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Im paranoid though. Anything under 50% is a bad odd to me.

No point in getting paranoid. Obviously, for the Rebel Army's success, we don't want anyone sabotaging our plans. But if the first mission gets sabotaged, then we'll find one Spy amongst a group of 3 people. This can help a lot in identifying the Spy later so it's not really too bad.

Besides, even if we DO pick a Spy, I have doubts that they would want to sabotage this mission since it's too risky with only three suspects. They might prefer to wait until there are more people participating in each mission, when it'll be much safer. Which will give us a free victory on our first mission.

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I'm still for either JB, Core, Me first team, or JB, Weapons, Bal first team. Both have their advantages.

The first one goes how you said Proto. The second gets some info from some relatively normal and dangerous players.

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Plans are going to be distributed to JB25, Psychout50 and Balcerzak. You now get to vote whether you approve of this distrubtion. Once either yes/no reaches 5 votes (a majority) then the plan goes ahead.

Vote tally (lol):

Yes: 0

No: 0

50 1/2 hours left.

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Vote: No


##Vote: Yes

It's always really fun to watch Lord Julius (Joshaymin) and Lady Ishtar (Psychout) play their little game of who can spoil the rebel's plans first. I'm lucky I get the bird's eye view.

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As I'm mentioning in other areas, my apartment is currently without wireless (something bad happened to the router). So, I can still play at work, but all of my best thinking and posting will probably be reduced somewhat. That said, everyone else has been stepping up with some incredibly good points so far.

Since the first assignment seems to be a combination of the two ideas suggested, I see no reason to disapprove of it at all.

##Vote For Assignment

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That's almost unanimous agreement over the assignment.

"So," Julius began to address the three members chosen for the mission, "We've decided who will perform this mission. Lady Ishtar..." He turned and gave he a subtle smile, and she replied while blushing slightly.

"Er, well, here's the plan. We need a demolition team to blast away the side wall. A group of scouts will then head in and ensure the perimeter is secure while the demolition team works on the opening the central tower. During all that, a third team needs to work as an assault team, pushing in through areas the scouts have checked, and make sure that there's nobody left to ambush us. After they assault and demolition teams are done, they'll need to team up to take down the graunen ritter."

Julius and Alvis nodded, before Alvis asked the question they were all thinking. "So, Lady Ishtar, who should do what?"

"Emperor Alvis, you should command the demolition team. Your Falaflame and Fire Mages should make short work of the walls. Prince Julius, your Dark Warlords are perfect for the assault team. You thirteen together are nigh-unbeatable. Finally, that leaves me and my Thunder Mages to work as scouts." Ishtar looked to Julius and Alvis, who nodded in agreement. The plan was ready. The three gathered their men, informed them of their role, and set out for Freege.

It is now mission phase. Everyone on the mission will be sent a PM. You must reply to this, even if you are a Rebel and have no choice but to comply with the mission. This is to stop anyone trying to work out if there is a spy, or who the spy is, by when the mission phase ends.

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Three three crusaders with their armies advanced to Freege. As Ishtar's troops split up and snuck around the castle, the blinding light and scorching heat of Falaflame began to be felt - followed by a shower of Meteors.

"That's our cue." Julius said, turning to his troops. "Head in there and clean up what you can find. Eins, you command Zwei through to Sechs, I'll take Sieben through to Zwolf. Charge!

As they began to run over the rubble of the wall, many of Ishtar's troops returned. "The enemy is where we expected them, commander. Permission to head inside the castle and check the interior walls?"

"Permission granted," She replied, "And stick to the plan. Don't engage in fruitless battles."

Alvis' army, having taken down the wall, now began working on the tower. They'd either kill Burian in there, or smoke him out for Ishtar and Julius to deal with.

Julius' troops easily destroyed everyone they met, and fought their way through to Burian's room. Even with the Swanchika, it was over in seconds, Burian being unable to overcome the dark effects of Loputousu. The battle for Freege was over. The castle had been taken.

The mission was a success. Freege has been taken over by the rebels (but has been damaged in the process). It is now planning phase. Psychout50 is now the group leader for planning. 72 hours. Life will be (hopefully) taking over as mod from some time tomorrow. After he does, flavour style or even flavour at all is at his discretion.

Edited by I Eat Tables
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3-2 for us. I completely expected this mission to be a success, spies or no spies. Julius and Ishtar weren't in the mood to foil the plans.

Anyhow, now Psychout is gonna have to pick four people. This time, I doubt the empire would most likely want to sabotage the mission. Let's hear Psychout wants to do before we voice our suggestions.

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Sorry, I meant they would want to sabotage it. Should have reread my post. But yeah, this is basically where the real game starts. We could go with Core, zak, and two others but idk what everyone else thinks.

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IMO, I think that Psych should pick the same set-up as last time, and then pick WoMC. Then if there's a rat (though it isn't me), we'll know eventually.

But the only reason why Psych was picked was because he was in charge of the next decisions. In this situation, Core should take his place or be added as the fourth. And I really think it would be a good idea to use Joshaymin, because, considering his suggestions, I highly doubt he's an empire spy. I say we should pick Joshaymin, zak, Core, and Psych/Weapons.

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Sorry about not finishing off flavour and changing the subtitle although I always forget to do that anyway.

Celice looked over the group of men and women. With a success under their belt, spirits were high, but they were cautious not to celebrate too early.

"Before we can tackle Barhara and Princess Julia, we need to take down Velthomer. Otherwise, we'll be facing Cavalry reinforcements during the fight, and that would be... well, bad. Prince Aless of Agusty is in command there... we fought once before, in Yied, and beat him, but since then he's probably grown a lot stronger. This will be a lot trickier than last time. Emperor Alvis, if you would."

Alvis slowly stood up. He was still referred to as Emperor, despite having renounced his right to rule to Celice. After a quick sigh, he addressed the group. "Velthomer is effectively the defence of Barhara in the east. Heading up the hills from the desert, attacking from Yied is a fruitless task. Fortunately, we won't need to. We can easily avoid Barhara, and attack from the west. As we do so, I expect the Empire will send reinforcements from Barhara... not only that, but Prince Aless is complicates things. The Mistoltin is a dangerous weapon to face, and under the skilled hand of Prince Aless, even moreso. I have a plan to deal with both of these things, as well as storm the castle effectively, which will require four crusaders. Princess Ishtar, your mother Hilda was my second cousin. You are also of house Velthomer by birth, and so, I believe it is up to you to arrange this mission..."

Psychout50 is in charge of choosing the people for this mission. Four people must be chosen.

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