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Fayt Zelpher's Mafia Game.

Fayt Zelpher

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Fayt: Are there clues in the death scenes other than you telling us who made the kill?

No, but I will reveal the roles in the flavor text. Other than that, I'm not adding hidden clues to the flavor text, so there's no need to scrounge around and over-analyze the flavor text.

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Vote: Lux Aeterna

It's nothing more than pressure vote based on the fact that he was Mafia with me last game, and seems pretty straightforward, and killing Spoon is straightforward. I also considered giving this vote to Cheezperson, if that means anything. I'll change my vote in the morning if I see fit, and I would prefer that a whole bunch of people don't follow my vote, because me leading a bandwagon against a possible townie won't look good later in the game.

*hopes voting first on day 1 doesn't make me prime suspect*

Edited by Core
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Vote: Hikarusa

I don't want someone who has no sense of logic leading this town astray. Last time she did, she almost got away with pulling the wool over the town's eyes. Thankfully, she got modkilled.

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My mom is smoking and it's killing me ;_;

I should be working on homework

I hate it when people smoke near me. I feel your pain.

Random Vote: Weaponsofmassconstruction

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It wasn't his worrying that makes him suspicious to me, it's the fact that he's voting for someone that's been part of the mafia twice in a row, not a good candidate to vote for on day 1 in my opinion. The only thing holding me back from voting for Core is the fact that he has also been mafia twice in a row.

Just outta curiosity, why were you thinking of voting for me, Core?

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Vote: Hikarusa

I don't want someone who has no sense of logic leading this town astray. Last time she did, she almost got away with pulling the wool over the town's eyes. Thankfully, she got modkilled.

King Russel

Of course providing false evidence in order to to get someone lynched ISN'T SUSPICIOUS AT ALL

yeah worthless

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I'll go with a spite-fueled vote for King Russell for making this thread three pages longer than it has to be because someone poked his ego.

I figure annoying people should die first, but Rein isn't so annoying any more in comparison.

EDIT: And I'll be checking in once a day. Probably no more than that.

Edited by Crysta
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Just as an FYI to everyone, I've been feeling really ill recently so I'm going to end up being a lot less active than normal. Don't take my inactivity as a sign of guilt or anything.

Anyway... it's the first day, and the mafia went straight for a high priority target. Could be a stupid mafia... but more likely than not it's mindgames. I don't think King Russell is guilty for some reason, and Hikarusa was just a spite vote, so I'll put a little more pressure on WeaponsOfMassConstruction.

Although Russell has basically already died...

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I'll go with a spite-fueled vote for King Russell for making this thread three pages longer than it has to be because someone poked his ego.

I figure annoying people should die first, but Rein isn't so annoying any more in comparison.

EDIT: And I'll be checking in once a day. Probably no more than that.

Way to try to kill off one of you best thinkers. Show some backbone rather than be a sheep. Applies to you too, Furetchen.

EDIT: You guys are all idiots. My ego? MY FUCKING EGO?! Look at my username, avatar and the thing underneath! I'm pretending to act like Russell fucking Hantz, you dumbasses! According to Russell, "if you threaten me, you have to go".

If I get lynched this time round (I'm actually innocent but what do you fucktards care), I've lost faith in this community. Last time I got lynched because of bad luck but this time, it's because you're sheep. You have no minds of your own and would rather just let someone else do the thinking for you. It's no wonder why you pick me BECAUSE I'M PLAYING A FUCKING CONCEITED CHARACTER! If you wanted me to be myself, you wouldn't hear from me until I had a rather good hunch or decent evidence (even though evidence is non-existant in Mafia).

Edited by King Russell
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Core worrying so much about looking suspicious makes him look suspicious~

Yeah, but everything looks suspicious in Mafia.

It wasn't his worrying that makes him suspicious to me, it's the fact that he's voting for someone that's been part of the mafia twice in a row, not a good candidate to vote for on day 1 in my opinion. The only thing holding me back from voting for Core is the fact that he has also been mafia twice in a row.

Just outta curiosity, why were you thinking of voting for me, Core?

Yeah...I'm voting Lux because we have both been Mafia the last two games, so I think I know the way he plays, and killing Spoon seems like something he would do. I thought of voting for you for that same reason. Also, Lux being mafia twice in a row doesn't make him any more likely to be town. There are no dynamic growth rates in FFtF.

Anyways I'm changing my vote to Weapons of Mass Construction. My reasoning is that King Russell will be much more helpful to the town than Weapons will(no offense).


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If I get lynched this time round (I'm actually innocent but what do you fucktards care), I've lost faith in this community. Last time I got lynched because of bad luck but this time, it's because you're sheep. You have no minds of your own and would rather just let someone else do the thinking for you. It's no wonder why you pick me BECAUSE I'M PLAYING A FUCKING CONCEITED CHARACTER! If you wanted me to be myself, you wouldn't hear from me until I had a rather good hunch or decent evidence (even though evidence is non-existant in Mafia).

Certainly if I get lynched and I'm mafia you'll get up your own ass about it though

and by the way, you were acting like this before you even changed your name, avatar, and title

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I really don't want to vote King at all /: But if I were a detective (if there is a detective), I'd definitely scan him soon. Just saying.

I think it'd be a really kind of radical move to lynch him now just because of his 'ego'. It's not in my particular desire to vote Hika either, and a Weapons bandwagon sounds iffy, so I'll go with random pressure vote and vote Furetchen for placing that silly vote on King, hmmm?

Guys, don't vote someone out of petty spite. You vote them off of hard evidence (which you don't have on day one), so be a little more reasonable, okaay?

EDIT: fixed a typo that changed the whole meaning of the post

I just woke up and it's early in the morning, man

Edited by Bizz
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Oh, and I forgot to add: get well soon, Tables <3 I know how it is to be ill at the start of a game

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WeaponsOfMassConstruction: 4

King Russell: 3

Hikarusa: 2

Furetchen: 1

Just a little something that might fit for King Russell. Needs maybe a bit of tweaking, but... yeah.

Thanks, Bizz :)

Edit: Added Bizz's vote

Edited by I Eat Tables
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Just a little something that might fit for King Russell. Needs maybe a bit of tweaking, but... yeah.

:lol: Made me smile. I love that little troll (Russell Hantz). Shit social game but brilliant strategic mind. He'll tell people to their face that he's voting them out and yet he won't get voted for (see Sandra and Courtney).

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Hey Lux, FYI, Hikarusa is a girl.

:facepalm: Hika's not a girl, he did that as a joke. Hika's a guy.

Eh, I hope that's a compliment coming from Crysta rather than an insult...

I dunno who to vote for. Honestly, I'd prefer to wait for a bit more evidence, but since it's hard to actually come by evidence early I guess there's no point in voting no hang, and spite votes suck (especially when you're the victim), so I'm gonna vote for I eat tables (for those who'd like to know why I went to a random number generator website and made the criteria between 1 and 16, I got 3 and IET is 3rd on the list).

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Oh, Reinfleche, I'm so killing you tonight er... hey everyone, that Reinfleche guy is suspicious, isn't he :awesome:?

Anyway, at this point, a RNG vote is almost worthless, and I'm not just saying that because it's me. Do it again tomorrow at the start of day phase (if there's no other evidence), then it'll actually have some effect.

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