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Best/Worst in the Series: Round 59


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Best: Levin!Arthur

He's cool, but he lacks Pursuit so I didn't go with him.

I mean, seriously, he's arguably better than Levin!Sety. Mounted movement and much more availability. I love Levin!Sety but it is hard to argue that he's actually better.

But offensively, Levin!Sety is killing more frequently when he does enter battle.

Hmm, brings an interesting question. Is movement an important aspect of offence? More move lets you reach enemies faster. Thus your offence is better. The same could be said about durability.

It is kinda vague. Oh well.

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Hmm, brings an interesting question. Is movement an important aspect of offence? More move lets you reach enemies faster. Thus your offence is better. The same could be said about durability.

I'd have though 'how much damage [insert unit] can do' would be enough...

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Lara will never be a good fighter. EVER. Wendy has shit bases and shit class, not to mention she still isn't good even when you raise her. Lara can at least save herself for being semi-useful pre-dancer, but all Wendy gives you is free weapons.

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I'd have though 'how much damage [insert unit] can do' would be enough...

Then your best buddy Micaiah would be in consideration for best.

Which reminds me. . .I'm changing my vote to the Black Knight.

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Then your best buddy Micaiah would be in consideration for best.

Not when she can't double (her poor speed limits the amount of damage that she can do). And she's hardly my best buddy is she?

Edited by NinjaMonkey
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Not when she can't double (her poor speed limits the amount of damage that she can do). And she's hardly my best buddy is she?

While I doubt she'd stand up to some of FE4's powerhouses, doing 35 damage a shot without doubling is pretty beast.

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Not when she can't double (her poor speed limits the amount of damage that she can do). And she's hardly my best buddy is she?

Doesn't matter if it's a OHKO (like Thani on easier modes tends to do).

I'd put the sarcasm tag, but that would totally ruin it. ;)

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Pursuit ring fixes that very easily. And also you can toss him a leg ring to fix the crappy movement he has before promotion.

Well, I'm not sure they are including that type of thing for the voting.

And the leg ring thing would also help Sety.

But even with pursuit, he has a smaller speed cap than Sety. And magic. Which means when you finally run into something not 2HKOd by Holsety (hey, it happens), Sety has a better continue rate.

Of course, Arthur might have more skill and if so (not sure) then he'd have better crit.

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Best: Tempted to vote My Fighter, but have no actual proof. So I'll go with, uh, Levin!Sety.

Worst: I'm tempted to vote Daisy, but have no actual proof. So I'll go with, uh, Sylvia.

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Why are people voting Wendy? She has Triangle Attack for insta-kills. It doesn't matter if it's cumbersome and hard to do, we're not rating her mobility or durability.

Hmm, brings an interesting question. Is movement an important aspect of offence? More move lets you reach enemies faster. Thus your offence is better. The same could be said about durability.

It is kinda vague. Oh well.

Well, in that case we could just put Seth at the top of the list, but I think Seth wins enough stuff.

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Well, in that case we could just put Seth at the top of the list, but I think Seth wins enough stuff.

I would say that Levin!Arthur would still pass Seth in that case. Holsety just doesn't even compare to anything Seth can do, even in the context of FE8. =/

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Levin!Arthur, however, does have a period where he's at 5 move.

Where usually the Leg ring would go to Celice until he promotes.

That is, if we're putting movement into consideration.

Edited by Luminescent Blade
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Levin!Arthur, however, does have a period where he's at 5 move.

Where usually the Leg ring would go to Celice until he promotes.

That is, if we're putting movement into consideration.

Then it just becomes a question of whether potential or utility is being looked into. Although really Arthur's low move doesn't hurt so much since you don't get any really good mounted units until Aless.

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