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What is your fear?


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In the first game of that series i remember jumping to the hay stacks and being like O SHIT...oh thank god he defied physics and all logic and lived...somehow.

For a game that hates on the templars, there sure are a lot of leaps of faith.

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I forgot to mention:

I have a strange mentality when it comes to infinity or unexistence. The very thought of either living forever or dieing terrifies me.

Since spike brought it to attention of mine, I'll ask: would you have a preference?

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Used to be death for a brief period, after my music teacher in year 2 decided to explain the meaning behind "the bell of creation"

We're all going to die, there's nothing we can do to prevent it or hide from it, we will all die

Didn't help that my mum was watching Living tv later that day :(

Now its just people telling me to learn to read

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Since spike brought it to attention of mine, I'll ask: would you have a preference?

Nonexistence. I won't be. I won't feel. I won't think. Therefore, I won't exist. I won't be conscious of my nonexistence. It's a hard concept to grasp for all humans (including me), immortality, infinity and nonexistence. Yet the never-ending becomes dull. The never-ending drives a man insane. Or so I think. What if many civilizations come after? What if we break interstellar travel and are able to journey across the stars? That's a never-ending task for a never-ending man. But even the Universe is speculated to be finite. Yes, expanding, but still finite. And it is speculated that at some point something will just destroy it. What happens to the immortal then? Does he die? How is that possible? Does he cease to exist? A soothing ending, yes, but still nothing is known.

Death first.

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After a good long while, my greatest fear is still non-existence, and also a painful, horrible death.

Honestly, I can't understand why people wouldn't want immortality. Sure, there is risk attached to it, but that's the way life works. You can't achieve most of the best things in life without taking some risk, and if we're talking boredom here, I think just watching the generations go by and how people change would be fascinating enough to keep me going. I, personally, would not want to miss out on the chance to experience the benefits of immortality.

And besides, we have Cyrogenic freezing chambers, and meditation and all of that just in case something goes horribly wrong, right?

Edited by FionordeQuester
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Bugs. Bugs that fly at my face, bugs that make buzzing noises, uncountable amounts of ants climbing all over me, bugs with pincers or stingers, and...bugs. <<;

One ant is fine. A swarm of ants, however, is not. T_T

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Oh wait yeah.

Also anthropomorphized objects coming to life. That includes teddies.

That sounds so stupid.

I don't think its stupid. I have this little bi-pedal bear Christmas ornament in my room and I'm always afraid its going to come alive.

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