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Calculate your FE constitution.


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If you read the first post it means your con is 1. Enjoy the speed loss from every weapon.

Hey I have a Con of 2.

Though if anything this chart is more accurate of FE5 build, rather than the others. (Hence why many older people are getting 7-12's, somewhat average for FE5) Though honestly a 2? I'm smaller than damned Sara.

Edited by AstraLunaSol
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21 years

6 foot

231 lbs (muscle > fat)


9 con.


Personal investigation suggests I would be at least 12 to 13 con. I'd say I'm more of a Hector than an Eliwood as far as body structure goes. Oh well.

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I've some theories, or rather, ideas for accurately estimating one's FE constitution, if anyone's interested in listening, here goes~:

Con seems to be a general estimate of the character's mass, physique and also their general health/physical maturity, with that all in mind, I came up with this method to fairly determine one's con (since realistically speak, a person who's 6'5" and 310 lbs would have more CON than someone who's 5'4" and 150 lbs and the same age, or otherwise be very close if their other factors were swaying in odd directions)

sue me, I was bored~

starting at 0 CON :

1) your height:

1 point of CON for each foot (12 inches, or approx. 30 centimeters; if you're within 2 in/5 cm of a given foot, go with that one) that you are tall

2) your sex/gender:

if you are male, skip this step; if you are female, subtract (-) 1 point of CON

3) your weight:

add (+) 1 point of CON for every 45 pounds or approx. 20.5kg that you weigh, if you are 8 lbs (3 kg) above or below a multiple of 45, go with that weight

4) your body fat %/estimate of health

(just guess as best you can; if you've never been told, consult ths page and make a guesstimate after viewing the Body Mass Index article, if you like)

if you are male, are you within 13-18% of a body fat percentage? if so, add (+) 1 point of CON; if you fall within 10~12% or 19~21% body fat, skip this step; otherwise, subtract (-) 1 point of CON for every 4% of body fat that you are above/below this %

if you are female, are you within 15~22% of a body fat percentage? if so, add (+) 1 point of CON; if you fall within 13~14% or 23~24% body fat, skip this step; otherwise, subtract (-) 1 point of CON for every 3% of body fat that you are above/below this %

If you aren't aware or simply are drawing a blank, females require a higher amount of essential body fat due to the potential to bear children and other hormonal functions; that is why they have less restrictions herein. Moving on~

5) last "important" factor is your age

if you are less than 20 years and 9 months old, subtract (-) 1 point of con

if you are between the age of 20 years and 9 months old and 52 years and 9 months old, add (+) 1 point of CON

if you happen to be older than 52 years and 9 months old, subtract (-) 1 point of con

here's an example using myself:

I'm 6'4" tall and am male +6 (6 CON)

I weigh about 260 lbs, 45*5 is 225, therefore I'm not within 8 lbs of the next point mark, +5 (11 CON)

My body fat% is about 27%, that's 9% over the "good" range, so I subtract 2 points since 9 is very close to 8=2*4; -2 (9 CON)

I'm going to be 21 within the next 19 days, +1 (10 CON)

so, as a bare unit I would have 10 CON


As we very well know in Fire Emblem, units tend to have varying amounts of CON added to them or taken away due to the class they have. After all, if you're wearing heavy armor, you would weigh more and that is also a factor in CON (and explains how someone like Murdock can end up with 20 CON, ya dig?).

OPTIONAL: 6) for determining your con as varying classes, take your previous tally and do this:

if you are male: subtract (-) 1 point of CON if you are a Mage, Monk, Shaman, Priest or Bard/Heron


add (+1) point of CON if you are a Cavalier, Wyvern Rider, Nomad, Wolf, Hawk, Dragon


add (+2) points of CON if you are an Armor Knight, Axefighter, or a Brigand, Pirate, Tiger, Lion


use your standard tally

EDIT: added axe-users to men's list of +2 for the reason that -- requires immense physical training to which would result in a boost in CON

if you are female: subtract (-) 1 point of CON if you are a Dancer/Heron


add (+1) point of CON if you are a Mercenary, Soldier, Cavalier, Nomad, Tiger, Dragon


add (+2) points of CON if you are an Armor Knight, a Wyvern Rider, or a Lionness


use your standard tally

EDIT: deleted some words I found to be too confusing and yeah... lol, silly me~

as an Archer (my favorite class), I'd have my 10 Con still, using this system; though as a Monk I'd have 9 Con, still quite fair if you ask me :)

try it and tell me what ya'll think, please? hope ya enjoy it somewhat :D

as another random example!

let's do Sofiya's (FE6) CON :lol:

we'll say she's oh... barely 4 ft tall and of course a girl, so 4-1 (3 CON)

she probably weighs about 90 lbs (barely) so let's add 2 (5 CON)

we know she's very skinny and frail, so it's likely she's under the zone/sweet-spot/what have you for Body fat, so let's subtract 1 CON again (4 CON)

and she's really old... so old, she still doesn't even look legal (in a few countries anyway) so we ought to take away another CON according to this system (3 CON)

3 CON... *checks* well how do ya like those apples!? the actual Sofiya was given 3 Con herself by IS... maybe I'm on to something? XD

Edited by Rhaan
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height: 1.92 meters = 7 con

gender: Male = still 7 con

weight: about 60kg = 7+3 = 10 con

body fat percentage: not in the mood to calculate, but I'm like really skinny so I'll subtract 1= 10-1= 9 con

I'm 18 years old: 9-1= 8 con

I'm going for soldier, means nothing changes.

8 con means I'm getting slowed down by an iron lance a little. sounds pretty accurate to me, 6 or 7 would even sound more accurate, but it gets close.

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With the new system...

Height: 5'3"= 5 con.

Gender: Female. -1 = 4

Weight: ~117 lbs= 2x45+27 = +2 = 6

Body Fat Percentage: ~19-20%= +1 = 7

Age: 16. -1 = 6

Class: Myrmidon. +/-0

Final Con: 6.

Still the same as before. Wo Dao FTW.

Edited by Luminescent Blade
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Well, lets see. 6 from height, 0 for gender, say 5.5 for weight (I'm dead even between 5 and 6 given my weight), and -1 for body fat yield 10.5. Rounding down for age (18 years, 8 months) gives 10 --> 9 (Mage class) which seems fairly reasonable. I'll be wielding most magic without a problem, I imagine.

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I'm glad ya'll are finding this helpful ^_^ that's what I hoped for

another example using Murdock himself

Note that if you are figuring for a promoted unit, to add in their bonus for promoting after you're done with your tally (is why I omit promoted classes on the list of class modifiers).


well... he is very tall and imposing, his portrait using up about all of its pixel limits, we'll give him 7 with no reduction since male (7 CON)

there is little doubt that his frame is supported by a great deal of mass, guesstimate near 45*6=270 lbs (122 kg) (13 CON)

basing off the art, his face does not show signs of being overly fat or skinny and his body is adequately proportioned for his size; +1 (14 CON)

and the art collection reveals his age to be in the 40s in the time of FE6, therefore another +1 (15 CON)

class bonus is +2 (17 CON)

he's promoted as a General so another +2 (19 CON)

19; not 20,which is still ridiculous XD but given how close it is, I say this system is pretty solid, at least in rough comparison to the games

EDIT: adding in the hypothetical CON of one of my most favorite characters, Ethlin (Seisen no Keifu)

according to data, Ethlin is 164 cm; 30*5 is 150 cm which she's close to so 5 -1 for female (4 CON)

this same data states that her weight is 47.1 kg; 20.5kg*2=41, close, so we'll use that for +2 (6 CON)

her art depicts her as a rather slender woman so in good shape, but given she'd have been recently pregnant, we won't hold that against her (logically her body fat % would have risen slightly beyond what it normally is for carrying her kids), so no alteration (6 CON)

IIRC, it was generally agreed that Ethlin wasn't quite in her 20s yet during her time alive, so -1 (5 CON)

she's a Troubadour so we do nothing; 5 con for Ethlin

in comparison, FE9!Mist and Priscilla had 4 con, Nanna starts with 4 bld, Clarine and FE10!Mist have 5 con; pretty consistent :)

Edited by Rhaan
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So using that, I'd be either 4 or 5, so I'd still be the worst axe user ever. I really should eat a hamburger or something...

edit: that piggyback offer is still on the table btw

Edited by NotSal
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This is definitely more accurate than the one in the OP. I hate the whole BMI thing (when based on just numbers, actually body fat% tests are fine) since it makes me fatter than I seem (I'm technically overweight, but its not fat, mostly muscle).

Still, here is mine according to Rhaan's system:

6'1"=6 points

235 lbs= 5 points

Male= 0 points

BMI (According to the chart)~29= -2 points

23 years old=1 point


Probably an archer or some kind of foot fighter, so it'd most likely stay 10.

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8, maybe. I already forgot mostly.

18, male, 5'11", ~125 pounds.

Fair enough, I guess, except I'm still convinced CON is indicative of nothing.

The same; in general, this is to be more accurate but in some instances, your CON may stay the same(depending on your general health really, as my system basically is meant to balance both the healthy and heavy people, too; a heavy + healthy person would thus benefit most but still probably not be too ridiculous). Likewise, the people who are younger should get a more indicative number of their CON instead of their previous low or otherwise negative numbers.

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New system

Height: +5 (~167cm)

Sex: 0 (male)

Weight: +3 (~60kg)

Body fat: +1 (BMI is ~21.5 -> Body fat ~15.8%)

Age: +1 (27)

Class: -1 (Physicist)

Con: 9

Too high, IMO.

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The same; in general, this is to be more accurate but in some instances, your CON may stay the same(depending on your general health really, as my system basically is meant to balance both the healthy and heavy people, too; a heavy + healthy person would thus benefit most but still probably not be too ridiculous). Likewise, the people who are younger should get a more indicative number of their CON instead of their previous low or otherwise negative numbers.

You actually dug up my old post.

I commend you! A thousand commendations!

But yes, the system does seem more indicative of TruCon. I, at least, feel more confidant in this 8 than that 8.

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