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Lord of Azure Flame: Chapter 17: I got nothing.


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"Great, I'm sure we'll find something fun to do there. I've never been to Burgosas before." Aiya replied happily, and then gave a smirk, and continued with a teasing tone.

"It's a date then, Irina." She then began acting as though she was swooning in happiness, purposefully making a bit of a fool of herself, before draping her arms over Irina's shoulders and giving her a light peck on the cheek.

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Count Altair

The servants returned with the various reports on the others on about who wanted what. "This is such an obtuse situation. I can only desire that the Councilman didn't plan this..."

OOC: Alright, I've kept everything held up with my stupid idea for far, far too long. I apologize. Settle who gets the dress and armors in past posts because I can't take my insufferable failure stunting us all anymore. Please, TimeSkip now.

On the Road

Things were less of a wreck on the road than they had been at his mansion. Still, Luc was acting overly cautious. Complacency was lethal.

EDIT: No hope. Not now, not ever.

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At last, Esphyr managed to find Irina. Despite the fact that the woman was currently talking to Aiya, Esphyr was eager to settle this dress dispute. In a display of her more unrefined nature, she stepped forth to tap Irina on the shoulder twice.

"Excuse me, but did you get the message as well? I was hoping I could take the dress, and you were the main person I felt would try. May I please have it over you?"

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Heinz had been wandering the halls aimlessly in frustration while looking for the Jerdonian cavalier. "Bet he's actually in the kitchen, or outside," Heinz snorted, deciding to retrace his footsteps. Looking for whatever that sound was. Just then he heard running steps coming from behind him, and Heinz turned around quickly. "Sir, Count Altair requests that your party prepare to leave this mansion soon, and continue on your journey," the servant spoke, bowing politely.

He nodded. "Thanks, I'll mention it to the others too," walking towards the kitchen at a slightly faster pace then before, having all his belongings either already on his person, or in Ralf's saddlebags. Stopping at kitchen, Heinz took another apple out of the basket and tucked it beneath his cloak. "It'll probably take awhile for everyone to get ready anyway," he muttered, quickly snatching up a piece of bread and cheese.

He paused. "Oh yeah, the count wants us to get going," he remarked to anyone still left in the room. Walking outside, Heinz led Ralf out of the stables, then continued to eat while waiting for the others. Morgan looks impatient, he thought wryly. Farther off he could see the Ivanko mercenary talking to the fighter and the cavalier Heinz had been looking for. Guess I'll talk to him another time, frowning a bit when he picked up a few of the words.

Blood pact? Is he recruiting here? recalling the past rumors he had heard. "Blood pact to keep everyone loyal, harsh training to be considered one of the best," he muttered softly. "You want to join Ivanko's mercenaries?" he asked curiously, walking over to where the others were standing.

OOC: Added pre-timeskip note.

Edit: Added last line.

Edit: Took out a word.

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Irina vs Esphyr(bold for thoughts since italics is everywhere)

Silly flashback with italics which makes you think that everything is all black and white style somehow.

Irina: ( o_o ... oh right. I forgot she likes to do this sometimes. Wait a sec, I was ...) Oh crap! Lev! Aiya, come with me! I have to give Lev his armor so he can change before we go!

Just then Esphyr showed up and tried to play nice nice for the dress.

Let the battle to the death begin!

Irina: No! We must kungfu fight! WAH!!!

Irina: (Oh no! She does want the dress! Urgh! But what about me?!) Wait, what?! You want the dress?! B-but ... I was praying for something like this.

She lowered her head feeling a bit guilty, but still wanting to have the dress. She felt like this was her chance to shine for once ... without being covered in pegasus rider blood.

Flap happy pegasus

As Pary called out, Sunny began to calm down and released him before stepping back. The sound of Viveka's name meant that his attention was off her, and on a human again. That was good. She didn't understand the man, and she did not want to be stalked by him if she could help it. She sniffed him once to try to see if perhaps the cookies were to blame for his sickness. She wasn't sure. Viveka walked back over with Conrad after their conversation was finished.

Viveka: So, how are you and Sunny doing? ^_^

OOC: @ Lightning

We can finish convo later. If not, oh well, just more Conrad lone wolfing I guess.

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"As do I." said Esphyr, sighing deeply. Esphyr had never been that good at dealing with emotions, much less sympathetic dealings with others. As a mercenary, it was simply something that didn't matter. Any politics were to be handled by her employer and not her. Not ever. Still...

"I have my reasons." she started. "Namely, Alf. He pointed out that, even if Damian is happy with me other lords will be unhappy with him taking a lowborn common girl as his bride when she has no skill at social dealings at all. I know it isn't much, but if I get this, I get a chance to take the center stage for once on a political situation. Besides, the person whom gets the dress is likely to be the consort of the host. I happen to be always armed, thanks to my blade, so if he tries anything; I can hurt him. If you take it; you won't have the same luxury."

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"Ah. Separate the men from the boys, so to speak," Derek said, looking away. "No," he said to Heinz. "Just wondering. Though, I wasn't aware of the Zaftran army moving. Those louts have been hiding for the past twenty years, at least."


Derek and Dani

The group was traveling along at a pretty fair pace, with Captain Luc at the lead. Dani decided to ride with her brother. After a while, she spoke.

"<You know,>" she said, in Jerdon, "<The capital is getting close. Father's killer is there... How are we going to deal with him?>"

"<Simple,>" Derek replied. "<Cut him down, like any other enemy.>"

"<But, he's a hero...>"

"<He killed Father, Dani. I can't just let that go. If I get executed for it, so be it, but still... He has to die.>" The cavalier's face began to be twisted with rage. "<I can't forgive him. Not now. Probably not ever.>"

"..." the mage was stunned into silence.

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"Yes Heinz, I want to join Ivanko's mercenaries. I could get stronger and I could always use some work," he said, remembering the awe he felt when he saw Ivanko land.

Meanwhile Reika had dashed to her room to see if she left anything and found a letter in the door. Opening it, she found it was an invite to a ball. She groaned. She'd have to find a way to leave as soon as possible. Giving the room a quick search, she dashed back outside, ready to leave.


"The ball is in Septimus I guess," he mused aloud. "Septimus huh? I have to play friendly with the people who ruined my life? I wonder if any of them were in Vaorin. Would they recog-? No of course not. For once, the burns have some use," he said bitterly to nobody in particular.

"And if they do remember me, would they throw me out?" he wondered aloud. "Jail me? What would the others do if they found out? I know Esphyr might try to help me, but..."

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Chase gave up looking for the shamaness, and decided that he could just talk to her at the ball. Going outside and getting Ava, he mounted the horse. Just ten, he noticed Morgan. "Oh, hi Morgan. Um, I wanted to ask you... err... nevermind," he muttered, and blushed slightly. "I suppose you need someone to ride with?" he inquired.

Conrad dismissed Viveka, saying "Very good to know what he's up to. You're dismissed." Then, he too retrieved his steed from the stables, mounting Thunderbolt, and glad that he knew what the archer was up to. He trotted outside, and exclaimed, "To the Grand Ball, then?"

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Irina: Weeeell ... not exactly. I'm not that worried about being someone's date. I'm pretty good at grappling so my bare hands are my weapons. Being escorted around the whole time makes it that much easier. I'm not worried about that. In fact, if the person getting the dress is going to be the host's date, shouldn't you not take it? I thought you and Damian ... well, I guess Aiya's going too but ...

She started trailing off a bit. Then she just started complaining.

Irina: Urgh. Why is it only one dress?! That's annoying!


Viveka: Oh, well don't try to feed her anything she doesn't recognize. She gets weirded out by that.


Daneka stood alone in a hall next to a bench wearing her usual outfit, only with the armored parts removed. She seemed to bare the appearance of a dark noble. She stood outside Jace's office waiting. Eventually the doors opened and a dozen men and assistance left the room passing her by. All of them seemed upset. Daneka smiled at them liking entertaining the thought of Jace shutting them down in some matter or other. She then walked through the door, her cape brushing against the wood and making a slight sliding sound as the doorway shrunk. Once the door was closed, she spoke up.

Daneka: Madame Xenia left with ze princess last I checked. She ... should have brought her to you by now. I'm wondering if somezing went amiss.

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OOC: timeskip yey (I'm going to assume that nothing happened with my characters before it.)

Walking was slow, Kelas realized as she led Amari along with the group. In the saddle, she could move about the group, scout ahead or double back as she liked. On foot, there wasn't much to do.

"We were about a day from the capital when we started off, right?" she asked the group in general. She'd wanted to go after the weapons instead, but accepted that it was impossible given the lack of knowledge about the demons' whereabouts. "So we get there, we find Jace, get that over with, and then we start looking for the weapons, right?"


Arrin had followed along with Tessa as the group left, riding beside her. His head was hurting again, though not terribly, so he stayed mostly quiet along the way.

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"Indeed." said Morgan, getting onto Ava's back.


The doors of the throne room opened and Charlotte was led inside. She curtsied before King Stefan and Queen Isolde. "Your Majesties, I am honored to be in your presence. Your-" she began.

"We know why you have come child." said King Stefan stiffly, cutting her off. "And we will agree to an alliance. The Septimian and Jerdonian royal families have been allied for centuries and we will uphold that tradition. Jace must be shown where his place is, he is of commoner birth, and thus has no right to rule."

"We will expect your attendance at the Grand Ball to cement this alliance." said Queen Isolde. "Your failure to attend last year was...most unfortunate. Tristan, come here if you would." The queen whispered into the young man's ear and shoved something into his hands.

"Y-your Majesties, thank you ever so much! The Goddess truly blessed me with such charitable neighbors. I don't know how I can ever repay-."

"The trade guildmaster will be here any minute now." King Stefan said. "This meeting is concluded, busy schedule and all."

"C'mon Charlotte, Mother said I have to take you somewhere." Tristan said, sighing and leading her out of the palace.

Edited by -Cynthia-
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"If it was as easy as adding in a second dress, I suspect it would have been done already." commented Esphyr with a droll tone. Despite her disdain, she couldn't deny that Irina was right. Despite the state of several of the women whom did not desire to attend at all, it was unlikely that there would be only one female who would and just as unlikely that they would have a dress to spare. Then, suddenly, an idea came to Esphyr's mind. "You want to go just to have a chance to shine, right? Why not ask Viv to help you with a dress? Whatever this dress entails, it's likely being the date, which is not what I think you want. If you want to go and have fun and whatnot, can't you just ask her?"


As the group slowly rode on, there was something happening. With every field they passed, lush with the summer crop, there here hundreds upon hundreds of workers. Normally, this would have been just a simple facet of life. Workers were needed to farm fields after all. Yet, as they moved, the eyes of every worker on the field started to track them as well. Specifically, Damian, the headmaster, and virtually anyone within the party of higher ranked standing. Hushed noises and silent hand gestures passed between about twenty to thirty of the workers, each gripping their hands tighter around their tools.

"Excuse me." asked Altion, riding up to their hosts steed. "But I can't help but notice you have very lush fields, and... lots of people tending them. Where do they all come from?" he asked, his tone betraying that he had caught sight of the motions and that it was no innocent question.

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"Neither was I," Heinz replied to Derek. "Thought they were still up north as usual," shrugging his shoulders. He turned towards Alferis. Not as angry as before, he noted. Probably because of those demons. "If you can pass the training, you'll probably never be out of work. They've got a good reputation, from what I've heard," recollecting the various rumors he had overheard at the pubs. The majority of them were probably exaggerated, but Heinz figured this one had to be at least half-right, given that some of his ex-employers had said the same thing.

"Good luck in your training then," Heinz smiled slightly. "It looks like the captain's leaving though, we should probably go," he pointed out. Heinz jogged back to his horse, remounting Ralf.


Heinz followed along with the others, long finished eating the bread and cheese he had taken from the mansion. A little ways up ahead, he could hear the fighter talking to himself. Vaorin? Thought most of them were killed in that invasion. I'll have to check if there's still a bounty on any of them. Probably not going to be much, if it was a few years ago, debating what to do. Figures that he'd assume it's the whole country's fault, he thought dryly.

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Luc Altair

Luc was in front of the group, not wanting to get into any mingling at the moment, despite it being a good idea to actually learn something about those he now traveled with. He didn't even want to waste words on Fargo either. Well, he never really wanted to waste words on Fargo but today was especially a day not to do so. Luc shook his head a bit at the whole plan. He just didn't find it encouraging that so much relied on his near inability to dance.

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IrinaPre timeskip

Irina: Esphyr, Viveka is almost a foot taller than me, and her figure doesn't match mine. I couldn't fit in any of her dresses if I tried. She said I should do exercises to make my butt a little smaller too and ... Urgh. Never mind, the point is I won't be able to. If I get a custom dress made for myself, It'll fit me, and I can use it whenever I need it. Can't you ask her? You're not that much shorter than her. It's not just about the dress though. I could really do with a change. Dating the host at the ball would be ... I don't know ... something new. I want to give it a try ... (I feel like Lev is standing right behind me for some reason ...)

OOC: @ Butts

Couldn't resist.

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Enter the Brute

As Daneka entered, a giant of a man, adorned in pricey clothing, sat behind a polished oak desk in front of her. Along with a golden overcoat, a white shirt, and a black tie, the man had silver spiked shoulder guards on. This man was busy moving several legal documents out of the way, before looking up.

"...Oh, Daneka. Excellent timing," Jace said, jovially, his brown eyes betraying nothing. "It seems that that wyvern Lord was not as reliable as expected. One of my sources just reported that the princess was seen in the castle. A waste of gold, it seems, Colonel," he said, sighing, as some of his long dark-blue hair covered an eye. Brushing it out of his face, he continued. "But, no matter. There are always alternatives. You recall that group the princess was traveling with? Well, they are the key to the promised land, so to speak. You see, with Colonel Kleine, and General Jackson, we've just gained two pieces. Enough to break the stalemate without a queen, or a princess, in this case."

The hero paused for a second, before wrapping up. "I apologize. I've rambled on long enough. Colonel, I need you to contact Harold and Percy. Tell them to arrive for the ball early. Oh, and remind Harold what will happen if he so much as lays a finger on my daughter."

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Luc Altair

That is until the cavalier in the group that wasn't Derek rode up to him. Altion, or something of that nature. "Migrants. People flock to places of safety. Especially in times like these. Councilman Richtor does his best to ensure everything works as it should." Luc off-handily said. He still wasn't in the mood for deeper conversation. Though...

"Odd, where are the patrols?" Luc worried. Captain Fetter and the 19th were supposed to be around and he'd caught no sight of them. He glanced at the workers, recognizing none. Either an entire fresh group had been called in recently, and thus neither group would recognize each other. Or something more sinister was afoot. This seemed more and more likely another trap.

"Hail workers! Where are the the 25th?" Luc called out to the surrounding farmers. "Captain Rainwold was supposed to help escort us!"

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"Oi!" called up the worker in reply. A man of many a year, his skin was wrinkled and heavy, turned into flakes of bronze by the constant touch of the sun as he worked. He looked up, pulling his scythe up under him so that he could rest his hand on the haft as he looked Altair in the eye. "Paroll? Lash one came by a day ago heading soufh and ain't come back yesh." he said, smiling through the garbled speech. Though likely that he was simply OLD, his smile revealed several teeth, rotten through, as well as bits of a missing tongue. "If you wan, I can ask da boysh if they've seen them, bush 'here be no 'rouble round here of laye. No wolves or noshing and people be scarce sides carters bringing da shuff 'o shell."

Altion gave a swift nod over to Altier before riding his own steed up. Leaning in close, he whispered to the man. "Watch his hands. He's using woman's singles from back home. See?" True to form, the man was indeed singeling with his hand, slowly parting his middle and ring finger before sliding it up and down the haft of the tool.

Unnoticed to Altion, but to those whom had spent their time watching the movements of animals or of naturally keen eye, there also seemed to be a uneasy, jittery, motion passing through several of the workers.


"It's not about the dress either for me! It's me getting a chance to show Damian and other nobles that I can be a valid wife for the higher ups as well!"

OOC: Raid.

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She smiled while listening to Jace's assessment of the situation. She felt much better knowing that regardless of the situation, he seemed to be two or twenty-two moves ahead of the enemy. Her minor oversight wouldn't be too costly it seemed. She was a bit annoyed by the loss of the squads she used however and it showed on her face.

Daneka: I'll send word to zem right away, Monsieur Jace. Is zere, anyzing else I can do for you before I depart?

Irinapre timeskip

Irina: A valid wife? That's stupid! You don't have to prove anything to a bunch of nobles! (Doesn't she have any confidence?) If you want to be a "valid" wife, then just marry him. It's as simple as that. What's the ball have to do with that?

She was a bit perplexed by the associations Esphyr was making, but at the same time, she didn't want to pass up this chance even if it meant thinking up excuse after excuse for obtaining the dress.

EDIT: Amended.

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Helios was relatively quiet during the ride. He was thinking about the ball and who he was going to ask. Gee, this is hard. Maybe i wont go after all..... The disappointed was showing on his face for a while before he returned to his normal smug self. Then he noticed the Headmaster walking around in her dress. "Please tell me your not going to wear that all the way to the capital." He said bluntly. "What if we were attacked, do you really want to get it ruined?"

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"Earlier I was talking to Alf, and he pointed out that even if Damian accepts me perfectly fine, other lords won't. To them, I'm little more than a commoner girl spreading her legs and catching the big one. A controlled country hick in the club as it were. If I can get this date, then it serves as a chance for me to take a step onto the political scene and make life easier for him. I need this dress Irina. You... You just want to get it so that you can feel good about your, like, totally fat ass!" she hissed at Irina.

Esphyr's eyes went wide in shock as she finished the sentence. Her potion was not as repressed as she had previously thought it seemed. Quickly, her hands shot up to cover her face before she shriveled back, turning her cheek to Irina.


"Oh please." said the headmaster, waving her hand at Helios dismissingly. "You don't understand how my magic works. I'm as armored as ever. This dress is made from pure magic, and I can shift and reform it at will. If I wanted to, I could be wearing plate armor in less than a moment. Rare is the day I get to dress up like this."

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Luc Altair

"I see, thank you for your words good sir," Luc thanked the lying man. This wasn't right at all. A missing patrol would have been news, even with Luc's works being so high priority. And the man said nothing of names. Normally a cautious move, but in Directus not knowing a name could have dire consequences with how paranoid about spies Councilman Richtor was. "No, if the good Captain has felt the need not to be here we will not force him. Though missing his strong arm will hurt our chances of reaching the ball." Luc dangled some lies for the other man.

Luc whispered to the other Cavalier. "Yes, something is off. Tell the others but keep it quiet and discreet. We must not show that we know, lest worse things happen. I will proceed as normal." Luc took his place in front again. Hoping he could rely on the other man to handle things.

The Fargo

Fargo let out a long yawn as he rode near the back of his group. He had been given a new horse, that was practically used as a pack mule. The saddlebags here over-sized and overstuffed and only the relative lightness of the packs compared to full armor allowed the horse to move at all.


Paul meanwhile, was enjoying a nice relaxing sleep in one of those over-sized and overstuffed saddlebags attached to Fargo's new horse. The entire reason Fargo was sent along was to provide Paul a place to hide.

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