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Lord of Azure Flame: Chapter 10: Flying Supermodel Assault!


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"...I know my limits. A dozen of mercenaries is not going to kill me. Injure me, maybe, but not kill me. Besides, I'm not related to the weapons, so why should you care, in all honesty?"

Edit: Punctuation.

Edited by Snike
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"I don't even know, anymore, Esphyr, that's the thing. Maybe I'm just tired, stressed, and a little bit..." she searched for the right word before giving up.

She turned to the bandit, who seemed peeved at her interruption. "Helping? That's actually what I'm trying to be doing! Maybe I'm not doing it right, but still... wait. Are you even fully healed? Let me see that." She made her way over to inspect his side, which just seemed to have a hastily slapped on poultice covering one of the wounds he'd received earlier in battle. She started fussing over it a bit before letting the man go, when it was deemed taken care of to her satisfaction.

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"As long as no Crimson Weapon wielders go, I am satisfied." said Morgan. "If Alferis or whoever wants to accompany Eric that is their business."

"I for one, am going whatever Morgan or Sir Eric or anyone says." said Charlotte, standing by Eric's side.

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"You guys have an advantage already. You know there will be a trap, there's not too many of them, and you're all stronger than them. I say 'you guys' because I'm not going. Too tired..."

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At Lev's reappearance, Kelas finished giving the last of her vulnerary to Heinz, and pointedly began to retrieve as many of her arrows as she could find. Not going to get myself tumbled for thinking that's the real one, she thought darkly.

"Don't care where who all goes, I'm sticking with everyone who's wounded," Kelas stated as the group began to discuss splitting up to rescue Eric's friend. "It won't do to leave them unattended in hostile territory. If we're moving them, we can put them on the horses, sure."

Tessa's words had stung a bit, but Arrin realized the truth they held: he'd been trying to protect her at the cost of helping the others, which she wouldn't stand for. He sighed and worked at distributing vulnerary; eventually everyone was stabilized. Obviously he wasn't very good at this protecting business, he thought sadly.

OOC: still catching up argh

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Alferis stayed still while Tessa treated his wound. It was nice having her minister him, he never had anybody be concerned about his injuries before.

"Thank you Tessa," he said, smiling at her.

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"Um you want a prediction Esphyr? It couldn't hurt, but I'm pretty sure we know what we're up against.

1. Thunder, probably Dani after all,

2. Sword, a powerful swordfighter will face you,

3. Twin, you'll meet someone, someone similar,

4. Voice, there's something important about someone's voice."

"It's basically things we already know. Only that'll you'll also meet someone. I'm not too keen on going, even if we need to save Dani. But if you're going, take that wyvern rider with you. He freaks me out."

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Isotov Irina Lev and Viveka

Iso had just been listening as Katie argued with Esphyr and the entire group debated on what to do about Dani, and what to do with Viveka ... who'd been unconscious for quite awhile. No one was sure exactly how Lev knocked her out, but it couldn't have been gentle, or precise.

Kiev watched as Alf tried to comfort Irina. Despite how miserable the situation was, she didn't push him away. She didn't have anything in particular to say, but she was grateful and her tears did stop soon enough.

Lev stood near chase just listening to the debating, and commenting aloud every now and then. When Morgan asked why they couldn't simply kill Viveka, Lev spoke up.

Lev: Hey, I paid the price to capture that girl, she's officially Lev property. I kindly suggest you guys get your own hostages to execute.

Viveka was finally starting to come to, but the back of her head was throbbing from the fall she took. The first thing she saw when she opened her eyes was Chase!

Viveka: ... ... oh no ... I've been captured haven't I ...?

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"No! We're helping you from... uh... Lev or something. Forget his name. But he almost tried to attack us... so yeah," Chase replied somewhat weakly.

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"... That was bad, Chase," Eric said. "Yeah, Lev over there sort of knocked you out, and we're just a bit occupied, dealing with some of the sellswords you sent after us."

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"She's not property!" exclaimed Esphyr, a furious tone in her voice. "No woman is! It's making me sick to hear you talk about us like we are! You're treating Dani like she's someone's table which someone else has stolen; an unfavorable task. You know what's going to happen to her if you don't do anything, yet you're dallying about trying to talk some out of it while volunteering people you dislike? Meanwhile you have someone calling a captive property? What are we, slavers? I thought we were better than all that! Shame! Shame on all of you! If you don't want me going off to rescue Dani, than I better see a few more of you going off to help her!"

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"I'm not saying she shouldn't be rescued necessarily, but as Crimson Weapon wielders it is not our job to rescue everyone we come across. Since some of our group is injured, it would be prudent for us to stick together for the greater good. Losing your life over some random mission is going to end up hurting a lot of people in the long run." Morgan chastised Esphyr. "I also do not recall anyone suggesting selling Viveka into slavery, that doesn't do us any good at all."

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"... I never said anyone was property, that was Lev," Eric said. "... I'm just trying to keep people out of it. Less misery for them. No need to go off like that."

Edit: It'm Get!

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Tessa suddenly felt a bit terrible at Esphyr's outburst. She didn't know what was going to happen to Dani, actually, but apparently it wasn't good, whatever it was. She hadn't intended to delay the expedition, just stop the important ones from leaving. She wasn't feeling good in general. Maybe Arrin had been somewhat right to worry about her wearing herself out. She was too proud to admit that at the moment though. She sort of just slunk back towards where Trevor was, hopefully unnoticed, trying to figure out how to deal with the mess she'd accidentally created.

Edit: Switched around a parenthetical, and editted for flow.

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Isotov Irina Lev and Viveka

Esphyr had snapped yet again, and Lev stood there trying and somewhat failing not to crack a smile at her while she rambled! Meanwhile Viveka was eying the entire group. The fire mage, Damian Kleine, the wyverns, Harold's daughter, Chase right next to her ... everyone she remembered was there.

Viveka: ... (What the hell is going on?! We came here to stop the mercs and I get captured by some lecherous wyvern lord?! Dammit! >_< )

Irina finally stood up not too far away, and let Alf lead her toward the main group while Kiev followed closely behind them. When she saw Lev again, she finally noticed his eye injury! Without another thought she rushed over to him!

Irina: Lev!! What happened to you?!!

Lev: Huh? What? This?

He pointed to his destroyed eye.

Lev: Umm ... if I tell you, promise not to freak out, alright?

Irina: ... okay ...

Lev: Viveka di-

Irina: Viveka?!!

She shot the pegasus knight a hateful look!

Viveka: What?

Irina: ... ... .... >_< ARGH!!!

Before anyone could stop her, Irina tackled Viveka! The two of them rolled a few feet across the ground, and when they came up, Irina had Viveka in a fatal choke hold!

Lev: ... holy wyvern ... that was fast! Irina, you promised remember?! :o

Irina: You stupid, high flying, Elyisimian psycho-bitch!! Nobody hurt's my friends!!

Viveka: Ack! Ug- *gasp* :wtf:

Viveka was in no mood to get choked to death, and didn't bother waiting for anyone to help! She quickly shot her right leg straight up! The shot impacted Irina's forehead and knocked her down onto her back! She held onto her forehead which was now bleeding, and Viveka took a few steps back, as she stood up.

Viveka: Back off or I'll kick you into a tree, you nimrod!

EDITED: For stuffs.

Edited by Phoenix
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"Alright," Eric said, stepping in between the two women. "Back off, the both of you. Irina, I know he's your friend, but flying off the handle and killing her is not going to solve anything. Viveka, don't move. I don't want to cut you down, but I will, if I have to. And someone get Lev a healer."

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Alferis just watched. He'd never seen girls fight before, although someone should get involved before one of them got killed. Fortunately Eric stepped in.

"Easy Irina, we want her to leave us alone, remember?"

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"Sir Eric, I suggest we leave this group to their inner conflicts and rescue Danielle immediately." Charlotte proclaimed She began to walk off in the general direction she remembered Travis heading off into.

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"Yes, milady," Eric said, after the two fliers had relaxed a little. "Don't go killing yourselves," he added, as he quickly caught up to the cleric.

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