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Does bringing an unpromoted unit to level 20 break them?


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I love how theres no crappy characters like in FEDS, 21 strength at 20/1!! :D

That aroused the question. Are the characters too overpowered?

Edited by Uhai
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This is Fire Emblem 8.

Where its HM is easier than most NMs and is easiest (though not so efficiently) played with only two characters.

Any unit can become good when trained.

But there is only one god and that's Seth.

Edited by Luminescent Blade
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Syrene isn't bad.

Eh. She's good filler.

Oh, I forgot Tana, but...I don't think Tana is as bad in the public perception as I think she is. But I think she's truly terrible. And I hate her personality.

Edited by Furetchen
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Tana is overrated in tier lists. Being a flier doesn't mean "auto-god".

Syrene has two or three chapters before the end, to be actually useful.

Two or three chapters of mediocre combat is ... eh. And remember, one of those is a FoW with archers.

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Ch 17: She 1RKOs Druids to clear your way for Ephraim and some Paladin to tagteam on Lyon.

Ch 18: Another flier, right. But it's nice to be having at least three fliers. You really want to kill Gorgon eggs as fast as possible.

Ch 19: Nothing.

Ch 20: She can ferry either Eirika or Ephraim while Vanessa ferries either of them as well, so they can reach the throne fast.

Ch 21: Ferry someone to kill Lyon. And Cormag isn't risking on getting hit by magic-based enemies. Vanessa can also ferry someone else so they make the clearing faster.

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Ch 17: She 1RKOs Druids to clear your way for Ephraim and some Paladin to tagteam on Lyon.

Ch 18: Another flier, right. But it's nice to be having at least three fliers. You really want to kill Gorgon eggs as fast as possible.

Ch 19: Nothing.

Ch 20: She can ferry either Eirika or Ephraim while Vanessa ferries either of them as well, so they can reach the throne fast.

Ch 21: Ferry someone to kill Lyon. And Cormag isn't risking on getting hit by magic-based enemies. Vanessa can also ferry someone else so they make the clearing faster.

I have her go shopping in Chapter 17, I mean she is a woman and all.



Hero!Ross is fine if you take a blow to the head and want to promote Colm. I actually prefer it to Berserker because I can't stand being locked to axes (and better animation), but they both have advantages.

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I'd argue that Ross should always be a 'Zerker, but Hero can be good for some things, for example, giving the kid access to non-iron weapons he can actually lift. It's not like he's getting Garm or anything. Though Rosszerker has 13 CON as opposed to 11 as a Hero at least Make him a Warrior for a secondary weapon! Then give him Nidhogg. Like I'm going to do in my bows playthrough. Hey, check out my bows playthrough. Then bug me to update because I need the motivation. I couldn't do it tonight I swear I'll do it in the morning.

Edited by Naglfar
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  • 2 months later...

Eh. She's good filler.

Oh, I forgot Tana, but...I don't think Tana is as bad in the public perception as I think she is. But I think she's truly terrible. And I hate her personality.

The trouble is that if you are Sethskipping the early chapters Venessa won't have much opportunity to level anyway. If their stats (aside from weapon rank) are comparable when Tana shows up (and they probably are) then what's the problem? Venessa only wins due to being able to use that Killer (from 5x) in chapter 9 and beyond earlier than Tana can and also any flier utility in the first 8 chapters. And yes, flier utility (especially with rescue) is enough to catapult a unit many many places on a tier list.

Tana is almost as good as Venessa from chapter 9 on, and there really is no reason to not use both. And her str will overtake Venessa at some point.

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Narga, usually I'm not so much a stickler for this kinda thing but it's Vanessa. I don't know why reading that bugged me so much. :(

Otherwise, even pertaining to non-skipping the game, Tana's got a shot over Vanessa simply because nothing in the first half of the game is exactly prime territory for Vanessa to work. It's all axes except for one delicious monster chapter.

Edited by Integrity
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Ummm, what? Shes an excellent unit, even by FE8 standards! Nothing crappy about her! Unless you made her a Mage Knight.

Anyway, i make a point to promote every unit at level 20, no matter what the game is.

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Ummm, what? Shes an excellent unit, even by FE8 standards! Nothing crappy about her! Unless you made her a Mage Knight.

... I don't really get the bolded part, considering Mage Knight and Valkyrie have the same caps, the same promotion bonuses (Valkyrie has an extra Res point but who cares), the same Move... and Mage Knight uses the much superior Anima magic. ph34r.gif

But I agree with the rest. L'Arachel is a good unit and I've never had too much trouble using her properly even without the Tower.

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... I don't really get the bolded part, considering Mage Knight and Valkyrie have the same caps, the same promotion bonuses (Valkyrie has an extra Res point but who cares), the same Move... and Mage Knight uses the much superior Anima magic. ph34r.gif

But I agree with the rest. L'Arachel is a good unit and I've never had too much trouble using her properly even without the Tower.

Valkyrie gets an extra point of magic and accelerated EXP gain. In addition, you fight a lot of Dark using enemies. I'd say that Valkyrie and Mage Knight are about tied and you should really go with the one that you like the most.

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Valkyrie only gets an extra point of Magic when compared to a Bishop. Both Valkyrie and Mage Knight give +2 Magic to L'Arachel on promotion.

But point taken about the faster EXP gain, I completely forgot about that. That really makes Valkyrie and Mage Knight even then.

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Kyle, perhaps, since he's not around when Seth is just stomping through maps effortlessly on his own, has good move, WTC and his stats aren't bad. But even then I think you might need a touch of RNG blessing for him to outdo most of the prepromotes until the end of the game.

Edited by Silvercrow
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Ummm, what? Shes an excellent unit, even by FE8 standards! Nothing crappy about her! Unless you made her a Mage Knight.

She joins most of the way through the game at level three. She's a staff user on a team that hardly ever needs healing. Your other healers can either defend themselves or can use physic (when you have one around) so you don't have to protect them. Then, even if you promote her, she's nothing special.

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She joins most of the way through the game at level three. She's a staff user on a team that hardly ever needs healing. Your other healers can either defend themselves or can use physic (when you have one around) so you don't have to protect them. Then, even if you promote her, she's nothing special.

I think that if she was level 5 and came with B or even C Staves, she'd be on par with Moulder and Natasha. She has better stats than both of them in virtually every important area.

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