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Lord of Azure Flame: Chat


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@ Snowy

That was the absolute BEST post this entire RP XD I'm still laughing my ass off!! XD

@ Nady

*snickers* XD


@ Lacuna

No burning fort!


EDIT: Oh wait we're about to be captured >_<

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Sorry Snowy, but Tar isn't naturally explosive, the fumes might be, but the tar itself is just highly flammeable. Therefore you'd need more then an average amount of tar to cause an explosion that big. So wiping out the entire fort wouldn't be possible :P

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@ Snowy

Are we in an era close enough to utilize ... gun powder ... like ... for cannons and stuff? Cause I'd recommend against it after this crap <_<

@ Nady

You just had to blow it up yourself didn't ya? :facepalm:

@ Lacuna

Goodnight, Lucy Lacuna ^_^

@ Cynthia (who seems to be online)

I know it'll take days but read everything that happened today! Snowy! Me, Lightning! Nady! Sh*t hit the fan so many times! XD

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I don't really care, really, use of explosives was in my plan to begin with, was going to have soldiers set fire to the box of explosive themselves but your flamming tar pit is better.

Either way, I want Selizara destroyed, and take a large chunk of the Elysimman troops with me. As well as kill off any survivors which might be used to extract information I don't want revealed yet :P

I wasn't really clear what you meant by "all but the outer shell," is that the outer walls? or the insides of the main structure? Since I imagine the fort to have an external wall (like a city gate) and then another inside.

Wasn't clear with that, but either way, my specialist unit should be enough to wipe out Selizara.


Depends on the era I suppose, but if we don't have gunpowder, I'm going to substitute with a magical powder which is just as explosive. :P So no matter

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I don't think they had gunpowder quite yet... (Thank goodness.)

I'm bad at this going to sleep thing...

Now she has powder? Snowy shoot her stop'er! >_<

I said goodnight already. That means you go to bed :(

Don't make me chirp lullabies at you until you pass out, Lucy!

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We'll see them again, there'd be no point in letting the leave alive otherwise. I would have killed them off myself. Conspiracy group will appear again, I was originally going to take control of some religious fanatic group, but this does just as well, and I don't have to follow Snowy's laws on Septimian reform. It's just easier.

So where to now? Considering Viveka ordered the troops to storm the castle, Snowy and me blew the place up, I'm assuming most of them are dead now. Escape, or are you still going to choose to surrender?

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As I said fine,

highly explosive powder, doesn't need to be gunpowder, and you're not honestly going to tell me that they didn't have anything explosive at the time are you? It's already posted anyway, and if you make me retcon it I'll have to turn it into a god-moded spell.

And you're the one who introduced explosions Snowy. :/

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Shit. I had to spend like all day helping my parents pack and I apparently missed everything forever.

WRT Damian/Chase, you both have your foot in the door so to speak. Damian is actually a good example of how to get along with Morgan, unlike Kamilla and possibly Isotov, there are responses that will pretty clearly endear her to you. Chase seems willing to do anything to achieve his goals, whcih is something Morgan can agree with.

Being a CW wielder doesn't necessarily mean Morgan likes you, it just means she wants you to come along and not die. She has higher expectations for CW wielders, which sometimes leads to disappointment (Helios, over and over again).

Of course in terms of emotional intimacy, Tessa is the winner thus far.

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As I said fine,

highly explosive powder, doesn't need to be gunpowder, and you're not honestly going to tell me that they didn't have anything explosive at the time are you? It's already posted anyway, and if you make me retcon it I'll have to turn it into a god-moded spell.

And you're the one who introduced explosions Snowy. :/

No I when Iso tried to blow Ivanko off the map. I don't know if there were any explosions before that :unsure:

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I disagree, there many be too many, but most would be on the non-forested side of the Fort. So I don't see why the group can't slip away. But I don't care, reach the capitol, do whatever you want, and I'll throw in more Naddy troops to cause you grief.... Hmmm, flaming capitol doesn't sound too bad :/

Gunpowder or whatever won't be used like my fires, I just needed to find a way to validate Snowy's explosion. Which would have been hardly recognizable considering how it's deep in the bowels of the fort.

Either way, all players survived so I don't see any major issues. If you want to argue something though, I'm more then willing to have a flame war Argument here.

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Ahem -_-

Iso: Captured

Katie: Captured

Chase: Captured

Kelas: Captured

Arrin: Captured

Irina: Captured

Missing a few but why run with even one cw wielder captured?

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If you want to go down the "Captured route" that's fine, works better for my plans anyway. Was just saying it might be possible to get away.

Personally I prefer you get captured and escorted in chains (though most likely you'll come up with some crap which'll make her(Viveka) trust you enough to not even require supervision)

Nadesico learned one important lesson today, and therefore her chaos causing abilities levelled up. :P Will be better prepared for the next round.

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I have no issues with that then..... actually nevermind, I'd rather not say the rest, cause now I need to keep in mind I've got everyone in this RP against me :P

@Lacuna: You said you wanted a reason for the shadows attacking you, but there's not going to be one, not for this battle at least anyway. Since their objective was to just get away, only reason they attacked was to stall the enemy outside, and because Arrin attacked them.

@Chase:...... *Smirks*


XD Just noticed that all that "crap" that happened didn't even take two whole pages XD It's enough content to last a chapter IMO, we rushed things XD

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I have no issues with that then..... actually nevermind, I'd rather not say the rest, cause now I need to keep in mind I've got everyone in this RP against me :P

I'm not really "against" you ... I'm more like that Jesus. (knows he's bound to be stabbed in the back repeatedly and is still being friendly and nice XD )

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You act against me to prevent my chaos, that is "against" me. And I shall smite you from my pedestal of flames because of it. No one ever helps me when I start causing trouble, you all try to resolve it immediately, hence you're all my enemies!

*Goes back to planning how to screw up the events at the Capitol*

Need to somehow draw in a fire supply from somewhere

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You act against me to prevent my chaos, that is "against" me. And I shall smite you from my pedestal of flames because of it. No one ever helps me when I start causing trouble, you all try to resolve it immediately, hence you're all my enemies!

*Goes back to planning how to screw up the events at the Capitol*

Need to somehow draw in a fire supply from somewhere

Stopping you from getting yourself kicked out of the rp for anarchy is not "against" you. It's actually quite generous if I do say so myself :awesome:

I would help you, but you're trying to get the group burned alive most of the time :/

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