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[OUTDATED] Elibian Nights


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Jacob refers to the prince as "little girl".

On the prince's description it says he is from a distand land but it should be distant.

These may have already been said.



Between Alastor and Raven.


Edited by kittE
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I don't know if it was a fluke with me or everyone's experiencing this but at the end of Rath's Tale, I couldn't use any elixirs or chest keys from the chests.

......and I was just wondering if the Dragon's Gate in Tale Select is supposed to be opened or closed because it alternates for me.

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I had bigger issues with the patch - I literally couldn't access tale 6 (it took me right back to the title screen, and I would have been stuck if not for save states)

Also, I had the problem with the Sain Vulnerary tutorial - except for me it stopped me from trading anything with anyone after a certain point in the game (i think after i tried to trade with Hector and Fargus in Tale 5)

Louise has no death quote in Tale 4x.

Any other glitches I had have already been reported.

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Whew. I'm overwhelmed, I had no idea the game was this broken!


Anyways, I'm slowly plucking away at getting each little error fixed. Thanks everyone for reporting and keep 'em coming!

I don't know if it was a fluke with me or everyone's experiencing this but at the end of Rath's Tale, I couldn't use any elixirs or chest keys from the chests.

The Elixirs not working aren't a glitch. Chests toward the boss were meant to be removed and I'll deal with them promptly.

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The Elixirs not working aren't a glitch. Chests toward the boss were meant to be removed and I'll deal with them promptly.

I kinda just assumed you were fucking with us with the elixirs. :D

Edit: Hector's tale, the NPC Valkyrie is funny. It just stole a tonic, and it's been following Serra around healing her, but uhh, she's at full HP. It says no damage each time.

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Small spelling Error


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Anatomy is what you meant.

Now I'm just bitching but wouldn't physiology be more of an apt description to what Nergal would have learned through the experiments. At least it looks better than the cumbersome "Anatomy & Physiology" which no one would use outside of medical jargon. Just my opinion, nothing big, there's more important issues to address than this.

Edit--- How do I take a smaller pic like most people do?

Edit 2---- Not sure if someone has mentioned this but some of the sages and druid pilfer Rusty Swords' from my characters. AT this point I have 3 S Rank Swords with infinite usage trolling the mess out of me by forcing me to drop the Warp and Rescue Staves.

Edited by rohan
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Edit--- How do I take a smaller pic like most people do?

It's an option in VBA under File called Screen Capture.

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You may want to replace Sain's Horseslayer (or give it to Kent?) in Lyn's tale - as near as I can tell the Silver Lance inflicts the exact same amount of damage to the cavalry but with better accuracy, making it pointless.

Edited by Rambo M
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You may want to replace Sain's Horseslayer (or give it to Kent?) in Lyn's tale - as near as I can tell the Silver Lance inflicts the exact same amount of damage to the cavalry but with better accuracy, making it pointless.

That's the joke

It's Sain, the man who is always terribly unprepared for fighting. Like the first chapter he showed up in, in FE7.

So of course he'd have a useless weapon to carry around, he simply brought it because he thought it might make him look more dashing.

Although, if Arch really wanted to hammer that as being a joke, he could throw a Silver Axe onto Sain, have something like this take place before the chapter:

"Kent, look at this! This axe will be sure to impress all the gorgeous Sacaen beauties as we ride off into battle!"

"Sain, are you even sure you can wield that thing properly?"

"Of course I can! I'm a royal knight, I've been taught to fight with such weaponry! Now, you just... hold it... like... this...!"

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It's Sain, the man who is always terribly unprepared for fighting. Like the first chapter he showed up in, in FE7.

So of course he'd have a useless weapon to carry around, he simply brought it because he thought it might make him look more dashing.

...doy. This explains why he brought nothing to heal with. Never mind :p

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As for the trading tutorial thing, it happens also whenever anyone tries to trade in Zealot's tale.

Also, I think this may already have been mentioned, but once you recruit Sykes he can't be selected: when you press A on him the map menu comes up.

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You may want to replace Sain's Horseslayer (or give it to Kent?) in Lyn's tale - as near as I can tell the Silver Lance inflicts the exact same amount of damage to the cavalry but with better accuracy, making it pointless.

Perhaps he thought that a Silver Lance would make it too easy?

Also, a Horseslayer does 1 more damage against sword-using cavalry. Maybe Sain expected to fight Nomad Troopers? Or perhaps Sain had a leftover Horseslayer from FE7 proper? Or perhaps Sain only had 1040 gold in his pocket when he went to the Armoury and could only afford a Horseslayer?

Edited by Anouleth
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Spelling error:

In Rebuilding Pherae when Merlinus and Eliwood are talking he spells arrived as arived(missing a r).


I think his dying sprite is wrong aha.


Oh, and, I fucking LOVE Kent's armor. Seriously, it is amazing. <3

Sain and Kent's mini-mugs haven't changed to fit their new mugs though, not sure if you knew.

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just want to say i got into Elibian Nights 2 months ago and i think it's awesome

love tale 7 but i noticed something it's not a bug but it an oversight

you can talk to Skyes with Farina right after you recruit him and yah there are spoilers because the event happens after the turn ends.

i don't think there's anything you can do but just putting it out there

keep up the great work arch

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I'm really enjoying this beta so far. But I have two problems:

1:Orun becomes broken. He maxed out 3 of his stats by the time I finished the map. I know it's only a map,but still.

2:I can't play Karel's tale. The screens plays for a few seconds,but then it goes back to the opening titles

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1:Orun becomes broken. He maxed out 3 of his stats by the time I finished the map. I know it's only a map,but still.

That's the whole point of him being there, but his growths can fail you somewhat. I managed to get Orun to Level 12 and he never gained a single point of DEF (of course he gained heaps of everything else [capped speed]).

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That's the whole point of him being there, but his growths can fail you somewhat. I managed to get Orun to Level 12 and he never gained a single point of DEF (of course he gained heaps of everything else [capped speed]).

Mine gained quite a few points. He nearly got a perfect level up everytime. It was either defence or a maxed out skill that was stopping it. You can basically solo the chapter with him(and the NPC's)

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With the first Gaiden, can Dart (er... Dan) and Rebecca have something other than an Iron Axe and Longbow respectively? Perhaps a Hand Axe and Steel Bow as well? Also, what's with all the throwbacks in Pent's Tale (Crusader Scrolls, Eirika's Bracelet, Starshard Orbs and those random Rusty Swords [i can only assume the Rusty Swords are there to torment the player, in which case well done, because there's nothing like having a ridiculously overkilled weapon which NO-ONE CAN USE])? Do they actually have any use? Also, has anyone managed to get Karel's Tale to work?

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Hey Arch, i've been playing Tale 7, but I found a glitch, whenever I try to move Sykes the menu pops up. Also the palette for Pegasus knights is all screwed up.

So far the only "solution" to this is opening Nightmare and opening Character Editor. Go to Sealen and go down to where it displays character abilities. Once there I changed Character Ability 3 from "57" to "00" and tested it out, so far n problems, I don't know what the other values do so I left them unchanged.

I hope this helps in using Sykes until an "official" solution is given, unless changing the characteristic screws up any events using Sykes, in which case you're taking a gamble.

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what's with all the throwbacks in Pent's Tale (Crusader Scrolls, Eirika's Bracelet, Starshard Orbs and those random Rusty Swords [i can only assume the Rusty Swords are there to torment the player, in which case well done, because there's nothing like having a ridiculously overkilled weapon which NO-ONE CAN USE])? Do they actually have any use?

I'm pretty sure they're for the 'Emblemologist' achievement somehow. Canas should hire the morphs to find artifacts for him because they found about seven Ragn- ....er Rusty Swords for me. >_>

Also, I was wondering if you can give the chest key to someone other than Canas because as soon as he appeared he got greedy and started pilfering everything....

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