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Jugdral 978: A Holy War/Thracia 776 Successor RP


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Yeah, sorry about claiming holy blood earlier when you said not to. I was posting when you were doing so.

I really like this direction you're going in. By the way though, how would you handle the distance of each of the castles? Like for instance Chalphy and the Ulir castle (I forgot it's name). How long would it take to get from one castle from the other? Distance issues like this are going to need to be worked out kind of.

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I'm relatively sure that one turn approx. equals one day (in FE4), and it takes a horse-unit roughly 3 turns to ride from Chalphy to Jungby (Ulir Castle for ya), so I would assume it takes 3 to 5 days.

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so when they fight bandits, they do it for days at a time? Seems...unlikely.

What, so it takes less than a day to reach the next castle? Also seems unlikely.

That, or it's just that the prologue map is small. I maintain that, beyond the bandits comment, it makes sense. After all, you can't just finish an invasion of Augustria/Verdane in a week. That should take more than a couple days.

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Eh, makes sense. Although, even so, Chapter 1 is a full invasion of Verdane. You can apparently finish said invasion in the span of 5 or 6 days (assuming a turn is somewhere like 6 or 7 hours).

Not to mention the fact that you can apparently travel between Jungby and Chalphy (two castles can't be that close) in the span of about 12 hours.

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I don't think we need to use the games as any sort of rigid measurement here, either. We can define distances as needed for the purposes of our story. I mean, we're not using the game's stats and ignoring some of its mechanics (holy weapons aren't super, etc), I don't see the need to stick to it in this case, either.

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I don't think we need to use the games as any sort of rigid measurement here, either. We can define distances as needed for the purposes of our story. I mean, we're not using the game's stats and ignoring some of its mechanics (holy weapons aren't super, etc), I don't see the need to stick to it in this case, either.

Yeah, travel will "move at the speed of plot," as the saying goes. Really, any reasonable amount of time is fine. If it's critical to the story (a race to get somewhere or do something, for example,) then we can put more thought into it.

Keep in mind too that some travel situations may involve pegasus/dragon flight or the warp spell, which will also influence how fast you move, if you have access to them.

Also, sorry it's taking me later than expected for the signups. I'm making little blurbs about the countries, castles, bloods, etc for people who haven't played the games, and that is taking a little time. RL is also busy because of my move. Thanks for your patience :) I still fully intend to run this game.

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Speaking of which, when are we starting?

Also, sorry it's taking me later than expected for the signups. I'm making little blurbs about the countries, castles, bloods, etc for people who haven't played the games, and that is taking a little time. RL is also busy because of my move. Thanks for your patience I still fully intend to run this game.

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Also, sorry it's taking me later than expected for the signups. I'm making little blurbs about the countries, castles, bloods, etc for people who haven't played the games, and that is taking a little time. RL is also busy because of my move. Thanks for your patience :) I still fully intend to run this game.


Astelaine will get to it when she does.

lol same time post

Edited by CATS
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I KNEW I messed something in those 3 pages I skipped.

One thing about roleplay you dont want to do.

Do not skip. You might miss interactions

Ya, Im looking at you, Rein.

Edited by Kai
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One thing about roleplay you dont want to do.

Do not skip. You might miss interactions

Ya, Im looking at you, Rein.

Dood. I've roleplayed before (let's just say that Gaiaonline is big on roleplaying). I know not to skip anything.

But I skipped this time because nothing has even started.

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Dood. I've roleplayed before (let's just say that Gaiaonline is big on roleplaying). I know not to skip anything.

But I skipped this time because nothing has even started.

You might have missed something important, roleplay or not

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I personally don't see a problem with Camtechs move. (PS Camtech it's not "rereading" if you haven't read it :P ) Anything that's mentioned within this thread that is of importance, should be mentioned in the Signup/Info page as well.

Since alot of it is FE4 fanatics debating FE4's gameplay mechanics, something which has very little significance in the RP.


There'd probably be participants from both sides, but I doubt SQ'ers opinion of Snowy will change much, and from what I've seen it's not SQ'ers vs LoAF'ers but SQ'ers vs Snowy with LoAF'ers getting all defensive XD

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I dunno, some of us have gotten pretty apathetic about the whole matter, if not joined the other side of the debate.

Oh right, being relevant, I should do that... anyway. This thing looks really, really interesting. Is there some time period for joining, or would it be possible to join later? I'm not sure I have time at the moment, but I might a little later...

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I myself don't even fully understand the argument. Some of the SQ people don't seem to mind chatting and being civil, then people like Purg go about and seem to try and pick fights with me. I generally just ignore them now, but still...

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Well on the other hand I refer to you guys not as Es-Kyu'ers but "Skewers" XD So there's two sides to that perspective XD


I'd strongly assume that joining later is acceptable, unless this is going to end within the period of one month :/


You're might be a victim there, but you're also equally an offender, so I wouldn't go yapping just yet. The main issue I can recall is Loafers not willing to listen to external opinion. "Okay, but we prefer our way" would have been better, but the initial input put into LoAF feedback was responded to with, "Get lost, we don't care, this system works for us and we don't want to listen to outsiders."

That, coupled with some pretty stupid comments you make. I'll probably never forget your "If you're argue about stuff, take it to court" comment in the religious topic.


Astel was female? XD Go figure:/ I really don't know anyone on this forum :P


I was worried you'd lost motivation or something after the barrage of questions, but if you're working on info for us non-FE4 players, that'd help alot, and more importantly it'd value wouldn't decrease if we got it prior to signing up a character.

Good luck:P

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