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Thor Odinson

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I feel that Cenlon's the more badass one.

CONVENIENTLY ENOUGH I need to give him a massive description now anyway.

Now, rerail the topic because nobody else even knows where the fuck this thing we're talking about is and what the fuck kind of a name is 'Cenlon'.

If it was a book I'd probably read it, but for whatever reason, I just can't get to start reading from a screen. I don't know why.

Your Starfucker comment is still the best comment I've recieved.

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Some of you may have seen one of the pics (or two) in the FFtF PICTURE THREAD with me painting something.

Well, here it is, Not even halfway done. Probably won't be for another few months.

[spoiler=Massive WIP; Oil on Canvas; 30 something by...20? IDR]


I spent the last few weeks on the flowers at the bottom, lol.

Only get to work on it every Saturday though.

Edit: Watermark'd.

Edited by Luminescent Blade
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Some of you may have seen one of the pics (or two) in the FFtF PICTURE THREAD with me painting something.

Well, here it is, Not even halfway done. Probably won't be for another few months.

[spoiler=Massive WIP; Oil on Canvas; 30 something by...20? IDR]


I spent the last few weeks on the flowers at the bottom, lol.

Only get to work on it every Saturday though.

Edit: Watermark'd.

My eye is leaking.

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thats totally getting you a scholarship

Haha, this! What an incredible painting. I really hope you'll be majoring in art! Your talent deserves every second of cultivation you can devote to it.

Edited by Astelaine
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My FIT portfolio requirements came.

Wants a self-portrait.

So here's the baseline sketch for it. Imma reference a photo of me in the final version, but the design is what I'm doing it on.

Also I'm painting it in Photoshop.


Oh, and the sword is the SWORD OF CALCULUS. you can't see it because my camera's a webcam, but it has the derivative formula engraved on it. I'm making this picture infested with math, haha.

It's an intergral symbol for the guard. AMICLEVER? :awesome: :awesome: :awesome:

Edited by Luminescent Blade
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