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Lord of Azure Flame: Chat


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Captiols name is Ilyphina

Thanks :)

Also a quick note for Kai and Ether. Don't just try to muscle your way past the cavalry. This isn't the same as the caves or fighting off clanking soldiers in bushes. This is out in the open where soldiers fight best, cavalry in particular. If you can't somehow bypass them, you'll have to do stat combat with at least some of them. (can't possibly fight the whole platoon and win :facepalm: )

If you make the mistake of trying to go through them, we're all going to get captured, and then you'll be at Lightning's mercy since they're Jackson's troops XD

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Unit list doesn't include Eric. Off screen teleportation? Moving on, I guess we have to start this fortress argument.

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Thanks :)

Also a quick note for Kai and Ether. Don't just try to muscle your way past the cavalry. This isn't the same as the caves or fighting off clanking soldiers in bushes. This is out in the open where soldiers fight best, cavalry in particular. If you can't somehow bypass them, you'll have to do stat combat with at least some of them. (can't possibly fight the whole platoon and win :facepalm: )

If you make the mistake of trying to go through them, we're all going to get captured, and then you'll be at Lightning's mercy since they're Jackson's troops XD

... Hey, yeah, that would make the soldiers under my command... This goes as a warning. Do not attempt to fight through the whole platoon. They will have cruel and unusually good stats and several skills if you do so. And there would be some promoted units too if you went too far with attacking them. That means they have mastery skills. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED.

Example of how strong the enemies would be:

Cavalier Lv 2
HP 7
Str 5
Mag 2
Skl 4
Spd 4
Luk 4
Def 3
Res 3
Iron Sword
Saving Rolls
HP 21
AS 4
Atk 6
Hit 4
Avo 8
Def/Res 4/4

And a promoted enemy too:

Paladin LV 1
HP 10
Str 5
Mag 4
Skl 5
Spd 5
Luck 4
Def 4
Res 4
Brave Axe
Silver Lance
Saving Rolls
HP 30
AS 4
Atk 7
Hit 5
Avo 9
Def/Res 6/6

Edited by Lightning
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Those troops are kinda broken,do you really want your generics to be stronger than Jackson?

Either way,the chances of anyone surviving if we go up against those guys is pretty low,are you trying to end the RP right now?

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I mentioned that it was still the same day, but late in the afternoon. They've still got a few hours of daylight left. Depending on how things turn out, the group will either spend the night an inn in the city, or in prison cells :unsure:

@ Ether

Lightning mentioned that THOSE troops are teh boosted ones you'll have to fight IF and ONLY IF you try to muscle through.

They're beatable, but half the party would get downed if we didn't strike as a team. That's mostly meant to stop us from plowing through. Best to just fight the weaklings.

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Re the troops: Yeah, I thought the point was that the troops would beat us no matter what.

The normal troops will show up if we run around in the open like a bunch of idiots ... which ... we will -_- , and we'll have to fight them to get through, but if we get caught up in another argument(standing around), the cavalry will surround us, and we'd have to beat them to muscle through to the capital. If we couldn't beat them, we'd be captured. Even if we beat them all somehow, Viveka and another pegasus knight unit would be waiting for the group at the gates. Beating her would be easier than fighting them, but to muscle through would require both. It's up to Damian how he wants to approach this.

Also if Chase speaks to her, she's unlikely to assault the group, and will instead try to bring Chase to Jackson herself ... by force if necessary.

@ Snowy's Powers


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If we see cavalry,we'll probably end up using the fortress to disadvantage them.While the fortress is abandoned,they never bothered to clear it out,so there would likely be siege weapons(like Ballistae/Onagers for Chase) that are still functional lying around.There may also be some weapons/items,if Snowy allows it(Physic Staves!).With fortifications and traps available to be set up(it is kinda run down,so with the mages,we could set up stone traps,etc.These cripple enemy cavalry),the beast Paladins/Cavs can likely be avoided.

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There shouldn't be a problem with it so long as it's RP and not stat fighting. Stat fighting is only fun when you have a chance. Anyways, just to be clear, the point is to have them captured, right?

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It'll probably be mentioned by Chase at some point, but the fewer of these guys we murder before reaching the capital, the easier it'll be to recruit Jackson. On the flipside, if we get captured, there is absolutely no guarantee that we won't be executed without so much as a hearing(story-wise).

Also, all backstories and most info for my characters have been retconned/resolved/refined. My archive is nearly perfect in terms of legitimacy now :awesome:

@ Snowy

They actually can weasel their way out of this, but only if Jackson shows up in person. Viveka won't back down unless he arrives or something.

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The point in making insanely good units was so that nobody went overboard with the killing of troops. Also, on recruiting Jackson, I'm using a formula based on how likely he is to join without having to fight him. It's...

Chance= [75- (.5 x n)] -x +y

... where n= number of troops killed. So killing people is bad. x is negative conditions that might pop up (ex: destroying property would make x=10, killing Viveka would make x=1000) where y is positive conditions that might pop up (ex: positive evidence could make x= [any integer between 1 and 25]).

Also, if the value gets into the negatives, enemies will be tougher, and if you kill Viveka I'm sorry but the group is screwed.

tl;dr Don't kill a lot of people and do not kill Viveka ever.

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With everyone making troops no0w,I'm gonna need to spring a Battalion of Halton soldiers eventually...Then again,an envoy from Halton could guarantee custody due to Damian/Aiya being in the group,and I highly doubt Elyisima would wage war just because Halton pardoned a group of people.

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@ Lightning

That equation made my head hurt, but I easily understood the Viveka part of it XD

@ Ether

Pardoning Damian and Aiya makes sense, but not the whole group. Iso(FIRE) and Chase(OUTLAW BEFOREHAND) especially. If Viveka even SEES Chase she'll try to talk him down or capture him.

@ Snowy

Hey look, it's Katie ... you know ... before ... sh*t hit the fan. In happier days? ^_^


(Saw this in the bottom left corner of my All Albums section on Photobucket)

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Chase would be a problem,most likely.When hearing that the flames were Proxima's doing from Damian(since his father's death,he is one of the top authorities on the weapons in Halton,for obvious reasons).If Damian told the emperor that Proxima was the cause of the flame,then Halton would pay the damages and Pardon Isotov.As for the rest of the group,it just takes a bit of negotiation,and as a military commander and son of a hero,he has a good standing with the emperor(IIRC,Halton is highly military based,so proven officers are as high in the food chain as nobility,if not higher.)

As for Chase,I would assume that Lightning has plans to have Conrad let him go,or kill him off.

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I'm having a distinct lack of inspiration. I blame the time skip. Even though necessary, they have always thrown me off my game in any RP ever.

Hmmm. Give me a little bit more, I guess I might be able to come up with something.

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@ Bal

Sorry about that. Chapter 5 has the record number of incidents thus far and it was running way longer than it should have, and we still didn't quite get to the fortress by the end of it. At least Tessa's proving to be more than just a healer.

@ Ether

Damian would do that for Iso? ;_;

Also Chase seems a bit too important to die at this point in my opinion. I think Lightning is going to have Jackson and Chase come to some strange confrontation. Maybe a deal of some kind will be struck.

Also lol at authority degradation XD

@ Lacuna


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As for Chase,I would assume that Lightning has plans to have Conrad let him go,or kill him off.

Chase isn't being killed off. Much to Helios's dismay.

BTW Phoenix that new post of yours made me lol.

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Of course he would.Damian has no problems with Isotov personally,understands the burden and importance of the Crimson weapons,and knows of Proxima's volatile nature. Iso caused some trouble for him,but it's all within reason,and pardoning Iso doesn't really hurt him at all.

As for Chase,like I said,he will work it out with his Alter-Ego.i don't know how Lightning plans to resolve the Chase/Conrad issue,but he must have some sort of plan for it.

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Well if that's the case, then it is also an option for an outcome in this scenario.

Current possible scenario outcomes:

Caught scenarios:

Group is forced to surrender when Viveka surrounds the fortress on all sides staying just outside ballista and catapult range and waiting them out.

Group is captured while fighting the cavalry.

Group is captured at the gates.

Victory scenarios:

Group immediately heads for the capital and bests the cavalry, and Viveka at the gates.

Group defeats some of the cavalry, uses traps, tricks and distractions to throw off the main force, and confront Viveka at the gates.

Group is nearly captured but the Haltons show up and Damian gets their names cleared or something.

Group bypasses all of Jackson's forces and reach the city somehow :unsure:

So far those are just some possible outcomes.

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