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What do you think about furries?


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Like about fictional people who are part animal. (Read: Part-animal, 99% of the time wolf)

I think its cool, but furry love or IRL people talking about doing romantic things with furries is gross.

How I know: one of my friends IRL likes furries.

Edited by Spykor
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Here's some probably uninteresting anecdote about furries, but it was pretty crazy at the time.

My high school had (and still has) a group of furries that call themselves the wolf pack. They wear clip-on tails.

People teased the hell out of them and while I sympathized, I didn't think much of them beyond that. I'd talk shit and joke about furries constantly on the web, but let well enough alone when it came to personal face-to-face interaction... especially since one of the girls had like 100 lbs on me.

But yeah, junior year, I did a sort of pro-con column for our school magazine with a friend of mine and I was kind of dumb and would make random internet references (usually memes, like "there are over 9000 problems with this idea!" One time we did a thing on like... altering appearances, or something, I forget. Friend made a reference to some lady who had surgery to look more like a cat. For some reason I was like "LOL a furry joke would fit in perfectly!" when it really didn't. IIRC the exact sentence was something like "people who dress up as animals and have sex with other people dressed up as animals" and I don't exactly remember how it fit into the article.

Next day my advisor/English teacher gets a phone call from some mom. Mom tells him that her daughter, a sophomore, came home crying after reading my article. Moms of all these girls apparently know each other. Moms want my ass expelled.

So yeah, there's sort of a furor and I feel terrible and a lot of my classmates are like YEAH YOU TELL EM when I really didn't mean to target anyone, but that's beside the point. I was asked to print out a bunch of articles about furries to prove I wasn't directly targeting a specific student, got called into the principal's office and was treated to an awkward metaphor about the situation concerning skinny American girls with starfish necklaces. I was also told to go to precalc even though I really didn't want to because they were pissed and I was afraid of getting steamrolled and they assured me they had no discipline record, so uh...

I wish there was some grand climax to this story, but I basically just stayed away from them for the rest of the year (which amounted only to a few short months) and endured the weird looks. They told me through a friend of theirs that they wanted to confront me and I refused like a little bitch, haha.

There's a lot more to this story (and pics) but that's what happened in summation. If anyone's interested I could post them, but it'd really be like "hey this actually happened, or at least these people actually exist" material.

Basically, I had a bad experience with furries. At this point I think it's way too easy to make jokes at their expense so I don't really do it, haha. I enjoy some anthro art-- Lackadaisy anyone? Not necessarily "furry", but cute anthropomorphized animals.

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What's with this sudden surge in shit like this being posted, hahaha?

Honestly, if you want to do something or enjoy something that isn't hurting anyone else against their will, go for it bro. Wear a clip on tail, write stories, or have sex or whatever, I really don't care. It's nobody's concern but yours.

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One of my friends tries to assure us he is not one of the furry-types that everyone is annoyed by. His Halo tag is YIFF, and his Steam profile is "Furry. Furry everywhere"'d. His Xbox background is a furry version of a Gears of War character.

Can't judge him, I guess, since I'm sometimes inclined towards it. But then, I'm inclined towards several fetishes at any given time.

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I imagine this topic is going to get a lot of redundant posts to the tune of "I don't care about them as long as they aren't harming anyone else" or something like that.

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I think I give people more grief about their favorite color than their sexual fetishes.

Well, I would think people would be more willing to tell you their favorite color than what their sexual fetish is. Unless you actually ask people what their sexual fetish is. Which case, might be best to try a different icebreaker.

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"Your favorite color is green? What the fuck is wrong with you?" >__>

That's my line!

No need for confrontation when giving grief about one's favorite color! A simple, "Your favorite color and your face do not get along," does wonders. Especially when said color is bright orange, and said face is very pale.

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I feel the same way about these fetishes as I do about religion and penises:

wow you have one that's pretty cool so long as you don't try and shove it down my throat

Beat you to it severIan :P

Edited by mikethfc
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I feel the same way about these fetishes as I do about religion and penises:

wow you have one that's pretty cool so long as you don't try and shove it down my throat

So tempting to put a slash through penises for lulz. But that would be a lie... :(

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Furries do kinda creep me out but its mostly for the whole animal thing and wanting to engage in sexual acts with anthropomorphic things. :/ I knew this one chick who was a furry and she was a bit...err...unhinged. If their fetishes only extend to other PEOPLE wearing fox ears or whatever, i guess thats just fine. Whatever blows your skirt up. But if they start gravitating toward ANIMALS this way, im gonna get worried for the safety of animals. Im pretty sure 99% of Furries wont ever do that, but you never know about that 1%.

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