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Weird things you do?


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- I'm always reaching up to my face to push my glasses back on, even when I'm not wearing them.

- Whenever I see a typo, I check to see if the two keys (the error and the proper) are close to each other. (i.e. Spthe vs. Sothe)

- I happen to always be eating something or other when doing schoolwork.

- I'm always removing and replacing battery packs

- I walk up stairs two steps at a time

- I always use the stairs for everything at some point or other. Even in those high-rise hotels that have like 78 floors. (I usually get tired at around floor 24 or so)

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Sometimes i have to press my chest REAL hard to make an empty feeling go away (not pain, just complete emptiness)

fuck, all your shit is depressing.

Mine is I cant sleep without an Icepack under my head, because I love the cold so much.

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-I can't sleep well unless I have my blanket and on my own bed.

-I tend to touch my hair a lot.

-I smell my hair a lot.

-I tend not to care about anything. I'm so awesome.

-I obsess over some stuff a lot.

-Cute images of my favorite video game characters tend to give me chest pains...

-Other stuff I can't remember.

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  • Usually when picking something up, I use my index and middle finger to pick it up.
  • If I'm busy writing a sentence and someone needs my attention, I will acknowledge they're there but I have to finish writing the sentence before I look up.
  • Picking up from the always landing on my left foot when using stairs, if I see that I'll land on my right, I'll do this little slip off the second to last stair and land on my left foot >_>
  • My arm swing is non-existent, except when I'm tired, THEN I actually have one.
  • I'll take off my glasses, put one side down, and hold the other side and spin it.
  • Before I close the Serenes Forest Forum tab, I click on my Serebii.net bookmark and close it as Serebii.net o_O

Edited by Secret!
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-I tend to touch my hair a lot.

-I tend not to care about anything.

-I obsess over some stuff a lot.

-Cute images of my favorite video game characters tend to give me chest pains...

same here but i don't consider those wierd.


-I feel the need to pop off the bottlecaps of all of the water bottles i am done with (Twisting the bottle, and then unscrewing the cap real quick)

-I take the middle front piece of every new pack of 5 gum.

Edited by someonewhodied
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Let's see here.

-I stare at things/people/the ground a lot.

-My room has to be frigid for me to fall asleep. It's about 14 degrees right now and I love it.

-If I'm bored or waiting for something, I'll play piano on anything.

-I hate cleaning. As in, I will let everything pile up until it reaches its maximum capacity, and then I'll clean it.

-I wear socks with holes in them.

-I will only wear certain clothes. I have more than enough, but I only like wearing a certain few.

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whenever (apparently illegally) watching anime shows online, i wait for the entire video to load before watching it.

good waste of 25 minutes

Wait...what? You stream anime episodes?


Everyone knows that downloading the episodes is the best option due to superior video quality, and not worrying as much about the episodes being deleted. Hell, buying DVDs is also better than streaming.

Edited by BLS
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except that i don't have a credit card so buying is out, youtube blocks the videos due to funimation's request, and the sites i go to don't allow downloads. (I mean i could go through the page source to get the video link but its too much work for a lot of episodes) and torrents are unnecessarily large (around 7 gigs)

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whenever (apparently illegally) watching anime shows online, i wait for the entire video to load before watching it.

good waste of 25 minutes

Usually when I watch stuff on here I wait a bit for it to load up but not usually the entire thing.

Let's see... Ooh *wants to use the bullets button*

  • When I'm sad sometimes I just want to cry. I think it'd make me feel better to cry but often it doesn't help at all.
  • I have adhd (but it's not that bad, it's like a slightly weak version of adhd) and I always have to occupy my hands with something. It feels weird to me to let them hang around doing nothing.
  • When I was little when I cried I would quit when given a cup of water. XD Now it only helps cause I get amused when I try that same thing cause it's ridiculous.
  • I am very overly cautious where I step. Sometimes I almost kind of turn it into a game.
  • I think I may be a blond... :sweatdrop: Almost black hair though. (yes I know it doesn't really relate with hair color literally)

I'll try think of more later. Can't really remember.

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when i go grocery shopping I balance groceries on my head like the people do in africa.

You can dare me to eat any disgusting combination of food and I will do it, except for meat.

If I see stuffed animals at a shop I always put them into sexual positions.

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Yeah, you're even an admin of one. Totally weird indeed.

In addition to that I also gnaw on the middle 3 fingers of my left hand any time I'm sitting still.

But Death just randomly goes for long walks to the left so I have nothing on him.

Also, if anyone wants to put it in their signature, here it is in readily quotable form:

"- I always buy an even number ... usually 5"


"It's totally even, after three shots of tequila."

"One tequila, two tequila, three tequila, floor~"

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Usually when I eat I have to bite something and feel it between my two front teeth. I don't know, I just get tempted to do it before I start eating.

And, I attempt to turn on a light that's already on or turn off a light that's already off on the light-switch.

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