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[OUTDATED] Elibian Nights


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I've been focusing on Tale 4x today. Figured I'd post some screens to tease the tale (unlocking the tale is quite fun, I assure you).

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"We've barely settled in, what brings you to my home?" needs a semicolon, so it reads "We've barely settled in; what brings you to my home?" Since the two phrases you're connecting are independent clauses.

Sorry for going grammar Nazi; but I think that a game, hacked or not, must have proper grammar to look professional. (which is why many hacks look unprofessional)

Ken has been revealed to be a grammar Nazi, as shown as his post in Arch's thread. [3]

Edited by Ken Zomg
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Alright, the beta-testing stages are complete for version 3! Expect a release within the next few days, it could happen as early as tomorrow (there are just a few factors that need to fall into place) or maybe even today. Here's a screenshot montage from v3.


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I'm going to take a guess and say Nino just because she seems the most likely to be with Pent... not really good reasoning but w/e lol

Anyhow, everything's looking pretty dang awesome, and on a somewhat random note, Barbaros dun' look so tough. =P

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Hey, another thing. Why are Lyn and Hector promoted, but not Eliwood? He's the only one unpromoted in his Chapter, and ends up falling behind thanks to all the cavalry.

Just found that kinda weird.

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Hey, another thing. Why are Lyn and Hector promoted, but not Eliwood? He's the only one unpromoted in his Chapter, and ends up falling behind thanks to all the cavalry.

Just found that kinda weird.

He is promoted, I do believe (or, at least has caps above the unpromoted level caps). Just not mounted (i.e. not his Knight Lord class).

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Hey, another thing. Why are Lyn and Hector promoted, but not Eliwood? He's the only one unpromoted in his Chapter, and ends up falling behind thanks to all the cavalry.

Eliwood is promoted, just dismounted :P.

As for the identity of our female Sage, you'll have to play to find out.

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Heya Trollsage! XD

It has been a few days, I believe you have made us salivate over your delicious screenies for a fair amount of time now?

Any chance of an amazing release of your amazingly amazing hack, that would be... AMAZING XD

Edit: I had to fix up a text issue in my post but I just noticed that Mathew is a rogue!! *jaw drops*

Edited by Chaotic_Soma
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I am highly anticipating the latest release! It's probably for the best that I won't be able to play until this weekend, thanks to homework.

Maybe you mentioned this earlier, but are you updating Raven's chapter? I see Great Knights and what I assume are Halberdiers in the screenshot, which I don't remember being in v2.

Found an interesting glitch. Louise has Exp and nearly broken equipment on turn 1.


Edited by Meteor
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Well damn. I hate to say it, but it might be a FEW more days before version 3 comes out. The reason? Well, it's hard to explain. As someone who publishes works for others' enjoyment, I take a particular pride in the quality of that work. I played Tale 5 today, and I just didn't feel the plot's quality was on-par with my standards. Similar to how an author would rewrite a chapter of they book that was deemed inadequate, I am doing the same for Tale 5. I will be revising Tale 5 in the coming days, once that task is complete Elibian Nights' version 3 patch will finally be released! Until then I hope this screenshot is enough to compensate, it's the first scene of the new Tale 5 (complete with its newly created themes and depth!).


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I hope I'm not too late with the maps, but since I was busy and all, I kept forgetting about the maps.

So, here are the 2 other maps for tale 6:


For the Ilia map, I tried to go by your map in the video as much as possible, while enhancing the scenery and the village border.

For the Sacae map, this is basically what I had in mind. Dunno if it's entirely to your wishes, but I could change it anytime.

Just get on aim/msn and I'll send you the .fmp files.

Can't wait for the next release / info blast~

Edited by Feaw
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Barrage of screenshots! Boss palettes were done by the amazing seph1212, the new maps in Tale 6 was done by Feaw (it was posted just above this, I hope you realized that). Orun's mug was revised by Dei to be older as well. I hope people can appreciate this extra coat of polish going into version 3's release.


Edited by Optimus OVERTROLL
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Lol it's just colors then again Hector's new portrait colors are kinda distracting so maybe it's not "just colors"...

I don't remember any Prasad or Kaleva, but they sure sound like authentic Sacaen tribe names... XD their palettes and HP also make me think that they might be twins, or at least siblings...

Anyhow I'm getting pumped a little =D

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Yes indeed he does.


Feaw's second map has been inserted, Tale 6 is now 100% complete!


And what's this? A WIP political speech? Eubans is obviously not involved with the chapter, he's just subbing for the chapter's added mini-boss (the Marquess of Tuscana).

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