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Lord of Azure Flame: Chapter 10: Flying Supermodel Assault!


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"Hey." he said walking up to them.

"Look. Ahm really sowwy 'bou spittin' on ya. Jus really mad. Ah don' know wha was goin' on. Jus thought ya were pushin round some civilians. But why'd ya think she wash a demon?"

Edited by Dark Sage
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"You see,the thing is...in Ilyphina before we met up with you,a carriage driver named Helen,with the same appearance and mannerisms appeared to take us to the swamps,where there had been demon sightings. In reality,she was Helenos,a demon dragon and higher uyp with the Lord of Azure Flame.We barely escaped alive,and it wasn't far fetched to assume she could make it out alive." Damian explained,hoping to clear up the issue.

"A-and...I'm sorry for...breaking your jaw...and your nose..." Aiya said rather sheepishly,still placing herself between the man and Damian.

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Morgan woke up eventually after people shook her "zzz..demons?!" She rushed outside as quickly as possible.

She walked outside to where the weapons were surrounding Helen. "So you think this woman is a demon, hmm? I am glad that you were willing to take precautions here, but I believe this is actually a normal woman. Helenos can take many shapes, and I doubt she would use the same one twice. And besides I'm not getting the same...feeling that I got off of Helenos." Morgan said tentatively.

Charlotte woke up during all the commotion and went downstairs. She saw Derek coming inside with an angry look on her face.

"I just wanted to thank you for earlier Sir Derek." she began before noticing his hurriedness. "Is something wrong?" she asked him, noting his expression.

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He walked to Charlotte and gently tapped her on the shoulder.

"'Scuse me, mah jaw got broken, if you'd be so kind..."

"Oh I'm sorry." Charlotte healed the wounds on his face.

"How'd that happen?"

"Long story."

Edited by Dark Sage
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Isotov Irina and Viveka

Irina brought her plate with her outside and finished eating while standing by the door, Derek passed her one his way inside. Looking back, he seemed upset, but then again, who wasn't upset? Once she finished her plate, Iso came outside. She handed it to him.

Iso: Huh?

Irina: I need to get down to the markets as soon as possible. Can you put that in the kitchen for me?

Iso: And if I say no?

Irina: See ya!

She trotted off waving as she ran.

Iso: ... as I thought.

As she was running, Viveka gasped! She was about to run straight into her and Susann! She slid to a stop when she finally noticed!

Irina: Wow that was close. Sorry about that.

Viveka: Think first, act second. Don't confuse the two.

Irina: (You're one to talk <_< ) ... yeah sure thing.

The two passed each other, and then Irina resumed rushing to the stables. There she found Kiev still tied down. She unhitched him and led him outside. Her next stop was the market.

Irina: Okay, from now on, every time we make a stop, you're getting your quota, got it?

She quickly mounted him and with one swift flap, the two were airborne!


Seeing that Viveka had retrieved her pegasus, he decided to make sure she had room enough to get by. She didn't say a word to him and just kept on walking. With that, he decided it was safe to venture back into the inn and grab a quick bite to eat.

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Pary climbed down the stairs. He hated waking this early, but he needed to be on the road, and there was some commotion going on down stairs.

He saw blood all over the floor, and prepared his staff. Having a corpse or a brawl going on wouldn't help.

"What's going on? You're waking the whole inn. You lot from last night can't stay out of trouble."



Cess brought Morrey to the front of the inn. He had slipped out the back and gotten his horse during all the commotion, and was waiting in the front for the others.

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OOC: Viveka has a pretty good motto for the times.

"Oh... so it's not Helenos? False alarm, then... good job guys." Chase muttered.

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"Well one thing I know is that we're not going to be in this town again," laughed Alferis, trying to make himself feel better. Snap out of it! Things aren't that bad, so I gotta stop feeling sorry for myself.

"You know if you were really suspicious, I could've slipped some spiritleaves in her drink and then you could've tried to do what you did. Then again, you didn't know that I had spiritleaves so never mind."

OOC: I'm feeling a lot better so less emoness. I actually hate emos so more consistent characterization for now on, altruistic, yet somewhat sarcastic.

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"Well. We going to apologize to those people, then?" Kelas asked, putting her bow away in relief. "We don't exactly need more enemies than we've got."


"Wait," Arrin said as they neared the door, "they're putting their weapons away? ...False alarm, really? Well, I suppose we can eat breakfast at least, then... I'm sorry I woke you up, Tessa."

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Pary headed out the door of the inn after returning his key. He checked to make sure he had all his staves on him, and his tomes. He didn't need to forget anything. He didn't trust this inn's cooking, and he needed more bread and dried meat, so he headed over to the market place.



Cess popped his head into the inn, before almost being knocked over by a priest walking by. "Oh, pardon me father."


Cess walked over to Tessa and Arrin. "Are we all ready to go? I have my horse in front of the inn."

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"Whoa now!" Kelas said as she re-entered the inn, intent on getting breakfast. "Where'd we be going, then? If I'm not mistaken, we were meant to meet Conrad here. Which is kind of important."

"I don't think most people are properly ready to head out now anyway," Arrin noted. "We were more of evacuating; some people likely still need to pack, even if we are leaving."

OOC: Bah. Forgot stuff. Added Arrin bit.

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"They don't want to see you come back!" came the cook's voice, punctuated with a kitchen knife that nicked the strap of Kelas' quiver, causing it to fall and litter the ground with her newly acquired arrows.

"Gah! Your aim is better than it has any right to be! And we're sorry! Extremely sorry!" Kelas yelled back, bending down to pick up the arrows and scooting back out the door. "If I leave the weapons outside, can I at least come get some food? And pay?"

"Pay, yes! Food, depends how much money!"

Kelas sighed and slung her quiver over Amari's saddle, dragging some gold out of the saddlebags.

"I don't hear the rest of you lot apologizing!" the woman complained, bustling out to stand in the doorway.

Quietly Arrin slunk back to the room where the food was, hoping to pack up some leftovers for those who hadn't gotten to eat.

OOC: Edit because "shot back" is a good speech tag for an argument only if the person doing so isn't an archer. Changed to "yelled back".

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"Look, can we at least pack our belongings, as long as my 'friends' and I promise to never visit your inn again and cause any trouble?"

"When you're ready. But the sooner you're out of our sight the better."

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Pary kept walking around the market. The vegtables seem quite fresh, and he bought a handful of carrots for 5 gold. He had filled his pack with bread, and headed over to the various butchers lining the street. Suddenly, there was a large crash. A wyvern seemed to be assulting a stand, and a young women was trying to hold it back.

"No Keiv, stop! I bought you some food already."

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Reika yawned, as she came down, finding the inn staff throwing a hissy fit, and a few of the group standing around stupidly, they seem to be getting ready to leave, but the staff seemed to be enraged at them. "Okay, what did you idiots do now? Kill more civilians? Burn a part of the inn down? Or did that wyvern take out a chunk of the inn again?" she said recalling the marks left on the side on Hamburg's inn.

Approaching the cook she smiled, a sickly sweet smile, "I'm not sure what they did, but they're wanted criminals in Elysimma, killing soldiers, raiding the capitol, destroying and attacking inn after inn" she paused and looked around "Judging by how the inn's still standing I'd say you're one of the luckier ones"

Taking a quick jump back as she sensed anger radiating from the cook, she smirked turned around and hurried out of the inn, telling herself that she should ask Alferis what had happened later.

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"Why do we keep her around?" Arrin muttered, rubbing his temples: it was too early for this, and he was about to get a headache. "Please excuse her, she's not right in the head," he told the glaring cook quietly as he ducked out of the room.

It wasn't clear whether or not the cook had bought it, but she seemed to have come to a decision: "You lot will apologize. In coin. Then you'll get yer things, and get gone," she called to the group at large.

Kelas was the first to present a bribe: she was hungry.

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Struggling to compose his face, Derek bowed to Charlotte. "It's nothing, milady," he lied, before quickly changing the subject. "How was your rest?"


During the commotion, the husband and wife ran out of the inn, along with their friend. Dani chased after them, but they ended up getting away.

"Wait," she said, in vain. "You didn't answer my question..."


Finally getting up, Eric saw the princess heading out of the door. Reaching for his coat, but remembering it was torn to shreds, he got up, put his sheathed sword on his belt, and headed downstairs.

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"I rested very well thank you." replied Charlotte to Derek. "I hope you know that you can tell me anything. We are friends and comrades-at-arms here, not bound by the formalities of the court." she said, resting her hand on his shoulder.

Morgan nodded in response to Damian "I suppose we should just head to General Jackson's funeral ourselves, no sense wasting time here."

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OOC: Recap

Feeling his eyes slowly start to close, Heinz went upstairs, tossing a few coins on the counter. He randomly chose a room and slumped onto the nearest bed, ignoring the other occupants. Sleeping for a few hours, he completely ignored the clash of wyverns in the marketplace, and the mad dash of Eric, Derek, and Helios to rescue the cleric. When Heinz awoke in the morning, he felt more rested than he had in a long while, quickly checking that all his belongings were still on him before heading downstairs.

Walking down, he saw some of the group threatening the wagon driver from before. Heinz's eyes narrowed. Damian throws around his power as if the goddess herself had to obey him. He has a point though, that woman could be the dragon from before. His blood began boiling however, when Damian counterattacked Alferis. I am the damn authorities?! He may think he is better than others because of his heritage and status, but he's just like all the others, arrogant fools. If I hadn't seen the driver explode into a dragon, I might have done the same as that guide.

He resisted the impulse to stab the other Halton soldier, who decided to smash the bandit's face in. Damian was half justified in what he did.... but his consort just proves that government soldiers haven't gotten any better. They have less honor than the lowest of mercenaries, smashing anyone who opposes them into pulp like that. His right hand clenched into a fist. He glanced briefly at the wagon driver again. Probably not Helen, she would have killed us by now.

Seeing Alferis sniveling before the Halton soldiers made Heinz glad he had negotiated his payment with Morgan instead of Damian. They forgive him after he apologizes, of course, thought Heinz coldly. Seeing kitchen knives flying with surprising accuracy, Heinz took one of the plates of food and walked outside, not wanting to watch the scene any longer.

OOC: Is the man accompanying the headmaster really Jace? If he is, as one of the heroes Heinz should recognize him.

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OOC: I think this is one bad joke laid on us by Snowy.

Eric and Derek

"Milady, we may not be in court, but royalty is royalty," Derek said, quietly. "I'm simply a sellsword without my land or title. However, your claim lies in your bloodline. As such, I feel bound to the formality. What's a familial matter, as well, so, milady, it does need to weigh you down."

Before Charlotte could reply, Eric reached the bottom of the stairs.

"Morning, Milady and Derek," he said. "So, why is everyone leaving all of a sudden?" As if on cue, a meat cleaver flew by the traveler, missing his head by inches. "Oh."

"Charming place," Derek said sarcastically. "I'll go get food for us, then. Eric, make sure the princess doesn't get kidnapped again, mmk?"

"Funny," Eric commented, not at all amused by the comment. "Shall we step out, Milady?" he asked, opening the door for the cleric.

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