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Thor Odinson

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Suddenly I recall my family's plan to get some Red Wine soon after seeing that.

Served alongside Italian Pasta makes it more scrumptious. I blame those fancy neighbors o' mine.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Inspired by the Kolbane pic that Ken did I decided to do DoF promotion art as well.

This is sill technically in sketch mode. I may or may not color it.

Whee Kolbane x Lumi


Kolbane: Nomnomnomnomnom hair :333

Lumi: Mine. >:33333

Edited by Luminescent Blade
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Inspired by the Kolbane pic that Ken did I decided to do DoF promotion art as well.

This is sill technically in sketch mode. I may or may not color it.

Whee Kolbane x Lumi


Kolbane: Nomnomnomnomnom hair :333

Lumi: Mine. >:33333

Sorry I haven't been following this particular pairing, but if their memories were wiped and they had to fight to the death, who would win?

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@Sev: I dunno, actually. Kolbane has higher atk on average and can wield stronger weapons with no little to no AS loss since he has 3 con on her, while Lumi is faster and at 20/20 will double him due to the 4 speed difference in caps. Lumi's defense is very high for a myrmidon, so Kolbane only a bit more HP on average over her (He has 20.6 def at 20/20 against her 20.55, lol). However, Lumi's luck is utter shit. So...uh...Lumi wins if she lands a critical on first shot. Kolbane wins if he brings out the swordslayer. It's pretty even IMO.

But basically, KolbanexLumi mirrors FuretxLumi here, since the actual Furetchen character is not available for Lumi's support and Kolb is one of Furet's characters anyway.

@CA: Play DoF. Actually, don't play until we release a new patch which will be...I dunno, sometime soonish? I'm working on some mugs right now. :3

Edited by Luminescent Blade
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  • 1 month later...

Oooo I like her. She's awesome in that she's pretty in a "call me a 'delicate, little flower' and I'll rip your face off" kind of way. ^w^

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