation saddens me."

Muarim has updated his status: "I am a real tiger! I will prove it by being the SECOND BEST TIGER EVER"

Kyza has updated his status: "I am a real tiger! I will prove it by being the VERY BEST TIGER EVER"

Ranulf wrote on Kyza's wall: "Fail. You'll never beat Mordecai. Muarim recognized that and thus is the better tiger. Please don't try again."

Mordecai commented on Ranulf's post: "=D"

Ashera wrote on Muarim's wall: "Join me, and I'll make you a real tiger."

Muarim wrote on Ashera's wall: "nothx"

Tormod has updated his status: "Yay, Muarim discovered his identity as a person outside of his race! What a happy ending! *tear*"

Ranulf has updated his status: "Anyone else kinda wish the awesomeness of Muarim wasn't mutually exclusive to the obnoxoiusness of Tormod?"

Vka wrote on Ranulf's wall: "Nobody remembers me..."

Muarim has updated his status: "Off to Begnion to help Tormod get in Sanaki's pants."

Sanaki wrote on Muarim's wall: "You may tell Tormod that I do not wear pants.""

Tormod wrote on Sanakis' wall: 'SWEET"

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You didnt read it all

Good job i found some of them hilarious :lol:

It's not that.

It's the fact I hate those that are wannabes and impersonate the characters I like, don't even do it well and just roleplay it like a bunch of idiots on that shame of a site that shouldn't even be referred to as such.

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Huh. I knew there was some hostility towards GFAQs in general here, bt I didn't realize that being a regular on that site automatically made people here hate me. How interesting.

I tried to warn you... No, I don't hate you. I don't really hate anyone here. But there are a few people that I wish would lay off the trolling.

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Er, whoops. Yeah, I should have specified that. These were not Facebook RPs, just some lighthearted parodies I wrote.

And Lord Ratatosk, I know you don't hate me. Besides, even if you did, I would just bring up the Nel solo I'm planning to do and we'd be friends again. ;)

Edited by OverratedSage
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Good stuff from what I saw so far, I'll read it all when I have the time. Nice job Overrated Sage. Too bad it's all FE9/10.

It should be obvious from the syntax and the nature of the messages that this doesn't come directly from Facebook.

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This is interesting. Let me try to make one up myself...

Lucius went from being "single" to "in a relationship".

Raven has received a relationship request from Lucius.

Raven has declined the relationship request from Lucius.

Raven commented on Lucius's relationship status change: What the hell do you think you're doing?

Lucius commented on his own relationship status change: But... Aww... You're so horrible sometimes. : (

Raven commented on Lucius's relationship status change: I don't care, I'm NOT going to be anymore than a good friend to you! Now drop it.

Lucius commented on his own relationship status change: Sigh... :'(

Lucius went from being "in a relationship" to "single".

Priscilla commented on Lucius's relationship status change: Owned.

Raven commented on Lucius's relationship status change: Priscilla. I know you're jealous of Lucius. I really can't think why, but just drop the hostility towards him.

Lucius commented on his own relationship status change: It's fine Raven, I'm used to it...

Priscilla commented on Lucius's relationship status change: I'm sorry, Lord Brother...

Priscilla changed her relationship status from "single" to "married".

Raven has received a relationship request from Priscilla.

Raven commented on Priscilla's relationship status change: Fuck's sake Priscilla. No!

Raven has declined the relationship request from Priscilla.

Raven went from being "single" to "in a relationship".

Rebecca has received a relationship request from Raven.

Edited by Razgriz
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I love it!! :D I've been stuck here for two hours of reading! I think they're really good and I would love to see more of them!!

I've only played PoR and RD, so that's a bonus from my part ;)

You mentioned requests... I believe that a parody about Naesala, Lekain and the Blood Pact would make my day! :D

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 year later...

OMG I LOVED THESE!!! XD *pats herself for reading the entire thing*

Haar wrote on Elincia's wall: "Hey, need some help?"

Haar has updated his status: "Well, I guess they've got this handled. Looks I can continue my nap after all."

Elincia wrote on Marcia's wall: "Marcia, you were supposed to recruit him!"

Marcia commented on Elincia's post: "whoops"


Haar has updated his status: "Well, my delivery is over. I wonder what everyone's up to?"

Haar wrote on Ike's wall: "Hey, Ike, how are things?"

Ike commented on Haar's post: "Pretty bad. We've been fighting a bunch of enemy air units lately, but they outrange us so we can't fight back while they drop bowling balls on us."

Haar commented on his own post: "Don't you have Shinon and Rolf to deal with that? What about Soren?"

Ike commented on Haar's post: "Well, Shinon won't follow orders, Rolf's strength growth hasn't kicked in yet, and Soren was recently hit by a falling toilet seat so he's too humiliated so keep fighting.

Haar commented on his own post. "Ouch, that's pretty brutal."

Ike commented on Haar's post: "It gets worse. We tried to do this super awesome hit and run tactic on a camp. We were going to go in and burn all of their beauty supplies to decrease morale in the Begnion army. Well, we got in, and then one of the boxes of supplies was like waaay off in the distance, and Oscar and Titania were the only ones who could move fast enough to reach it, but they got swarmed by enemies and now we don't know where they are."

Haar commented on his own post: "Sounds like you need a flying unit to help out."

Ike commented on Haar's post: "Yeah, we really could have used one."

Oh yeah I just hated that part.

Rajaion wrote on Ashnard's wall: "May I have a pop-tart? I'm hungry."

Lol a pop-tart. Imagining a dragon saying that just seems cute :newyears:

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