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Lemmings on the Run (part 2: not serious)

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"Hey Ban-Ban. . .is that guy over there a part of Marth's group?" she asked, pointing towards a man with a bow. His bow was trained on--

"Tiki, look out!" He couldn't get to the enemy in time, but he could save her! A look of confusion crossed Tiki's face, as she found a Firestone in her hands.

"Tiki. . .be safe. . ." The dragon girl's eyes widened in shock as her guardian collapsed, an arrow in his back. The stone in her hands pulsed gently. The one in front of her aimed his bow at his intended target. An arrow flew from another direction, but the girl with the stone didn't notice. The sniper looked back at his original target, just in time to see the tiny girl replaced by a very large, angry dragon.

He didn't have time to scream before a gout of flame claimed his life.

That bowman was so manly for the duration of his brief existance.

His name was Dannen, Dannen Coppersmith. He was twenty-three, and had spent most of his adult life in the army after being conscripted at the tender age of fifteen. He had often used his bow to hunt small game in his hometown, the small town of Ostrarch, but it was only in the army that his keen eye and steady hands led to him being one of the fastest-blossoming bowmen in the army. Quickly he found himself promoted to more impressive duties, before finally being promoted to full Sniper...he was now free to take on his own targets.

The men under him were frightened at the rumours of men that could become dragons at will. This did not concern Dannen. To him, if these 'manaketes' even existed, they would be just another challenge. His life was a series of challenges. The greatest challenge of all was to obey orders unthinkingly...

When he saw one of the dragon-cultists, immediately he went after him. He cared not which of the 'manaketes' were on his side, he wanted the elder for himself. He looked weak, and fell to a single shot. Where was the challenge in this? Had his glorious army been reduced to killing old men?

No. He couldn't allow himself to think about these things. He couldn't humanise the opponent. He couldn't...

Dannen Coppersmith saw a manakete in action for the first time that day. And it would be the last thing he would ever see before being enveloped in flames.

R.I.P, that generic dude.

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That bowman was so manly for the duration of his brief existance.

His name was Dannen, Dannen Coppersmith. He was twenty-three, and had spent most of his adult life in the army after being conscripted at the tender age of fifteen. He had often used his bow to hunt small game in his hometown, the small town of Ostrarch, but it was only in the army that his keen eye and steady hands led to him being one of the fastest-blossoming bowmen in the army. Quickly he found himself promoted to more impressive duties, before finally being promoted to full Sniper...he was now free to take on his own targets.

The men under him were frightened at the rumours of men that could become dragons at will. This did not concern Dannen. To him, if these 'manaketes' even existed, they would be just another challenge. His life was a series of challenges. The greatest challenge of all was to obey orders unthinkingly...

When he saw one of the dragon-cultists, immediately he went after him. He cared not which of the 'manaketes' were on his side, he wanted the elder for himself. He looked weak, and fell to a single shot. Where was the challenge in this? Had his glorious army been reduced to killing old men?

No. He couldn't allow himself to think about these things. He couldn't humanise the opponent. He couldn't...

Dannen Coppersmith saw a manakete in action for the first time that day. And it would be the last thing he would ever see before being enveloped in flames.

R.I.P, that generic dude.

. . .ah, thanks. Everyone, a moment of silence. . .

. . .okay, there. Thanks for the eulogy!

This is actually kind of depressing. But keep doing it all the same

Er, thanks. The moon won't stay in front of the sun forever.

Y'know, it's almost to the point that you WANT Palla to die. Hey, at least she doesn't have any more sisters, right?

Feeling bad for her? Then I've done my job.

This time, she'll get her moment in the sun.

Chapter 20

The Fane was long behind the army. Marth had given orders to march to Grust. Everyone's physical wounds had healed, but. . .

"Hey, what's up?" Julian asked Palla, as lightly as he could. He'd noticed that her aim had been off since their battle with the Sable Order, and that she'd become unusually silent after the events in the Fane. He hadn't told anyone what had happened after she had run off.

"Nothing," came the mumbled reply. The thief sighed. He hated doing things the hard way!

"Well, I picked up this really nice bow--"

"I don't want it."

"Hey, at least let me finish! You're the only one that can wield this bow."

"Leave me alone." Julian thought back to another sulky teenager he'd seen some time back. Sedgar had mentioned that he'd reached Tomas by getting him angry. Julian hoped that Palla could be reached the same way.

"Is this about the battle with the Sable Order?"

"Go away!" Bingo.

"Still hung up about the death of your sister?"

"You. . .how. . ."

"I followed you after you ran off. After you'd cried yourself to sleep, I buried her, then carried you back to base." Julian saw tears forming in the girl's eyes. He didn't like making girls cry! A tug on his shirt brought him back to reality. He silently cursed his inattentiveness, then looked down.

"Why is Palla crying?" Tiki asked, concern in her innocent eyes. It was hard to believe that this child was powerful enough to defeat Medeus! Julian knelt so that he was eye level with her.

"Palla had a sister, and now she's gone," he explained softly. A look of puzzlement crossed the dragon girl's face. Suddenly, she gave him a big grin.

"Thanks, mister!" she called, as she ran towards Palla.

"No, wait--"

"Hey Palla, can I be your sister?"


"Julian said your sister isn't here any more. I never had a sister, so can I be your sister? Huh? Why are you crying harder? Please don't cry!" The archer knelt down and hugged the confused manakete.

"Tiki, I. . .thank you. . ."

"Uh, no problem?" Palla rose and faced Julian.

"I believe you said you had a bow for me?"

"Oh, right. Here it is. It's a Longbow, which means you can use it on mages, and they won't be able to hit you."

"Thanks, Julian. And. . .I'm sorry."

"No problem! If you ever want to talk, you know where to find me. . .or anyone else."

"I wanna see what that bow does!"

"All right, all right! No need to pull me. . .sister."


"Sedgar, I need to ask you a favor."

"What is it?" The one being addressed sheathed his sword. The blade no longer felt awkward in his hands.

"I'm looking for a particular axe," came the grim reply. The kid in front of him hadn't looked this serious since Sedgar had walked out to find him back in Archanea.

"Which one, and why?"

"We're marching into Grust, and. . ." One of Sedgar's eyebrows went up, as Tomas explained his plan. At best, it was foolish. At worst, it was suicidal. However, if that kid didn't get an answer he liked here, Sedgar feared he'd do something even more foolish.

"Tomas, you'll need to promise me one thing before I answer that question."


"You have to promise that you won't end up dead out there."


"What you're proposing to do is crazy, on a really good day. You're more than likely going to end up dead if you go through with it. What will happen to that girl you've been training?"

"What about her?"

"Don't you remember how dazed she was when she first joined? Marth told me it was because her sister had died in front of her. That same dazed look is back on her face."

"And?" Sedgar mentally took back anything he said about the kid in front of him having intelligence.

"You're the closest person to her in this army. If you were to die, she'll probably snap, like you did when you saw your friends killed in front of you." To his credit, the kid looked guilty.

"When I think of what would happen if someone else in this army died, I. . .I--"

"We're in this together. You'll have to trust us not to die, just as we trust you not to do stupid things with your own life."

"All right, no need to lecture me!"

"So, did you want me to answer your question?" The kid bit his lip. He was thinking about the implications of his decision. Good.

"Yeah. This is for those who gave their lives for me. . .and for Princess Nyna's good."

"Very well. What you're looking for is called a poleaxe. . ."


"Palla, what are you doing?" Palla turned in shock, as the healer of the army regarded her.

"I got this bow a couple days back, but I'm having a hard time using it."

"Here, try this." Gordin repositioned her hands.

"Umm. . .wow, that's much easier! I didn't know you could use a bow!"

"That's what I used to do before Marth put me in these robes," he replied, a smile on his face.

"Would you mind if I asked you for help every now and then?"

"Sure, but why not ask Tomas?"

"He seems different. . .like there's something that's bugging him. I don't want to interfere."

"I didn't know you cared for him! You're so sweet!"

"It's--it's not like that! Hey, come back here!" The healer ran as fast as he could from the girl with the bow. It was hazardous to be around such a dangerous creature!

"Tomas. . .*huff*. . .how do you handle her?! EEK!"

Sold off a ton of extras, as well as all Bullions for forge no. 2: Railgun (+10 MT +35 HIT Longbow). I'll need this for Endgame. I've still got ~15000 worth of funds, which isn't enough. However, arena abuse is out of the question.

This chapter's title is now Palla's Critical Party.

Palla hit a critical on a General near the Arrowspate. One of the Silver Sword Paladins ate a critical. She hit another critical on the Arrowspate. The general near Lorenz went down to a critical. So did Pachyderm. Thank goodness she didn't critical Camus, or I would've reset.

Tiki gained some levels from the Paladins near the bridge and a couple of armors. Abel went ballista hunting, and the thief died to Gordin, of all people. The Pachyderm couldn't hit Draug to save its life (29% displayed hit after everything was factored in). All I could buy was a lone Hand Axe. I think I have enough gear for the rest of the game.

Oh, and Camus went down to the tag team of Sedgar + Lightsphere and Marth. I had originally wanted Tomas to kill him, but he had all of 66% displayed hit with the Poleaxe, and Sedgar had gotten a perfect level. Y'know what. . .screw it, I'll ignore that little detail and write my story the way I intended it to work out.

"I guess we should be thankful that Grust kept their best at the capital. These guys are tough!" Abel guided his horse to the right, and narrowly escaped a sword swipe from his opponent. His opponent disappeared. Where did he go?

"That's another one!" Palla exclaimed. Abel smiled at the sniper. She waved and smiled back. He wasn't sure what had made her go from inaccurate to very accurate, but he didn't care. She was one more person helping the army!

Another enemy charged. The Altean readied his lance. Let's see Grust's best get past his Ridersbane!


"I hate fighting paladins," Gordin whined. Draug inwardly agreed, but didn't like it when his study partner whined. It made him seem younger than he really was.

"I'll help!" a cheerful voice called from behind. Tiki ran in front of them.

"Is it okay for her to be doing that?" Gordin whispered to Draug.

"Marth has allowed her to fight, so I don't see why not. She looks like she--EEEP!"

Gone was the bubbly girl the Alteans had grown accustomed to. A shining white dragon stood in her place. The unfortunate paladin was slain by her breath. Just as suddenly, the dragon vanished, and the girl turned around and waved at them.

"Draug. . .remind me not to make her angry. . ."


"That lance--" Sedgar looked at the soldier Marth pointed at. The lance he held was very different, indeed. Could it be. . .

"Gradivus. . .that means we're facing Camus himself." The subject of the conversation turned in their direction.

"That's him," Tomas said flatly. He wore an uncharacteristic scowl.

"Are you Marth?" the enemy called out. Marth nodded.

"Tell me, is Nyna safe?" The dracoknight's scowl deepened. Since when was that soldier on familiar terms with the princess?

"Yes, she is," Marth called back.

"Then I have no regrets. Prepare yourselves." Sedgar had just enough time to throw himself out of the way before the legendary lance streaked by the place he'd been a moment earlier. This guy was good!

"What the--ack!" The prince was forced to pull the same desperate maneuver Sedgar had done earlier.

"I can't get close enough," Tomas called from above. The oldest of the group sighed. He'd need to talk to the dracoknight about divulging battle strategy to the enemy in the middle of battle.

"And you never will," the enemy said calmly, as he aimed his lance skyward. The aerial unit rattled off a string of curses that Sedgar had not expected him to know, while attempting to gain altitude. Gradivus missed the dragon by a hair's breadth. The man the three of them was facing was extremely fast, and very well aware of the battle. However, he couldn't focus on all of them at once!

"Hey, babyface, your opponent is me," Sedgar yelled, as he threw his axe. The paladin dodged, as expected. Marth lunged forward, which caused Camus to back up. That meant--

"FOR ARCHANEA!" That kid would be in for another lecture after the battle.

The greatest warrior Grust had in its arsenal sat perfectly still on his horse. The poleaxe Sedgar had given Tomas had laid the enemy knight's back open. Camus slumped forward, before falling limply to the ground. Marth picked the legendary lance off the ground.

"Gradivus. . .you'll see battle again soon enough. . ."

Up in the sky, the dracoknight remembered to breathe. He'd manage to keep his promise to Sedgar, and had avenged the friends who had given their lives for him.

"The one who imprisoned us is gone. Boah, Dolph, Macellan, Midia. . .we're free. . ."

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I liked the parts with Gordin. And not just because it's Gordin.

And if Camus is dead, what about Sirius?

[spoiler=various Camus]Camus is 'killed', gets washed ashore into Gaiden's continent. Does stuff, comes back as Sirius. Keikaku Doori.

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Very good story, I've been thinking about doing some thing like this. ( blue hair) do you think I should?

You've got Marth, Frey (probably), Caeda, Barst, Castor, Rickard, Midia, Horace, Catria, Samson, and Elice (I think I got them all).

How well do you think you know these characters? Do you think you can make it (somewhat) believable, given whatever information SD, NM, BS, and the developer's notes gave us? Do you want to depress the ever-living daylights out of yourself?

If you think you know them well, then feel free to do something serious. If you aren't looking forward to randomly depressing yourself, maybe something not quite as dark as what I'm doing.

If your insanity is on par with mine, do a parody.

Or, you can focus more on the events of the war, rather than the people behind them.

Whatever you decide, make sure you're comfortable with it. Don't make it so that you dread writing the next chapter. Above all, have fun, and be creative!

I liked the parts with Gordin. And not just because it's Gordin.

I'm not done with him yet! I'll see if I can have him do stuff that doesn't involve Draug (since the latter really needs more characterization).

Chapter 20x

"It's hot in here!" Tiki complained loudly. Several others agreed with her, albeit silently.

"Some Grustians are in here. Imagine how much they're sweating!" Merric shot back. Tiki giggled.

"You're funny, Merry!"

"Ah, what?"

"Do you not like being called Merry?"

"I--I wasn't expecting it. I'm sorry."

"But you're always so merry! Merry, merry!" The dragon girl skipped off, humming to herself.

"I wish you were right, Tiki. . .but I don't feel so merry. . ."


Marth looked at the caves he'd led his army into, and sighed. The air was heavy with volcanic fumes, and lava gave the otherwise dark caverns an unnatural glow. He couldn't ignore the cowardly actions of Grust, so he'd led his army down here, to save the villagers. Sweat beaded on his brow. If he was this uncomfortable, how were his troops faring?

"You look worried," a nearby voice stated. Despite his weapons, Sedgar had somehow walked up to Marth unnoticed.

"This battle doesn't look like it will be easy," the prince stated, a little bit of nervousness in his voice.

"I think this will be one of our easier battles," came the calm reply. Marth faced the other man in shock. What kind of attitude was that?

"Grust is famed for its armored units. They will be affected by this heat more than our troops, who are wearing heavy robes, at worst. Our mages are quite adept with fire-elemental spells, which will be all the more intense in these caves. Tomas can fly over the lava to scout, while staying out of range of the enemy. The enemy does not have that luxury. I'd say we have a definite advantage in here."

"I see. Thank you, Sedgar. I like hearing things from another point of view. It helps me to make better decisions."

"No problem, sir." This time, Sedgar meant it.

I guess this counts as efficient, if efficiency is defined by a unit with garbage for move killing 95% of the enemies on this chapter.

Tiki went from level 5 to 13. I'll need her to hit about 20, or I'm gonna have to waste a lot of stat boosters on her.

Ymir killed himself (really), which was not supposed to happen. I'll pretend that he didn't.

True to Sedgar's words, the enemy was slowed horribly by the heat. Draug had mixed feelings about his newfound success with his fire spells. He was happy that he was a more effective soldier, but he kept having to fight the heavily armored units. They had no chance of dodging, and they fell, one by one, smoke pouring from cracks in their armor. Just like that reflection of his in Port Warren. . .

. . .but he was gone, and the enemies in front of him were alive, and clamoring to kill him. When would this end?


The heat was a bigger threat than the enemies in the cavern. Sedgar stopped to take another sip out of his canteen. Part of him kicked himself for not bringing an extra one. Motion out of the corner of his eye brought him out of his self-criticism. The dragon they'd picked up in the Fane slowly walked towards a large warrior. Her gait was unsteady, and her shoulders looked like they were shaking.

(This girl does not belong on the battlefield. Marth, what were you thinking?!)

The warrior hefted his axe. The dragon girl flinched, and transformed. Her attack hit the warrior, who countered with a cruel downwards stroke. The magic of the stone gave out, as the monstrous dragon was replaced by a girl, crying her eyes out.

"Ah, why'd you hafta do that for? Oh, please stop cryin'! I don't like makin' girls cry!"

"It hurts!" To the plainsman's disbelief, the warrior put his axe down and dropped to one knee.

"I'm real sorry for hurtin' ya, miss, but I've got somethin' to protect."

"My tummy. . ."

"You mind telling me what you have to protect?" Sedgar asked evenly. The two looked up at him.

"The villager's 're down there, an' I don't want them getting hurt!"

"I'm not interested in the villagers."

"Why should I believe you?" Sedgar ignored the enemy in front of him, and knelt next to Tiki.

"Hey there, how are you doing?"

"My tummy's sore!"

"I'll get you to a healer, so your tummy won't hurt any more."


"Yeah. Just gimme a bit. . .and up you go!" The warrior regarded Sedgar with bewilderment.

"I don't want this girl to cry, either. I'll let the others know that you're here, so no one else will attack you."

"You'd better keep your word!"

"Do you care about those chests over there?" Sedgar asked, motioning to a pair of chests not far from the warrior.

"Take 'em. I don't care."

"You'll see someone come to retrieve the contents of the chests, but he'll leave you alone. That is how I'll prove I'm telling the truth."

"Very well, but if you're lyin', I'll kill whoever tries to get past me!"

"Fair enough. Tiki, let's go."

"Thank you, Mr. Hero!"

"Now I've got a nickname. . ."

"Did you say something, Mr. Hero?"

"Nothing, nothing."


Julian carefully skirted around the warrior with the axe. He matched Sedgar's description, and the thief wasn't about to try his luck against such a fighter! In moments, he'd pried the chests open, and taken their contents. The warrior's gaze never left him. The thief curtly waved, then ran off towards safety. Once the redhead was out of sight, the warrior relaxed.

"That man was tellin' the truth. The fightin' sounds like it's over. Time to return home. Everyone, let's go!"

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You've got Marth, Frey (probably), Caeda, Barst, Castor, Rickard, Midia, Horace, Catria, Samson, and Elice (I think I got them all).

Yeah, blue would be ... pretty easy.

A good read, as always. Good to see Tomas is as ... subtle as ever.

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A good read, as always. Good to see Tomas is as ... subtle as ever.

"The author thought I took too much screen time, so I was off doing other stuff. I think you confused me with Sedgar."

Tiki went from "three lines in the whole game" to "extremely amusing". Good work.

Thanks! She's supposed to be the proverbial breath of fresh air.

Yeah it would be pretty easy, but I think I could get a pretty good story out of it.

Ok I'll do it but serious or funny?

I answered this in your topic.

Chapter 21

"Home. . ." Palla hadn't been away from Macedon for that long, but it felt like a lifetime ago. Back then, she'd had Catria and Est, and. . .

"Palla, are you okay?" Gordin had appeared next to her, and she didn't even notice!

"I am. Thanks for asking," she said, voice shaking.

"Well, if you insist. If you want to talk, I'll listen. I promise I won't laugh!" he replied, cheerily.

"You're very kind, Gordin." Why was the world becoming blurry?

"Oh, I made you cry! I'm so sorry! Ah, why can't I be good with people like Sedgar or Julian?"

"It's not you! It's. . .you remind me of someone. . .Est. . ."

"Isn't that one of your sisters?"

"She is--was," Palla corrected herself. Est was gone, and it was her fault!

"But I'm supposed to be the older brother!"

"You, an older brother?" The thought of Gordin being an older anything lifted the sniper's gloom, if only for a moment.

"Why yes I am! It is my sworn duty to tease my younger brother, and teach him to fear me!" The bishop's chest puffed out ever so slightly. Palla couldn't help but giggle.

"Ah, I see a smile! You look so much better when you smile."

"Ooh, you. . ."

"No matter how much I tease my brother, and no matter how often he tattles on me, we're still family. We'll support each other through thick and thin. Even if your sisters aren't right next to you, I think they'd feel the same way. Be strong for them! Show them the true power of the older sister!" Gordin smiled inwardly when he saw the sniper laugh.

"I. . .I will. Thank you."

"Just. . .don't tell him I'm dressed up like this. He thinks I'm an archer, and I'd like him to continue thinking that."

"I'll make sure to announce your new role as healer once I get to Altea."


Oh no, oh no, OH NO! The Green Skittle nearly died to a group of angry Dracoknights. My generics bought enough time for him to get to safety, but that was scary! He's also got 7 RES. . .

Tiki's crazy experience gain has nearly ground to a halt. Fortunately, she's got enough stats in the vital areas where I won't have to do a massive stat booster dump on her.

Everyone else mopped up after Tiki. Due to the reinforcements, I couldn't finish until turn 13.

"My, what a view," the army's dracoknight commented. The battlefield was nestled between two mountain ranges. Forests separated the mountains from the plains. Fluffy white clounds floated across the sky, marred by several black dots. Macedon's famed dracoknights had taken the field. Some wielded throwing weapons. Others were armed with very keen lances. One in particular caught his eye. That one was armed with--

"Hey, little girl! Dragonpike coming your way," Tomas shouted down to his comrades.

"WHAT DID YOU JUST CALL ME?!" Palla yelled back, infuriated.

"I was talking to your shadow, not you," he retorted.

"You two fight like lovers!" Tiki stated, giggling.

"We do not!" the sniper insisted. She was grateful that her back was to Tiki, or the dragon girl would see her face go red.

"Why would I be interested in such a scary girl?" came the reply from above.

"You say that like you WANT me to pound you after this battle's over!"

"Why not aim your scary temper at that enemy with the Dragonpike? I'm sure Tiki would be really happy."

"Yeah, yeah, I wanna see you shoot!"

"All right, all right. . .here's how it's done!" Palla's shot arced impressively. The unfortunate dracoknight plummeted from the sky.

"Wow, it went down in one shot! You're good, sister!"

"Tee-hee! Thank you, Tiki!"

"I think I'm gonna be sick. WATCH WHERE YOU TRANSFORM! That almost hit me!"

"Then stop being mean to sister, Tomas!"

"Of all the people in the army, I'm the one that escapes getting a nickname. Take that, Sedgar," the dracoknight mumbled under his breath.

"Sister, you're right. He's weird."

"Indeed, Tiki. Let's help Marth some more!"


Tomas watched the two run off towards the next set of enemies. He rolled his eyes.

"Those two. . .are trouble. Why couldn't Marth recruit normal girls?"


Julian could handle one or two flying enemies. Trying to keep alive against several of them was another story. His face and arms were nicked in several places. One of those nicks insisted on dripping into his eyes. He hoped he could do something about them, before the nicks he'd suffered turned into something far more serious. The next enemy leveled his lance. . .a Ridersbane?! Despite not being mounted, that lance could hurt the thief badly. The enemy's flight wasn't quite steady. Julian wasn't sure which way the attack would come from. Left? Right? Above? He'd have to guess, and hope he was correct. It looked like the dracoknight was aiming left, so dodge right--what was that sound?

The Ridersbane that had been meant for Julian's head had been stopped by someone on a horse. The lance passed at a horrifying angle through Abel. Julian swallowed hard. That's not the kind of wound one walked away from!

"You're. . .okay. . ." the wounded paladin gasped out.

"You. . .IDIOT! Do you want to die?!" A ball of fire enveloped the dracoknight, who had been preparing for another attack.

"I'm sorry, but I'll need to agree with Julian's assessment of the situation. Please, hold still."

"Argh. . .thanks, Draug. I think you got the worst of it," the patient gasped out.

"Julian, your turn." The staff's light closed several cuts on the thief, including the one that had been dripping blood in his eyes.


"No problem. I don't want to do this again to either of you. Stay safe," Draug replied evenly, before going off in search of others that needed healing.

"Abel. . .after this battle. . .I think we need to talk." The paladin winced.

"Ugh, fine. That means you need to be more careful."

"Same to you." The two men parted ways, each to his own battle. Though they were on opposite sides of the battlefield, they shared the same thought.

"You. . .are not allowed to die in this battle."

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"The author thought I took too much screen time, so I was off doing other stuff. I think you confused me with Sedgar."

I read 20 and 20x at the same time, and referred to SUPER FUN HAPPY DAGRON MANEUOVRE


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What does everyone have with the phrase "you are not allowed to die" and it's many equivalents? I know it displays a sense of friendship and faith, but it's a little cliche.

Still, a good read.

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I read 20 and 20x at the same time, and referred to SUPER FUN HAPPY DAGRON MANEUOVRE


Ah, gotcha! Spell check is your friend.

What does everyone have with the phrase "you are not allowed to die" and it's many equivalents? I know it displays a sense of friendship and faith, but it's a little cliche.

Still, a good read.

Thanks for pointing that out! If I'm overdoing anything else, do let me know!

Chapter 22

"How's your stomach?" Julian asked Abel casually.

"I've had better days," he replied, just as casually. The Altean knight was reclined in his tent, under strict orders not to sit up more than necessary. Julian noticed that the bandages on the injured paladin's midsection were spotted with blood, and more slowly blossomed across the white linen.

"You don't take well to healer's orders, do you?"

"I didn't want to soil my sheets, and that tea I'm forced to drink goes though me very fast!"

The two shared an immature chuckle. Julian cleared his throat.

"I came here to ask you why you're so adamant about protecting me on the battlefield."

"I am?" The paladin's facial expressions told the thief that his confusion was genuine.

"Whenever things get tough, you go from a careful fighter to a crazy one. Especially if I'm the one that's in danger."

"I never noticed."

"You also seemed a little too happy whenever a pirate challenged you." The paladin's eyes went downward. Were the two related?

"Cain. . ."


"I think I understand why I've been acting like this. Thank you."

"That's nice, but don't leave me hanging." Abel bit his lip. Could he do this without making a fool of himself?

"Cain was a good friend of mine. Shortly after Marth began--began his journey, my friend died to--to a pirate. . ." Julian averted his eyes. He hadn't expected that kind of reaction, and the sight of seeing someone as strong as Abel tear up made him uncomfortable.

"Your voice tells me you haven't properly mourned him yet. No one's supposed to bother you, so now's the perfect time to get that out of your system. When you do, I'll come back."


"It sounds like Cain was a really awesome friend. If you're around me because you see your friend in me, I'd like to know more about him. See you in a bit."

The long march from Talys had kept Abel very busy with things like training and staying alive during battles. Currently, he was bedridden and alone, with only the memories of his friend to keep him company. Curse it all, he was supposed to be a knight of Altea, not a child crying for a lost friend! His personal berating did nothing to stop the flow of the past.

"Cain. . .I wish you were here. Why did I have to be the one to survive? You'd probably tease me if you saw me like this, but. . ."

Had Abel been outside, he would have seen a bright red bullfinch land on his tent, preen itself while his tears flowed, then depart towards the setting sun once he'd fallen asleep.

I was afraid this would be another reset party, but fortunately, that didn't happen.

I got a bunch of ladies and class A males, which meant that meatshielding on this map was much easier than it should have been. I barely made it to the village in time, while everyone played catch-up to the Green Skittle. Once everyone caught up, the carnage wasn't pretty.

Made it inside the castle, then did some reinforcement control so I could gain a few more levels. Michalis went down to Tiki, for experience gain. Palla could've easily put him six feet under, but Tiki needs all the help she can get! After Michalis' untimely death, Marth retrieved Starlight, then the throne.

The Macedonian castle made Marth's home feel positively claustrophobic. It rose above the surrounding lands, and its architect must've had his country's dracoknights first and foremost in mind when he designed it. Despite its intimidating exterior, the interior was decorated neatly with limpid pools of water and shrubbery. The ceiling was high and arched, and skylights let in generous spots of the sun's glory. The barracks was a far cry from the blocky structures that he was used to seeing. They were functional, but they also presented themselves with the same grace as the rest of the interior.

It was a pity that this noble interior was about to be defiled by the refuse of battle.


Julian regarded the enemy in front of him. He rode his mount with absolute confidence. His hair and features. . .no doubt about it, this was Maria's older brother! Michalis regarded the thief much as if he were regarding dirt on his boot.

"What do you hope to do against me, weakling," the king of Macedon sneered. Julian felt his temper flare. However, he couldn't be the one to cut him down to size. The former princesses of Macedon would not approve if an unknown commoner sent their brother to see them.

"Just admiring your lovely face," he stated, as calmly as he could. He heard the other man sputter.

"I guess the rumors were true. A pretty boy with a cruel heart, willing to put untrained men into battle."

"How dare you--"

"I got to meet one of those weak soldiers. He was so pathetic it would have been a nuisance to kill him."

"My soldiers are NOT pathetic!"

"But he was. He couldn't even handle his horse properly. By the time I was done with him, I'm certain he couldn't handle anything else, either." Julian saw the king smile, in a very disturbing way.

"So you think you're a saint?"


"You thought you could save the life of one pathetic soldier by cutting his hands? My army does not have useless soldiers. I hope it warms your heart to hear that he cried from the time his commander found him to the time his worthless throat was slit."


"Hey Julian, get a grip. I don't want to see you die, but I don't think I'd be able to save you from that freak over there." That voice came from above? What was Tomas doing here?! Michalis' dragon roared. Julian heard Marth's lone dracoknight curse under his breath.

"You dare betray me?! No. . .there is no way I'd let anyone as untrained as you near a dragon."

"You say I lack training. Can you train me?" That kid wouldn't dare betray Marth now! If he did. . .

"Why would I waste my time with someone as hopeless as you?"

"You already did. Now, Palla!" Two arrows flew true towards Michalis. Much to Julian's shock, the arrows barely left a dent on the dragon's hide.

"Hmph, is that all one of my sister's little girls can muster? She was far too compassionate, letting a weakling like you into her ranks."

"I am Palla of the Whitewings. I answer to Commander Minerva, not the likes of you! Do you have any last words?"

"I'm the one that should be saying that to you, little girl."

"STOP BEING MEAN TO SISTER!" Tiki had managed to walk up to Michalis, completely unnoticed.

Julian chanced a glance behind him, and saw Tomas and Palla wink at each other. He turned back, just in time to see the white dragon disappear. The tyrant had plummeted to the ground. His mount's last act of loyalty was to use its dead body to cushion its rider's fall. Palla and Tiki walked by the fallen king with smiles on their faces. Tomas dismounted and followed them. Julian saw Michalis move. He cautiously approached his enemy, hand on sword.

"How could I. . .lose. . .finish me. . ."

"I think not. Princess Maria would be most unhappy. I don't think I'll be able to repay my debt to her in full, but keeping my hands clean of your filth would be a start."

"Maria. . .you. . ."

"Princess Maria told me that my life was important, then proved it by sacrificing herself to save me. It looks like Marth is coming this way. I think I've chatted long enough. Good night, Your Highness."


"Julian, what are you doing?"

"Oh, hi, sire. Michalis had this nice bauble, so I figured I'd take it along with me."

"Is he--"

"You should've seen Tiki! I doubt anything would've survived her fury!"

"Well, don't dawdle too long. We have to make sure we've completely subdued the castle!"

"Yes sir!"

Julian watched the prince enter. He turned to Michalis, who had a new bruise on his temple.

"I hope you can forgive me, prince. . ."

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Word limit AGAIN. Looks like the last part will be here.

[spoiler=Story (Serious, 22-End)]Chapter 22

"How's your stomach?" Julian asked Abel casually.

"I've had better days," he replied, just as casually. The Altean knight was reclined in his tent, under strict orders not to sit up more than necessary. Julian noticed that the bandages on the injured paladin's midsection were spotted with blood, and more slowly blossomed across the white linen.

"You don't take well to healer's orders, do you?"

"I didn't want to soil my sheets, and that tea I'm forced to drink goes though me very fast!"

The two shared an immature chuckle. Julian cleared his throat.

"I came here to ask you why you're so adamant about protecting me on the battlefield."

"I am?" The paladin's facial expressions told the thief that his confusion was genuine.

"Whenever things get tough, you go from a careful fighter to a crazy one. Especially if I'm the one that's in danger."

"I never noticed."

"You also seemed a little too happy whenever a pirate challenged you." The paladin's eyes went downward. Were the two related?

"Cain. . ."


"I think I understand why I've been acting like this. Thank you."

"That's nice, but don't leave me hanging." Abel bit his lip. Could he do this without making a fool of himself?

"Cain was a good friend of mine. Shortly after Marth began--began his journey, my friend died to--to a pirate. . ." Julian averted his eyes. He hadn't expected that kind of reaction, and the sight of seeing someone as strong as Abel tear up made him uncomfortable.

"Your voice tells me you haven't properly mourned him yet. No one's supposed to bother you, so now's the perfect time to get that out of your system. When you do, I'll come back."


"It sounds like Cain was a really awesome friend. If you're around me because you see your friend in me, I'd like to know more about him. See you in a bit."

The long march from Talys had kept Abel very busy with things like training and staying alive during battles. Currently, he was bedridden and alone, with only the memories of his friend to keep him company. Curse it all, he was supposed to be a knight of Altea, not a child crying for a lost friend! His personal berating did nothing to stop the flow of the past.

"Cain. . .I wish you were here. Why did I have to be the one to survive? You'd probably tease me if you saw me like this, but. . ."

Had Abel been outside, he would have seen a bright red bullfinch land on his tent, preen itself while his tears flowed, then depart towards the setting sun once he'd fallen asleep.


The Macedonian castle made Marth's home feel positively claustrophobic. It rose above the surrounding lands, and its architect must've had his country's dracoknights first and foremost in mind when he designed it. Despite its intimidating exterior, the interior was decorated neatly with limpid pools of water and shrubbery. The ceiling was high and arched, and skylights let in generous spots of the sun's glory. The barracks was a far cry from the blocky structures that he was used to seeing. They were functional, but they also presented themselves with the same grace as the rest of the interior.

It was a pity that this noble interior was about to be defiled by the refuse of battle.


Julian regarded the enemy in front of him. He rode his mount with absolute confidence. His hair and features. . .no doubt about it, this was Maria's older brother! Michalis regarded the thief much as if he were regarding dirt on his boot.

"What do you hope to do against me, weakling," the king of Macedon sneered. Julian felt his temper flare. However, he couldn't be the one to cut him down to size. The former princesses of Macedon would not approve if an unknown commoner sent their brother to see them.

"Just admiring your lovely face," he stated, as calmly as he could. He heard the other man sputter.

"I guess the rumors were true. A pretty boy with a cruel heart, willing to put untrained men into battle."

"How dare you--"

"I got to meet one of those weak soldiers. He was so pathetic it would have been a nuisance to kill him."

"My soldiers are NOT pathetic!"

"But he was. He couldn't even handle his horse properly. By the time I was done with him, I'm certain he couldn't handle anything else, either." Julian saw the king smile, in a very disturbing way.

"So you think you're a saint?"


"You thought you could save the life of one pathetic soldier by cutting his hands? My army does not have useless soldiers. I hope it warms your heart to hear that he cried from the time his commander found him to the time his worthless throat was slit."


"Hey Julian, get a grip. I don't want to see you die, but I don't think I'd be able to save you from that freak over there." That voice came from above? What was Tomas doing here?! Michalis' dragon roared. Julian heard Marth's lone dracoknight curse under his breath.

"You dare betray me?! No. . .there is no way I'd let anyone as untrained as you near a dragon."

"You say I lack training. Can you train me?" That kid wouldn't dare betray Marth now! If he did. . .

"Why would I waste my time with someone as hopeless as you?"

"You already did. Now, Palla!" Two arrows flew true towards Michalis. Much to Julian's shock, the arrows barely left a dent on the dragon's hide.

"Hmph, is that all one of my sister's little girls can muster? She was far too compassionate, letting a weakling like you into her ranks."

"I am Palla of the Whitewings. I answer to Commander Minerva, not the likes of you! Do you have any last words?"

"I'm the one that should be saying that to you, little girl."

"STOP BEING MEAN TO SISTER!" Tiki had managed to walk up to Michalis, completely unnoticed.

Julian chanced a glance behind him, and saw Tomas and Palla wink at each other. He turned back, just in time to see the white dragon disappear. The tyrant had plummeted to the ground. His mount's last act of loyalty was to use its dead body to cushion its rider's fall. Palla and Tiki walked by the fallen king with smiles on their faces. Tomas dismounted and followed them. Julian saw Michalis move. He cautiously approached his enemy, hand on sword.

"How could I. . .lose. . .finish me. . ."

"I think not. Princess Maria would be most unhappy. I don't think I'll be able to repay my debt to her in full, but keeping my hands clean of your filth would be a start."

"Maria. . .you. . ."

"Princess Maria told me that my life was important, then proved it by sacrificing herself to save me. It looks like Marth is coming this way. I think I've chatted long enough. Good night, Your Highness."


"Julian, what are you doing?"

"Oh, hi, sire. Michalis had this nice bauble, so I figured I'd take it along with me."

"Is he--"

"You should've seen Tiki! I doubt anything would've survived her fury!"

"Well, don't dawdle too long. We have to make sure we've completely subdued the castle!"

"Yes sir!"

Julian watched the prince enter. He turned to Michalis, who had a new bruise on his temple.

"I hope you can forgive me, prince. . ."

Chapter 23

"Our next destination is the Tower of Thabes, in the heart of Khadein." Marth heard his soldiers groan. Their last trip into Khadein had been a scorching ordeal, and none of them seemed like they wanted to repeat it. But this time--

"The Archsage Gotoh will transport us to Thabes. No need to cross the desert again." The army breathed a collective sigh of relief.

"We leave first thing in the morning. Rest up, everyone."


"What's that in your hands?" Sedgar asked, as he regarded the tome in Merric's hands.

"This is Starlight, the only thing capable of bringing Gharnef down."

"Use it well. You'll be dealing justice in the name of all of us."

"My teacher, your friends, and even Tiki. . .Gharnef has a lot to answer for, and he WILL answer for it!"

"Don't get reckless out there. We're your friends, and if we can help you, please let us know."

"Thank you, Sedgar."

"No problem, kid. Get some rest. You'll need it." Merric watched him as he walked off.

"I really wish you'd stop treating me like a kid."


"Mages. Everywhere I look there's mages," Sedgar complained under his breath. It looked like the army's mages were busy patching everyone else up. Fires raged, blizzards appeared and disappeared, and--

"Curse these bugs!" They swarmed and bit every inch of exposed skin (and some not-so-exposed skin). The last swarm slowly petered out. Warmth radiated from above. His numerous bites didn't itch quite as badly.

"It looks like those bugs really like you! I don't know if women will like those bug bites on your face," Merric teased lightly.

"Hey, kid, don't you have better things to do with your time?" he snapped back. He was somewhat grateful for the bug bites, for they hid the warmth he felt in his cheeks.

"Call this my way of calming down," the kid replied, as he ran towards his two friends.

"He didn't seem to have that tome on him. . .I wonder what those three are planning. . ."


"I'm still not convinced this will work, Gordin," Draug stated. The other two had (reluctantly) agreed to let Gordin draw the shadowy figure close. He was the one that was the least affected by enemy magic, but Draug wasn't certain if his friend's resistance to magic would be enough to protect against the ultimate dark magic.

"Have a little faith in me, Draug. I'll be fine. You'll see!" he cheerily replied. Merric shook his head. It was pointless to try to talk their designated bait out of this idea.

"Come back in one piece," the sage replied, as Gordin splashed a very special vial of water on himself.

"I'll be back before you know it!"


He wasn't cut out for this. He wanted desperately to escape the looming shadows, but his legs wouldn't obey. The darkness threatened to engulf him, to extinguish his life like those two in Port Warren--

"You are powerless. You are unworthy. Surrender Starlight, and I will spare your insignificant life," the darkness commanded.

"I. . .I--"

"The shadows show me the fear in your heart. They feed off your doubt. Give me Starlight, and doubt no longer. Or do you want to end up like the soldiers in Port Warren, who were no different than you?"

"No. . ."

"You know what you must do to escape that fate. Hand over--"

"I won't let you harm anyone else! Starlight!"


"That light. . .Starlight. . ."

"That's not an illusion! Let's go, Draug! I don't think Gordin can stand up to that alone!"

Starlight's blast had dispelled enough of the shadows for Draug to see his friend, kneeling before the Dark Mage. The bishop slowly took out Starlight, and extended it towards Gharnef.

"Yes. . .Starlight. . .soon, it will be mine!"

"I think not!" the sorcerer interrupted, as he snatched Starlight out of his friend's hands.

"Curse you!" The shadows closed around Draug. The darkness. . .so cold. . .

"Your hell will be made of ice, for all those who burned in your fires. Remember that knight back in Port Warren? He was all alone, and only had his country to fight for. You took that away from him."

"What?! You. . ."

"He served his country loyally, and you repaid him with a painful death. You could've spared his life. Someone like you is beyond redemption. I'll take Starlight from your corpse!"

"I'm sorry I couldn't save you, whoever you were. . .but for both of us, this has to end. . .Starlight!"


The shadows dispersed once more. This time, someone else held Starlight.

"For what you've done to my friends. . .and to everyone else. . .you'll pay. . ."

"Hah, now that's more like it! Your heart is full of rage! How I've longed for this day. . .the day I can train a new apprentice!"


"Think about it, child. You'll have the power to protect everyone close to you. Your beloved teacher would've lived, because you could given him the power to survive that battle."


"With the power I offer you, you would no longer have to worry about the people around you dying. Your friends would--"

"For the sake of those that have fallen to your dark manipulations. . .this is my answer. STARLIGHT!"


It was a slow awakening from a nightmare. No longer did the two mercenaries die to sword and horse hooves. Instead, Khadein's harsh daylight burned his cheeks. He didn't care.

"Merric, what is that?"

"I found this on that guy's body. This doesn't seem like an ordinary sword."

"Could it be. . .Falchion?" Draug asked. He shook his head, as if to chase away the already-fleeing shadows.

"We'll need to give this to Marth. Come on, everyone!"

"I. . .I don't know what Gharnef showed him, but it looks like it didn't affect him at all." The bishop bit his lip. Perhaps the shadows still lingered in his heart.

"Whatever it is, it's gone now. We're alive, and Gharnef is not. We've won the day."

"I guess you're right. Thanks, Draug."


Marth and his troops had cleared the rest of the enemies out of the tower. His mages bustled about, patching up burns, frostbite, and bug bites. One patient in particular seemed to be squeamish about the treatment.

"Ugh, this itches! Isn't there another way of doing this?"

"Sorry, handsome, but you'll have to endure a little while longer. No scratching!"

"I swear, you're enjoying yourself way too much, kid."

"Why shouldn't I? I've finally avenged my teacher, Marth has Falchion, and you're at my mercy!"

"My, Merric, you've sure grown." The mage and his patient jumped at the voice. The one who spoke stared at the duo, and chuckled behind her hand.

"E--Elice? Why are you here?"

"Merric, is that your sweetheart?"

"After seeing your face, I'm sure she's not YOUR sweetheart!" The outburst caused Elice to chuckle again. Sedgar felt the blood rush to his face. Why did he have to look like THIS in front of a lady?

"Oh, you two--ah, Merric, what happened to you? Your face--"

"It's, uh, a battle scar. Nothing major!" Sedgar got the satisfaction of seeing Merric turn bright red. Served him right!

"You've got to be more careful out there!"

"Yes, Elice."

"I'm glad to see a familiar face, but I've got to meet the rest of Marth's army. If you'll excuse me." Despite her years of captivity, Elice's natural grace remained as she walked towards the dragon girl and her adopted older sister.

"That's Marth's sister?"


"She seems a little old for you."

"Shut up!"

"Are you intentionally making it itchier? ARGH!"

Chapter 24

"Our battle started in Talys, where Marth led the few of us that escaped with him. We helped clear out the pirates in Talys, and lost some soldiers there, including the princess of Talys. We marched to Aurelis, where the Aurelian prince put up one last valiant effort to free his home. In the end, Aurelis could offer us only one more to aid us. From Aurelis, we journeyed to Archanea, to free Princess Nyna's home. Only one captive escaped the spite of the jailers. We then marched into Gra, and one of Macedon's Whitewings joined our case. From Gra, we marched home, then to Chiasmir, for the divine dragon girl. We invaded Grust, then Macedon. Gharnef fell at Thabes, and we have finally arrived in Dolhr, the last of Marth's enemies. Though I started as a knight, Marth asked me to wield magic. I have tried my best. I hope my best is enough to see the prince through these final battles."


"Tiki, what's wrong?"

"Sister, I don't like this place. These people are like me, but they're bad people. Why are they bad?"

"They have already decided to support Dolhr, which wants nothing more than to destroy everything Marth fought for. They have already made up their minds." The two girls jumped when Elice spoke.

"Oh, Big Sister!"

"Hmm, did you get another sister?"

"Yeah! Now we're all sisters! I wanna grow up to be graceful like Big Sister, and strong like Sister!"

"Um, well--"

"Tiki, when you grow up, I'm sure you'll be a fine woman."

"Thanks, Big Sister!" The dragon girl ran off, a big smile on her face.

"How do you do that, Princess?"

"She's a lot like Marth was when he was a little kid. I hope she'll grow up to realize her dreams, just as Marth has. Also, call me Elice. I don't want to feel like I'm separate from this army."

"Yes, Prin--Elice."

"You're a really good sister to Tiki. Please guide her in the right direction."

"Th--thank you." Commander Minerva was nothing like this! She derived her strength from leading by example. Elice, on the other hand, had a natural grace that seemed like it could draw even the foulest of bandits to her cause. How could they both be princesses?

Elice casually observed the sniper she'd just talked to turn towards camp.

"Palla. . .you're more important to Tiki than you realize. Please be strong for her."


Elice had insisted on accompanying Marth's army in battle. Marth insisted that she stay off the front lines. The princess could only watch the battle unfold before her, unable to do anything about its outcome.

Merric called a Thunder down on a red dragon, who glared at the offending sage. The glare slowly faded, as Abel ended its life with a Dragonpike. Not far away, Gordin and an enemy mage engaged in a magic duel. The bishop from Altea won, through sheer force of will. He leaned against a nearby tree and took a swig of a healing potion. A sniper from Dolhr saw this, and aimed his arrow at him. Before he could fire, he crumpled into a heap. An arrow had lodged itself into the base of his skull. Palla and Gordin waved to each other before going off in separate directions. A thief weaved around the battlefield, attempting to find a weak point to exploit. Instead, he found a very unamused Julian, and then found Julian's sword in his chest. The sound of running feet caught Elice's attention. Sedgar and Draug ran full speed towards her, with a black dragon not too far behind them.

"My magic isn't slowing this thing down one bit! Sedgar, you got any ideas?"

"Can you keep it busy for a moment longer?"

"We're running out of moments."

The black dragon's eyes met Elice's. It snorted, then moved towards its new target. This dragon. . .so much like the one that killed Mother. . .but why was it shrinking?

"Looks like you were a pretty good distraction, princess. It's dangerous here. Please retreat."

"Thank you for your kind words, Sedgar, but I don't want to be helpless any more."

"Sorry lover boy, but we've got other problems to deal with."

"I am not--hey, get back here! No, really!" The sorcerer stopped in his tracks. Sedgar pointed to a rapidly approaching speck. The speck turned into someone familiar.

"Draug! I'm so glad you're here! You've gotta help her!" Tomas carried a small bundle in his arms. Blood stained his armor, and Elice was fairly certain that it wasn't his.

"Tiki?! My goodness, what happened? I'll do my best, but--"

"Good. I'll go fetch Palla."

"Kid, we've got a battle to fight. She'll have time for this later."

"If I don't do this now, she'll never forgive me. Watch over everyone for me." The dracoknight mounted and flew off in the direction Elice indicated.

"Tomas, was it? He's got a very strong will."

"I hope his will isn't so strong that he ends up dead. Princess, can you stay by Tiki? I've gotta make sure the enemy doesn't show up."

(Oh Sedgar. . .you were much like Tomas when you were younger, weren't you?)


"Tomas, you're pushing your dragon way too hard! If you keep this up--oh no!" Palla jumped off the dragon and ran towards her adopted younger sister. Much of her midsection had been replaced by a gaping hole. She'd only survived as long as she did because of Draug's magic, but it didn't look the sorcerer could hold it for long.

"Tiki, Tiki, are you okay? I--huh?"

"Palla, you're her older sister. She needs you to be strong. You can't freak out, no matter how much you want to. Keep a calm face for her."

"But Elice--"

"I had to do this several years ago when Marth left Altea. I know you're strong enough for that."

"I--um, okay. Tiki, you there?" The dragon girl stirred a little.

"S--sis. . .it hurts. . ." Palla took Tiki's hand into her own. It was so very cold!

"It's okay, I'm here. You don't need to fight."

"Tom-Tom. . .that. . .dummy. . ." The sniper saw Draug sink down, unable to do anything more.

"Tiki, I'm okay! You didn't need to do that!"

"I. . .protect. . .family. . ." Tiki stopped moving. Palla dropped her hand numbly. Yet another sister. . .why. . .

"Tomas, in your haste to get Tiki back here, you didn't bother to kill the enemy with the Dragonpike, did you?"

"How did you know, Sedgar?"

"Because there's a whole wing of them on the horizon."

"If they think we're easy pickings, I'll be happy to show them their mistake," Palla said, a very unnerving calm in her voice.

"You're going to take on an entire wing by yourself?!"

"Do you have a problem with that, Tomas?"

"Rather than get in her way, I have a favor to ask of you. Marth hired a thief, Julian, if my memory serves me right. Due south of us is a temple. In that temple is a staff. Please have Julian retrieve that staff, and bring it to me."

"Yes, Princess. Palla. . .I'm sorry. . ."

"I. . .later. Go get that staff, and come back safely. Tiki may be gone, but the rest of you are here. I won't let a single enemy past me!"

The dracoknight took off in search of Julian. True to Palla's word, none of the enemies survived.


The battle was won, but at a terrible price. The legendary blade Falchion had fallen into enemy hands, and the divine dragon girl had died. They had been so close, too!

"Was this the staff you wanted?" Julian asked. From the accounts she had heard, the staff had been well-guarded. It had been retrieved, but the dracoknight and thief had suffered terribly for it. Tomas had collapsed the minute he'd landed near Marth's army, and burns marred Julian's face. Elice took the staff that the two had risked their lives for. This was what she was looking for!

"Thank you, Julian. I'm sorry you had to go through all that, but. . .this is a very important staff. I'll leave you to rest." The thief closed his eyes, and Elice silently left his tent, staff in hand.

(That dragon girl meant so much to everyone. I'm sorry, Marth, but I have to do this. I hope you'll find it in you to forgive me. . .one day.)

Chapter 24x

"I just finished speaking with Gotoh. He thinks it would be better to detour from Dolhr's main keep, because we lost both Falchion and Tiki." Heavy silence followed Marth's announcement. Marth desperately wanted to take part in that silence. It had been less than a day without Tiki, and his army had becomed disturbingly subdued.

"Gotoh asked all of us to prepare for another battle. We'll leave shortly. Get ready, everyone."


"Elice, I can't have you go!" Marth told his headstrong sister.

"I don't have time to do what I need to, and it's too dangerous for me to stay here. I'm going!" she told her equally headstrong brother.

"We don't know what Gotoh has in mind for us. I can't have you take that risk," he shot back, the corners of his mouth turning down in a frown.

"I'll take an unknown risk rather than certain death here in Dolhr," she replied firmly.

"But I just got you back! I don't want to lose you! You're the only family I have left!" Elice noticed the blood rushing to Marth's face. It would be bad form for the army's leader to cry over such a small matter! She put her hands on his shoulders.

"Marth, have you not noticed? Tiki adopted Palla and me as sisters. Sedgar teases Tomas much like an older brother would tease a younger one. Merric, Gordin, and Draug laugh and study together. Everyone listens to you, and they don't always call you prince. Your army has become a family, and you're a part of it," she said as gently as she could.

"My. . .army as a family?" The frown slowly disappeared from his face.

"Yes, they are. Please trust your family to take care of me." She gave her precious younger brother a hug, which he returned fiercely.

"All right. . .but I won't be happy with you if you get hurt!"


The place Gotoh had in mind wasn't a nearby shrine or a neighboring country. Instead, they had been taken to another dimension. A tower stood in front of them, ancient and majestic. Its many floors were separated by--

"Stairs. I hate stairs." Several people chuckled at Gordin's assessment of the tower. Most of them were in agreement with the bishop's sentiments.

"We're not going to find our answer by complaining about some exercise. Everyone, let's go!"



"I brought what you requested, princess," Abel said, as he unloaded the bundle from his horse.

"Thank you, Abel. Please keep the enemies busy. They are closer to me than I'm comfortable with." Elice looked at the staff in her hands - the staff two very brave soldiers had risked their lives for.

"We'll buy you all the time you'll need," he said with a smile, before joining the nearby battle.

"What I hold is a staff. I've used a staff before. I can do this," the princess muttered under her breath. She closed her eyes and tuned out the clamor around her. She would need everything she learned to do this!


Channel your internal strength into the staff to awaken it. Control the power that sleeps within. Do not let it control you. Ignore the pain in your stomach. Let your will become the staff's power. That's right, I want you to come with me. You belong here. Come back. . .for everyone's sake. Ugh. . .fight in my place. . .because. . .I c--can't go. . .sorry. . .Mar. . .


"Hey everyone, that light. . ." Draug said, motioning to somewhere far below.

"I see it, Draug. I'm really curious, but that means I'll have to go down all those stairs, then go back up!" Gordin complained.

"Isn't that where Elice was?" Merric said to himself.

"We haven't taken the tower yet!" Abel yelled to the three magic users. They mumbled their apologies before going their separate ways to the top of the tower.

(Princess. . .I'll believe in you and your crazy plan.)


"Are we all here? Good!" Marth leaned heavily against the wall, breathing hard. Running up the stairs would have been enough of a trial! His troops didn't sound like they were in much better shape.

"This had better be worth it," Julian grumbled. He wiped his brow with the back of his hand. As if on cue, the throne moved, to reveal another passage.

"Not more stairs," Gordin whined. A few tired chuckles answered him.

"We made it this far. I don't want this climb to be a waste. Down we go!" Several groans followed Marth down the stairs.


"That lady kinda reminds me of an older Tiki," Abel whispered to Julian, as the two descended the tower. The woman in question gracefully walked down the steps, not showing the least bit of exhaustion.

"She said she needs to finish what she started," Julian whispered back.

"Didn't she also say she had powers?"

"Yeah, she did. Do you think this lady's related to Tiki?"

"I don't know, but she doesn't have Tiki's lively spirit." The two fell silent. Though neither would say it, they both missed the dragon girl dearly.

The strange woman walked on, seemingly oblivious to the hushed conversation around her.


Marth led his army back the way they came. The bottom of the tower was close by! Soon, they'd be able to rest! He turned the last corner, and stopped, stunned beyond words. One figure looked up at him with tears in her eyes. The other lay in a pool of her own blood.

"Huh? Sire, why did you stop?" Draug asked calmly. Despite the climb up and down, he didn't sound out of breath. Marth's only answer was to continue his descent, albeit much more slowly. He approached the crying figure, who jumped up and ran to him.

"Mar-Mar, I'm sorry!" Tiki cried, as she buried her face in his midsection.

"Tiki, calm down. . .what happened?" the prince asked as calmly as he could.

"I heard a voice, telling me to come back, to fight in her place. . .then I woke up, and she. . ." Her sentence was finished with sobs.

"There's no mistake. She used Aum to bring Tiki back," Merric said, his voice emotionless.

"That's just the stuff of stories!" Gordin blurted out.

"That's Tiki over there, and the staff's here. The legend was true." The sage sank to his knees next to the dead princess. Much to Gordin's surprise, he saw tears run down his friend's face.

"We need to leave," Marth said, as he gently pushed Tiki away. The dragon girl stared at the prince, completely dazed. He took his sister's body in his arms. The light surrounded the army, before whisking the visitors away.

The light faded from the tower. On the ground, at the foot of the tower, lay a broken staff, anointed with blood.


The sun slowly marched down the horizon, as the victorious army gathered for their final dinner. Small conversation popped up here and there, but it soon faded. They were happy about Tiki's return, but Marth had lost his sister in the process. After their return from the tower, they'd built a crude coffin for her, so she could be transported to Altea for burial. Once the coffin had been closed, Marth had retreated to his tent. None were courageous enough to approach that tent.

Perhaps that was a good thing, for they would have seen their prince curled up in a ball, quietly sobbing to himself.


He was all by himself. His father had died way back when Gra was considered an ally. His mother had perished to a Mage Dragon. His sister, who he'd just found, had her life stolen by a single stray arrow through her stomach. His family was gone.

"Mar-Mar?" a timid voice asked. Out of everyone in the army, only the dragon girl had the temerity to barge in at a time like this!

"Tiki, not now," he said, between sniffles.

"Mar-Mar, your dinner's getting cold. I brought it for you." Marth looked up, and saw Tiki place a plate of food on a spare box. It still smelled good.

"I--I'll eat later. Thank you, Tiki." Instead of taking the hint, she walked up to him.

"Mar-Mar, why are you sad?" No, she wasn't asking this out of malice. She couldn't comprehend what it was like to slowly lose everyone she cared about.

"I. . ." The prince's voice trailed off. Once again, he saw his dear sister, reclined in a sanguine pool. His eyes began to mist over. Not now!

"You're crying for Big Sister?" Marth could only nod mutely.

"Well. . .Big Sister told me to fight in her place, so that means I'm representing her. That means I'm your big sister!" Despite the mood, Tiki giggled.

"Tiki, it's not that simple--"

"If I'm your big sister, that means everyone else is a part of your family too! I'll introduce everyone! Come on!!" Before Marth could protest, Tiki had run out of the tent, his hand in hers. She was surprisingly strong for such a little girl!

The central bonfire crackled merrily. The evening meal was almost over, but no one had left the comforting light of the fire yet. As one, they looked up when they saw their leader unexpectedly emerge from the tent, with Tiki leading him.

"Hey everyone! I'm gonna introduce you to Mar-Mar!" Several murmurs rippled through the crowd, but it didn't stop the dragon girl's improvised speech.

"That person over there is Horsey, because he lets me feed his horse sometimes!"

"Have I been reduced to being identified by my steed?" Abel mumbled under his breath.

"Hey Tiki, what would happen if Horsey lost his horse?" Julian called out.

"Then he'd be Lance!" she replied cheerfully.

"Julian, you're making this worse!" the mortified paladin snapped, which caused a round of giggles.

"The guy with the red hair is Thiefy, because he always sneaks sweets to me!"

"Looks like I'm not the only one who can't say no to Tiki," Abel teased Julian.

"Oh, stuff it!"

"The one in white is Gordy, and he always tells me funny stories about his little brother!"

"I can't imagine you being an older anything," Tomas grumbled, just a little too loudly.

"The one in the blue robes is Merry, and he's teaching me how to read!" Draug arched an eyebrow at Merric, who ducked behind his plate.

"The one in black robes is Doga, and he knows everything!" Draug felt his cheeks go red.

"The big guy is Mr. Hero, and he's a really good singer!" More than one round of snickers made its way around the fire.

"Hey Mr. Hero, can you sing for us?" Abel asked in a girly voice. Sedgar growled in reply.

"The one with the bow is my sister, Palla! She's so nice!" Tomas coughed loudly.

"Oh, and then there's that dummy Tom-Tom, but Palla seems to like him, so I guess he can be part of the family."

"TIKI!" two voices cried out. The giggles transformed into honest laughs.

"Hey kid, I knew you could do it!" Sedgar said enthusiastically, as he gave Tomas a very hard slap on the back.

"I said I'm not interested in such a bossy girl!" the winded dracoknight protested.

"What did you call me?" Palla said, unamused.

"Scary girl, scary girl!" Tomas shot back.

"Why you--"

"Hey, you two. Get a room," Julian said.

"Ummm. . .get a room? Doga, what does get a room mean?"

"It means. . .err. . .that they're being mean to each other, and need to go on time out." Gordin sputtered hard.

"Wow, Doga, you really do know everything. Sister and Tom-Tom, stop fighting or you'll need to get a room! Huh? What's so funny?" Everyone save Marth had exploded into laughter. Marth stood in front of his troops, completely confused.

"What. . .about me?" a feminine voice asked. Tiki peered at the newcomer, then gasped in shock.

"You look like me! I wanna be as cool as you when I grow up! You can be Future Me!" The woman chuckled.

"I'm. . .your future? Very well, child."

"See, Mar-Mar? You've got plenty of brothers and sisters! Come play with us!" The prince had only heard half of what the energetic girl had said. Elice had mentioned the same thing earlier. . .but how could this innocent girl know that? Perhaps his sister was watching him, through Tiki's eyes. He felt himself smile.

"Okay, Tiki, you win." He'd started with an army. Tiki's introductions had turned them into people.

"YAAAY! Tell us a joke, Mar-Mar!"

"Umm. . .okay. Knock-knock."

"Who's there?" Tomas yelled out.

"Interrupting cow." the prince responded.

"Interrup--" Gordin never got the rest of the statement out.

"MOOOOO!" Marth's new family shared a hearty chuckle.

"I. . .I don't believe it. I've been had by a prince that talks like a cow!" The chuckle turned into side-splitting laughter.

"C'mon Gordin, that joke's been around Altea several times over," Merric said, while elbowing the naive bishop in the ribs.

"I know, but it's Marth! I wasn't expecting--"

"That's why it's a joke, my dear Gordin," the sage replied, not giving his friend a break.

"Merry, stop being mean to Gordy, or you'll need to get a room!" This time, Marth joined in on the laughter that followed.

Nagi watched the one that had awoken her, and the ones that followed him. They laughed and teased each other, and the little girl that was so much like her was responsible for most of it. It did not look like the type of scene that one would expect before the final battle.

(I have been asleep for too long. . .)


Medeus had done well to keep his best troops near him, for Marth's army had gone from green soldiers in Talys to a terrifying force. Even though their might was divided, they pressed on, determined to end the war.

"I will put an end to this. Watch me, Cain," the paladin from Altea mumbled, as an unlucky general found a new hole in his chest.

(I fight so my brother will never have to), Gordin thought to himself, as he channeled the power he'd worked so hard for into the staff he'd been given specifically for this battle. When the staff's light faded, he smiled, for his power had helped everyone.

"No more futures will be cut short," the stoic knight-turned-sorcerer said, as the light of his staff took away an ally's pain.

(Teacher. . .Elice. . .I wish you were here to see this). Excalibur blew an enemy straight into a wall. Merric nodded at the job he did before moving on.

(You may not be with me, but your spirits live on in the friends I've made. All of you would like them. . .even you, Wolf). As if on cue, an enemy charged Sedgar, who cut him down before he could get his defenses up. The plainsman shook his head, and ran down the now-deserted hallway.

"These people. . .are very strong. . ." Nagi mused. A very familiar enemy appeared. It didn't know of the power of the Divinestone. She intended to teach him about it.


"I'm. . .I'm here," Marth gasped out. This was the entrance to the throne room, and on that throne was a very large silhouette. It roared a challenge. Marth charged forward.

"So, foolish boy, you want to end your life against me?" This thing could talk?!

"I am Marth of Altea, and I will stop you!" the prince said as bravely as he could.

"I will destroy you and your pathetic army!" Medeus roared out. He was so intimidating. . .but the dragon before him couldn't be allowed to live!

"Marth, we found you!" Palla yelled. Tomas steadied his dragon, who was more than a little nervous around Medeus.

"You little pests want to die here? I'll gladly grant your wish!" Dolhr's leader declared.

"There's an ugly-looking thing coming out near Medeus. Can you handle that?" Tomas asked calmly. Falchion gleamed in response.

"You take care of that enemy over there," Marth said, pointing towards the soldier with the axe that ran towards the group.

"You leave your fighting to mere girls? You are a coward!"

(This blade. . .it calls for the blood of an evil dragon. . .but I must make sure these enemies don't get past me!) A dragon, scales black as night, fell before Falchion's might.

(The sacrifice of my friends won't be in vain! It's time for me to protect someone!) The enemy with the axe was no match for the dracoknight.

"This is for my sisters. All of them," Palla stated, as she drew back her bow. Julian had given it to her, and she'd asked for some modifications when the army had stopped by a forge. The result was almost too powerful for her to handle, but she was determined to master it. The arrow flew straight and true to its target.

"You little. . .YOU WILL BE THE FIRST TO DIE!"

"Ban-Ban. . .Big Sister. . .you died for my sake. . .and I promise I won't let any more people die like that!" The girl who was unsure of herself at Chiasmir was gone. Instead, a seasoned Divine Dragon faced the Earth Dragon. The light from her Stone pierced the gloom in the throne room.

"I will protect my family!!"


The dying rays of the sun painted the Dolhr landscape, taking the last of the once-mighty kingdom's glory with it. This would be the first night without the threat of an enemy. Tonight, the victors would sleep well.

"After all we've been through. . .it's over." The group cheered as its leader made that statement.

"Never in my wildest dreams did I think the battle for my home would turn into a war to save the world. All of you, thank you for staying by Marth's side." Applause followed Nyna's words.

"Mar-Mar, when's dinner?" Tiki called out.

"It's almost done," the hungry prince replied.

"That's a relief. This time, I'll be around to eat it," Sedgar grumbled.

"Oh, Sedgar. I remembered what happened back in Archanea. I've requested something special, just for you!" Nyna said, an uncharacteristic mischief in her voice.

"I don't like the sound of that," the unlucky hero said to no one in particular. The smells of dinner beckoned. He answered its call, albeit a little nervously.


The fierce battle had left one of the dining rooms untouched. Dinner had been a hasty affair, but--

"Herb-crusted chicken? When did you find the time to do this?" Sedgar asked.

"That dish doesn't take as long to prepare as you think it does," Nyna answered mysteriously.

"My favorite! MINE!" Tomas called, as he dove for a piece.

"Not a chance, kid! You're the reason why I missed it the first time!"

"Are you sure the two of you aren't related?" Abel inquired. The hero and the dracoknight regarded each other for a moment.



The war was over. The army broke up into individuals, each with his or her own destination.

"Where are you headed?" Abel asked Julian. Deep down, the paladin would miss the thief.

"Palla said she's going home to Macedon, so I'm going with her. It's the least I can do for Princess Maria," the thief answered casually.

"If you ever find yourself in Altea, feel free to stop by and say hi."

"I'll find a way to take you up on that!"


"Tiki, what are you doing?" Marth found the dragon girl staring off into the distance at Dolhr Keep.

"Oh, hi Mar-Mar. I said bye-bye to Future Me!" Despite her words, Tiki wore a big smile.

"Nagi left already?!" How could anyone leave that fast?

"Yep! She went back home!"

"What will you do, Tiki?" She had no home that Marth knew of, and Bantu seemed like her caretaker. He would be more than happy to invite her to Altea, of course!

"Old Man and Meanie said they want me back home, so I'll go meet them!"

"Should I ask who they are?" Did this girl give nicknames to everyone?

"No need!" With a giggle, the dragon girl ran off, carefree as always.

"I hope the two she mentioned can handle that," the prince mumbled, before walking towards the rest of his knights.

The dragon girl stopped and looked behind her. She smiled, and her form slowly changed into that of a boy.

"Meanie!" Tiki cried out.

"You already had a chance to say your goodbyes! You'd never let them leave if you had it your way!" the boy lectured her.

"They're my family!" the girl argued.

"Don't worry, you'll see them again! Sheesh. . .you're such a handful, Tiki." The boy rolled his eyes. The girl pouted.

"But--" The boy put his hands on the girl's shoulders.

"Once things have settled down, I'll take you around and you can say hi to everyone."

"You promise?" Ugh, those eyes! How could he NOT promise her?

"Yes, Tiki, I promise."

"You'd better, Xane. I won't forgive you if they die before I say hi!"

"They won't. Let's go. Gotoh's waiting for us."


"So you're going to Macedon, Palla?"

"Yes I am, just as you're going home to Archanea, Tomas."

"I. . .umm. . ."


"Thank you. Even if you are a little scary, you were nice enough to keep your word and teach me how to ride a dragon."

"Uh, thank you too, for teaching me how to shoot a bow."

Neither was sure of what to say next. The silence was broken by a very familiar voice.

"Hey, are the two of you going to stare deeply into each other's eyes all day?" Sedgar's voice snapped both of them back to reality.

"Why do you have to say it like that, old man?" Tomas said sharply.

"We're about to head off. If you don't move it, you're going to Macedon with her."

"I think one traveling companion is enough for me!" Palla stated.

"The two of you may never see each other again, and that's all you can say?" Sedgar shook his head.

"You're bossy."

"You're weird."

"I swear you kids will regret that later in life. Come on, Tomas, time to go."

As the older man turned to leave, the dracoknight and archer looked at each other one more time, and smiled. This wouldn't be the last time they saw each other!


No fanfare greeted the prince as he walked down the familiar path home. He'd been through this very forest not too long ago, when he'd come to retake Altea. Beyond the forest lay a sight Marth did not want to see. Gordin stopped dead in his tracks.

"I. . .I. . ." the bishop stuttered. Draug inched his way around his friend.

"It can't be. . ." he said, disbelief in his voice.

"Move you two, I wanna see!" Merric cried. He could only gasp at what he saw.

The skeletons of the buildings remained, but they were not the skeletons of death. They were the first steps towards a new village. Ashen fields had been transformed into dark brown furrows, with spots of green poking up. Livestock once again roamed the roads.

"Hey, o'er there! It's Prince Marth!" Before the shocked prince could say anything, people swarmed him and his group of knights.

"Your 'ighness, welcome! We don't have much, but we'll share what you've got!"

"But. . .how. . ." Marth stammered.

"We lost a good deal o' our people to Dolhr, but they didn' kill e'eryone. Some of us escaped, an' waited 'till it was safe to rebuild our home!"

"The silo. . ." Gordin mumbled.

"Oh, that old thing? We tore 'er down. We buried all the poor folk in there, o' course!" Tears formed in Gordin's eyes. All those people. . .

"Kid, don' cry like that! We figured those people in there would wanna see a bustlin' village, so we're gonna bring it back stronger than ever!"

"Th-thank you," he blubbered.

"What happened to the innkeeper?" Abel asked the nearest person.

"We 'ad to knock 'im out cold, but we weren't gonna let Dolhr steal the secret o' our veggies! We got a harvest in not too long ago! Dinner's on us!" Various cheers went up as Marth, Abel, Gordin, Draug, and Merric were herded towards the inn.

From the door of the inn, Marth turned towards the baby skeletons that held the promise of a new, better village.

"Everyone. . .I'm home. . ."

[spoiler=Log (Serious, 22-End)]Chapter 22

I was afraid this would be another reset party, but fortunately, that didn't happen.

I got a bunch of ladies and class A males, which meant that meatshielding on this map was much easier than it should have been. I barely made it to the village in time, while everyone played catch-up to the Green Skittle. Once everyone caught up, the carnage wasn't pretty.

Made it inside the castle, then did some reinforcement control so I could gain a few more levels. Michalis went down to Tiki, for experience gain. Palla could've easily put him six feet under, but Tiki needs all the help she can get! After Michalis' untimely death, Marth retrieved Starlight, then the throne.

Chapter 23

Luck was with me on this chapter. The real Gharnef was at the bottom of the stairs. He went down to the Magical Trio, with Merric retriving Falchion (finally, a battle that follows the story!)

Julian used himself to bait the long-range guys, while everyone else charged up the stairs. Due to the time it took for me to kick Gharnef, I didn't have to deal with the reinforcements. Mop-up duty was light, and Tiki killed a Gharnef clone for giggles. The two Master Seals I got on this chapter are going towards my final forge.

Had I bothered to reclass Tomas to Paladin, he would've entered the map with 10 RES, which is higher than Draug's, which is flat-out wrong.

Chapter 24

I had to deal with the thief, snipers, and dragons (in that order), while somehow killing Tiki, and Sedgar wasn't allowed to die. This was a reset party of the bad kind, because the one time everything went according to plan, Tomas got a crappy level.

I pretended to fly to the fun shop, killed the first Fortify enemy using my mage-killing Dracoknight, then had him chase down and kill the thief. Meanwhile, Palla and her Longbow helped to take out the Snipers, while Gordin and Merric spammed Physic on Sedgar, who was taking the brunt of the attacks. I managed to get Tiki out and kill her with Falchion, so I can continue my run. I wasn't able to stop the first wave of reinforcements, but the boss died to a combination of Sedgar and Tomas (who managed to fly back in time).

Total time to kill the boss: 10 turns. Total time spent on map: 42 turns. I went shopping, so sue me.

Chapter 24x

Palla and Draug were lagging behind, so this was their chapter to catch up.

The enemies are so horribly pathetic that they're not worth mentioning. At least the two I mentioned got some decent levels. Seriously. . .most of my army was bored stiff!


Final Forge: Silver Moon (+10 MT +40 HIT Hand Axe. . .basically, Hauteclere on steroids)

Hey, no, what the. . .STOP BEATING UP MY LEMMINGS!!!

Here's where my stat boosters went (forgot exactly who got how many of certain ones, and I'm probably missing a few):

Seraph Robe: Tiki x3, Julian, Draug

Energy Drop: Tomas x2, Tiki ate the rest

Spirit Dust: All Gordin

Skill Book: I forgot who got this one

Speedwings: Tomas x2, Tiki, Julian, Palla, and I forgot the rest

Goddess Icon: Sedgar, Abel, Palla got the rest

Dracoshield: Sedgar, Tiki got the rest

Talisman: Unnecessary

Tomas got the stat boosters he did because I needed him to kill a Pachyderm with Silver Moon. Sedgar got his so that he'd be able to face Medeus, if necessary. Palla got hers so she wouldn't face random criticals. Julian and Draug got theirs because their HP was that bad. Gordin got his so that Fortify would do something. And Tiki. . .was my Medeus killer.

I killed off both Pachyderms ASAP, and the Dracoknight and Bishop on the right. Merric earned himself a very nice award for the Epilogue, while I worked everyone else towards Medeus' lair WITHOUT Geosphere abuse. Eventually, I rigged it so that Marth would distract the Magestone dude, while Tomas taunted the Hero. One hit from the Railgun, and one Tiki-powered Divinestone blast later, and I ended the chapter. Total turns: 9.


First, the awards.

Weirdest level-up: Gordin's Strength gain as a level 9 Bishop.

Weirdest final stat: Tomas' 8 RES as a Dracoknight, no stat boosters.

Most amusing final stat: Draug's 24 Speed as a Sorcerer.

Most efficient user of stat boosts: Tomas, who went from mediocre to killing half of Endgame by himself.

Best Survival Instinct: Merric, for pulling an Excaliblick on an Endgame Manakete that would have otherwise turned him into a pile of ash.

Best use of the Starsphere: Tiki (she would've needed to steal Nagi's Stone if I didn't have the Starsphere)

Biggest turn count shaver: Abel, for saving me at least 50 turns on Chapter 3 (he gained enough Speed to avoid being doubled by the boss).

The MVP of this run: Sedgar, hands down. Look at his final stats, and remember that the only things he got were one Goddess Icon and one Dracoshield. He wasn't kidding when he said he wouldn't let me down!

Final stats (asterisk indicates a stat booster was used. . .might not be accurate for certain characters). The random generic survived because no one wanted to touch him.

Name     Class     Level   HP   Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Luk  Def  Res
Marth    Lord      29.03   40   17    0   16   22   26   12    1
Abel     Paladin   14.05   45   20    1   27   23   15*  15    6
Draug    Sorcerer   9.03   37*   3   10   13   24   13    4   12
Gordin   Bishop    14.69   39    2   19*  15   11   17    7   17
Julian   Thief     25.69   41*  12    0   19   26*  24   13    1
Merric   Sage      11.63   44    3   14   17   18   20    6   11
Sedgar   Hero      20.00   56   22    1   29   26   16*  25*   2
Tomas    Drakky    17.82   40   23*   1   19   23*  11   12    8
Palla    Sniper    13.83   48   24    1   28   24*  10*  15    4
Tiki     Manakete  23.11   58*  20*   2   20   20*  20   15*  11
Nagi     Manakete  Base everything
Antony   General   12.00   45   11    1   10    4    0   24    3

Final thoughts:

Marth: Despite the fact that he's -2 STR/+2 SKL, it was sufficient.

Abel: Marth's steadfast companion, and early/mid-game slayer. I wish he had the ability to rescue!

Draug: Hard to believe that's above average Magic. . .but his Speed was a pretty big asset.

Gordin: Apparently, that's Gordin going above and beyond the call of duty, in terms of Magic and Resistance. That's what I needed him to do, and he did it beautifully.

Julian: See what I said for Marth. . .bu throw in +3 DEF, which meant I could use him as a front-line fighter.

Merric: WTF +4 Luck. He did what he needed to, though I wish he'd been a little more above average.

Sedgar: For what I did to him, that's average. . .if you ignore the fact that his effective growth rate for Luck is closer to 60%. When I did this run, I asked him to gain enough Luck so I wouldn't have to feed him too many Goddess Icons. He answered, in the most brilliant way possible!

Tomas: Take out the stat boosters, and you've got -2 HP, +2 STR and SKL, -1 DEF, and +3 RES. That +3 RES is a big WTF, because he's got 5% growth as a Cavalier, and 10% as a Dracoknight. He did a pretty good job, even with the wonky-ass Resistance.

Palla: She maxed Strength a little early, and was generally above average until level 13 Sniper. I'm happy.

Tiki: Before I went nuts with the stat boosters, she was at level 21 with 11 STR, which is two off her average. That's not what I needed to see!

Nagi: Uh, good job blocking reinforcements?

Antony: Your big, armored rear was enough to block the Pachyderm.

Edited by eclipse
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ANOTHER word limit? Damn.

*waits for more*

Sorry to keep you waiting! I finished the draft tournament, and I've got the story all ready! To apologize, I've got two chapters.

Chapter 23

"Our next destination is the Tower of Thabes, in the heart of Khadein." Marth heard his soldiers groan. Their last trip into Khadein had been a scorching ordeal, and none of them seemed like they wanted to repeat it. But this time--

"The Archsage Gotoh will transport us to Thabes. No need to cross the desert again." The army breathed a collective sigh of relief.

"We leave first thing in the morning. Rest up, everyone."


"What's that in your hands?" Sedgar asked, as he regarded the tome in Merric's hands.

"This is Starlight, the only thing capable of bringing Gharnef down."

"Use it well. You'll be dealing justice in the name of all of us."

"My teacher, your friends, and even Tiki. . .Gharnef has a lot to answer for, and he WILL answer for it!"

"Don't get reckless out there. We're your friends, and if we can help you, please let us know."

"Thank you, Sedgar."

"No problem, kid. Get some rest. You'll need it." Merric watched him as he walked off.

"I really wish you'd stop treating me like a kid."

Luck was with me on this chapter. The real Gharnef was at the bottom of the stairs. He went down to the Magical Trio, with Merric retrieving Falchion (finally, a battle that follows the story!)

Julian used himself to bait the long-range guys, while everyone else charged up the stairs. Due to the time it took for me to kick Gharnef, I didn't have to deal with the reinforcements. Mop-up duty was light, and Tiki killed a Gharnef clone for giggles. The two Master Seals I got on this chapter are going towards my final forge.

Had I bothered to reclass Tomas to Paladin, he would've entered the map with 10 RES, which is higher than Draug's, which is flat-out wrong.

"Mages. Everywhere I look there's mages," Sedgar complained under his breath. It looked like the army's mages were busy patching everyone else up. Fires raged, blizzards appeared and disappeared, and--

"Curse these bugs!" They swarmed and bit every inch of exposed skin (and some not-so-exposed skin). The last swarm slowly petered out. Warmth radiated from above. His numerous bites didn't itch quite as badly.

"It looks like those bugs really like you! I don't know if women will like those bug bites on your face," Merric teased lightly.

"Hey, kid, don't you have better things to do with your time?" he snapped back. He was somewhat grateful for the bug bites, for they hid the warmth he felt in his cheeks.

"Call this my way of calming down," the kid replied, as he ran towards his two friends.

"He didn't seem to have that tome on him. . .I wonder what those three are planning. . ."


"I'm still not convinced this will work, Gordin," Draug stated. The other two had (reluctantly) agreed to let Gordin draw the shadowy figure close. He was the one that was the least affected by enemy magic, but Draug wasn't certain if his friend's resistance to magic would be enough to protect against the ultimate dark magic.

"Have a little faith in me, Draug. I'll be fine. You'll see!" he cheerily replied. Merric shook his head. It was pointless to try to talk their designated bait out of this idea.

"Come back in one piece," the sage replied, as Gordin splashed a very special vial of water on himself.

"I'll be back before you know it!"


He wasn't cut out for this. He wanted desperately to escape the looming shadows, but his legs wouldn't obey. The darkness threatened to engulf him, to extinguish his life like those two in Port Warren--

"You are powerless. You are unworthy. Surrender Starlight, and I will spare your insignificant life," the darkness commanded.

"I. . .I--"

"The shadows show me the fear in your heart. They feed off your doubt. Give me Starlight, and doubt no longer. Or do you want to end up like the soldiers in Port Warren, who were no different than you?"

"No. . ."

"You know what you must do to escape that fate. Hand over--"

"I won't let you harm anyone else! Starlight!"


"That light. . .Starlight. . ."

"That's not an illusion! Let's go, Draug! I don't think Gordin can stand up to that alone!"

Starlight's blast had dispelled enough of the shadows for Draug to see his friend, kneeling before the Dark Mage. The bishop slowly took out Starlight, and extended it towards Gharnef.

"Yes. . .Starlight. . .soon, it will be mine!"

"I think not!" the sorcerer interrupted, as he snatched Starlight out of his friend's hands.

"Curse you!" The shadows closed around Draug. The darkness. . .so cold. . .

"Your hell will be made of ice, for all those who burned in your fires. Remember that knight back in Port Warren? He was all alone, and only had his country to fight for. You took that away from him."

"What?! You. . ."

"He served his country loyally, and you repaid him with a painful death. You could've spared his life. Someone like you is beyond redemption. I'll take Starlight from your corpse!"

"I'm sorry I couldn't save you, whoever you were. . .but for both of us, this has to end. . .Starlight!"


The shadows dispersed once more. This time, someone else held Starlight.

"For what you've done to my friends. . .and to everyone else. . .you'll pay. . ."

"Hah, now that's more like it! Your heart is full of rage! How I've longed for this day. . .the day I can train a new apprentice!"


"Think about it, child. You'll have the power to protect everyone close to you. Your beloved teacher would've lived, because you could given him the power to survive that battle."


"With the power I offer you, you would no longer have to worry about the people around you dying. Your friends would--"

"For the sake of those that have fallen to your dark manipulations. . .this is my answer. STARLIGHT!"


It was a slow awakening from a nightmare. No longer did the two mercenaries die to sword and horse hooves. Instead, Khadein's harsh daylight burned his cheeks. He didn't care.

"Merric, what is that?"

"I found this on that guy's body. This doesn't seem like an ordinary sword."

"Could it be. . .Falchion?" Draug asked. He shook his head, as if to chase away the already-fleeing shadows.

"We'll need to give this to Marth. Come on, everyone!"

"I. . .I don't know what Gharnef showed him, but it looks like it didn't affect him at all." The bishop bit his lip. Perhaps the shadows still lingered in his heart.

"Whatever it is, it's gone now. We're alive, and Gharnef is not. We've won the day."

"I guess you're right. Thanks, Draug."


Marth and his troops had cleared the rest of the enemies out of the tower. His mages bustled about, patching up burns, frostbite, and bug bites. One patient in particular seemed to be squeamish about the treatment.

"Ugh, this itches! Isn't there another way of doing this?"

"Sorry, handsome, but you'll have to endure a little while longer. No scratching!"

"I swear, you're enjoying yourself way too much, kid."

"Why shouldn't I? I've finally avenged my teacher, Marth has Falchion, and you're at my mercy!"

"My, Merric, you've sure grown." The mage and his patient jumped at the voice. The one who spoke stared at the duo, and chuckled behind her hand.

"E--Elice? Why are you here?"

"Merric, is that your sweetheart?"

"After seeing your face, I'm sure she's not YOUR sweetheart!" The outburst caused Elice to chuckle again. Sedgar felt the blood rush to his face. Why did he have to look like THIS in front of a lady?

"Oh, you two--ah, Merric, what happened to you? Your face--"

"It's, uh, a battle scar. Nothing major!" Sedgar got the satisfaction of seeing Merric turn bright red. Served him right!

"You've got to be more careful out there!"

"Yes, Elice."

"I'm glad to see a familiar face, but I've got to meet the rest of Marth's army. If you'll excuse me." Despite her years of captivity, Elice's natural grace remained as she walked towards the dragon girl and her adopted older sister.

"That's Marth's sister?"


"She seems a little old for you."

"Shut up!"

"Are you intentionally making it itchier? ARGH!"

Chapter 24

"Our battle started in Talys, where Marth led the few of us that escaped with him. We helped clear out the pirates in Talys, and lost some soldiers there, including the princess of Talys. We marched to Aurelis, where the Aurelian prince put up one last valiant effort to free his home. In the end, Aurelis could offer us only one more to aid us. From Aurelis, we journeyed to Archanea, to free Princess Nyna's home. Only one captive escaped the spite of the jailers. We then marched into Gra, and one of Macedon's Whitewings joined our case. From Gra, we marched home, then to Chiasmir, for the divine dragon girl. We invaded Grust, then Macedon. Gharnef fell at Thabes, and we have finally arrived in Dolhr, the last of Marth's enemies. Though I started as a knight, Marth asked me to wield magic. I have tried my best. I hope my best is enough to see the prince through these final battles."


"Tiki, what's wrong?"

"Sister, I don't like this place. These people are like me, but they're bad people. Why are they bad?"

"They have already decided to support Dolhr, which wants nothing more than to destroy everything Marth fought for. They have already made up their minds." The two girls jumped when Elice spoke.

"Oh, Big Sister!"

"Hmm, did you get another sister?"

"Yeah! Now we're all sisters! I wanna grow up to be graceful like Big Sister, and strong like Sister!"

"Um, well--"

"Tiki, when you grow up, I'm sure you'll be a fine woman."

"Thanks, Big Sister!" The dragon girl ran off, a big smile on her face.

"How do you do that, Princess?"

"She's a lot like Marth was when he was a little kid. I hope she'll grow up to realize her dreams, just as Marth has. Also, call me Elice. I don't want to feel like I'm separate from this army."

"Yes, Prin--Elice."

"You're a really good sister to Tiki. Please guide her in the right direction."

"Th--thank you." Commander Minerva was nothing like this! She derived her strength from leading by example. Elice, on the other hand, had a natural grace that seemed like it could draw even the foulest of bandits to her cause. How could they both be princesses?

Elice casually observed the sniper she'd just talked to turn towards camp.

"Palla. . .you're more important to Tiki than you realize. Please be strong for her."

I had to deal with the thief, snipers, and dragons (in that order), while somehow killing Tiki, and Sedgar wasn't allowed to die. This was a reset party of the bad kind, because the one time everything went according to plan, Tomas got a crappy level.

I pretended to fly to the fun shop, killed the first Fortify enemy using my mage-killing Dracoknight, then had him chase down and kill the thief. Meanwhile, Palla and her Longbow helped to take out the Snipers, while Gordin and Merric spammed Physic on Sedgar, who was taking the brunt of the attacks. I managed to get Tiki out and kill her with Falchion, so I can continue my run. I wasn't able to stop the first wave of reinforcements, but the boss died to a combination of Sedgar and Tomas (who managed to fly back in time).

Total time to kill the boss: 10 turns. Total time spent on map: 42 turns. I went shopping, so sue me.

Elice had insisted on accompanying Marth's army in battle. Marth insisted that she stay off the front lines. The princess could only watch the battle unfold before her, unable to do anything about its outcome.

Merric called a Thunder down on a red dragon, who glared at the offending sage. The glare slowly faded, as Abel ended its life with a Dragonpike. Not far away, Gordin and an enemy mage engaged in a magic duel. The bishop from Altea won, through sheer force of will. He leaned against a nearby tree and took a swig of a healing potion. A sniper from Dolhr saw this, and aimed his arrow at him. Before he could fire, he crumpled into a heap. An arrow had lodged itself into the base of his skull. Palla and Gordin waved to each other before going off in separate directions. A thief weaved around the battlefield, attempting to find a weak point to exploit. Instead, he found a very unamused Julian, and then found Julian's sword in his chest. The sound of running feet caught Elice's attention. Sedgar and Draug ran full speed towards her, with a black dragon not too far behind them.

"My magic isn't slowing this thing down one bit! Sedgar, you got any ideas?"

"Can you keep it busy for a moment longer?"

"We're running out of moments."

The black dragon's eyes met Elice's. It snorted, then moved towards its new target. This dragon. . .so much like the one that killed Mother. . .but why was it shrinking?

"Looks like you were a pretty good distraction, princess. It's dangerous here. Please retreat."

"Thank you for your kind words, Sedgar, but I don't want to be helpless any more."

"Sorry lover boy, but we've got other problems to deal with."

"I am not--hey, get back here! No, really!" The sorcerer stopped in his tracks. Sedgar pointed to a rapidly approaching speck. The speck turned into someone familiar.

"Draug! I'm so glad you're here! You've gotta help her!" Tomas carried a small bundle in his arms. Blood stained his armor, and Elice was fairly certain that it wasn't his.

"Tiki?! My goodness, what happened? I'll do my best, but--"

"Good. I'll go fetch Palla."

"Kid, we've got a battle to fight. She'll have time for this later."

"If I don't do this now, she'll never forgive me. Watch over everyone for me." The dracoknight mounted and flew off in the direction Elice indicated.

"Tomas, was it? He's got a very strong will."

"I hope his will isn't so strong that he ends up dead. Princess, can you stay by Tiki? I've gotta make sure the enemy doesn't show up."

(Oh Sedgar. . .you were much like Tomas when you were younger, weren't you?)


"Tomas, you're pushing your dragon way too hard! If you keep this up--oh no!" Palla jumped off the dragon and ran towards her adopted younger sister. Much of her midsection had been replaced by a gaping hole. She'd only survived as long as she did because of Draug's magic, but it didn't look the sorcerer could hold it for long.

"Tiki, Tiki, are you okay? I--huh?"

"Palla, you're her older sister. She needs you to be strong. You can't freak out, no matter how much you want to. Keep a calm face for her."

"But Elice--"

"I had to do this several years ago when Marth left Altea. I know you're strong enough for that."

"I--um, okay. Tiki, you there?" The dragon girl stirred a little.

"S--sis. . .it hurts. . ." Palla took Tiki's hand into her own. It was so very cold!

"It's okay, I'm here. You don't need to fight."

"Tom-Tom. . .that. . .dummy. . ." The sniper saw Draug sink down, unable to do anything more.

"Tiki, I'm okay! You didn't need to do that!"

"I. . .protect. . .family. . ." Tiki stopped moving. Palla dropped her hand numbly. Yet another sister. . .why. . .

"Tomas, in your haste to get Tiki back here, you didn't bother to kill the enemy with the Dragonpike, did you?"

"How did you know, Sedgar?"

"Because there's a whole wing of them on the horizon."

"If they think we're easy pickings, I'll be happy to show them their mistake," Palla said, a very unnerving calm in her voice.

"You're going to take on an entire wing by yourself?!"

"Do you have a problem with that, Tomas?"

"Rather than get in her way, I have a favor to ask of you. Marth hired a thief, Julian, if my memory serves me right. Due south of us is a temple. In that temple is a staff. Please have Julian retrieve that staff, and bring it to me."

"Yes, Princess. Palla. . .I'm sorry. . ."

"I. . .later. Go get that staff, and come back safely. Tiki may be gone, but the rest of you are here. I won't let a single enemy past me!"

The dracoknight took off in search of Julian. True to Palla's word, none of the enemies survived.


The battle was won, but at a terrible price. The legendary blade Falchion had fallen into enemy hands, and the divine dragon girl had died. They had been so close, too!

"Was this the staff you wanted?" Julian asked. From the accounts she had heard, the staff had been well-guarded. It had been retrieved, but the dracoknight and thief had suffered terribly for it. Tomas had collapsed the minute he'd landed near Marth's army, and burns marred Julian's face. Elice took the staff that the two had risked their lives for. This was what she was looking for!

"Thank you, Julian. I'm sorry you had to go through all that, but. . .this is a very important staff. I'll leave you to rest." The thief closed his eyes, and Elice silently left his tent, staff in hand.

(That dragon girl meant so much to everyone. I'm sorry, Marth, but I have to do this. I hope you'll find it in you to forgive me. . .one day.)

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I'm being entirely serious when I say that these playthrough and story segments brighten up my day. eclipse, you are a superb writer; I've seen print books with worse writing in them. Could you do a collected version I can link people to?

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Replies. . . :blink: In order:

Y-you represented the Tiki/Nagi glitch with in-universe plot.

You demented genius.

That was the plan! I can't have a full green-haired run if I'm missing Nagi!

Sheesh. Talk about depressing at times.

Also, it's just an issue I have, but sometimes it's a bit difficult to tell who's talking.

I'll try to be a little more clear. Thanks!

Huh... Wasn't Thabes north of Khadein (or Marmotord)...?

Never the less, good story.

Thank you! I read through the Chapter 23 script too fast, so I saw "Khadein" and "heart of the desert", and completely skipped the "far to the north" part. . .erm, I mean. . .

"It's a desert, and deserts suck, no matter where they are. They totally ruin my skin."

"As if an ugly guy like you has to worry about that!"

"Scary girl, scary girl~! Hey, don't point that Longbow at me!"

"Palla, Tomas, cut it out. This isn't even the story."

"Yes, Marth."

I'm being entirely serious when I say that these playthrough and story segments brighten up my day. eclipse, you are a superb writer; I've seen print books with worse writing in them. Could you do a collected version I can link people to?

Thank you! If you know somewhere that wouldn't mind hosting this thing (NOT fanfiction.net!), I could probably turn this into either a long text file or a web page.

Is this just because of my "Hey, at least she doesn't have any more sisters, right?" comment?

Nope, Tiki needed to integrate herself, then die. However, Palla didn't do her usual schtick when Tiki bit the dust. . .

The moral of the story for Palla; NEVER BEFRIEND ANYTHING. EVER.

The moral of the story for Palla is stick to being a flying lance unit. . .so she wouldn't shoot Est down, and wouldn't have to rely on Tom-Tom the dummy to protect Tiki.

Enough idle chatter. . .story time!

Chapter 24x

"I just finished speaking with Gotoh. He thinks it would be better to detour from Dolhr's main keep, because we lost both Falchion and Tiki." Heavy silence followed Marth's announcement. Marth desperately wanted to take part in that silence. It had been less than a day without Tiki, and his army had becomed disturbingly subdued.

"Gotoh asked all of us to prepare for another battle. We'll leave shortly. Get ready, everyone."


"Elice, I can't have you go!" Marth told his headstrong sister.

"I don't have time to do what I need to, and it's too dangerous for me to stay here. I'm going!" she told her equally headstrong brother.

"We don't know what Gotoh has in mind for us. I can't have you take that risk," he shot back, the corners of his mouth turning down in a frown.

"I'll take an unknown risk rather than certain death here in Dolhr," she replied firmly.

"But I just got you back! I don't want to lose you! You're the only family I have left!" Elice noticed the blood rushing to Marth's face. It would be bad form for the army's leader to cry over such a small matter! She put her hands on his shoulders.

"Marth, have you not noticed? Tiki adopted Palla and me as sisters. Sedgar teases Tomas much like an older brother would tease a younger one. Merric, Gordin, and Draug laugh and study together. Everyone listens to you, and they don't always call you prince. Your army has become a family, and you're a part of it," she said as gently as she could.

"My. . .army as a family?" The frown slowly disappeared from his face.

"Yes, they are. Please trust your family to take care of me." She gave her precious younger brother a hug, which he returned fiercely.

"All right. . .but I won't be happy with you if you get hurt!"


The place Gotoh had in mind wasn't a nearby shrine or a neighboring country. Instead, they had been taken to another dimension. A tower stood in front of them, ancient and majestic. Its many floors were separated by--

"Stairs. I hate stairs." Several people chuckled at Gordin's assessment of the tower. Most of them were in agreement with the bishop's sentiments.

"We're not going to find our answer by complaining about some exercise. Everyone, let's go!"



"I brought what you requested, princess," Abel said, as he unloaded the bundle from his horse.

"Thank you, Abel. Please keep the enemies busy. They are closer to me than I'm comfortable with." Elice looked at the staff in her hands - the staff two very brave soldiers had risked their lives for.

"We'll buy you all the time you'll need," he said with a smile, before joining the nearby battle.

"What I hold is a staff. I've used a staff before. I can do this," the princess muttered under her breath. She closed her eyes and tuned out the clamor around her. She would need everything she learned to do this!

Palla and Draug were lagging behind, so this was their chapter to catch up.

The enemies are so horribly pathetic that they're not worth mentioning. At least the two I mentioned got some decent levels. Seriously. . .most of my army was bored stiff!

Channel your internal strength into the staff to awaken it. Control the power that sleeps within. Do not let it control you. Ignore the pain in your stomach. Let your will become the staff's power. That's right, I want you to come with me. You belong here. Come back. . .for everyone's sake. Ugh. . .fight in my place. . .because. . .I c--can't go. . .sorry. . .Mar. . .


"Hey everyone, that light. . ." Draug said, motioning to somewhere far below.

"I see it, Draug. I'm really curious, but that means I'll have to go down all those stairs, then go back up!" Gordin complained.

"Isn't that where Elice was?" Merric said to himself.

"We haven't taken the tower yet!" Abel yelled to the three magic users. They mumbled their apologies before going their separate ways to the top of the tower.

(Princess. . .I'll believe in you and your crazy plan.)


"Are we all here? Good!" Marth leaned heavily against the wall, breathing hard. Running up the stairs would have been enough of a trial! His troops didn't sound like they were in much better shape.

"This had better be worth it," Julian grumbled. He wiped his brow with the back of his hand. As if on cue, the throne moved, to reveal another passage.

"Not more stairs," Gordin whined. A few tired chuckles answered him.

"We made it this far. I don't want this climb to be a waste. Down we go!" Several groans followed Marth down the stairs.


"That lady kinda reminds me of an older Tiki," Abel whispered to Julian, as the two descended the tower. The woman in question gracefully walked down the steps, not showing the least bit of exhaustion.

"She said she needs to finish what she started," Julian whispered back.

"Didn't she also say she had powers?"

"Yeah, she did. Do you think this lady's related to Tiki?"

"I don't know, but she doesn't have Tiki's lively spirit." The two fell silent. Though neither would say it, they both missed the dragon girl dearly.

The strange woman walked on, seemingly oblivious to the hushed conversation around her.


Marth led his army back the way they came. The bottom of the tower was close by! Soon, they'd be able to rest! He turned the last corner, and stopped, stunned beyond words. One figure looked up at him with tears in her eyes. The other lay in a pool of her own blood.

"Huh? Sire, why did you stop?" Draug asked calmly. Despite the climb up and down, he didn't sound out of breath. Marth's only answer was to continue his descent, albeit much more slowly. He approached the crying figure, who jumped up and ran to him.

"Mar-Mar, I'm sorry!" Tiki cried, as she buried her face in his midsection.

"Tiki, calm down. . .what happened?" the prince asked as calmly as he could.

"I heard a voice, telling me to come back, to fight in her place. . .then I woke up, and she. . ." Her sentence was finished with sobs.

"There's no mistake. She used Aum to bring Tiki back," Merric said, his voice emotionless.

"That's just the stuff of stories!" Gordin blurted out.

"That's Tiki over there, and the staff's here. The legend was true." The sage sank to his knees next to the dead princess. Much to Gordin's surprise, he saw tears run down his friend's face.

"We need to leave," Marth said, as he gently pushed Tiki away. The dragon girl stared at the prince, completely dazed. He took his sister's body in his arms. The light surrounded the army, before whisking the visitors away.

The light faded from the tower. On the ground, at the foot of the tower, lay a broken staff, anointed with blood.

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