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So, who's disappointed in IS for splitting FE3 into 2 games?

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WTF? Piss easy? Did you just beat the tutorial? There were 5 difficulty levels. I can understand if people aren't liking some of the choices made in the game, but piss easy is not one of them. The game is good enough for people of all skill levels.

He was talking about FE3's Book 1, not FEDS.

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WTF? Piss easy? Did you just beat the tutorial? There were 5 difficulty levels. I can understand if people aren't liking some of the choices made in the game, but piss easy is not one of them. The game is good enough for people of all skill levels.

NoName was referring to FE3 Book 1.

Edit: Chalis, you ninja >_>

Edited by Black Soldier
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WTF? Piss easy? Did you just beat the tutorial? There were 5 difficulty levels. I can understand if people aren't liking some of the choices made in the game, but piss easy is not one of them. The game is good enough for people of all skill levels.

He's talking about 'Book 1'. Not FEDS. Book 1 is from FE3. And it was piss easy because it was a thrown together bonus remake to go along with Book 2, the "real" FE3.

Dammit Chalis. Black Soldier was right. You ARE a ninja.

Edited by Jem
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I never got why FE DS is always compared to FE3, seeing as it has always been a remake of the very first Fire Emblem on the NES and not of the watered down bonus-remake on the SNES.

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I absolutely love that the second topic about this game is about being disappointed. Can nothing ever please you guys? It hasn't been a week yet and people are already talking about disappointment. My god, at least we're getting a game; it kinda looked like we wouldn't for a bit.

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I absolutely love that the second topic about this game is about being disappointed. Can nothing ever please you guys? It hasn't been a week yet and people are already talking about disappointment. My god, at least we're getting a game; it kinda looked like we wouldn't for a bit.

A lot of people already saw this coming and were not especially pleased about the prospect of another remake rather than a new game. Edited by Fruitloop Multipuck
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At least you're getting something, be happy about that. I think expressing disappointment or proclaiming that "FE3DS is going to be amazing" after only two days and a small teaser video is incredibly preemptive and stupid.

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How can you defend something you haven't experienced? You can be optimistic, that's just fine. But you're acting no better than the rest of the crappy fanbase.

Edited by Arch
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Because I will play it and very likely enjoy it while everyone else is going to be quick to troll the game for over a year. Also, I actually enjoy and readily defend Shadow Dragon, and an FE3 remake is by default going to be better already, due to what it is remaking.

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I don't see why I should be disappointed with FE3 just being book 2. From what I heard we already have a book 1 remake and it's called Shadow Dragon. I doubt the casual FE players who got Shadow Dragon would be very pleased to play Shadow Dragon's story all over again before getting to the new stuff. Really...

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Thing is guys, we don't even KNOW if its only Book 2. This is all preemptive. It would be a safe bet that it is only Book 2, but we have nothing more than a teaser.

Personally I hope its only Book 2. I hope they make Book 2 into something really great, like they should have done with FE1 in FESD.

Edited by Arch
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I'm a little annoyed that we didn't get it, but seeing as they spent so long on this game, I'm optimistic and really don't mind.

Also, don't call it FE3DS. There could very well be a FE for the 3DS that might be more appropriate with that name.

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Even if it was only Book 2, Book 2 was excellent and will make a fine stand alone game.

I hope they make Book 2 into something really great, like they should have done with FE1 in FESD.
They did make FE1 into something great in FEDS though, so no worries here.
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I can't see them giving us book 1 in this game, not like it matters since FE11 is that and more. The game is gonna be awesome if they remake it in that style.

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They did make FE1 into something great in FEDS though, so no worries here.

That's your opinion. I think FEDS was incredibly lackluster and had much room for improvement compared to its brethren.

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Thing is guys, we don't even KNOW if its only Book 2. This is all preemptive. It would be a safe bet that it is only Book 2, but we have nothing more than a teaser.

When the name of the game is "New Monshou no Nazo," you know something is up.

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When the name of the game is "New Monshou no Nazo," you know something is up.

Monshou no Nazo had Book 1, the game being called "New Monshou no Nazo" means nothing. Your logic has failed you.

I don't doubt that it will be only Book 2, I'm just trying to make a point. Its only been two days and we only have one teaser video. We don't know anything.

Edited by Arch
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Monshou no Nazo had Book 1, the game being called "New Monshou no Nazo" means nothing. Your logic has failed you.

What I see here is a person adamantly refusing to back down despite all contrary evidence. Are you one of those people who take everything said to them at face value? Because your lack of common sense is astounding.

Edited by dondon151
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