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Lord of Azure Flame: Chapter 14: The mental limit


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OOC: Its just a plot battle...

"Hey ease up a bit. I didnt mean right now. I just woke up and im still a little groggy. Now is not the best time." Helios thought for a moment. "How about right after a battle, traveling with this circus we are ensured to have one. I will be in the mood to fight and so will you. How about it?"

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"Another day, another adventure... another dozen or so arguments..." Chase muttered to himself as he got ready for the morning. He descended to the kitchen, fingering a small red object in his left hand, and began eating with the others after a brief "Hi".


Conrad awoke, muttering, "Great... if this is as foolish of a day as it was yesterday, I wouldn't be surprised if the group got their reputation because they fight amongst each other so much..." Getting his garments for the day, he checked his bags to make sure everything was still in its place, only to notice something missing- something in a small box. "Gah! My pin, it's gone!"

Edited by Lightning
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Morgan woke up with a headache and yelled what the hell are you doing you motherfuckers!?, but got out of bed anyway.

She looked around at everyone gathering in the common room of the inn. "What was stolen from us? And on that note, we should get moving to Septimus quickly."

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Conrad barged down the stairs furiously, just in time to hear the shamaness's question. "My pin! The only identification I have that proves I'm a general. This is terrible."

"Your pin? So? isn't your emblem on your armor anyways?" Chase remarked.

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OOC: The relationship between these two coversations is odd

Morgan shrugged. "Probably for the best Septimians can't identify you as an Elysimian general anyway."

Charlotte showed her ring to the guards. "This is the royal crest of Jerdon. Is that enough identification?'

The guard frowned "You could have taken this off of any member of the royal family that was killed."

"I doubt Jace would allow any expensive valuables just slip through his fingers like that." Charlotte retorted. "I can prove my identity further if you like."

The guard moved his head fron side to side. "I don't know what else to ask really, I'll let the emperor decide. You and your bodyguards can wait in the sitting room until His Majesty deems it appropriate to have an audience with you."

Charlotte curtsied and the group went to the sitting room. Charlotte began to pace back and forth in the small room and talk, out loud though half to herself.

"Should I refer to myself as Princess Charlotte or Queen Charlotte? I am the ruler of Jerdon by right, but it feels wrong to refer to myself as queen...the queen was my mother and I have not even seen the trhone since she sat in it. Princesses can't be rulers of kingdoms. I suppose I could change Jerdon to a principality..."

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Eric & Dani

"I would say, Princess, personally, your highness," Eric said, apparently ignoring the decor. "After our land is restored, perhaps you may adopt the title of Queen. That way, there could be a coronation."

"Elysimia's is just as grand, what with the tapestries of the heroes," Dani said, unfazed by the decor. "Then there's the Palais Cristal pf Jerdon, where the entire castle was covered in diamonds. No idea about what the Septimians have, for decoration taste. I was going to visit there, before this happened...," the mage trailed off, looking down. "But anyways, this is pretty grand, yes."


I bet Dani would freak, if she saw me wake up this early, Derek thought, putting on his cavalier armor. Attaching his cape to the back of the chest mail, the man slipped on his helm, and pushed the visor down. Once out of his room, Derek made a beeline for the stables. After buying a spare saddle from the stable boy, the cavalier attached it to his mare. Saddling up, he rode the horse out of town, partly to get adjusted to his armor and the speed of the horse, and partly to think up a name for her.

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"Nyuuugggg... I feel aweful." said Esphyr, groaning in pain as the fever that plagued her forehead broke suddenly, turning her flesh from a scorching heat into that of frozen ice.

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Rita walked with the others through the castle gate. The palace was huge! The floors gleemed, and maids could be seen every so often, running through the halls carrying buckets, plates, or things of that sort.

Rita stood with the others in the hall. "I hope they believe you, your highness. If not, they may try to take us to some sort of Crimson chamber!" Rita tried to laugh her joke off.

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Why was he so excited? He fought her before but he didnt know why he was exciting. As Helios walked down the hall (Needs clarification) he saw Esphyr on the floor groaning. Funny. He didnt recognise her without Damian on top of her. "Esphyr you okay?"

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"No." said Esphyr, trying to get her arms under her to push away from Arrin's lap. "I feel cold, and I... I passed out. Delusions of weasels making fun of K's for tomes meant for monk children." she said, finally managing to get her arms under her. She gave a quick push, getting her into a leaning position as she tried to scramble upright, only to suddenly pitch forwards and smash into another table. However, this time, she managed to catch her balance and not tumble to the ground. An improvement to be sure.

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Dani & Eric

"Usually, there's one to the throne room, and a few scattered around the rest of the castle," Dani said nonchalantly. "What would you expect, with places this large?"

Eric, meanwhile, was frowning at the prospect of a crimson room. "Should that happen, it looks like we'll have to turn to Elysimia, for aid," he said, thinking deeply.

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"Elysimia will not aid us." said Charlotte, shaking her head. "I have already investigated the possibility and they stick firmly to their neutral policy." She nodded in agreement to Dani's comment about the decorations.

Just after she finsihed this statement, a guard opened the door. "The emperor is ready to see you now."

Charlotte and company traveled to the throne room. Charlotte curtsied before the emperor and motioned for the present company to bow.

"So you are the girl claiming to be Princess Charlotte then?" asked the emperor.

"I do not just claim I--" Charlotte began.

"There is no need for further evidence." said the emperor. "You are the spitting image of Queen Lucille, though you have King Frederic's eyes. I am convinced. The identity of your companions, however, is unknown to me."

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"Take it easy," Arrin suggested as Esphyr got up, offering an arm for support in case she needed it. "More water?"


"We leaving once everyone's up and had breakfast, then?" Kelas asked as the room began to fill.

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"Official bodyguards?" said Emperor Cassius, raising an eyebrow at the group. "They seem like vagabonds to me. But their identity is of little importance."

"Your Highness, I wish to ask-" Charlotte began.

"I already know of what you speak." said Emperor Cassius, waving a hand in the air dismissively. "You wish Halton's military aid to help you reclaim Septimus, correct? A cause I am willing to devote Halton's military forces to, should you sign this parchment. In the...correct sort of ink if you get my meaning." said the emperor. A servant boy thrust the parchment into Charlotte's hands.

Not unrolling the paper for the moment, Charlotte turned to the emperor. "Your highness, I wish to discuss the matter of this agreement in private with my advisors. Would I be permitted to do so?"

"Very well." said Emperor Cassius. "You may use the sitting room you were sitting in earlier."

Charlotte returned to the sitting room and began reading the parchment.

Edited by -Cynthia-
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"There's something odd about this. I didn't think all this just required a signature, he doesn't seem terribly interested in this. Maybe you should read the fine print. Don't ask me for help though, there's probably a lot of words there I don't know."

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"It's not just a signature." Charlotte said. "When he mentioned "correct sort of ink", he was talking about blood. This is a blood pact, both parties that sign it are magically bound. Any party that breaks it will have their subjects die."

"The terms of the agreement are rather...harsh though. In the case of a Septimian defeat, Halton becomes Jerdon's suzerain state. Meaning that we'd bascially be prone to Halton's every whim or risk annihilation. Though Halton could probably free Jerdon from Septimus." Charlotte bit her lip.

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"Exchange one tyrant for another. Great plan. Does Damian now that..." he dropped to a whisper, careful enough to make sure nobody else heard, "that the emperor is a complete asshat?"

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