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[OUTDATED] Elibian Nights


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In Hector's Tale, the village doesn't close when you enter it(by the starting point) and Shaver makes the game glitch up(this happens every time).


Also, the Power staff doesn't work(though I think this was already said).


The Shaver glitches is also happening in Pent's Tale.

With Shaver, battle animations must be turned off, so in those battles where Shaver is just turn all animation off. As for Power Staff, for me, that works with Battle Animation turned on but not when it's off. It's strange working that way, but that's how it is until it's fixed.

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Pent's Tale(s):


  • When Ephidel talks Limstella's face is shown.

Oh, and, is this right?


Karel seems a bit random.

And this:


  • And is Hawkeye suppose to have a B support with Ephidel?

This still happens even if you kill Ceodore:


Usually these kind of chapters end when you kill the boss.

I think this is suppose to be in.


Hector's Tale:


  • Laus Valkyrie keeps trying to heal Serra even though she is at full hp?
  • After you recruit Erik, Hector can still talk to him and the recruit dialogue plays again.





Oh, hey there Brendan:


Zealot's Tale:


Might want to realign her eyes; they fuck up as well when Farina blinks:


  • Also, wtf happened Niime? She looks amazing(could use a bit more neck though...)! Love the design . <3

More palette issues:


Karel's Tale:

[spoiler=Karel]NOT playable.


[spoiler=Extra]I think there is something wrong here:


Brendan became Matthew? Also, I did not actually complete this achievement so I do not know why it appeared.

  • Juno in extra content is not viewable.

Nils can be rescued:


This hack is so well-done and really feels like it was made by IS! :)

(Besides all of the bugs of course haha).

Edited by kittE
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Just started playing this today and i got to say this by far one of the best hacks i have ever played everything is done so smoothly with the charcter developments and the story for each charcter i love how its not easy but not really hard if you plan right

Although i will say the halbriders in ravens tale are tough they owned me a couple times cause i underestimated them

I just finished ravens tale and i cant wait to finish this up with how good this is written i would say its cannon (even if its not) it just feels right

Edit: eveyone seems to be having problems with the shaver animation but it works just fine for me on the enemy and me useing it so idk on that one maybe a emulator problem and not the hacks problem? just a thought

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Just a thought regarding Zealot's tale.

In the "Talk" dialogue between Zealot and Wallace, where Wallace gives Zealot a Silver Lance, Wallace mentions that he hasn't touched a lance in years, and has gravitated more toward Axe-fighting.

That in mind, it feels sort of... strange then, that besides his axe, Wallace starts with a Heavy Spear. Perhaps, in keeping with that comment, maybe give him a Handaxe or something instead, so he can really focus on his axe-fighting? All of your other starting characters cover Lances pretty well, and the three mounted units all have swords, but only Wallace and Sain have axes.

I dunno, maybe I'm just putting too much weight on that one comment, feel free to ignore me.

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@Yoshi: What ever made you think that that would be a good idea in the first place?

Also, I'm slowly but steadily getting everything primed and ready for the v4 release. Just got done with a week of mid-terms and essays, so it looks like my spare time will be a lot more free for work in the coming days.

And if you haven't already, please like our Facebook page. We're planning on releasing trivia and content exclusive to that page, so stay tuned for updates!

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Well, I've been hard at work today. Since the team is trying to crank out some more trivial content for you all to enjoy while we fix the myriad of bugs and glitches, I decided to pen an article for the blog today. Been quite a while since I've done that, and I figured that the history of Tale 7 was long enough to be fully explored. Over the next several days we'll be going through this three-part article, detailing the evolution of the Ilian tale from just another generic bandit chapter, to a chapter focused on the character of Zealot, a man who would rise to become Ilia's first King.


In addition to that, the Facebook content we've posted are also now up on the blog main page.

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Double post, but I do have a rather large announcement.

Elibian Nights has found its way into the Nintendo Community Fangames Convention! This is a big step for us in the Nintendo Community, and we would like you to support EN as both fans of the project, and fans of Fire Emblem as a whole! And be sure to check out all of the other amazing projects while you're there, such as Metroid: Project AM2R, Fire Emblem: Immortal Sword (by the fandom's own BwdYeti), and many... MANY others!

View our project, and everyone elses, here


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Hey guys, quick question:

I've downloaded v3.7 from the Elibian Nights website and I'm not getting access to any achievements nor am I able to talk to Zealot nor Rath on the Tales Select. (Although from what I've guessed from skimming through the topic, Rath isn't available yet? Maybe?)

So my question is what is the latest release out for Elibian Nights and where can I find it??

Anyways, awesome job Arch! This hack is amazing and has prevented me for studying from my physio exam for the last couple hours (I regret nothing).

I look forward to v4! :)

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All the content you described is for v4. Version 4 is currently in a public beta, but I haven't updated the patch with bugfixes in quite a while. There's still a lot to get through, but I'm hoping to have the actual release of v4 here soon.

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Arch, I have a question: Is Dan from the Rebuilding Pherae tale Dart? 'Cause Dart's name is Dan and Dan's sprite uses Dart as a base(from what I can tell).

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In addition to the talk sequence, there's a piece of bonus content that makes the answer even more concrete. It's unlocked by having Hector and Fargus talk in Tale 5 and unlocking the "Baby, Talk to Me" achievement.

Turning attention to the blog, we've got the second part of our three-part series on the development of Tale 7. This segment details the third draft, the inclusion of Zealot, and the gameplay gimmick that almost defined the chapter. Check it out, here!

Also, if you haven't already, please take a second and support our project in the Nintendo Community Fangame Convention. A strong showing by Elibian Nights helps publicize the project, and is a strong landmark for our community as a whole. As it stands, Elibian Nights and Immortal Sword are the only FE projects ever entered into this convention, so I hope both projects can get your support. In a convention dominated by Mario and Zelda, having two Fire Emblem games with a strong showing is really spectacular. It doesn't take much, just scroll down to the bottom of the page and hit "like." And while you're there, be sure to check out the myriad of other amazing projects! The whole convention really is a treat, and there are a ton of great games (many that I didn't even know about before this). So while you're there, take a good look around, it's almost impossible to not find something you like.

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Arch is busy with school and preparing the Version 4 release, which he has made quite clear several times. I submitted it in his place. He considers me staff, so it seems fair enough to me. On top of that, no rules said the project creator had to do any and all submissions.

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