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Lord of Azure Flame: Chapter 10: Flying Supermodel Assault!


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"Take out the underlings, first. Otherwise they'll wipe us out while we try to bring him down," Eric shot back, before engaging one of the fighters. He landed a solid hit, before barely ducking the fighters mighty swing. Seeing that his foe had planted his axe in the ground, the traveler used this opportunity to send the axemen flying, with a swift uppercut.

"That felt... Easy," Eric said, as the fighter fell, chest rent.

[spoiler=Roll] [1,3,6] = Hit! 8-4 = 4 points of damage!

Hawkeye activate! [1,4,6] = Miss! (WTD FTW)

[6,3,3] = Critical hit! 2(8-4) = 8 points of damage! Fighter 5 is down!

Eric gains 15 points of experience! Level up!



Meanwhile, Dani broke away from Chase, and, firing a lightning bolt, was pleased to find that it fried the mercenary. "Must've been wearing too much metal," she said.

[spoiler=Roll][1,6,6] = Critical hit! 22 points of damage! Mercenary C is down!

Dani gains 15 points of experience!


Fighter 5: dead.

Mercenary C: dead.

Dani: 9/9 HP

Eric: 6/6 HP

Edited by Snike
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Surrender and we'll take you alive? Yeah right. They only mean that about half the time, I should know. Either way, you're not taking away my paycheck. Heinz smirked. "Sword versus knife? Mercenary, I'll show you who's stronger!" He rushed forwards and quickly unhooked a knife from his belt, swinging it at the nearest mercenary! Vaguely he overheard the guide Alferis yell something about hitting the hero and Heinz shrugged his shoulders. Too late now as the knife embedded itself in the mercenaries side (+4 damage) Link

Mercenary: 8/12 HP

OOC: Will fix for counter and skills later.

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Isotov Irina and Lev

Iso: Katie stand back, I need to help them out, okay? (Let's just hope this isn't a waste of time -_- )

Irina: I don't think you should be fighting without Krin here either.

Lev: You want to protect me?

Irina: Krin isn't here so you'd be kind of slow right? Yeah, I'll protect you ^_^

Lev: Glad to hear it, I really am.

She quickly whistled over Kiev and mounted him before preparing to fight alongside Iso! Irina quickly flanked one of the mercs only to have her attack blocked! The mercenary did take a minor hit though as she pulled her lance away! He then twirled his sword, leaped into the air and countered hard striking her shoulder plates!

Irina: Argh!! Damn!! >_<

Iso quickly followed up by attacking the same merc and severely burned him, but was slashed on the shoulder as a result! Before Iso could back away, the merc took another swing and slashed Iso's chest sending him onto his back!

Iso: Urgh ... ugh ... yeah ... no good ....

Irina rolls 4,1,4


HIT 7 vs EVADE 2 = HIT

DMG 5 vs DEF 4 = 1 dmg

Mercenary D rolls 3,5,5 (CRAP!!! >_< )


HIT 7 vs EVADE 4 = HIT

DMG 8 vs DEF 4 = 4x2=8 dmg!

Iso rolls 4,4,6


HIT 8 vs EVADE 2 = HIT

DMG 9 vs RES 0 = 9 dmg (Iso -1HP)

Mercenary D rolls 2,5,1


HIT 7 vs EVADE 4 = HIT

DMG 9 vs DEF 1 = 8 dmg

ADEPT ACTIVATED: Mercenary rolls 3,1,4


HIT 8 vs EVADE 4 = HIT

DMG 4 vs DEF 1 = 3 dmg Iso KO'd

Iso HP 0/9

Irina HP 4/12

Mercenary D HP 2/12

Iso exp +5 (and +5 for existing)

Irina exp +5 (and +5 for existing)

EDIT: WTD/WTA and supports accounted for. (if both characters get both support bonuses at level C then the Mercenary only has 1/12 HP left.

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"Ugh..." Chase groaned as Dani mentioned how he should be more like Lev. "I don't wanna be like him at all... He's just so weird..."

Chase saw the mercenaries approach, and feeling very annoyed, he exclaimed, "Do I really gotta put up with this crap anymore?! That's it! I'm sick and tired of people trying to kill me! None of you will survive!" he shouted at the approaching attackers, summoning the Zephyrtwine into his hand, and chanted, "Bow of the skies, hear my call! Strike my enemy![/s]"

Chase pointed the bow at the man who appeared to be in charge, and bellowed, "Feel the pain!" letting loose an arrow, only for it to fly past his target. "... Damn."

Chase 8/9

Travis 15/15

Chase gains 15 exp! 10 for ttacking boss 5 for existing. (actually only going to add 10 since I had 5 extra but wooh, almost leveled up)

EDIT: Link to rolls:


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"Good point!" Alferis shot back to Eric. He faced one of the fighters, who leered hideously.

"Bandits. I hate bandits!" he shrieked, swinging his axe down on the fighter's shoulder. He yelped and hit him in the arm with the axe, causing a gash in Alferis's arm. Alferis swung again, his axe hitting the fighter in the chest. Though the fighter was still alive, he was nearing death.

Alferis (3,3,2) Hit! 3+3=6-4= 2 damage. Fighter #2 10/12

Fighter (6,2,5) Hit! 2+4=6-2= 4 damage. Alferis 8/12

Alferis (6,6,5 I shit you not) Hit! 6+3=9-4= 5 damage. Fighter #2 5/12

10 exp (5 for existing, 5 for a successful hit).

Edited by Dark Sage
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The moment the mercenaries started to appear to assault the group, Esphyr was more than ready. Her sword had already been drawn, and the rest was simple action. Swiftly she dashed at the nearest merc, keeping her body low to the ground and her sword to her right side. The moment she was in range though, she suddenly stopped as she swung her sword towards the fighter; using her momentum to deliver a strong blow! Yet the fighter wasn't a idiot and nimble on his feet. Leaping back he managed to dodge the tip of her blade just barely and still manage to retaliate; his axe coming down at Esphyr. Esphyr wasn't helpless though. Despite the miss, she quickly lowered her shoulder to barrel forwards and past the axe head, causing it to smash into her shoulder as she smashed into the merc herself; sending him sprawling to the ground winded and unable to rise up.

OOC:Arcanium Active: Esphyr attack Merc 6 rolls: 3, 4, 3 Esphyr hits Fighter for 6 (4 STR + 1 Arcanium + 1 WTA + 4 roll - 4 defense) damage. Fighter HP: 6/12

Fighter roll: 4, 2, 1 Hit for 4 damage! Esphyr HP at 5/9

Esphyr roll: 4, 4, 2 Hit for 6 damage! Merc down! Esphyr gains 10 EXP!

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Morgan attacked a mercenary

(1,4,3) Hit. 10 damage.

Mercenary A is dead.

Charlotte looked around. The fire mage had fallen, but his sister appeared conscious, if heavily wounded +6 HP to Irina (10/12)

Edited by -Cynthia-
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Moving on, Eric increased his speed as he sliced into the next fighter, severely weakening him. In surprise, however, the fighter had swung his axe directly into the traveler's skull, stunning him for a second. Still dazed, Eric flailed his sword, decapitating the fighter.

[spoiler=Roll][4,4,4] = Critical hit! 2(9=4) = 10 points of damage!

Hawkeye activate. Hit +1. [3,2,6] = Hit! 6-2 = 4 points of damage!

[1,6,3] = Hit! 10-4= 6 points of damage! Fighter 6 is down!

Eric gains 10 EXP.

Eric 2/6



Seeing that the all the mercenaries were taken, Dani moved on to target the Hero. She missed, unfortunately, and Travis easily knocked her out, with his shield.[spoiler=Roll]

[2,5,2] = Miss!

[3,5,5] = Critical hit! 2(11-1) = 20 points of damage! Dani is down!

Saving roll = 3. Failure.

Dani gains 10 EXP.

Travis: Score! A pretty one, too.

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Isotov Irina and Lev

Seeing her brother injured on the ground, Irina sucked up the pain in her shoulder and launched an assault on the mercenary! Before he realized it, he'd been flanked! Irina's lance went straight through his back and out of his chest! She yanked the lance out of him as he fell to the ground!

Irina: ... you jerk :sob: ... thank you for helping me, Charlotte. I've got to get my brother out of here now though.

Irina rolls 3,2,5


HIT 6 vs EVADE 2 = HIT

DMG 8 vs DEF 4 = 4 dmg

Irina HP 10/12

Mercenary D HP 0/12

Irina exp +10

EDIT: For thanking Cynthia through Irina! ^_^

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Alferis landed a heavy blow on the bandit, blood spurting from the wound. The bandit counterattacked, near death, trying to hit him in the skull. Alferis dodged in time to avoid the axe from hitting his skull, but he still took a hit to the chest. Alferis circled around and chopped off the bandit's head. He was still dazed by the blow but was still determined to defend his allies.

"Someone please heal me!" he shouted.

Alferis (5,3,3) Hit! Critical hit! 3+3=6-4=2x2= 4 damage. Fighter #2 1/12

Fighter (6,2,3) Hit! 2+4=6-2= 4 damage. Alferis 4/12

Alferis (1,3,1) Hit! 3+3-4= 2 damage. Fighter #2 0/12

Alferis gains 10 exp!

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"Eric we need to go after the hero, he has Dani". "I'll cover you".

Helios fired Elwind at a Fighter: [2,1,1] Helios dealt 8 damage

The fighter was furious. He charged at Helios and dealt a sever blow to him. [6,1,1] He dealt 6 damage to Helios

Helios enraged fired another spell ending the fighters life [1,6,5]

EDIT: Rolls

Helios 3/9

Helios gained 10 exp

Helios leveled up

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IC: Fresh from her knockout of the previous mercenary, Esphyr quickly barreled towards the nearest of the fighters that she could spot, a wary look upon her face as she kept a careful watch on him for his counter. It was a watch well-placed for the fighter did indeed spot her with ease. He turned about, axe in hand, to try and cleave at the woman. Esphyr was no idiot though. Halting, she swung her sword about, bringing it around so that the flat of her blade would smash into the shaft of the axe, blocking it from striking her without the risk of severing the axe head and sending it flying towards her.

With the attack blocked, Esphyr made her own move. She quickly spin her sword in a small circle, sending the axe to the ground and bringing the tip about for a double-handed thrust... right into the mans groin. A second later, a high-pitched scream akin to a horrified woman's pierced the battleground as the man fell to the ground, clutching his bloody crotch as tears flowed freely from his eyes.

OOC:Arcanium Active: Esphyr attack Fighter 6 rolls: 2, 4, 4 Esphyr crits Fighter for 12 (4 STR + 1 Arcanium +1 WTA + 4 roll - 4 defense) damage. Fighter 6 HP: 2/12!

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Charlotte heard the bandit cry out for help and applied her staff to his axe wound (+6 HP Alferis 10/12).

Morgan decided to attack a fighter

(6,2,3) Fighter takes 8 damage.

He roared and countered back.

(5,4,2) Hit. 7 damage. Morgan (2/9)

(5,1,4) 7 damage. Fighter dead.

Seeing Travis knock out his friend, Eric charged the hero!

(5,3,2) Eric dealt 1 damage.

"Hey, you scratched me!" cried out Travis. "Now it's my turn!" He began to sing 'Captain Travis, he's a hero. Gonna take you suckers down to zero!"

(5,6,2). Travis smashed Eric with his shield knocking him unconscious.

"This battle's getting boring." he said. "I'm going back." He slung Dani over his shoulder and left the 3 remaining fighters to deal with the group.

Edited by -Cynthia-
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"Thanks Charlotte." he said. Another fighter drew near him.

"Crud. Get behind me!"

The fighter lunnged for Alferis. In his haste, Alferis tried to him in the shoulder, but his hand shook and he only gave the fighter a small cut. Alferis felt an axe slam into his leg. In a rage, he struck back, his axe slamming into the bandit's chest.

Alferis (3,1,3) Hit! 1+3=4-4= 0 damage.

Fighter (2,2,3) Hit! 2+4=6-2= 4 damage. Alferis 6/12

Alferis (2,6,5) Hit! 6+3=9-4= 5 damage Fighter #4 7/12

Alferis gained 5 exp!

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A soft shaking, gentle pressure on her shoulder, a soothing voice. "Milady? It's time to wake up."

Huh? Who, what? Wondering for a moment if she were just transitioning from one dream to another, Tessa slowly opened her eyes. The sun was high in the sky, and its rays were reaching her through a filter of some sort. Looking up, she was that Arrin was leaning over her, and that awkward flop of bangs of his was hanging down and was what was straining the sunlight. Raising a fist to her mouth, stretching out with her other arm, and yawning, she blinked a couple more times before asking, "Milady?"

But, of course, just after the word left her mouth, she remembered. The escape from the demons last night had interrupted their sleep, and thrown her sense of time off, causing her to forget about the results of her 'dare', but apparently the mage had remembered, and seemed... almost eager to play along? Well, if not eager, then at least willing, and she found her yawn replaced with a smile, and a twinkle came to her eyes.

Seeing that she had awakened, Arrin moved back, allowing Tessa to sit up in her bedroll. She quickly turned to the side, and rooted about in her satchel, almost immediately producing a hairbrush. Handing the brush to Arrin, she instructed him with a bright but commanding tone, "Servant boy, brush my hair for me. Carefully mind, if there's any tugging or yanking, I'll see to it that the head maid hears of it. You wouldn't want to earn any of her punishment." She glanced in Dani's direction at the end of her comment. Tessa had decided that since she'd seemed eager to be a judge, it was only fair to force her into the little game as well.

Arrin took the brush a little uncertainly, and looked as if he was going to just start right away, from his current position. "No, no. Move around to behind me," Tessa corrected, but before the mage had a chance to oblige there was quite the loud noise rather nearby. Looking to the cause, it seemed a man riding wyvern had just landed rather commandingly nearby, and Arrin, deciding that priority be given to protecting his princess rather than brushing her hair, moved to interpose himself between Tessa and the potential danger.

General bustle ensued, fearing yet another assault on their camp immediately following waking, for something like the third night in a row, the charade that was supposed to have ensued had been abandoned. Tessa felt a sharp twinge in her chest, and a little flare of anger and frustration at the interruption, but she tried to muscle down such selfish thoughts, as they were unbecoming and she knew it. It became apparent that the wyvern rider was not going to be a foe, but their situation quickly progressed from one danger to another as the pegasus knight that had been dogging them fiercely since back in Elysimia had made another appearance, so they continued to prepare the mounts and make ready for a swift departure.

The preparations were very nearly complete, and Tessa was actually in the saddle and ready to go, when mercenaries had burst out from under the cover of trees nearby.

OOC: I think I'm caught up, may or may not try to figure out a battle post.

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"Need a hand?" Chase asked Alferos.


Chase fired an arrow at his foe, injuring both of the combatants slightly (Bandit 5/12, Chase 7/9). 2 damage to bandit.


The bandit, however, wasn't about to give up so easily and struck back! Thankfully, Chase evaded the blunt of the blow, but still felt it (Bandit 5/12, Chase 4/9). 3 damage to Chase.

Chase drew and fired another arrow, striking the bandit once more (Bandit 3/12, Chase 3/9).

"I could use a hand myself, though..." Chase shouted.

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Isotov Irina and Lev

Irina rushed to her brother's side, surprisingly, Katie's ninja skills had proven superior, for she was already there and holding him up!

Irina: ... how does she do that? :o

She quickly shook off her surprise and held up her lance.

Irina: Okay then, you keep Iso safe, I'm going to see if I can help beat up the last of these guys!

She quickly flew off to engage the fighters. As one appeared, she prepared to strike and rushed him! As she tried to stab the fighter, she left a gash on him that started to bleed, but before she could fly back to a safe distance, he took a wide swing to catch her! The attack landed on Kiev's barely healed injury given by Helenos! The wound reopened painfully and Kiev and Irina came to a long grinding stop on the ground! She turned back to face the fighter who was laughing!

Irina: GRRR!!! YOU JEEEERK!!! >_<

She quickly got Kiev moving again and they both flew passed the fighter at high speed! He let his guard down slightly and Irina scored a glancing blow!

Irina rolls 3,3,6


HIT 5 vs EVADE 2 = HIT

DMG 7 vs DEF 4 = 3 dmg

Fighter rolls 3,6,2


HIT 6 vs EVADE 4 = HIT

DMG 10 vs DEF 4 = 6 dmg

Irina rolls 2,1,2


HIT 4 vs EVADE 2 = HIT

DMG 5 vs DEF 4 = 1 dmg

Irina HP 4/12

Fighter HP 8/12

Irina exp +10

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"YOUR BROTHER IS AN IDIOT!" Kelas realized it was a terrible battlecry after loosing it along with an arrow headed for the merc attacking Irina.

Kelas: (3,6,1) Hit! Kelas does 3 damage!

The arrow hit true. Another quickly followed it.

Kelas: (5,3,1) Hit! Kelas does 0 damage!

The arrow bounced harmlessly off the first one.

"Arrin! Gimme a hand!"

She was answered with an arc of lightning over her head.

Arrin: (3,2,1) Hit! Arrin does 6 damage! Arrin loses 1 HP!

The fighter fell.

Kelas 12/12 Arrin 5/6 Fighter killed.

Kelas 10EXP (5 hit/5 exist), Arrin 15EXP(10 kill, 5 exist)

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Reika really had no idea what was going on, first a wyvern, then a group of Pegasi and now these clowns. It was just one after another with this group. She could hear a voice in her head telling her to make a run for it while she still could. Shaking her head she looked around attacking the closest person, who just happened to be an enemy.

Reika attacks4+3-2=5 Hits for 12+2-4= 10

Merc attacks5+3-8=0 Miss

Reika attacks4+2-5=1 Hits for 2+3-4=1


Reika 9/9

Merc 1/12

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Isotov Irina and Lev

Kelas and Arrin had given Irina enough cover to escape, and even helped her finish off the fighter! Kelas didn't hold back in stating her opinion though. Irina quickly flew back to Iso and Katie. Lev was standing nearby too looking down at Iso.

Irina: Is he alright?

Lev: He's still breathing. That's gotta be good sign, right?

She dismounted and came closer. The bandit numbers had thinned to almost nothing and the battle was all but won.

Lev: I'm proud of you, Irina. You really have gotten better.

Irina: Heh ... you haven't seen me on my bad days.

He took a few steps closer and then put his hands back on her shoulders.

Irina: Umm, aren't we in the middle of a battle?

Lev: What? With like one enemy left? Forget about that for a second. I never got to finish telling you what I wanted to earlier.

Irina: ... uh oh ... (the ... the "love" thing? uhhh ... I don't know what to say to that :unsure: )

Lev: Please, Irina. I know this isn't the time, but I'm not going to be here for long, and who knows when I'll get to see you again.

Irina: I saw you almost a week ago :/

Lev: Grrr ...

He quickly pulled her in and gave her a ... somewhat loving yet frustrated hug. He had a lot of pent up emotions that couldn't be expressed in words, and he wasn't going to rely on them much longer.

Lev: Irina ... I'm not waiting til Ivanko dies to make you my woman. That was a f*cking joke, alright? That's that and he can try to stop me but I'll take him down if I have to.

Irina: Are you insane?! You're talking about "Ivanko", not some random wyvern lord, "IVANKO". He'll hurt you ... badly.

Lev: I don't care ... I'll f*cking win ... ... he can't stop this -_-

Irina: ... Lev .... :(

His grip softened but he held onto her. She felt as if he was about to actually pour his heart out to her. She was in no way shape or form ready for that. She'd known Lev most of her life, and this didn't make sense, but it was Lev. Sometimes people broke down. She wasn't sure what to make of it, and when she looked him in the eyes, everything fell from her thoughts. Her doubts, fears, and even the sounds of the battle faded.

She could have sworn that his face was coming closer, his lips nearly touching hers. Curious as to the nature of a true kiss, feeling her own emotions boiling to the surface, and missing the feeling of being held by human hands, she moved in and kissed him.

OOC: The kiss is still happening. (Jerdon style <.< >.> )

Lev and Viveka

Deep in the woods, Viveka and Susann stayed hidden near the bushes. Lev was nearby searching on foot. Krinkov was looking around hoping to sniff them out. As Lev strafed the bushes with his axe in hand, he kept an eye out for her.

Lev: ... <.< >.> ... ... here, kitty kitty kitty kitty ... here, kitty kitty kitty kitty ... where are youuuu? :hat:

Viveka: I'm ... going to ... kill you! >_<

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"Thanks guys. Didn't expect you to help me out Chase, especially after what happened last night with Morgan and Dani."

Alferis then remembered that the leader, a swordsman named Travis carried Dani off.

"Dani! We've got to rescue her!"

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The fight was dying down. Kelas rode over to Isotov, looking to see if he was conscious enough to lecture. "Can't even keep from getting half-killed long enough for me to yell at him about the first incident..." she muttered, expecting a reply from Irina. It didn't come: Irina was... busy... with Lev. "Don't they know we're in the middle of a fight..." she grumbled, but let it go; at least they weren't in danger. "Look, you need me to yell at him for you when he wakes up, tell me, all right?" she told Katie.

Meaghan sighed, rolling her eyes. Don't know what you see in mating with humans... you better not forget to give me the signal, she thought at the boss. Now that the battle was ending, she strolled around the field, on pretense of studying the tactics used. She looked for a good first target.

Triumphant, Arrin ran back to Tessa. She remained unhurt. "All right, milady?"

edit: Retcon cos Eric's unconscious. He is no longer involved.

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