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Funny, Stupid, Unknown and Interesting facts about FE10

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On that note, Micaiah is programmed with a "regular" death quote, but she apparently has a special death quote in every chapter she is in.

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Radiant Dawn started the trend of final-tier Myrmidons being able to double final-tier Pegasus Knights. Wtf IS, would it have killed you to give Seraph Knights a 38 SPD cap?

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  • 3 weeks later...

BK & Tibarn cleanly 1HKO a base level Titania. Talking about Tibarn...he deals more damage then his transformed Hawk troops...untransformed. (He 2HKO's 3-E SM's when his troops are very close, but fall to 3HKO'ing)

Royals can solo Part 1 untransformed.

Mist would've actually been somewhat decent combatant if she appeared at Part 1. At least for a few early chapters.

Edited by Soul
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In chapter 1-3 the bottom left archer (the one with the steel bow) seems to be a pacifist and wont attack anyone near his range, rather he just moves to attack range and do nothing. (Could be my disk being faulty, if someone could check this that would be good)

In chapter 3-8 if a wounded unit steps on an eruption tile with a self healing skill or item. (renewal or staffs) the healing will taking precedence before the set ten damage from the lava.

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In chapter 1-3 the bottom left archer (the one with the steel bow) seems to be a pacifist and wont attack anyone near his range, rather he just moves to attack range and do nothing. (Could be my disk being faulty, if someone could check this that would be good)

That's normal.

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  • 2 weeks later...

In Chapter 1-7, there's two Knights just east of where your units start off. The weird thing about them is that their movement phase is skippable. It's similar to how you can skip watching reinforcements entering the map by pressing Start, except the knights are definitely on the map already.

Edited by Yuglyoshi
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In Chapter 1-7, there's two Knights just east of where your units start off. The weird thing about them is that their movement phase is skippable. It's similar to how you can skip watching reinforcements entering the map by pressing Start, except the knights are definitely on the map already.

I've noticed that they always move really slowly.

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Since you are including enemy-only weapons, I'm pretty sure the best weapon is one of the Judges. Probably either Ashera's multiple physical or multiple magical attack (the physical one is technically better since it has 2 more mt, but the magical one is statistically more probable to do more total damage to your enemies).

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I guess this might be already known but if an aerial unit occupies a pitfall space on the bridge map any unit can safely cross it after.

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The Double Bow is the only SS weapon that is obtainable from a Tier-2 unit. Albeit an SS one.

-Ragnell, Rexbolt, Rexflame, Rexcalibur, and Urvan are all obtained from Base conversations.

-Matrona appears in a chest.

-Lekain holds Rexaura.

-Izuka holds Balberith.

-Levail holds Wishblade.

-Zelgius holds Aldonite.

-Lehran holds the Ashera Staff.

Also, Balberith is the only SS magic that doesn't have a prefix "Rex".

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Even though they were originally made to pierce armor (among other things), crossbows lack a weapon with an effective bonus against armor. Likewise, the Kard was originally made to pierce chainmail, but lacks a effective bonus of any kind.

The Stiletto, despite being weaker than axes, lances, swords, and bows, remained an active weapon in military usage until the end of WWII.

Cymbeline is the only anima tome to not have an equivilent in another element. It's name is the name of a Shakespearian play about a Celtic king.

Creiddylad is the name of a woman from Welsh mythology who was stolen away from her lover by a rival suitor. King Arthur (yes, THAT King Arthur) arranged that, to settle the dispute, the two lovers would fight every May Day for her love. She is also potentially the insperation for a certain lady in King Lear (though Shakespear probably didn't know it at the time).

Edited by Snowy_One
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Nailah's Japanese name, Nike, is the name of the Greek goddess of victory.

Jill is the second female Fire Emblem character who uses axes as her main weapon (only in FE10). Titania is the first.

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Nailah's Japanese name, Nike, is the name of the Greek goddess of victory.

Jill is the second female Fire Emblem character who uses axes as her main weapon (only in FE10). Titania is the first.

FE1/3/11/12 Minerva, FE6 Echidna. There may be others but those come to mind off the top of my head. Lrn2JapaneseFE.

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FE1/3/11/12 Minerva, FE6 Echidna. There may be others but those come to mind off the top of my head. Lrn2JapaneseFE.

Maggie, Rose and Jasmine!

At least I think they're female

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FE1/3/11/12 Minerva, FE6 Echidna. There may be others but those come to mind off the top of my head. Lrn2JapaneseFE.


Also, Dragonknights couldn't use Axes in FE1 or FE3, so only FE11 or FE12 Minerva (who came after Jill and Titania) would count.

Edited by Black★Star
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Erm, she hardly MAINS axes, though she can wield them. I'd say starting with a D rank kind of makes them a back up weapon. Not to mention they all weigh her down, but that's a whole different story.

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I noticed a few weird AI thing while playing Chapter 3-4 in my draft run.

Firstly, the two Swordmasters and the Sniper that start off northeast of your initial location will never attack green units. They will make a mad rush for only the player's units, and when the untransformed green units blocked their path once, the enemies just sat there and did nothing.

Secondly, the two fire Sages at the top of the mountain decided to attack Mordecai from 1-range while he was transformed. There were two available spot for them to attack him from 2-range, but nope...they just suicided into him.

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The Double Bow is the only SS weapon that is obtainable from a Tier-2 unit. Albeit an SS one.

I remember someone (probably Narga) saying that Part 4 enemies have 3rd Tier caps and critical bonuses. Also, 2nd tier archers can only get an S weapon rank in bows.

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I remember someone (probably Narga) saying that Part 4 enemies have 3rd Tier caps and critical bonuses. Also, 2nd tier archers can only get an S weapon rank in bows.

You mean Snipers? @_@

And yes, what Narga says is true.

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