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Lord of Azure Flame: Chapter 15: Happy Birthday Esphyr!


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"You could call it a present." Aiya answered her.


Damian found what he was looking for,just where he had hidden it.

The intricate healing staff he had produced was rather long,the handle made of red oak, with a polished finish. The catalyst gem at the top of the staff was a shimmering sapphire. Near the base of the shaft,her name was engraved in Damian's own handwriting. It would still serve it's function as a healing staff,of course, but that wasn't why Damian had chose this gift.

'She always said that she was happy at TISME... she always said her life went downhill when she left... the least I can do is try to bring that time back to her...'

He turned back towards where he had left her,concealing the staff.

"Esphyr... you said your years at TISME before your sword appeared were the best of your life... well,hopefully I can help bring you back to that time... here is your gift." He said,slightly nervous, as he handed Esphyr the staff.

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Levski and Krinkov

Krinkov looked up again when Chase showed up. The small one that also produced pheromones in the presence of the useless female he thought. He put his head back down and closed his eyes trying to forget that both of them were there.

Lev: Ah Chase. Everyone's back at the camp over there ... and I do mean everyone. Even Charlotte and her friends came back.

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"They did? That's good..." Chase replied. "Is Morgan alright now? She looked pretty bad earlier, and it's probably not all because of the battle, either. She was sick, wasn't she? Being captured definitely didn't help her out..."

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A look of tranquil shock overtook Esphyr as Damian offered her the staff. The silver lining of a tear formed in her eye as she slowly stood up, her arms reaching out to take the staff. She plucked it from his hands, feeling it's weight and heft in her own. For a moment, she made no notion, simply holding the staff as memories flooded back to her. "Thank you." she said, her voice wavery and uneven. "Damian, if you will excuse me, I... I need to be alone for a moment." she said, clutching the weapon too her as she turned about, a tear streaking down her cheek.

OOC: Even though she said she needs to be alone, you CAN try to talk to her. Just try to make it have a reason.

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'Was I wrong?' Esphyr looked dazed,and Damian began to worry.

'Was it too soon?'

"E-Esphyr..." She had said she needed a moment alone, and while Damian was worried,he had nothing he could say. His mind couldn't come up with the words.

'What if I hurt her?'

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"So you're okay? I-I was worried... I-I don't know what I would have done had I ended up hurting you..." Damian replied, relieved that Esphyr seemed okay.

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"That was me." He replied to Charlette. "Damian was here for a while then left, then Pary beat her up a bit. Then Esphyr and Kelas started to have a conversation about Rape." <_<

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"If you still want to become a mage knight,then I'm sure you can do it Esphyr." Damian said,with a renewed strength in his voice.

"It takes a lot out of you,because you aren't used to it,but you can still use a heal staff, and I've seen you imbue your sword with thunder magic. It would take some practice, but you've clearly got the talent and the potential, or they wouldn't have picked you in the first place. All you lack is the training." Damian continued, with confidence.

"All you need is a magic teacher Esphyr. If you still want to, with your determination and skill, you'd make it,no question."

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A thin smile came from Esphyr as Damian spoke. What's more, she couldn't feel the wrath of the sword she kept inside her stirring as he did, meaning that it seemed she did indeed have a chance. A chance to finally complete what she had failed as a child.

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"Were you aware that that was a Septimian general?" Charlotte asked Helios, hands on her hips. "As in, the emissary of one of the only allies we might have in this nation? What is wrong with you people? Unecessarily anatagonizing military officals could be seen as hostile, and you all were representing me at the time! Colonel Kleine should know better, wars could be started over something like this."

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Finishing his tea, Pary got out of the river, and dried off with a spare robe. He redressed, and walked back to camp. "Is anyone hungry? I guess I could make something."

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"Simple story. We were attacked twice. We mistakes the general for reinforcements of the first attack. Anyways she was after you in the first place. Would you happen to know why?"

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"The King and Queen of Septimus wish to have an audience with me apparently." Charlotte replied to Helios. "it is posible they are working for Jace, but I doubt it. King Stefan and Queen Isolde value tradition highly, and the royal families of Jerdon and Septimus have been at peace for centuries."

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"Apparently she thought you were attacking Septimian civilians, which would require her to step in and defend them. The fact that there were Haltonian and Elysimian soldiers and officers among the group probably did not help matters. I'm pretty sure that members of the military are not supposed to cross the borders of other nations without seeking permission first, at least that's how it worked in Jerdon." Charlotte said, pointhing her finger.

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"With all due respect Princess, this isnt Jerdon. And we did have permission to enter. We signed up for new passports and were allowed to enter. You can ask Derek if you want seeing he was first."

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Trevor had just finished a nice morning run with that alpha mare. It was good exercise, and the mare was good company. She seemed to have some interest in his current human too, so he had been making an effort to get along well. On the subject of his current human... it had been awhile. Usually the human would come to see him either late at night, or early in the morning, often both, but something was out of order.

Trotting over to the stand of trees where he'd last seen his human and another of the humans, Trevor saw that she was still laying down. Curious, he lifted a hoof, and gently prodded her. Was the human alright?


"Nngg," Tessa mumbled out. She'd been curled up, pleasantly avoiding having to deal with anything, until something nudged her from behind. Rolling over and looking up, she saw a blurry outline of a horse. It nickered at her, and she understood. "That you, Trevor you big lug? Missing me, huh. Sorry about that."

Uncurling she stood up, stretched, then put out her hand to steady herself on one of the trees.

It went straight through it, and she lost her balance and fell unceremoniously. That's odd. I knew the trees were thin, but not that thin, she thought, bringing a smile to her face despite the situation. But it did confirm that either her depth perception, or something else was still not proper.

"Ughh. I'm parched," she whined lightly. "Breathing through my mouth all night completely dried me out." Reaching for Arrin's canteen that was still nearby from yesterday, she had a drink, then contemplated standing back up again.

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OOC: I thought I made this post already, but apparently not.

"I suppose..." Chase replied. "But I just wish there was something I could do to help her. I'm helpless when it comes to sicknesses."

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"I doubt Sir Derek introduced himself as a member of the Jerdonian military. The other members of the group likely did not identify themselves properly either...under what pretenses were you all offered passports? Prince Tristan will probably get himself all worked up if ever hears soldiers of other nations entered the country posing as merchants or something." Charlotte responded to Helios.

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"Damian, if you don't mind though, I need some time alone." said Esphyr, clutching the staff. With a slow walk, she turned about and headed off towards the edge of the camp, seeking to sit down and spend some time alone.

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"Sure." Damian said, as Esphyr began to walk off.

"Are you sure we should-?"

"Yeah. She'll be okay... Esphyr's resiliant." Damian replied to Aiya's question before she finished it.

"We should head back to the center of the camp,for now. Esphyr won't have problems finding us if she wants to."

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"Oh, are you awake?" Arrin asked uselessly as Tessa stood up and promptly fell over. "Hey-- careful--" He got up and hurried over to help her up. "Do you want to go see if there's breakfast on? Oh, er... can you...?" he trailed off worriedly.


People were starting to disperse again. Kelas sighed: once again, they proved incapable of mobilizing in any reasonable amount of time. As Amari wandered off to socialize with her self-defined herd, Kelas got back to sword exercises, getting used to the actions.


Having ensured that Kelas wasn't going to get any of the other humans mad, Amari had headed over to see how everyone was doing: the herd seemed to be in good shape overall. Trevor had accompanied her, but had just returned to his human.

Amari supposed she should also check up on Kiev, to see that he wasn't getting himself into trouble. She trotted over to the wyvern, greeting him with an inquisitive whinny.

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