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OMG it's a tier list

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I am highly flattered to find myself in a high position of high tier, especially as I feel I haven't been very active recently. I don't even read the Radiant Dawn discussions like I used to.

Please don't notify me if I move down, I won't be able to deal with the disappointment that ensues.

I'm kind of surprised I beat Revan actually. I would have expected Revan to make top tier. Revan is kind of mean sometimes but usually in a flippant way that you find kind of charming (much like Death IMO but I think Death actually intends to be mean a lot of the time). Revan's first post on this topic was in excellent form BTW. I am going to stop fellating him now.

I'd also rate Balcezerak above myself, maybe I'm confused tho. I don't really know why. He just gives me a good impression, though I don't know him that well.

I'm just going to say that I like RP/Fate a lot more than a lot of other people on this forum do. He's a cool guy and I think he gets shat on a bit too much. However, I can understand why some people find him irritating, for example his complaining in this topic about being tiered low. Another guy I don't understand the dislike for is Phoenix. Phoenix is kinda annoying for srs discussion but I like him on FftF.

This tier list actually motivates me to give some people another try. The person I have in mind is Seph, who (the few times I've interracted with him) has kind of grated on me, but most people seem to like him so maybe I've been inconsiderate.

My only criticism of this topic is that there has not been enough nitpicking, perhaps because the list is good enough already. But I wish there were posts were people said things like "THERE'S NO WAY THAT SEVERIAN IS ABOVE BIANCHI, BIANCHI HAS LIKE 2 MORE ATTACK SPEED ON PART 3 SO THAT MAKES HIM WAY BETTER DURING THE PART OF THE GAME WHERE THESE KINDS OF GAPS ACTUALLY MATTER."

Why isn't crash on this list? I thought he was gr8!?

I would rate Der Komissar above me, but that's just me talking.

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What about Red Comet? I don't know if he changed names but I thought he was cool. I liked his gundam topics.

EDIT-BTW I don't know what different peoples names are on here sometimes cuz I don't keep track.

Edited by SeverIan
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What about Red Comet? I don't know if he changed names but I thought he was cool. I liked his gundam topics.

EDIT-BTW I don't know what different peoples names are on here sometimes cuz I don't keep track.

I missed out on Gundam topics. This makes me depressed.

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What about Red Comet? I don't know if he changed names but I thought he was cool. I liked his gundam topics.

EDIT-BTW I don't know what different peoples names are on here sometimes cuz I don't keep track.

Red Comet is on the list. He's Gio.

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ALS could stand to move up, as well. Like Enjolras, he's a constant figure, a good guy, and as well as other things I was too late-joining to know of, he's also heavily involved in a hack.

Also, he's reading, or read, or whatever, FE4 from the beginning. THAT takes...persistance.

Edited by Trompe le Monde
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Might sound like a stupid question, but why are Nestling and Hikarusa so high? Not trying to debate for now, just curious.

go away matt

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I am highly flattered to find myself in a high position of high tier, especially as I feel I haven't been very active recently. I don't even read the Radiant Dawn discussions like I used to.

Please don't notify me if I move down, I won't be able to deal with the disappointment that ensues.

I'm kind of surprised I beat Revan actually. I would have expected Revan to make top tier. Revan is kind of mean sometimes but usually in a flippant way that you find kind of charming (much like Death IMO but I think Death actually intends to be mean a lot of the time). Revan's first post on this topic was in excellent form BTW. I am going to stop fellating him now.

I'd also rate Balcezerak above myself, maybe I'm confused tho. I don't really know why. He just gives me a good impression, though I don't know him that well.

I'm just going to say that I like RP/Fate a lot more than a lot of other people on this forum do. He's a cool guy and I think he gets shat on a bit too much. However, I can understand why some people find him irritating, for example his complaining in this topic about being tiered low. Another guy I don't understand the dislike for is Phoenix. Phoenix is kinda annoying for srs discussion but I like him on FftF.

This tier list actually motivates me to give some people another try. The person I have in mind is Seph, who (the few times I've interracted with him) has kind of grated on me, but most people seem to like him so maybe I've been inconsiderate.

My only criticism of this topic is that there has not been enough nitpicking, perhaps because the list is good enough already. But I wish there were posts were people said things like "THERE'S NO WAY THAT SEVERIAN IS ABOVE BIANCHI, BIANCHI HAS LIKE 2 MORE ATTACK SPEED ON PART 3 SO THAT MAKES HIM WAY BETTER DURING THE PART OF THE GAME WHERE THESE KINDS OF GAPS ACTUALLY MATTER."

Why isn't crash on this list? I thought he was gr8!?

I would rate Der Komissar above me, but that's just me talking.

I'm flattered.

Anyhow, I agree with you pretty much on Phoenix/RP. Well, Phoenix is ridiculously hilarious, although I don't know if he means to be (sometimes he does, I'll give you that), and RP is pretty good at most things except taking jokes, and he IS getting better...

And yeah, no Nishi up, unless he gets Molester Tier or something.

Also, no way can NTG go above Wist. See my previous defense of Wist for reasons. Also, he's the goddamn Wist.

PS. *insert jew joke for explaining your position here*

Edited by ZXValaRevan
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I'm considering moving you up.

Enjolras can get pretty aggressive at times, but he's a nice guy otherwise (or so it seems), and the posts I've seen of him have had some level of quality to them. He also likes Paul Stanley, that alone deserves a tier above Vincent's.

@Bold: Wha-? Seriously? D=

Well, I think my main flaw is that I barel contribute anymore these days and just spend my time in the FE4Thread. (likely to change when school ends, though) Awesome.

ALS could stand to move up, as well. Like Enjolras, he's a constant figure, a good guy, and as well as other things I was too late-joining to know of, he's also heavily involved in a hack.

Also, he's reading, or read, or whatever, FE4 from the beginning. THAT takes...persistance.

I agree with moving Astra up a bit. He deserves it and I'm not saying that because he's one of my best friends here


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why am I so low :sob:

In otehr news, teh gap between smash and int is appaling, sort it out.

Please elaborate on this. Whether Int is too high or not is one thing, but Smash is banned and shouldn't leave Bottom Tier. If he were still around I'd call him upper Middle tier, but that's inconsequential.

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Destiny Hero's banned yet he's at the top of mid. I see no reason to not move Smash up and Int done, with Int, as I recall, saying he's just as bad as Smash is, and Smash did make us laugh (see: Debating 101 and Gatrie is Ridiculous) and can be the good debater (He got to the Final against Vykan in a tourny once IIRC). Thsi is easily worth > whatever measly contribution Destiny Hero had.

Edited by Kirsche
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Destiny Hero's banned yet he's at the top of mid. I see no reason to not move Smash up and Int done, with Int, as I recall, saying he's just as bad as Smash is, and Smash did make us laugh (see: Debating 101 and Gatrie is Ridiculous) and can be the good debater (He got to the Final against Vykan in a tourny once IIRC). Thsi is easily worth > whatever measly contribution Destiny Hero had.

Didn't notice. If a (fairly, I suppose) banned user can get out of Bottom - which shouldn't happen - than Smash should easily go above myself. Otherwise, Destiny Hero to Bottom, below Professor Smash.

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What happened to the idea of raising me since I decided to return after my drunken "rage" quit which knocked me down a whole tier? Over-reaction much?

I also can't stand the idea DH is like, top of mid. Bullshit, I say. He's banned and yet above loads who are still active and not trolling the place. He should be in a special "Banned" tier for only banned individuals.

I also back the idea to raise Death and Florina, if they haven't been already.

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I personally think Banned users shoudl just be treated like inactive users: just remember them for what they did. IMO, Smash did quite a bit more than some might give him credit for, and Int a lot less than what he has been given credit for.

Also, this list is missing reikken, who's just a big a famous name as Vykan is.

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