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Mafia Round 5

General Spoon

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I can kill every night

And yet you haven't used it at all for the past 2 nights? Sorry if I sound a little skeptical because I'd be shooting everyone possible if I were you.

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What if Russel has an important role and Mordecai is just trying to get us to waste our time on him?

Not waste our /time/, waste our whatever

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What if Russell is mafia and we just wasted a day? The chances are better that he's telling the truth than the chances are that he's bluffing. Besides, have you seen Mordecai play mafia before, he has never done anything like that, and I don't think he would. I strongly suggest you vote for Russell.

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Wow, bold move. Except it's wrong. Didn't want to come out and say it but I'm the Cop. Not Tables. I've investigated Tables on the first night (Innocent) and I got Hika last night (Innocent and it's why I believe he's the Vigi).

Now Mordecai, the next time you try a stunt like this, don't say stuff this earlier this day:

Who to vote for? I'll wait for more ideas i guess.


You look like a complete hypocrite and a guilty one to boot. Voting Mordecai.

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Okay, something seems funny here.

Mordecai, how would you know that IET was the cop? Furthermore, how did he know you were the deputy? I'm confused; please explain yourself?

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lol, Russell, bad bluffer. "except"

How can you not see that Mordecai's doing the same thing I did a couple games ago? He's falsely claiming Deputy just so he can knock me out (possibly Ether too but I don't know).

Just hear me out. Tables got janned up last night. We know that the Stalker has stalked two people since the beginning of the game. What if Ether and I were the people who got stalked and because we have important jobs (or at least I do), he's trying to say that we're mafia? He would know our jobs and try to get rid of us. With one guy who's been janned, it looks like the cop's down because I suggested that maybe he could be. My guess is that Tables is the Deputy (and no, I don't know that for a fact, Spoon just told me that there was A deputy).

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I still like to trust Mordecai more than you. If you are lynched and turn up as a townie, then Hika kills Mordecai tonight, Ether is cleared, and that's that. Unless your role is THAT important, you should see that it is the best in our point of view to lynch you.

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