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5 days without masturbation.

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Try not doing it ever in your life, I never saw a good reason on why people do it.

People do it for various reasons (sexual tension, headaches [according to Fireman, they're good for relieving headaches], etcetera), but yeah, I'm planning on never doing it my whole life. Never had a reason to do it so far, probably won't the rest of my life.

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Also my frequency is 2-3 times a day. Sometimes 4~.

EDIT: God dammit my parents want to take me horseback riding and I generally fap to horses having sex so now all I'm going to think about during that is penises and other assorted stuff.

Well, I guess we should be proud of you then...care to hold on one more day, and make it a full week? Unless you started again.


People do it for various reasons (sexual tension, headaches [according to Fireman, they're good for relieving headaches], etcetera), but yeah, I'm planning on never doing it my whole life. Never had a reason to do it so far, probably won't the rest of my life.

There are other things that could be done to relieve those things too, you know...=/

I won't do that either.

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Is it a bad thing that I don't fully understand how masturbation works? I can't seem to get the full idea of what it is. What confuses me is why a pulling motion is made when people hint at it. Yay for being a noob with sexual actions!

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Kintenbo, this is just a question out of curiosity, do you look at pictures of feet and fap?

Well, if the girl looks good enough, I stare for a bit. I'm still not sure about the fapping part. All I know is that I'm much more tame than some of my fellow foot fetishers. Some of them get super creepy!

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That's my goal <3~.

From Wednesday (yesterday) to Monday, I'm not going to masturbate at all <3~.

Aren't you guys so proud of me? ~.

According to some definitions of masturbation, you've already done it.

However, according to the strict scientific definition, it's pretty easy to go without masturbating. I've gone a lot longer than you have actually. I won't say how long because I'm not entirely sure.

Try enjoying yourselves with sex and masturbation.

Nah. Fuck that.

My spider sense is sensing a contradiction. Good post.

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Is it a bad thing that I don't fully understand how masturbation works? I can't seem to get the full idea of what it is. What confuses me is why a pulling motion is made when people hint at it. Yay for being a noob with sexual actions!

When people hint at it, they're using a motion of moving back and forth, not pulling.


My spider sense is sensing a contradiction. Good post.

I do try.

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Try not doing it ever in your life, I never saw a good reason on why people do it.

If you are a man, then it is biologically impossible to never ejaculate in some way shape or form during the course of your life. When men do not ejaculate, seamen builds up in their prostate and as a result they have wet dreams. This can also cause pain when you ejaculate and cause you to go to the bathroom more frequently. If you are a man, then it is healthy for you to masturbate 2-3 times a week.

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If you are a man, then it is biologically impossible to never ejaculate in some way shape or form during the course of your life. When men do not ejaculate, seamen builds up in their prostate and as a result they have wet dreams. This can also cause pain when you ejaculate and cause you to go to the bathroom more frequently. If you are a man, then it is healthy for you to masturbate 2-3 times a week.

Ewww, gross. What are you, some kind of sick, werewolf freak?

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If you are a man, then it is biologically impossible to never ejaculate in some way shape or form during the course of your life. When men do not ejaculate, seamen builds up in their prostate and as a result they have wet dreams. This can also cause pain when you ejaculate and cause you to go to the bathroom more frequently. If you are a man, then it is healthy for you to masturbate 2-3 times a week.

I'mma go throw up now.

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