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I like tea

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Okays so

See, I don'ty think mya body reacts normallsy to sugars and caffieen becayse I don'tr eat it/drinke it at all like I used to. I'm ont this diets things and it's been thawe3t way for wlamost fours year

Butr I love tea |: U can't keep away from it, it's like the best thing in the world. Likew, I gots thuis sdame reactionw froem Lollicupo tea.


see, that is the face of love

I had a swtraberry tea and decided that'sd not all that I wantedf freot the day. We were walking through the mall in Columbia, MO and I wanted fmore tea when we were walking back out if the wplace, so I got a strawberry-banana snow. It was one of the best things I have ever tasted, and I saw the Asian womans dump the sugar in the tea and normally I wdould be opposed to that because I am one a diet. |: It is the only timew I tried not to feel bad for confsmuing something that might have a but more sugar than I sdhould be taking into my system, since it sian't as used to that athing tanytmore.

I decdied that since I havent' had that kind of tes in a while I askeds my mom to get me a swwet tea freom McDonals's. She forgot to get me one last night (and she evern went to Mc Donald's twice; i wanoder if this was god asking me to reconsider) but my impulse got the better of me and my craving for tea (causeds by Lollicup, damn thast Lollicupo) had me asked my momf for a sweet tea toaday as she went out to get food for my sister. I dpont' know mhow much sugar they purt in that shit, butd oh my god, I think God is punchising me |:

and thats is my story

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Tazo chai latte ftw.

I have a glass of it right now

Also: "punchishing" might be one of the coolest words I have ever heard. Ever.

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lol. XD

I have to say that I am slightly jealous of you. Do you get like this just from sugar?

Oh? Have I been summoned?

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I like herbal tea a lot, but I haven't tried the others yet. Regardless, I really enjoyed reading this but eh, what else would you expect from Bizz's threads?

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Except Green Tea. That's for hippies.

I had green tea once, just tasted like hot water.

regardless, I quite enjoy most types of tea.

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