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My First Day of School


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Today was my first day of school. Here is my summary


I got up at 6:20 this morning, only to have to wait 15 minutes to be able to use the bathroom, then wait another 15 minutes before my bus came at 7:55. Needless to say, I'll be getting up later tomorrow. So I get on my bus, and now there are only 10 people on my bus. Yay, I guess.

1st Block(Algebra 2)

So I go to homeroom, put my stuff down, then walk out to talk to friends like it is any other day of school. I come back after everyone else is seated and the teacher is ready to start. I'm sure the teacher loves me already. The rest of the class was boring, except for when sombody's phone rang, it was promptly taken away.

2nd Block(Introduction to Engineering Design)

So I get to 2nd block, relieved to see some of my friends' faces. The teacher of this class is pretty chill, so we sat around for most of the block, while he passed out stuff. Then we watched a video about engineering failures.

3rd Block(Physics for Technology)

This class was depressing. I know 2 people in this class. A junior and a senior, I don't know them well enough to hold a conversation though. This class is fun, and the teacher is awesome, I just don't know anyone.

4th Lunch

I found my friend I had planned to sit with and did so. Over the course of the lunch, Our table of 4 grew to a table of 8. The highlight of lunch was seeing a Freshman sit down on the floor in the corner of the cafeteria, then a bunch of people tried to get him to sit with them, but to no avail.

4th Block(Honors English 10)

This class is gonna suck, there's so much writing already. The teacher seems okay though.

Bus home

My bus driver annoys me already, because she takes me home 15 minutes later than she could if she didn't pass my neighborhood, because she doesn't like to cross the street more than once.

Share your stories here too, if you want.

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Today was also my first day of school.


Woke up at 6:00, had plenty of time to eat breakfast, get ready, and quickly check the forest mafia. The bus was a bit late, I suppose they had some sort of problem with the bus, we went to wal-mart and some people + me changed busses. We got to school after that.

1st Period.

English. A bit boring, she talked a lot. Then asked us to make an introduction about the other person. I'm supposed to present the other person tomorrow. :unsure:

2nd Period.

Lunch.... Lunch.... LUNCH at 9:20 and with no one i know... makes it even worse. :sob:

3rd Period.

Science Grade 10... Oh joy <_<. Moving during mid-terms is horrible... Not bad aside from that, the teacher likes to make gestures when she talks, like when she doesn't like something she has to do.

4th Period.

Italian. Pretty cool. The teacher seems chilled. You know she is when a kid asks if he can do a research project on italian porn movies. And she just laughs it off.

5th Period

Math. I was surprised it takes me sometime to do Pemdas with negatives and without a calculator. I have seriously relied too much on it lol. Probably will keep doing it though XD :unsure:

Bus Home

Thought of doing my math homework. Fell asleep instead. Not a lot of people like last year :newyears:

I don't know anyone, or atleast not enough to make conversation with anyone so its pretty lonely for now... :unsure:

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Second week of school, ugh.


Nothing special, got up at 6.

Bus ride:

Cool until i actually got on the bus. Normally and last week it had around 15 people. Now it has around 40+, not cool. No open seats except like 2, and the bitch in an open seat decides to save her seat for someone else. I'm like oh hell no, move your ass or find a new seat, i don't have time for this crap. Then she starts gossiping about me, I really didn't care though.

Homeroom-2nd period:

Chilled with my friends and talked to some ladies before getting to homeroom. No i am not a flirt. First period with my strange english AP teacher was strange as usual. He picked me to take book #'s so i just wasted the rest of the class. 2nd period is a piece of cake for me in my honors math class. I finished the homework in about 5 minutes.


Chilled in my AP history class, said nothing, just read my summer-reading book since I just got the assignment a few days ago. AP psych was next, boring as hell (as usual), nothing to report. Just that it was cold. 5th period was by far the coldest room I was in. I skipped my lunch to go to french and chilled with my fellow french classmates in a room that would make a polar bear shiver. And with a crazy teacher to boot. :/


Had AP physics lab today, went outside for some "field testing". I caught a small frog and named him Johnson. Yelled at a friend of mine for acting stupid and messing up the test results. But most importantly, I had to leave Johnson behind. :( Then came my actual french class, not as cold as the other one, but still with that crazy teacher who got a truck-full of dirt from her boyfriend for her birthday.

After school:

Band practice. that is all.

After that:

Wasted around 15 minutes typing all this up :/

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Today was my first day as well. Here's my schedule.

Get up at 5:45 and get ready. Leave home at 6:20. Drive myself to school early for my morning zero-hour full orchestra rehearsal. Figure out at 6:50 that full orchestra doesn't start until next week. Sit and do nothing for 55 minutes until school starts.

1st macro: AP Physics C - Awesome class. Bunch of my friends are in it, and the teacher's awesome. We actually did physics stuff, though... but no homework due til Friday.

2nd macro: AP Calculus BC - Another nice easy class to start off my morning, eh? Ha, I wish. Anyway, I only know a couple people who also have Physics with me. There's a couple of annoying seniors here, and too many juniors. Oh well, it's with the same awesome teacher as Physics. And the homework is due Monday.

3rd macro: Senior Research Paper/World Literature - I'm not a huge fan of English classes, but this one doesn't seem to be too horrible. The teacher's sorta crazy, but not bad otherwise. The only thing I'm not liking is that when I had her freshman year she graded my essays really harshly because "I could do better," despite the fact that they my essays were better than most - if not all - the other students' in my class. So with the huge research paper, her grading could be a problem... whatever, I'm sure I'll do fine. Vocab due Monday.

1st lunch FTW

4th macro: Honors Orchestra - Ha, I love this class. Most of my friends are in it, so we mess around a lot. But our orchestra is still very good. This year my friend and I are section leaders for the second violins, so it's looking fun.

5th macro: World History - I'm not sure if I'll like this class or not. I don't think I'll mind the subject that much, but my class is mostly full of idiots, so everything is probably going to get dumbed down until it's too boring for me to care. We were given about 20 minutes to draw a map of the world today, with as many continents, countries, capitals, landmarks, natural resources, and historical sites recorded as we could. 20 minutes! Whatever, I definitely got more down than 99% of the class. I didn't even get to do anything but some countries and a few capitals. I know a couple kids could only name continents; I don't understand how they've made it to senior year.

After school: Two hours of tennis practice, then finally go home and eat... and eat some more.

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My first day:

Get up at 5:40, brush teeth, eat breakfast like a boss, and catch the bus at 6:30. Arrive at school ~ 6:50. School starts at 7:10.

1st period: 12 Regular English Writing At the Threshold

Teacher talk about syllabus. The majority of my class are idiots so it made me regret dropping AP English for a second. But then I think about the essays and decided that I'd rather just tune the idiots out.

2nd period: Multivariable Calculus and Linear Algebra


/Math Nerd

3rd period: Gym.


4th period: AP Psychology

We went over stuff and started on an activity which was pretty cool. It required talking to strangers (in the class) though, but since I have a fear of strangers I just did the activity with my friend instead. 8D

5th period: AP Statistics

I love my teacher, mainly because I had her as my 10th grade math teacher and she was awesome and very nice. Homework, though, is >_____< Stats is intense.

6th period: LUUUUNCH

OMNOMNOMNOMNOM. Though I'm visiting my AP Studio teacher last year because she's awesome and I loved the class, so I'm spending my lunch in AP Studio every other day. <3

7th period: Shakespeare

Definitely a class that I'll enjoy. <3

8th period: AP Latin

HOLY CRAP WE ACTUALLY DO WORK NOW. Virgil looks really intense. >_____< it's so long, too. But I'll pull it through.

9th period: AP Comparative Gov and Economics

So. Intense. GAH.

At least I get to bash on China's government during that entire unit later.

Hung out with friends. Then hooome.

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Meh. I'll redo my post for my actual first day of school.

Woke up late, around 6:50 am. Took a shower, dressed up, and skipped breakfast like always. In a hurry so I forget to bring my schedule. That was extremely bad.

Got my brother to drive me. Gotta love how he gets ready when I tell him it's time to go. Left at around 7:30am. Not good. School starts at 7:45 am and it takes 15-20 minutes if there's too much traffic. Got to school nice and late. Woot.

1st Period (Worship):

I finally realize I left my schedule. I had a faint memory of which rooms I had. Went to E-3 and didn't recognize anyone. Left and headed for E-4. Nice. It's the Literature class. Moved onto E-5, getting more embarrassed with each mistake. Saw my previous Religion teacher. Told me that it wasn't the class. Moved all the way down to E-1. The right subject, wrong teacher. She directed me to E-3. Wow. I went back and now I recognized everyone. Took my seat at the front of the class and muttered to myself.

2nd Period (Physical Education):

Knew where this was. Took same locker (the one closes to the door). Moving on.

3rd Period (Literary Forms Honors):

Been in the class before. E-4. The class covered in action figures and comic book character posters. Cool teacher. Mostly same Literature classmates as last year, Onwards.

4th Period (AP European History):

Had to turn in summer work to this class so I knew where it was. I have high hopes for this class. Teacher has high expectations but she knows how to lighten up the mood and make the class relax.

5th Period (Spanish 2):

Same teacher. Same classroom. Next.

6th Period (Biology);

Oh boy. Had a slight idea of which class to go to. Somewhere in D block. Looked into every classroom, looking for the class with a lot of sinks and wide tables. Found it. D-4. Knew almost nobody in the class. No friends in it either. Seated in alphabetical order. Got seated next to loud kids. Great.

7th Period (Algebra 2 / Trigonometry):

Same teacher and class as last year. Lots of friends in this class. Good. Seated close to the board. Excellent. I have bad eyes.

Went to Cross Country practice after school. Got home at 5:30pm. Ate, went on computer, and slept.

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Morning: Got up earlier than usual (5:00 AM) Put on my uniform (I go to a bilingual private school, btw...) My dad drives to leave me at school. I bid "good-byesad.gif" to them and say "Hi, torture!! laugh.gif"

1st period: Lost it because the i got lost on the campus. Facepalm_emote_gif.gifIt wasn't that big but yeah... I was asking where 10th grade was, I found the guyy that was stalking me bofore and found the other guy who I found at Bay Islands IN THE SAME HOTEL!!! but somebody told me that there were 3 sections...I didn't know in which section i was. mellow.gif

I went to the administrative office to ask in which section I was. They didn't knew either.Facepalm_emote_gif.gif . I was panicking. THIS IS MY FIRST DAY DAY OF SCHOOL IN A NEW HIGH SCHOOL!!! ;A;. The secretary told me that i wasn't on the list and i wasn't in the archives i was like..."WHAT?" MY MOM CAME TWO DAYS BEFORE TO DELIVER ALL MY DOCUMENTS!!angry.gif She found me and told me to go to 10th B. A girl who was at the office accompanied me to my class. It was a loud class. That girl, trying to make me calm down told me,

"You're going to befreiend these people easily. They are really nice with everyone."

They all quieted down when they saw me...I got nervous... ;A; then my homeroom teacher asked me a weird quetion. How much toilet paper would you need to do a certain thing?... i was like "huh?" The thing was that I had to choose a number and name things about me. "Couldn't you say that at the beginning!!!" <_<

2nd period: Nothing. Befriended an ex-alumni's sister. Her name is Nipuni *that's the short version of her LONG name. She is from Sri Lanka. Speaks 3 languages fluently. n__n*

3rd period: Nothing...Turkish-Arab guy named Anthony really amused me. He's really silly and his friend Gustavo asked me for my e-mail.

4th Period: Befriended 2 new girls called Gabriella and Stephanie.

5th period: Lunch. I didn't eat anything just drank iced tea with Gabriella and Stephanie, Looked for my cousin... (Haha! Stalking... I promised not to do that to her XD)

6th period: Found out that there was a guy sitting behind me. He scared me ;A; FROM WHERE DID HE COME FROM!! *Later, I learned his name was Ramon n__n*

7th period: Nothing. gathered all of my textbooks. (Man, they're heavy!! -__-)

8th period: Nothing. Got ready to leave school. Took some books and left some books at locker.

Yeah...my First day of school

*I started school on Aug. 25th n__n*

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Cool, you guys really have nice schedules and some nice experiences in your first day back to school.

Here' mine (even if it happened at least, five weeks ago):

-Arrived at 10 am (my timezone of Mexico City) and looked for my new schedule, thanks to problems made by administration while I was signing up in college.

-Left at 11 am and headed home to get ready for first day.

-Returned by 12:30 and looked for the new clasroom in the second floor, until I found it by 12:50 (chatting with old friends does this).

-Entered at first class at 13 pm, the teacher appears to be special in a sense she's pretty easy to get annoyed and freaking out possibly. Had to introduce myself to the group by saying my name (teacher didn't allowed anything else), the subject is Multimedia Tecnologies.

-Second class, Digital Circuits, starts. Teacher is easier to freak out and started saying the typical speechÇ: the career is way to hard, some of you will leave by the end of the semester. Left as soon as her class ended.

-Third class Aplication of Informatic Tecnologies, teacher just enters, shows a bit of what we're going to learn in the class and left 20 minutes before her class finished.

-Fourth class, this one seemes better, since the teacher is nice and I like the subject quite a lot: Social-cultural Artistical Expressions. Like history and arts combined, cool.

-Fifth period: Communicative Competency. At last, the day is nearly over! Teacher seems fun and she wants to make the class a bit lighter than usual. I get the chance to formally introduce myself to the group.

-Day ends and I couldn't make a single friend in the first day (I made them when the first week almost ended), I return home and rest some time.

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Here's a day at school, from the other side of things (school's been in session for over a month):

- Woke up. . .an hour early. Prattled on SF, got ready, and drove myself to school.

- *sees broken CD drive* *sees equally broken USB ports* *RAAAGE!!!*

- My e-mail has a bunch of messages. I ignore the spam, and read a document whose only purpose seems to be making more paperwork for everyone, including me. Oh joy. Kids, if you want to tick off your teachers, break the rules. Badly.

- Reminded some parent about her username and password, then reminded her that it's not cool to change either one.

- Played switchboard for a couple of lazy students who couldn't be bothered to find their teacher's phone numbers (it's on your syllabi!!!)


- Gave out price estimates and recommendations on monitors to a student who felt like asking me that.

- Convinced a teacher that I do not have the power to touch something and immediately know how it works.

- "Yes, I was waiting for an e-mail from you, and no, I didn't bother to check my spam folder." GMail owes me a very big apology for putting my correspondence in there.

- Dealt with more random equipment, while listening to the driver's ed class recount grisly stories about accidents, and why it's a good idea to wear a seat belt.

- Interrupted in the middle of something because the school was closing down. . .what do you mean it's 5:30 PM?!

I get to do this all over again tomorrow! Why didn't I learn my lesson and get out of school?

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I started yesterday but one thing made me remember that day well.

Woke up around 5 AM even though I leave at 6:20 to catch my bus.

Waited at the bus stop and it was late by 2 minutes.

The bus I took got HIT BY ANOTHER BUS(try and top that for a first day) so I had to walk to the train stastion which would have took only 3 minutes by bus.

I got to the train station and heard the train leave. I had to wait once again.

Got off the train and saw an old face. Talked until we got to the school doors. Went through the metal detector and scanned in.

Saw a ton of old faces in the cafeteria and we waited until the first bell rang. Went to our advisories and just sat in a random seat. Got a newly hired teacher as my advisor. Meh.

1st period: Went to African American History and the teacher have a creepy smile; which to me sounds like an uber big project.

2nd Period: Digital Editing. didn't do much since the computers were slow and my stomach was hurting so I was at the nurse for like 15 minutes.

3rd Period: Chemistry Honors. Pretty fun. " And no, we do not get to blow stuff up in this class." :lol:

4th Period:English 2 Honors. She scared me when she said " No matter how bad my day was, you are the joy of my day" and some other poetic stuff.


7th Period. Algebra 2 Honors. Oh joys, I haven't touched Algebra in 2 years. I took Geometry last year and Algebra 1 in 8th grade didn't cover enough.

8th Period. Spanish 1. I hate this class. Noisy people. Luckily, I don't have to deal with it no more. I got transferred out.

After school. Waited in line for half an hour to get my transportation pass.

Went to pick up my new glasses and saw an old classmate from 8th grade.

Then I got home around 4:30 PM and got on SF until 5PM and I was knocked out until 2AM this morning. Lurked around SF until 4AM and logged off and prepared 2 binders for my classes.

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Boarding school is awesome, because I can walk to all of my classes and skip all of that bus crap like last year. :DDD

I have half-days on Wednesday and Saturday, and it's my second week, but whatever.

Morning: Got up at 6:15. Fell back asleep at woke up at 7:00. As usual, I was the first to shower on my floor, so I got the hot water again. c:

-Loving the fact that I have a free period before I start classes. Went to breakfast with my friends. Screwed around on the computer for an hour or so.

8:50: AP European history. I think I did fine on the quiz. Our teacher is the varsity football coach, and yells a lot. But that just makes stuff like the Prostitution Tax of 1358 more awesome.

9:40: Chemistry. Blahblahblah significant figures. I don't even think we start actual chem stuff until next week. @__@

10:30: Free period. Practiced piano, since I have my first lesson with my new teacher on Friday. I'm a bit worried, but then again, she's probably nothing like my crazy Russian teacher back home. :U

11:15: Double English. Derp derp. Mainly prepared for our in-class essay tomorrow. x:

Then I went to sports (club squash), took a shower, played some ping-pong, and did my homework. In study hall at the moment, but I'm using my computer anyway. :E

Although on Wednesday nights after study hall, we get to go back to the Main Building and hang out in places like the Snack Bar and Student Center. According to my friends (who were already here last year), Wednesday are opportunities to walk that girl you like back to her dorm.

I'm aiming for a walkback with this girl in my AP Euro class, d00d. :>

inb4 "slut"

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I'm 3+ weeks into school,

Wake up at 7:15, take shower get on comp to check FB and st00f. Go to school.

First class is algebra and i know most people but i either dont like them or dont know them well enough to make a convorsation...and the teacher is really strict...and im assigned front row... next to a kid with mental problems...

Second class, English It's one of my better classes but im not allowed to sit with my friends on most days unless to teacher is feeling nice.

Third class history with my crackhead teacher, front row cause my last name starts with B, at least the teacher makes fun of ahnoying kids,

lunch is cool cause i can talk to my friends.

4th class is science and its cool cause i sit next to my friend and we talk alot.

I now will eat dinner.

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I'm not quite as jaded and lazy as I sound in this post, don't worry. But I will say that school is very meh-ish.

My first day was August 17th, but anyway...

First Day of Junior Year

6:30 AM - Woke up and got into my school...uniform... (Kill me now) Made lunch, brushed my teeth, washed my face etc. and left the house at 7:45 (My school doesn't start until 9:00, 10 on Fridays)

8:37 AM - Got to school and was almost ran over by the 500 million freshmen who apparently aren't jaded enough to dislike schoolwork yet. Oh, and found this huge garish poster that proclaimed that our school made it into Newsweek's Best High Schools list. Oh joy...

8:42 AM - Walked into school and was immediately scrutinized by the uniform police who stand at the front door.

1st Period (Dual Credit Sociology) - Since the professor comes to teach from a university, she didn't get the schedule and wasn't there. Instead, we got a substitute teacher with a horrible accent who tried to get us to talk. Not even gonna happen.

2nd Period (AP Language and Composition) - Walked in, sat down, and had to do a literary comparison exercise. Got my syllabus and found out that we're going to be doing a lot of reading and writing. Yikes... Oh, and the class was too crowded. And we got homework...

3rd Period (Honors Economics) - Sat down, got my syllabus, and started thinking about where to do my community service hours for school (the humane society?)

Lunch - My school has a block schedule, and five different lunches, but since it was the first day, we crammed all of out classes in and ate at one lunch. Talked to my friends and enjoyed the fact that we're all upperclassmen, and commiserated over the amount of work we're gonna get.

4th Period (Honors French III) - Oh dear... None of us like the teacher. He's probably the only French III teacher who can't pronounce 'sac de couchage.' Horrified glances were exchanged quite often during the class, and we really hope that he doesn't try to teach an AP French class next year. His French accent was nonexistent. We really wished that we had our old teacher back.

5th Period (Honors Chemistry I) - Walked in, found out that the room was about 64 degrees, and started shivering. Got my syllabus and hoped to get to do some experiments throughout the year.

6th Period (AP U.S. Government) - Talked to some old friends and looked at the government books. They were huge and thick. Yikes... Promptly got scared.

7th Period (Pre-Calculus) - Got my syllabus (as I did in every one of my other classes) and found out that I forgot how to find the slope-intercept form of an equation when given two ordered pairs. Oops... I don't know if I'm going to like math too much.

8th Period (Honors Latin III) - Whoo! Third year of Latin! Found out that I actually remembered how to conjugate 1-4th declension nouns. Found out that all of us are going to do AP Latin Vergil next year, no choice given. Eeeeek...

Convocation (read: School Gathering/Announcements) - Found out that we now have a 'head of school' and an 'assistant head of school' instead of a principal and vice-principal. Also found out that we have a dean of student life. Scary... The head of school gave us the pep talk of the year, and told us not to ruin our high school's prestigious reputation. Found out that the school board wants us all to wear ties and blazers for next year. Uhh...No.

After School (4:00-5:30) - Ran 3.1 miles for cross country. Drove home.

Got home at 6:30. Ate dinner, did dishes, did my homework, surfed the web (GFAQs. This was before I discovered SF's forums) figured out that I live 180 blocks away from my school and that it takes $5 in gas money each day to get to and from school, took a shower, and went to bed.

My high school years have been very meh-ish so far. Oh well. That's not a bad thing, I guess.

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First day was a month ago, but I'll try:

Woodshop 1A: Boring as hell. I didn't want to take this class but I had to to keep the rest of my schedule good and to get the stupid Practical Art high school requirement my school has.

Pre-Calculus: Three annoying kids in this class. Review of Algebra II so far, which I took freshman year and therefore don't remember too much. I'm not doing terrible in this class, but I'm also not doing as well as I want to. Oh wait, I forgot about the first day: boring.

AP English Language and Comprehension: Had this teacher freshmen year. One of the best at my school. I'm friendly with him and junk. So far, I'm doing well.

AP US History: My favorite subject this year. Had him freshmen year as well (AP English and AP US History teachers work as a "team").

AP Environmental Science: Its nickname at my school is AP Arts and Crafts. So I'm psyched. Medium math question on AP Exam: 365 x 18. LOL

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8th Period (Honors Latin III) - Whoo! Third year of Latin! Found out that I actually remembered how to conjugate 1-4th declension nouns. Found out that all of us are going to do AP Latin Vergil next year, no choice given. Eeeeek...

I'm in AP Latin.

Vergil is already brutal looking and we haven't even started it yet.

Good luck next year~ :)

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First day of Term 4 started yesterday.

8am~9:30am: Language Arts. New teacher, nice though she isn't as awesome as our original LA teacher.

9:30am~10am: Recess. Not bad.

10am~11:45am: Assembly. This one sucked because we got punished for something we didn't do.

11:45am~12:30pm: Music. Turned into a Philosophy class XD

12:30pm~1:30pm: Chinese. Blegh.

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〜Exactly One Week Ago〜

7:30 AM: Begin playing a rousing game of Snooze Tag with my phone.

8:40 AM: Grab a quick bowl of Life, some Ocean Spray, and my daily vitamin

8:45 AM: Leave the apartment

9:00 AM: Morning meeting with advisor

9:15 AM: Go to office. Register, check up on paperwork, file expense report, meander the internet.

12:00 PM: Go to Pancheros for a burrito to-go. They have the most awesome hours ever, and great food. Take burrito back to office, so I can internet while I eat.

12:15 PM: Alternate between programming in C++ for my analysis, writing chunks of thesis, and goofing off.

5:00 PM: Evening meeting with advisor

5:15 PM: Back to the office, wrap up a few final things, end up goofing off longer than expected.

6:30 PM: Leave office, head to a bus stop

~7:00 PM: The bus was a little late, but eventually board the #16. Heading for Best Buy. My old microphone headset died, and I left it in the trash in Geneva, and it needed a replacement. Also, my power brick/cord has been acting funny, and I wanted to buy a new one for replacement.

7:45 PM: Do my shopping. Find awesome bundled The Slayers for sale, at a steal pricing, proceed to acquire. Grab dinner at a nearby McDonalds.

7:55 PM: Discover I just missed the bus back, have to wait for a half hour.

~9:00 PM: Lounge about the apartment, wishing I had wireless, and doing assorted and various

~12:00 AM: Sleep

Times are not certified accurate, my memory is unreliable.

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〜Exactly One Week Ago〜

7:45 PM: Do my shopping. Find awesome bundled The Slayers for sale, at a steal pricing, proceed to acquire.


Well my school first day was posted already, but my english class is fun. Currently my science was boring, but now its slowly increasing to a bit fun :newyears:

My math is very boring aside from yesterday in which we did some type of competition with binomials. (x+2)(x+3) sort of thing. :awesome: Fun competition, my team was losing 3-3-1-1-0. Mine was one of the ones due to the fact that me and my partner couldn't do it fast enough. However once the tougher ones came by, 2 pointers, it turned the ties. It ended 6-5-3-1-0 IIRC.

The purpose of this whole thing was for it not to be spam

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Lets see...Almost a 3 weeks into school but I remember. :awesome:


Do things like eat breakfast, brush my teeth and things like that. Play a bit of SSBB.


Mom drops me,my brother,and sister off at each school. (HS,Elementary,MS respectively.)

First off is my sister than my brother and then me. My best friend call around 7:26 and asks if I was at school yet and I tell him no (dropping off brother) and tells me to wait for him in front of the school. :/


At school and I see some of my friends and talk to a few and after a while they leave me. sob.gif I resume with waiting for my best friend and wait for about 6mins till he shows up.


Me and my friend go to our advisory and stay there until the bell rings (since we're gonna end up there anyways...) and just talk and crap.


Bell rings and school starts.

Pretty much most of the morning until about 11:50ish...

We had assemblies filled with a bunch of bull and me and my best friend just talk through the whole thing.

11:55am: Lunch

Not hungry and neither is my best friend so we just go out side and walk around the school. After a while we end up at the entrance and I see a group of my friends and walk up to them to say hi and get into the conversation. My friend does as well but feels a bit out of place. After awhile his girlfriend comes out of nowhere and takes him god knows where. I stay with my friends having a good time until my best friend and his bi*** of a girlfriend come back and ruin my first day. (Along with my best friends.)

*Pretty much what she was saying was that she was jealous of me for having been with him all morning and so declared that he was cheating on her with me. WHAT...THE...FU**!? And that how my first day of HS was ruined.

12:40 to 2:25pm:

Another assembly filled with even more bull.


Get on the bus and go home.


Yay I'm home.

And that is how my first day of school was.

Ugh how I hate that girl...

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  • 2 weeks later...

skitarii's first day of his second year in college...

6am-8am. Wake up, get ready for teh day, commute to teh college. Breakfast consumed, cd is burnt, and souvenirs are packed as I traveled to Hokkaido in June.

9am-10am - Linear Algebra class; Professor turned out to be a pretty young guy. Proceeded to dis the Calculus people and tell us the contributions of Linear Algebra: Photoshop, google search algorithms, and something I forgot.

10am-11am- Picked up textbook.

11am-12am - Multivariable Calculus class; Introduction to double and triple integrals, fuck. Professor has extremely merciful grading scheme; heavy Chinese accent which I'm accustomed to hearing while all teh Non-Asians proceed to scratch ears and heads.

Grading scheme is thus:

10% HW, 40% 2 miderms, 50% final.

OR, if you fail boh midterms, 10% HW and 90% final.

12am-1pm - Lunch at Rubio's

1pm-2pm - Physics class; Electrodynamics, Optics, and Special Relativity. Reviewed a chapter that won't be on hw and tests.

2pm-3pm - On the way back home.

Post 3pm - On serenes forest, writing this post.

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contributions of Linear Algebra: Photoshop, google search algorithms, and something I forgot.

Second period math class has now just became the most awesome class ever.

...Even though we're still in the Multivariable Calc portion of the curriculum.

On another note, my Multivariable Calc and Linear Algebra teacher has a heavy Chinese accent too. :awesome:

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