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Lord of Azure Flame: Chapter 12: *This Title has been stolen*


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"I didn't think you did.And therein lies the issue." By now,the trio had managed to get atop of Ulfhrahn without any mishaps.

"Of course,your insistance on waiting for Aiya is inconsequential now,isn't it?If you're interested,I can show you some."

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"No. That is because she's your first, and I'm only a fling compared to her. I know it and there's no need to hide it. And what issue? I don't have any issues like that!"

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"Well,you very well can't do anything with a clubbed body if you don't know how to go about it without input from your partner,in this hypothetical situation,it's an issue." Damian said bluntly,once again.

"And you're not a fling,Esphyr.For one,someone generally isn't widely considered a fling before they actually have sex with someone,and second,you mean more to me than that,Esphyr,and you know it."

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"Thanks, Tessa, but-- well-- you're a bit smaller than me, see, and if I pass out on you, it won't end well," Kelas replied. "What you can do, though-- d'you know how to make an emergency bridle? can you start making them? The horses have all had their bits stolen, and I doubt most of these people know how to properly rein without the bit. Oh and..." she suggested something anatomically improbable for Tessa to tell Morgan to do.

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OOC: Game over, man! Game over! :(


Victor was stunned! She willingly put her hand into his mouth! The same mouth that had killed thousands of animals and humans alike! It had to be a trap! He quickly backed away roaring at her, and turned to the side! With his feet sturdy against the ground, he lifted his tail back in order to swat her away! A short distance away, Morgan caught wind of the confrontation and warned Ivanko.

Ivanko: Hm? Great ...

He had his tomahawk ready before she even finished her sentence, and it was airborne and traveling at the bull wyvern as soon as she uttered the last word! The tomahawk slammed into Victor's head so hard that an even more powerful shaking overcame him and his tail shivered from the vibrations just like a rattlesnake's tail! The sound of metal ringing metal traveled pretty far, and Victor cringed on the ground, his paws over his ailing head! It seemed that his armor protected him from magic, but sure as hell made it easier for Ivanko to incapacitate him!

Viveka: That almost sounded like a church bell. Hey nice shot, Ivanko!

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"I don't doubt it Damian but... can we... well... At least wait till being airborn to talk about it? I was only teasing Aiya and joking with you. We don't need to drag my relationship with you two into public eye!"


"Awww... He retreated. I was looking forwards to a good wrestle... Not that it mattered. Keep your wyvern from doing more harm, or I will turn him into our next wagon." said the headmaster, smiling before sticking her tongue out happily at the wyvern.

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"Gah... my ears..." Chase cringed, not being too far away from the source of the sound, which appeared to be... Victor? Chase pondered it for a second, then saw the Tomahawk that had been the other cause. "Did he just throw that at his own Wyvern? Kind of a weird way to keep it i check, but whatever..."

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"Fair enough." Damian said,agreeing to hold off for now.

"Well,if that is all then,hold on tight!" Aiya reminded Damian and Esphyr,before Ulfhrahn soared high into the sky!

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"That's how Ivanko keeps his mercenaries in check as well apparently." Morgan said to Chase. "I may start utilizing such methods in the future."

"We appear to be saddling up here, anyone have room for a rider? I can walk otherwise." Morgan said to the assorted people mounting horses and wyverns (and a pegasus).

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"I can fly you." offered the Headmaster.


As Esphyr and the two took off into the air, Esphyr had little more to say. After all, now the pair was airborn, and they could now talk in at least some security. "So... Ummm... How do you see me and Damian Aiya?"

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Ivanko: Ivan, get the axe.

Ivan: Yes, sir ...

Once Victor's head stopped ringing, he started roaring at the head master ... loudly .... Surprisingly the tomahawk Ivanko threw had bounced off of Victor's head and flown straight upwards! Ivan wasn't sure where it had landed. He didn't know that it hadn't come back down yet. While still performing the wyvern equivalent of a "cuss out" toward the headmaster, the axe came tumbling back down and smashed into his helmet yet again! Once again over come by loud ringing, the wyvern collapsed! It was a terrible feeling ...

The tomahawk bounced away and landed at Ivan's feet as he approached. He quickly picked up the heavy thing and rushed back to Ivanko.

Iso: *sigh* please don't mess around like that. Victor's one of the biggest nuisances Ivanko's mercenaries have ...

Lev: Morgan! You've still got a seat here if you need it ^_^

EDIT: Fixed stuff.

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"Arrin, do you think that i can mount on him if he is missing his tack?" Turning to Chase he spoke. "Hey Chase dont you have room for another rider." He turned to Morgan. "Im sure Chase wouldnt mind letting you get on his mount." :hat:

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...How would that even work, Tessa wondered with regards to the last comment, and decided to thoughtfully keep it to herself. Aside from that, though, the answer she got was fully the one she had anticipated on getting. Thus already prepared, she scurried off, and horse-by-horse managed to put together makeshift emergency bridles. However, the process did take awhile. Damian and company were already aloft on Ulfrahn, by the time she'd finished the first two horses, and there were still several left to go.

OOC: If anyone wants brief chat while she fixes up the horses, go for it, otherwise we'll just zoom past that and say it's all good.

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"...Right, is anyone gonna help?" Kelas mumbled, nudging Amari forward as the others moved out. The mare refused, knowing her rider's precarious balance.

"It looks like Tessa's fixing it," Arrin told Helios, leading over Francis to see if he could help.

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"Thank you for the offer, but I would feel a bit more secure on something else. Besides, someone of my...talents probably should not stay so close to you." Morgan said to the Headmaster.

"I think it might be best if I ride with Chase instead, I am not feeling particularly alert as of right now, it may be advantageous to have someone who was not involved in combat sitting on a wyvern so they can scout for threats from above." Morgan said.

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Irina: This is ridiculous. And all because Morgan doesn't want Katie on any wyverns. Okay then, Iso, you ride with Kelas, and Katie ... you should ride with ... umm ... Helios, or Viveka ...

Lev: So we're passenger free, yes?

Irina: Yeah ... too bad we probably have to carry those huge shields.

Lev: >_>'

EDIT: Fix'd

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"What? Was it meant to be funny." Then he realized Chase's horse was acting the same his horse was. He kneeled over and put his hand on its face. It retaliated by biting his hand. "Tacks broken." Helios said arising. "You would lose control of the horse if you were to ride it in that state i think." Helios lead his horse over to Tessa. "My horse is missing its tack. Think you can can help?"

Edited by Kai
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"I think you're a good person Esphyr.You stick to what you believe in,and are generally nice enough to be around.And you make Damian happy as well,so I'm fine." Aiya answered.

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"Be right with you, Helios," Tessa called out gently, "Oh, and be a little more careful when inspecting a horse's mouth, that usually cuts down on the biting. Though, some horses just have tempers. Or maybe Chase's is taking after his rider, and just dislikes you for no reason." She laughed lightly at this, before following up. "It was just a light bite though, not anything I should look at, right?"

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"This." He said holding up his hands. "Its nothing though it is pretty impressive that you noticed it." He looked around. "I thought Kelas was the horse expert. Where did she go?"

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"Err... I don't think she's okay, that's all I really know... considering she just got mauled by Victor pretty recently..."

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"Like I said,Esphyr.It makes Damian happy,it doesn't really cause any harm,and I like you quite a bit myself." Aiya replied,once again with a smile.

"Such things are common in Halton,so Damian taking on a second lover is not surprising at all.I'm glad that he ended up choosing you."

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Morgan looked at Katie's note and frowned. "I thought you two would be able to put your revolting, childish infatuation with each other on hold for the safety of the group. I was apparently incorrect, but nevertheless you will be riding with someone else and that is the end of it." She turned and got on top of Chase's horse.

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