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Mafia Round 5

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It's not so much not bandwagoning as much as it's joining the other bandwagon lol.

Inevitably there will be leading and following unless we don't want to come to a consensus and give the mafia a few free nights to roam around.

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Current vote count:

Lychees: 5

Fayt Zelphyr: 1

Ether: 1

I doubt my vote will change anything at this point, so I'll hold onto it to break a tie.

UPDATE (because I don't want to double post): Remember in round 4 when Fayt (Lord Ratatosk then) claimed he was the godfahter? I didn't really get what he was trying to do (he ended up getting killed by the vig), but the similarities in strategy then and now should be noted.

Edited by cheezperson
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Alright, now that I've had some sleep, it appears to me that voting for Fayt definitely is not a good idea right now; first of all, at least he's posting at all, and second, maybe he actually had a reason to say what he said? Actually, the best course of action appears to be to vote for Russell right now to gain some information - if Russell turns out to be innocent, then oh well, at least we'll know it then, and it'd increase the chance of Fayt being innocent since I don't see why the mafia would want to stop the town from lynching themselves. If Russell turns out to be mafia, however, that would not only mean that Fayt probably isn't the cop (since he'd have no reason to claim someone to be innocent if he doesn't actually know it), but it would also increase the chance that Fayt is mafia as well.

So, King Russell it is.

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Why does everyone keep assuming that I'm Mafia just because Fayt has a hunch that I'm innocent? I don't understand this logic.

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I'm not necessarily assuming that you're mafia; I actually have no clue whether you are or whether you're not, and it's very possible that you're town. Still, voting for someone who we will at least get some workable information from seems better to me than voting for a random player that hasn't even posted yet.

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Hmm... okay, asides from the bomb and Vigilante, the good roles have a 'replacement', so even if we get a lynch on anything other than them, it's not too bad. If we get the Bomb, that's particularly bad but of course we have no idea who the bomb is.

Lychees for the perpetual inactivity, I suppose. Although King Russell is making me uneasy.

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King Russell always makes me uneasy, and a few other people too. Some people would be really bad to have as an enemy.

I'm going to have to say Lychees, though... she's either really forgetful or thinks she'll get herself lynched by trying to defend herself. Maybe both. I dunno.

Edited by Lightning
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Although King Russell is making me uneasy.

King Russell always makes me uneasy, and a few other people too. Some people would be really bad to have as an enemy.

Are you just scared of my good looks? ;)

In all seriousness, I don't know what I do to make people uneasy about me. It's probably because I play the game more aggressively than others but that's just my style. If I'm going to win a game (either team), I'm going to make sure that I earned that win.

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In actuality, I'm really used to the more aggressive style of playing from the place I previously played games at. Imgaine maybe something like two really bad/inactive players, then around ten to fifteen more that play anywhere from around decent to really actually kind of good and get on fairly often, and then around five to six more people that play like King. After that, imagine one that stands on top, one that plays five times more aggressively: it gets to the point where, if you get into an argument with him, then it's a lost cause to win. A completely lost cause. If you even try, you die. If you lose, you die. He's that smart. He was killed early if anyone even slightly suspected him to be mafia for obvious reasons.

Anyway... sorry. I was at Chicago for a day, and all of that. I read this game from my phone and I think I get the gist of what's going on? I guess I'll vote Lychees for now... I don't think it's fair that Fayt gets killed early in the game all the time though /: But you shouldn't vote for yourself...

(If you ever see some random guest lurking all of the mafia games from now on, more often than not it's me from my phone. I can't post from my phone though because it sucks, just FYI)

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I'm going to have to say Lychees, though... she's either really forgetful or thinks she'll get herself lynched by trying to defend herself. Maybe both. I dunno.

Or maybe I'm just too lazy to bother signing on to this site and haven't been on since Friday. :o

But yeah, I don't really know what I could do to defend myself. I'll say I'm just a regular townie, but I can't really do much to prove this other than give you my word. I can't roleclaim (since I don't have a role and I don't care enough to make up some tale about being the doctor or something), I wouldn't know who else to start a bandwagon for, so.. yeah.

I'm too passive and nonchalant to really be much of a help for this game anyway, so whatever. Bye, GG, good luck town etc. etc. Not going to bother voting for someone either since it's kind of futile at this point.

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It's too late for it to matter, but I'd just like to vote No Lynch

Not lynching anyone strikes me as a pretty bad idea; we don't gain any new information if we don't hang someone, and we can't rely on night kills giving us information as long as the Janitor is around.

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Not lynching anyone strikes me as a pretty bad idea; we don't gain any new information if we don't hang someone, and we can't rely on night kills giving us information as long as the Janitor is around.

But it's not like just lynching people randomly has much of a chance to help, especially when there's only a 1/5 chance of getting a member of the mafia

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But it's not like just lynching people randomly has much of a chance to help, especially when there's only a 1/5 chance of getting a member of the mafia

That's right; that's why I voted for King Russell, as that would at least give us some information about what Fayt might be or not be. Voting for someone at random only tells us about that person and no-one else, and not lynching anyone at all does not give as any information at all.

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The only time it's really a good idea to vote no lynch is when the game starts on a day phase. I know this from experience (cough lynched in Bizz's game for that cough). But I kinda agree with Hika: the chance that we'll actually get a mafia is pretty low, so I don't really like to vote for people unless they're suspicious or it seems like a good idea.

Edited by Lightning
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Wait a second. Why has nobody asked the obvious question: Who would want CATS dead? The answer is any clever person scared of being caught out. I think it's too late today, but let's keep that in mind and combine with tonight's kill to find a mafioso tomorrow (if Lightning isn't, that is)

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