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Lord of Azure Flame: Chapter 17: I got nothing.


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Lev: Eh. Either Irina'll chase her off, or they'll actually reach some kind of friendly territory. I'm not getting my hopes up. I wouldn't get in the middle of it though.

He thought to himself for a second, and then looked back at Aiya.

Lev: You know it'd be nice to know what was so important about that dress in the first place ... though I suspect it was only peripherally related. Irina doesn't normally fight for things like that. A few weeks ago she couldn't stand formal parties so something's up. Mind talking to her about it once Viv-I mean the Kitty's done with her?


Iso: Well ... I've had problems like this before. They just never blew up into incidents unless Proxima was involved. (I can't believe that I miss that book. It has nothing to do with my blindness. I just want it back ...)

Iso braced himself so that when Amari began moving, however fast, he would be able to keep his balance.

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"I can't stand to see her being pestered when she's like this... I'm going to see if I can do anything..." Aiya said, moving towards Irina and Viveka.

"And sure, I'll do that." Aiya continued, before advancing towards Irina and Viveka.

Seeing that they still didn't seem... happy with one another, Aiya called out.

"What are you two going on about? Irina is feeling down, and you're arguing with her? Are you trying to stir trouble or something Viveka?"

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"Huh? Great!" said Alferis, running through the path through the peasants, Reika running behind Tessa. When they were through, Reika approached the Troubadour, her eyes slightly narrowed.

"Your suggestion back there...that was smart for once," she started, her voice a bit harsh.

"I don't get it. What motivates you to help people? They don't give you anything in return, some of them even want to cut your throats. Why do you just go help willy nilly?"

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Luc Altair

They had managed to get away safely, but still, the wrongness of that situation didn't sit right with Luc. There was no way that little encounter wasn't planned. Information had been leaked, there was no other way about it. Since Luc had already learned the group had purged their own mole, that left something in Directus to be the source. That worried him. Either there were more spies than anticipated in Directus, or Councilman Richtor had let the information leak. Luc was reasoning towards the former. Councilman Richtor would gain nothing by putting on such a show than selling them out. Unless it was still part of whatever plan he had the letter as of. Luc closed his eyes at all the foul information he dredged up immediately. This entire thing was already off to an awful start and would probably be getting far worse.

"Whatever that group was, they were no citizens of Directus!" Luc yelled towards the others. "Be prepared for a less than welcome arrival at the capital."

Fargo gulped at the yell.

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Arrin's suggestion of taking passengers had been a decent one, and Tessa was about to approach one of the many people on foot, but it seemed that Alferis was too impatient. Breaking off, he headed straight for the peasant blockade. Having to think quickly, Tessa changed strategies. Even determined people fear being trampled to death, so it had to come down to a bluff. Charging Trevor at the line, the peasants scattered off to the sides, allowing the axefighter to break through safely, and the rest of the crew to follow in her wake.

As she turned back to see the rabble reforming the line, she was pleased to see that there had been no casualties, and no-one had been left behind. It seemed that the group of workers were disinclined to give up, as their continued shouts and protests for "equal rights" or "fair wages" continued to filter down, but at this point, the threat was much diminished, as the distance between the two groups could only continue to grow.

Feeling a little satisfied with how things had ended up turning out, even after it had had to fall back on some impromptu thinking and fast acting, Tessa was inwardly congratulating herself when she was approached by the thief girl. Steeling herself for whatever unknown reprimand or harsh words might be thrown her way this time―was this about the failed Restore? she wondered―the troubadour was on her guard until the words actually left Reika's mouth.

It was... grudging respect? Blinking a bit in surprise, she quickly re-organized her train of thought to meet with the new information. "Why do I help people?" she restated, as a way of leading into the reply, "Well... for one, it's the right thing to do. The teachings of The Lady put an emphasis on selflessness and altruism. But... really, it goes a bit beyond that, you know? I... I was lucky, getting taken in by the monastery. If that hadn't happened... who knows, perhaps I'd be one of those impoverished children that some poor farmer was struggling to try to feed. If you think about it that way, really put yourself in the position of the other, well, you can't but want to help, can you?"

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"Doing the right thing? Hah. In the real world, people would slit each others throats for money. You think they'll be grateful when you heal them? They won't. Oh they act like it, but then they'll kill you if they see you vulnerable, and you look like quite the easy target.

The Church. The church is filled with rich men or people born like you, except they're worse. Many are corrupt, killing others or ruining others just to get ahead. And why should you blame them? They're only as good as the world allows. If you join, they're going to string you along, and when they're done, they'll throw you in the mud," said Reika, incredulous at Tessa's naivety.

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After the group had made some distance from the crowd of supposed farmers, Kelas slowed Amari. "Right, that should do it. I should probably start walking again..."

"Look, what are you bothering Tessa for? Have you got something actually important to ask her?" Arrin asked Reika, not liking the tone she was taking.

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"And what are you doing bothering me about asking a simple question? Since when is it your business? Get lost, or I'll make you regret bothering me," Reika hissed, her eyes filled with loathing.

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Reika's flurry of condescension and accusations of corruption within the church, and the thief's assurances that the world is just a crapsack she hadn't opened up and taken a good look at took Tessa by storm. The sudden reversal from what had appeared to have been praise from the woman earlier had Tessa off-balance, and unsure just what to say. Clearly she'd said something that set Reika off, but she wasn't sure what the flaw had been... She'd been telling the truth, and she couldn't recall anything in her phrasing that should have triggered such an episode.

While blinking and puzzling over the situation, mouth flapping soundlessly, Arrin came to the rescue, interjecting his thoughts on the matter. While his tone was a bit more confrontational than she might have liked, it bought enough time for her to work out an actual reply.

"Arrin, thanks, but... it's really not that bad just yet," attempting to smooth things over, she waved him back a bit.

"And Reika... I'm not exactly sure what to say to you. Certainly the worlds you and I have experienced might be very different ones indeed, but I don't know that that makes your assertions true at all. And even if they were... even if the real world repays good with ill... things are still to be better off if people actively try to do what is positive. If all people stopped being kind, helpful, or just simply because it might not be returned, then wouldn't things be even worse off?"

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"What's the point though? Why fight something you can't change? If the world's going to be worse anyway, then it can't be that much worse. It's still bad anyway," she said, her eyes narrowing more.

The self righteous prissy little bitch! I'll make her open her eyes! Nobody can be that blind by accident! What's she hiding from me?

"And why are you so optimistic? Why do you think that everything's going to get better? Why do you think the way you do? And what are you hiding from me?"

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"Excuse me for asking questions, you nosy son of a bitch. Get out of my hair and listen to your own advice," she said, raising her fist under the nomad boy's chin, her voice very harsh and her eyes filled with anger and impatience.

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"Reika, honestly... I'm not hiding anything from you. You ask me a question, I'll answer it. If the answer doesn't suit you, I don't know what else to say. I've no reason to believe the world can't be changed. No reason to think there isn't good to come from the future. As long as you're still alive, there's still chances for you to make things work, to improve, to live." While she was feeling somewhat less secure by the continued challenges, Tessa couldn't think of anything to do but reiterate what she'd already said, what she still firmly believed.

Arrin continued to stick up for her, and she was glad of the support, but now starting to worry that things might turn into a larger confrontation than they needed to be. She caught herself looking around to make sure than nobody else was coming over to add their own personal spice to the current arguement. While her head was turned she must have missed seeing Reika move in to physically threaten the boy, but upon turning back, she cried out.

"Reika! There's no cause for that. Leave him alone if your issue is with me."

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Irina and Kicking Kitty

Viveka: So you're not going because you didn't get the dress?

Irina: No! I'm not going because I don't want anything to do with a stupid ball after what happened to Kiev. Esphyr tried to kill me just so she could look good for Damian at a party and he probably won't even take her! He'll take Aiya and she'll be Luc's date! What the hell is that?!

Viveka: Once again, tone it down. (Oh look Aiya's coming. Wonderful. I could let her deal with this ...) Look, you're going to end up going somehow, and someway, so you may as well make the best of it. You're not betraying Kiev or anything by attending a ball. If you want to take it out on someone, take it out on Esphyr, not the ball.

Irina hung her head for a moment.

Irina: Please don't follow up with "The ball is my friend."

Viveka quickly smiled.

Viveka: Well it kind of is.

Irina: Urgh. I still don't want to go.

Viveka: >_>

Once Aiya spoke to them, Viveka shrugged.

Viveka: Oh I'm sorry, to me it looked like Irina was kicking herself, and Isotov, Lev, Damian, and you were nowhere to be found. Well now that you've shown up, I'm free to go back to deciding what I'm going to wear to the ball. Oh, and Irina, you're going. It's happening so just come to peace with it.

She smiled again and then steered Susann back into the crowd. Irina went back to hanging her head, unsure of exactly what to say to Aiya.

Irina: *sigh* ... I just can't stand the thought of going now ...


Iso: So you haven't had it quite so bad before running into this group? (Well, I didn't either, but at the same time, I was still in danger every hour of everyday. Being with these people has just made things more destructive and divisive than usual.) ... where did you travel?

Group in general (to explain why my characters aren't mentioning the hobos, cause I don't care much for this particular almost incident)

Everyone followed Tessa through the crowd and got back on track and the incident was never brought up again.

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"I'd be glad to leave him alone," said Reika, removing the fist, but still glaring at him. "If he didn't butt in. And there's no way one could be such a bleeding heart goody goody. You're probably going to wake up face down in an alleyway with all your stuff gone if you do this indiscriminately.

Hmmph. Do whatever you want, just put this dog on a leash," Reika pointed at Arrin.

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"Ehh... it was bad enough, just not mad like this," Kelas replied, remembering at the last second not to shrug. "Anyway, mostly around Halton, probably got into Septimus a few times, but I wasn't really paying attention to borders... up until about a year ago I didn't even really have anywhere to go, I was just wandering around aimlessly."

Arrin glared at Reika, waiting to see if she'd go away.

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OOC: Takes place after spar with HM >.>

Witnessing Arrin getting bullied by Reika and her mentioning something pretty stupid Helios decided to drop in for the kill. "Your talking about leashes?" He asked Reika. "What happened to yours?"

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"Heh." He smirked after her hand flew across his face leaving a faint bruise. "See what I mean? What happened to your retainer, killed him already? Poor Alferis, he was in love with you too."

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Iso: You have been around. I feel almost stupid asking this but why are nomads always traveling around? It's difficult for a populace to keep its numbers high when ... they're ... incapable of settling down for very long.

As curious as he was, he almost wanted to take back his question. He didn't feel entirely comfortable going into people's pasts just yet.


After she steered back into her former place in the group, she scanned around. The first thing that caught her eye was the near scuffle between Reika and Arrin. Tessa seemed to be at the center of the issue. Viveka's gaze became a bit dark and shadowed.

Viveka: (I'm getting sick and tired of seeing the people in this group hurt each other. They're going after younger members too? I swear to the goddess that if this keep up ...) Ooooorgh!

She growled to her self aloud before noticing that Pary was awake.

Viveka: Oh. Um. Did you sleep well?

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