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Have a favorite cavalier?


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For me:

FE 1/11: Abel

FE 2: N/A, never played.

FE 3/12: Luke

FE 4: Delmud

FE 5: Fin

FE 6: Treck

FE 7: Lowen

FE 8: Franz

FE 9: N/A, never played.

FE 10: Oscar

Green knights FTW.

Edited by Lancelot
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FE11: Basically anyone but Matthis, Vyland, and Roshea.

Haven't played FE2

Dunno about FE12 just yet.

FE4: Alexander the Black Knight

Haven't played FE5

FE6: Alan and Lance

FE7: Sain and Kent

FE8: Franz

FE9: Oscar

FE10: Does Titania count?

Edited by LittleAl
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Green knights FTW.


FE1/11: Abel

FE2: Never played

FE3/12: Haven't played yet, but probably Rody.

FE4: Noish, based on half a chapter XP

FE5: Carrion

FE6: Lance

FE7: All 3 - Sain's fun strength, Kent's righteous speed and Lowen's wokshield; taking the RNG blessed one for finale

FE8: Kyle

FE9/10: Oscar (favorite of the series)

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FE4: Probably Aless since he's the first good Social/Free Knight you get aside from Oifey.

FE5: Brighton. Hands down. I like Felgus and Fin, though.

FE6: Hmm, probably Percival.

FE7: Kent by a mile.

FE8: Forde.

FE9: Oscar

FE10: Once again, Oscar.

FE11: Probably Cain.

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Kieran and FE9!Astrid, I guess. The only other "cavaliers" I tolerate are already promoted.

Edit: I suppose Sain and Abel have their good days as well.

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Didn't really care about any of the cavs from FE6

Sain, Kent

Amelia (I like all the Cavs in FE8 to some extent, though)

Astrid, Titania

Fiona, Titania

Abel, Frey

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FE5: Fin, Brighton

FE6: Alan, Lance

FE7: Sain

FE8: Kyle

FE9: Oscar, Titania, Kieran, Astrid

FE10: Same as FE9, except no Astrid.

Edit: Can't believe I forgot to list Kieran.

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For 4-11:


Fin again

Alan with honorable mentions to Noah


Franz with honorable mentions to Kyle


Titania (they're all tier 2 now)


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even though I don't like cavaliers, I use them from time to time.

FE6: Lance, it's just the name I guess...

FE7: Sain, for the lolz

FE8: Amelia, I hate armors even more than cavaliers. but I love the trainee units.

FE9: Astrid, paragon + knight ward = epic, & girl > boy

FE10: Fiona, for challenge and fun

FE11: Frey, reclass to myrmidon ASAP though...

that's all the games I've played...

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FE1/11: Cain! :D Though I like Hardin a lot too.

FE2: Villagers go Mercs usually, so Clerbe, as hes the only IIRC.

FE3: Probably Luke when I play it. Or Cain. Belf and Leiden look tanky though!

FE4: Looks like Id use Fin.

FE5: Looks to me like Id use Fin.

FE6: Havent played, and dont plan on it.

FE7: Kent.

FE8: Does Seth count? If not I guess Kyle.

FE9: Id probaby use Kieran. Totally biased for axes

FE10: Need to play.

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FE4: Fin

FE5: Same.

FE6: Treck. He's kinda tanky.

FE7: Sain. Nice personality, great stats.

FE8: Forde. Pretty average stats, but a good personality.

FE9: All of them are just gr9.

FE10: Makalov.

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FE3/12-Damn, Abel's a Paladin now. Out of the legit cavs, Cain and Frey. Out of everybody due to reclass system, Navarre and Catria.

FE4-Aless and Fin.

FE6-Lance is better-looking than Alan *shot*

FE7-Sain and Kent are both fine by me. I like Sain a bit better, but they're both good.

FE8-FRAAAAAANZ . Because Seth is already a Paladin and therefore doesn't count. Or else I'd turn this into a Seth fan thread if I could. I do like Forde and Kyle though.

FE9-Haven't played.

FE10-I've liked all the Pallies so far (up to 3-P). Besides Makalov. Even Astrid can at least distance-chip.

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SD: Cain, of course!

FE4: I'm leaning towards Noishe, but Fin's doing a pretty good job.

FE6: Noah, with honorable mention to Alan.

FE7: Sain for personality, Kent for killing stuff, Lowen for lulz.

FE8: Franz, though I've got a soft spot for Forde.

FE9 and 10: Oscar and Kieran.

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The only cavalier that I like is a dead cavalier.

Okay, FE9 Astrid and... well, I can't think of any others that I like. Geoffrey is alright, and Oscar is cool, but not really any that I actively try to use.

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