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Lightning's Mafia


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No. That would imply I want the mafia to win. Yune would prefer the town to win, but would find it amusing even if the mafia won.

Biased mod will allow town to cheat I'm assuming?

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I'm curious about how the Mafia works. (Am I the only person who's getting sick of me asking questions?) So does Sephiran alone pick the targets without discussion until he dies, and then the 2nd in command takes over and so on, or do they all discuss their target together every night?

Basically, to dupe the mafia, do we have to dupe just one person, or all four?

No, you ask the questions I've been wondering too. (This is my first game)

Also, I should point out that I won't be able to post next phase, because I'm going to my Dad's for the weekend and they won't let me use the internet.

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It more like you are Ashunera, you should be neutral and love all sides.

But Ashunera wasn't around during the events of RD and IMO Yune>Ashera.

Anyways, since I got all actions early I'm ending night phase early. Lots of things to say!


Black Knight Zelgius had been assigned another target, this time someone going by the alias Crysta. When he warped to her home, he found out it was in fact, Mist, his nemesis's younger sibling. Exploiting this chance to inflict pain on Ike, he sent a shockwave from Alondite at her, killing Mist as it hit her. Mist, the Cleric, has been killed!

The Black Knight warped away. He did not know that Rolf had seen Mist die, and in his grief, he set out to kill the Black Knight's master. He had his suspicions, and he travelled to the mansion of Dracohon and found out that he was indeed correct! Rolf shot an arrow directly through his neck, killing him! Sephiran, the Chancellor, has been killed!

The sun rose, bringing about a new day. And though the town grieved at the loss of Mist, they rejoiced when they heard the news that the Senate's leader, Sephiran, had perished as well. Unfortunately, Vice-Minister Lekain had been appointed the new head of the Senate, so once agin the citizens of the town searched for the Senators in an attempt to end the madness...


Day phase 3, begin!

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I am failing to find words to describe this situation. While the vigilante did do a good job, the reality is that- hey wait a fucking minute. I almost missed something. That was the nurse that died.

Vote Mikethfc.

Inb4 HIka was right.

I was merely trying to scapegoat myself last night to buy everybody else extra time although I did balls up firstly by starting the ploy far too early, and secondly saying too much about it in general

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Hey, guys, the Godfather was killed. You know what that means? I'm as clear as Fayt now :awesome:.

I see Mike typing as I post, so... yeah. Let's see what he says.

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Yep, read his post. There was a plan established, claiming didn't help it. Right now, I'm going to lay down a vote on Mikethfc, but first I want to see you claim your real role.


Edited by I Eat Tables
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In case it wasn't apparent from my post I'm the wall which is why I fakeclaimed Nurse seeing as how I could survive a night attack to buy a certain two people whom I know are innocent some extra time.

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Hmm... it's plausible. Does someone else claim wall?

As we know you're safe somebody can post you and say they're the wall and if I still am lynched at the end of the day then you have a lead

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No PMs in this game, so they can't. Wall is a valuable role and it's also a relatively safe one to claim, since the mafia doesn't desperately want you dead. To that end, I'm taking my vote off you, but if there's a real wall out there, claim, so we can kill Mike.

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No PMs in this game, so they can't. Wall is a valuable role and it's also a relatively safe one to claim, since the mafia doesn't desperately want you dead. To that end, I'm taking my vote off you, but if there's a real wall out there, claim, so we can kill Mike.

Sounds good because if a faux-wall claims then at least the town has another lead.

Also @ Fayt whilst that was a poor strategy on reflection, at least if I survive the day the Wyvern Lord/Carriage Driver has sandbag

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First off, I'm really nervous about this post. I really hope that it doesn't backfire in my face.

I would have done this days ago if I'd known that the mafia are all active at night (Lightning saying that there are no PM's got me confused). But, unfortunately, it's a little late for that. I am now going to pull off a super epic roleclaim of epicness.

I am Naesala, and I know whether every member is or isn't active at night. Now, I'm sure a couple people could probably have guessed that, since I hinted a while ago that I knew something about Fayt and Cynthia, but I'd now like to mention briefly that I didn't, and still don't, know for sure that Fayt is innocent. Stating that they were innocent was a lucky guess by me.

However, now that pretty much every useful member of the town has been killed, and only one mafia has been eliminated, I think it's time for some drastic action by us townies. Unless I find that there is some huge flaw in my plan (which I will discuss next), I am going to post my list of active/nonactive people for everyone to see.

In short, here's the plan: all the townies should kill active members until the mafia dies. Since I have been informed that all the mafia are active at night, 3 of the 7 remaining active members must be mafia. If we systematically lynch and vigilante-kill all the active members, the mafia will all be killed. I've done the math, and even in the worst case scenario (we don't use any vigilante-kills, we don't ever prevent a mafia night-kill, the mafia only attack non-active townies, and we kill every single active townie before we pick the mafia), the town will still kill every single mafia before they can night-kill enough townies to be equal in size. Therefore, here is what I would like to ask everyone to do: join together and vote to lynch a single active member every single day, and make sure EVERY townie votes for them. The townies still outnumber the mafia 11 to 3, so we will win every vote, even with the mafia's double voter. Thus we can kill any member we want as long as all the townies are united. And I will also ask that every single active member lets themselves be killed. By posting this, I am surely marking myself for almost immediate death, so I assure you that I am not trying to manipulate you for my own gain (though the mafia now might not kill me just to make everyone think I am mafia). The town winning this game is all that matters now; there's no room left for us to quibble amongst ourselves over who should survive.

Because, according to my plan, killing more active townies would only cause a quicker death for the mafia, they will most likely try to kill inactive townies. Ike and Haar must ignore this. Switching active with inactive members is a really, really bad idea, and wasting one of Ike's moves on a protect would only open up more room for error. Ike and Rolf should go at it killing an active member every night until they are killed (by lynching or by mafia) or the town wins. Haar should either switch inactive townies with other inactive townies (a bit useless IMO), or do nothing. Fayt, assuming he is detective, should keep investigating active members as quickly as possible. I suggest we lynch Fayt last, because I'm pretty sure he's innocent. There is no way we can lose if all members vote every single round.

Now, for some proof to back up my roleclaim. You all shouldn't believe anything I've just said, and that's a good thing. If we go through with my plan, you can't listen to any active members' claims that they are Ike or Rolf or any other role. Obviously they could just as easily be mafia. We should continue to lynch active members in an orderly fashion, either straight down the list, or by some other method all the townies agree on. As proof of my sincerity, I refuse to ever pick who shall be lynched, unless absolutely necessary. My list will also be proof of my truthfulness. If I do not correctly state whether you are active or inactive, simply do not vote to lynch the active townies. Which roles are active and which are not seems a bit confusing to me, but so far as I can tell, Ike, Rolf, Bastion, Haar, Volke, Stefan, Micaiah, and the mafia are active. Mordecai should be, if you ask me, but Lux Aeterna was listed as inactive on my list. Whatever. Just don't vote for the lynches I suggested above unless I correctly label whether you are active or inactive. Since my list is right, all townies should vote with me, and all the mafia will not. It is likely that the mafia will protest and claim that my list is wrong about them. I would say ignore it, but I figure that would make me sound a bit too mafia-like. How's this: if my list is wrong about some people, it will probably be wrong about enough people to safely secure a lynching of me. Simply vote me if I get your role wrong, don't say it out loud. And if you lynch someone, or someone is killed and their role is revealed to not be what I said it is, lynch me. Seriously, I'm the real deal. I stake my virtual life on it.

Finally, active members, I ask once again. Please don't try and convince us not to lynch you because of your role. This strategy hinges on active townies being killed, so I beg that you will support the town and this last ditch effort. I would suggest lynching members who roleclaim Rolf or Ike first, but, again, that sounds too mean and mafia-like, so I'll leave that up to others to decide. Seriously, if this plan doesn't work, we townies are pretty screwed. Fayt will be killed tonight (unless Haar works his magic), and we still have no clues about who is mafia.

I will post my list of active members in one hour, unless someone points out some glaring flaw in the plan that I haven't spotted yet.

Thank you for your time, Ragnell out.

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I have reason to think that Ragnell is innocent (this is based purely on speculation, though, but I think I know his role)...


I love being right :awesome:. I suspected you were Naesala, so I'm inclined to follow this plan. Are you absolutely certain every Mafia is an active role? Because if you're not, this plan is basically death for us.

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I figured you had guessed what role I was, I Eat Tables. I got a bit nervous that the mafia might have too. I was really hoping I lived 'til today. And the fact that Mist just got killed proved 100% that all the mafia are active at night. The only remaining role even close to active at night is Gatrie, and he doesn't actually do anything at night except not die.

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