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OMG it's a tier list

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Raven's placement was decided some pages ago. He had his good points and would be higher if not for the rage quit.

Oh. Didn't know that either. I hate having a life and missing these things!

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I need you people to consider my suggestions for Bottom and also sort out the rest of it so we can move on to other tiers.


Jarly should be right above Luminothe for the amount of trouble he caused.

Why above? I'd put him lower. I don't remember Luminothe's actions too well but that alone should say something.

Tatsumaki to go above Jarly; I don't think I need to explain why, but just in case, his trolling is stupid and unfunny (and not even abrasive), he posted terrible pictures of mutilated animals and such and was just a terrible person overall.


master of aura to go below OliverXRenning. I think these topics speak for themselves.

Hm...No opinion.

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Luminothe didn't do much except making topics about how he loved faeces, saliva, and all that. He was a pretty disgusting individual and kept wallowing in his self-pity. At least Jarly respected himself, even if he was conceited.

I'll see to it that Jarly goes below him if any others disagree with me, though.

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Luminothe didn't do much except making topics about how he loved faeces, saliva, and all that. He was a pretty disgusting individual and kept wallowing in his self-pity. At least Jarly respected himself, even if he was conceited.

I'll see to it that Jarly goes below him if any others disagree with me, though.

Hm...That's a tough one.

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Jarly was incredible simply for his unintentional hilarity. Either that, or he was a god troll. If neither of those are to be considered good things, then he has to drop very, very low, definitely below Luminothe.

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uhh too bad at debating to do that but

Cym to lower mid for making Smarty believe 'being kinda annoying' was a US law thus getting me banned from the irc channel

what the hell was that even

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Fox, Black Knight, and a lot of the FE4 thread people are in lower mid so no, I would say it is not a bit harsh at all

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I...don't remember Jarly.

Kai below Enjolras. Kai is an occasional debater and mediocre to fair spriter, but he took a while to get into the mindset of 'Nino is shite' and 'caps are rubbish'. Enjol is a real FFtF personality...don't know about his exploits past that, but he is involved heavily in at least one hack.

Edited by Trompe le Monde
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Hmm. Makes sense, he's now below Enjolras. I'm thinking about raising Enjolras and Harudoku at least a bit. Any thoughts?

No objections from me. Haru has the necessary NISHI WARINESS, so she can go up. 8]

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Hmm. Makes sense, he's now below Enjolras. I'm thinking about raising Enjolras and Harudoku at least a bit. Any thoughts?

I agree. Enjolras should go into Mid or High Mid at least.

Edited by Trompe le Monde
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