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October sucks...


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-Smoking occasionally.

-Working on my senior "thesis". (it's not actually a thesis but it's a 30 page paper)

-Watching movies with friends.

-Playing Armored Core: Nexus and AC: Last Raven.

-Chatting it up with you guys every so often.

-Eating terrible food, except for when I visit my parents around Oct 15, which is when I'll eat great food again.

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Dude, did I ever tell you ilu?

Well this is the first time when Fritzl isn't involved ;)

but ilu2 bro

Edited by mikethfc
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October is amazing. For one thing, the cold season is starting. Second, it's Halloween month. :newyears:

halloween is the very last day. not much of a difference.

October does suck, now we have to put up with Green Day again.

lol, i think its funny how you almost never hear that song, but in september its played aton, one good thing bout green day. even tho theres no bad things bout green day.

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As for me, I do the same things every month of every year so nothing really matters.

I like how you went from almost making a point to being a complete nihilist.

Edited by Obviam
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I like how you went from almost making a point to being a complete nihilist.

Er...I didn't really mean it like that. Just that I don't do different things based on the month. Most months, anyway, so it doesn't matter what month it is for me (for the most part).

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I like October because it starts getting noticeably colder. Halloween is great, but I stopped since I moved back to the US.

At least Spirit Week is in October. They better have better themes this year...

Oh, and nothing different from August or September. School and all.

Edited by Secret!
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