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Lord of Azure Flame: Chapter 17: I got nothing.


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"I wonder...do we have to bring a date along?" he asked to himself. "I guess Reika is my primary choice.......I'm better off dancing naked in front of an enraged boar," he said, anticipating her reaction if he asked her.

"Uh Reika? I'm not sure if we're supposed to bring a date along to the ball so, ahem, uh......doyouwannagototheballwithme?"


"Uh, uh, do you, uh, wanna, go to the, uh, well, the uh, the,"

Reika merely snorted, a frown on her face. How presumptuous, to think a man could ask her that, let alone a slave asking his master.

"You really think I'm coming along? Forget it. I'm ditching that snobfest faster than you can click your heels. Although....you're better than going with Helios or Chase or Damian," she shuddered.

"Fine I'll go with you, but you're going to be alone for nearly the whole time ok? I can't stand nobles," she hissed, cursing the fools who invited her.

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Altion gave a nod before he dropped back to Damian and Morgan. Bending down, he whispered into each of their ears. "Be careful, there's something up. The villagers are using hand signels from my village and no one has seen the patrols. Be. Careful."

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Irina: Hey! That was totally uncalled for! Urgh!! This is stupid! Fine! If you want the dress and I want the dress then there's only one way to settle this ...

She put her fists into her hands one after the other cracking her knuckles as Lev sometimes did.

Irina: We duel for it ... out back, right now.

OOC: PvP for the dress or bust. Irina rolls first.

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"Twenty four hours for you. Much less for me. Flight, remember?" she said, smirking and pointing to the six jeweled wings pointing from her back.


"Duel for it? Over a dress?" asked Esphyr, her eyes raised in mild shock. "You know that it won't end well for whichever of us loses. Besides, you reasons are selfish! I willing to accept though, for Damian!"

OOC: Sorry. Cointoss. *tosses coin*

Heads or tails?

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"No you did not." said the headmaster, slumping down. As she did so, the dress dispersed, revealing that the headmaster had chosen to wear a not terribly sexy pair of undergarb that could almost be considered common clothing in of itself. "Dang it. I was looking forwards to having some fun."

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Irina: It's not about Damian at all, it's about you feeling good enough to be married to him, that's all! He could easily just buy you a dress. Urgh! Forget it! Let's go!

After the two girls went downstairs followed by Aiya for no overwhelmingly important reason, Irina gave Lev his things. He leaned back against Krinkov and just watched. Irina grabbed her lance and quickly mounted Kiev who was a little surprised that the two girls were dueling. Was a male involved? Krinkov rolled his eyes. The female wyvern gawked. Two females fighting? That was hardly necessary. Simply each find their own male and call it a day. Fighting over things was for males she thought.

Irina: Get ready!

OOC: Coward. *sigh* Tails >_>

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"If by fun you mean make yourself a target then yes, you were doing fine." He lectured. "Silence like this isnt long." Then his expression changed. "I bet you 20 gold that we are gonna get attacked again en route."

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Tessa had run into Arrin in the kitchen, and they'd shared a few words of morning greeting. She finished her breakfast and the pair of them had gone out into the yard, preparing to leave when she noticed Irina and Esphyr squaring off for something.

"What seems to be the matter? We don't have time for a sparring match, we need to press on. People have been kidnapped you remember!"

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"I'll take that only if I'm on the winning end." said the Headmaster, laughing softly. "You wanted to spar me anyways, didn't you? I bet I could beat you easily while dressed like this." she said. "Wanna take?"


Irina's advise had fallen on deaf ears. Esphyr was already ready the moment that they had moved outside. Forsaking her normal blade, she had summoned up her crimson weapon! "Heya!" she screamed as she dashed towards Irina, swinging the flat of her blade about in a wide sweep at Irina's side with the flat of her blade!

OOC: 5, 4, 1. Would crunch, but in raid. Wait until after or you can do it.

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Kiev was shocked to see Esphyr charge him and Irina and used his wing to block the attack! He let out a loud yelp as some blood ran down his wing! Though the blade was swung flatly, the tip still cut into his flesh, and it hurt like hell ...

Irina: Kiev! Urrrrgh! Bring it ooooon!!

Irina hp 12/15

Esphyr hp 8/9 (CW useage)


HAWKEYE ACTIVATED!!! (couldn't risk missing)

Irina rolls 3,3,1


HIT 7 vs Evade 5 = HIT

DMG 8 vs DEF 3 = -5 hp

Irina hp 12/15

Esphyr hp 3/9

EDIT: Added last line in fluff paragraph.

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"Other than send in the next set of attorneys, I would say tell your men to go get fitted for their new armor," Jace said, clasping his hands. "They shall be getting it in the next few days. Hmm... Maybe, if it isn't too out of your way, you should contact Ivanko. Considering recent developments, or so I heard, he may be willing to lend an ear to our cause, if we provide enough of an incentive. Otherwise, you are dismissed." As he said this, the Brute pulled Hauteclare out from under his desk, and placed it where anyone who entered the office could see it. Prepared for the next case, he smiled and nodded, as Colonel Daneka left the room.

OOC: Intimidation factor.



Seeing as people were taking too long to prepare, Dani ran inside to see if anyone was sleeping, when she saw Irina and Esphyr entering a fight. Walking over to Lev, she asked, "What are they fighting about?"



It is pretty ridiculous, he thought, heading towards the capital at a fast pace, that I'm running alone after this girl that I only met a few weeks ago. Then again, it is my obligation, since she is my liege. Of a ruined country, but still... Am I going too far? Eric frowned, at the idea. ... No, I'm not. Charlotte is my liege, and... my friend, at least. If it were Dani, I would do the same thing. Bah, I'll worry about it later. At this rate, I'll be in the capital by dusk. Mind settled, at least for the moment, the swordsman continued on to Burgosas, seemingly unaffected by weariness.

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The troubadour must have been too late, and the duel was now underway. She had either not been heard, or had simply been ignored. Fuming a bit, Tessa wondered what the match was about, and whether or not she should take any further steps to intervene and end it. Suddenly injecting herself into the field could be dangerous for all participants...

Remaining at the sidelines, she simply raised her voice and tried again, "What's so important about this? Can't it wait?"

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Pre - skip

"Too late, sis." A voice can be heard speaking behind her. "They are fighting over a damn dress." Helios facepalmed. "Sometimes, i dont understand women." He paused for a second. "No offense."

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Swiftly evading the strike, Esphyr leapt up, her blade crackling with energy as she brought the pommel down towards Irina's head.

OOC: Arcanium active and CW as well. 5, 5, 5. **** I need to hunt down a dice baker. I have my suspect, namely my friend who refuses to lose at Risk.


"Nah. If you hit me once, you win. I can hit you as often as I like until you say uncle." said the Headmaster, yawning as she stood up and flexed her arms.

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The headmaster gave a nod. "In three... two... One... Go!" The headmaster sprung up to her feet, her hands held out before her. Overhead, those clouds that hovered in the air started to swirl about, flowing down in a rapid and thick mist that permeated through the windows of the mansion, flowing along the ground like greyish water until they reached the hallway where the headmaster stood. They flowed about her, encircling her in a spiraling mountain of stormclouds as they flowed over her. She dropped her hands, and a literal wave of cloud, as thick and strong as a ocean tide, surged forth towards Helios.

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Count Altair

Luc was outside when the weather rapidly tuned around. Clouds dived towards the earth, became mist and forced their way into his mansion. It would be easy to see that the group was somehow behind this whole mess. "Oh, what disaster are they perpetrating now?" Luc said doing his best to prevent a yell in frustration. He was a patient man, but even this level of senseless breakage would wear him thin. Luc walked back into his house, brushing off most the half-dozen servants already running up to inform him about the latest trouble being caused. The one servant who had information about the gathering clouds was allowed to speak, and Luc followed the words to where that mess was happening. Only to duck well out of the way because of the duel.

"Stop destroying my house with your antics!" Luc yelled -- probably futile -- at the two. The helpful wind mage Helios and that woman he didn't really know anything about. Now he'd have to pay attention to them...

EDITOOC: Everything must trainwreck!

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Irina was attacked once again and didn't have enough time to move! Kiev moved his head up to block the attack and saved her! All she saw was Kiev's head rise up like a shield as the crimson sword came down at her! She fell off rolling back onto her feet as Kiev fell back with smoke rising from his face, result of the blast of energy directed directly into his skull!

Irina: Kiev!!

The blast left Kiev completely unconscious with a very serious burn on his head that would have killed Irina had she taken the hit! Krinkov rushed over in shock! The whiny one had released magic and probably put his brother in a coma! Irina quickly crawled up to her wyvern and held his head up trying to see if he was alright. The burn wound was nearly on fire, and the rising smoke almost made her cough and gag, nonetheless she stayed with him.

Lev: *sigh* ... (Thanks, Kiev ... if we lost Irina over a damn dress ... Ivanko would ... urgh ... I don't even want to think about it.)

Levski held his head low. There was nothing he could do. Lashing out at Esphyr wasn't going to help. Lashing out at Irina wasn't going to help. He just hoped that Kiev's brush with death would sober them both up at the very least. Then again, he wasn't actually certain Kiev survived. He was just hoping. Krinkov kept a firm stance making sure that neither Esphyr nor anyone else came closer until Kiev's condition was assessed! Lev walked over and knelt down beside Irina who was hugging the fallen wyvern as tightly as she could, tears already running down her face.

Lev: ... is he alive?

Irina: ... I ... I don't know ...

Lev: Sh*t! TESSA!!!

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"Gah." He exclaimed as the clouds overcame him. There was thick cloud of dust followed by Helios getting up. That was laced with power. I dont think i can dodge that again! A cut opened up on his cheek oozing out blood. His eyes took on a redish tint as he charged the HM with Hellsety. He threw two blades of wind at her whipping up another cloud of dust. Helios started breathing heavily. He wasnt used to using Hellsety simultaneously.

OOC: Should this be pre time skip? Oh yeah feel free for her to brush it off or something.

Pre TS

"Thats not good, i think i heard a crack. Tessa, would you mind?" Helios went over to Esphyr. "What the hell is wrong with you?" He exclaimed. "You were gonna kill her over a fucking dress. You need help, seriously." He turned away.

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As the Hellsety blades arced through the air towards her, the headmaster seemed perfectly tranquil and in control. No word danced across her lips, nor fluctuation of magical power. Instead, she simply raised her hand up, open palm towards Kai. The blades surged towards her, rippling across the ground as they approached the spirit. They arced around her hand with ease, for a moment they seemed almost guarenteed to strike into the spirit woman!

Then they parted ways, flexing about her and not touching her in even the slightest way possible. A smug smile covered the Headmasters face as they dissipated into the hall behind her. "Reliance on power instead of control. Easy to destablize if you know what to target."


Esphyr didn't say anything. She simply stood as still as a tree as Lev rushed to the wyverns side. What had she done? She had almost killed Irina! Had the wyvern not intervened, he would have died! For a brief second, the world about her turned dark as the stone halls of TISME rushed up about her again, Lev and Irina replaced with the bodies of teachers, crouching over the corpse of what had once been her friend.

She didn't know what to do. She had no control... She had almost killed Irina! Esphyr started to tremble in shock at her near-deed. She was a murder. Murderer. She had killed her friend, and almost another. Murderer.

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Turning to Helios, who'd answered her shouted question while the combatants were too busy engaging each other to pay any heed to a voice of reason, she smiled to express her gratefulness, but had to follow up with another. "No offense taken. But... a dress? Wait, the one from the letter...? 'Decide amongst yourselves' never said anything about combat, and they certainly never consulted with any of the rest of us! What a stupid idea."

Before she had time to continue to express her disapproval, the fight had reached its culmination. Having been engaged with the wind mage, she missed seeing precisely what had happened, but there was a sharp sound, accompanied by crackling, and followed shortly thereafter by distressed cries. The first of which was Irina calling out her mount's name, the next of which was Lev yelling for Tessa, but by this point she was already on the way over, running as fast as she could.

The other wyvern, Lev's had initially sought to bar her way, but when his master had called her name, Krinkov seemed to recognize and accept the troubadour's presence, allowing her past the blockade of protection he was holding for his brother. When she investigated the damage, she found a nasty magical burn wound still smoking on the top of the Kiev's head. Sheer concussive force, combined with the flow of mana strengthening and reinforcing the attack had left a severe impression, and the situation did not appear good at all.

Staff and prayers were at the ready, though, and following any one of the many maxims about stitches in time, Tessa worked her magic, and life and health was slowly imbued back into the wyvern. By no means was the damage completely undone, but the beast would live on for sure. His condition now secure, she spared a terse comment to the rider first, she would have to catch Esphyr in a bit, as the mercenary was standing a ways away, with a dazed expression on her face.

"What were you thinking. You were going all out. Over a dress." Short, simple, bullet-point statements. Heaving a sigh, she gave up, and turned back to continue to work on Kiev a little bit further.

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