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Things you should never say.

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Examples of things never to say:

1. I found this on the GameFAQ's website on Monshou no Nazo: "Is Ike in this game?"

2. On Youtube on FE OAV: "Where's Ike?"

3. Also on youtube on a video of Blazing Sword: "Who's that blue haired girl at the end? Is that Marth?"

4. General stupid thinking: "Marth is a girl/ doesn't like women." (That one gets me mad. Ignorant jerks.)

5. Never pronounce "Gaiden" as /geɪ/dɛn/. It's pronounced /gaɪ/dɛn/ or, if you're really picky, /ga/i/de/n/. It's like the select few morons that pronounce "Raiden" as /reɪ/dɛn/.

6. "Yeah, sure I know Fire Emblem it's the game with Marth and Roy, right?"

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5. Never pronounce "Gaiden" as /geɪ/dɛn/. It's pronounced /gaɪ/dɛn/ or, if you're really picky, /ga/i/de/n/. It's like the select few morons that pronounce "Raiden" as /reɪ/dɛn

*Cough* :unsure: Now who would pronounce it that way right :rolleyes:

Again english language is confusing.

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*Cough* :unsure: Now who would pronounce it that way right :rolleyes:

Again english language is confusing.

Gaiden and Raiden are both Japanese words. This isn't the fault of the English language. :\

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Here's a stupid question people ask about Fire Emblem:

"Is there any way to bring my dead units back?"

when it says very clearly on the back of the game box that if your units fall in battle, they are gone forever! I know some Fire Emblems have staves that can revive dead characters but still.....

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Here's a stupid question people ask about Fire Emblem:

"Is there any way to bring my dead units back?"

when it says very clearly on the back of the game box that if your units fall in battle, they are gone forever! I know some Fire Emblems have staves that can revive dead characters but still.....

It will be a valid question once New Mystery hops the ocean.

My gripe. . ."Hey, why are you using such a low-tier/ugly unit?" I like using Roshea because it's funny, and Cain is really cute!

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I was thinking about making a whole thread about this and maybe I will, but it bothers me when people complain about the difficulty when these are the same people who avoid pre-premotes with a passion and always use the characters that they know are broken.

People do that, don't they?


Yay or Nay to that one?

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When new players tell you who to use, and usually theyre Jagen/Vyland. My cousin screwed up a PT of mine. I did what he wanted to shut him up.

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Caeda is "See-duh." Considering her Japanese name was "Shiida" in Romaji, how NOA could actually make that "Kay-duh" is beyond me.

Gaiden is "Guy-den." If it was "Gay-den" it would be Geiden. Actually, that would be "Gehh-den" so Gayden can't ever be correct. It also ends with "den" because there's no "uh" sound in Japanese. "Duh" is in Caeda because that's a romanized version of her name, while Gaiden is a Japanese word.

And how could you think Marth/Roy are girls? I always knew they were both boys. Nothing about them says female to me, at least nothing that's come out in America.

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Marth wears a tiara and has no pants, like ALL women should.

I thought that post needed a slight amendment to reflect the unfortunate reality of the situation.

Edited by Integrity
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Kinda spoiler, but.

When FE fans who have tasted older FEs run around claiming Sigurd is their best lord ever, remind them that he dies permanently halfway through the story.

But that's what makes him so epic.

SSB has corrupted Fire Emblem. >_>

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If it weren't for SSB most NA gamers would have never heard of Fire Emblem. Fire Emblem started getting released in North America because of SSB.

Here's one thing to never say: That your units dared to turn out differently than what the average stats would predict. You will be swiftly met with a PEMN.

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Never ask, "What's the point of debating! I know how to win the game with any good set of characters." Obviously an idiotic question.

"ZOMG Jeigan is the best character in teh gaem!!! Teh othur caracturz suk!"

Also works with Marcus.

As for FE9, I have learned that idiots say Titania is awesome, decent players say Titania sucks, and debaters say Titania is awesome. Go figure.

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As for FE9, I have learned that idiots say Titania is awesome, decent players say Titania sucks, and debaters say Titania is awesome. Go figure.

Same with Seth and FE8 too, in my experience before I joined SF.

How they could hate such a sexy man whose game is his solo adventure is beyond me.

Edited by Luminescent Blade
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