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I call this my H5 Run


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6 sets, and once triggered, either by moving close to the forts or getting close to the boss (which'll trigger both fortress blocks to spawn reinforcements), 2 sets appear. They can be triggered 3 times each.

3 sets of back-to-back waves (6 waves total). Ok, I can make it through this. I'll check back later.

Draug now = Fighter

Athena now = Cleric. I've restarted maybe 5 times, and 4 out of 5 times, her first 2 levels gave her 0 stat-ups. T.T

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Alright~ It's going very well. I've used both my map saves, but I'm to the point where I'm just battling the eastern reinforcements, then the boss. I should have this down no problem.

Radd died. He dodged 6 attacks before dying. Let's all have a moment of silence for Radd's rad attempts at survival. He truly did try to beat the H5 system.

Ok, Everyone's leveling quite well in this chapter. Even Caesar Salad and Mr. Rogers. Salad is level 7 before reinforcement#2, and Roger is 8 I believe...don't quote me on that though. Gave Salad the Piercer (Upgraded Armorslayer that I just found out I spelled Pierceir...), and he demolished one of the AKs.

Random idea: Changing Athena to Cleric was a sad waste of time. She is currently lv. 18, and 2 levels of gaining no stats at all have really sucked. She's not growing at all, and I think I'll let her die at the of the next chapter. Gotta keep my team low if I want to hit the X chapters at 12 and 15 right? Gonna miss those heals though T.T At least Cain and Barst won't have any splinters for a while.

Even Nabarl is doing well, and I'm surprised. Quite surprised. I'm taking this battle slowly, and I'm really really broke. I hope I get some money soon to forge with.

Merric's been leveling up decent stats, and I'll be pleased to post the next set at the end of this chapter. I'm hoping my team is good enough to make it through to save Midia though. That Silver Sword & Wyrmslayer from Ass-tram is really tempting, but I know I get one of them just as a drop.

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If it's only Midia you care about, just shove her into one of the rear positions of the cell, and let her sit there, she won't be hurt. The others are relatively useless on H5, due to their low base level. You have a chance to attempt to use Dolph if you go to 12x, however.

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You are guaranteed to save two prisoners on Chapter 12, if you really want to.

Boah makes a decent healbot, and Tomas has the option of insta-Longbow (though whether he'll hit anything, or otherwise be useful, is highly questionable).

Defeating Astram will net you a Wyrmslayer. It might be worth it to recruit him, so you have one more meatshield.

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Alright. It's just me and the boss left. I think I'll attempt a fight or two at the Arena with Cain/Abel/Nabarl, since they're doing pretty well stat-wise. That, and Athena used up 5 of my Heal tomes, and I need to get a little money to buy those back, and plus the Raper and Win Spear.

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Bah... My son grabbed my DS while I was using the restroom, and placed Nabarl in an Arena fight for 1380. He got smashed by an Armor Knight that he could only do 1 point of damage to, and he goes "Uh oh"....

Back to the pre-AK Reinforcements place. Another 20-25 turns to catchup on >.<

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FINALLY, I'm Done with this god-for-saken chapter! My son keeps playing his game and erasing my Suspend Point, because he thinks it carries over for both save files (And it doesn't T.T)

Here's my Team Stats

Units List
Funds: 11
Name 	Lvl  EXP  HP  STR  MAG  SKL  SPD  LCK  DEF  RES  Class
Marth  	11   13   26   9    -	6    11    13	8    0   Lord
Caeda   11   63   18   7    1   11   20    17   8    6   PegKnight 
Cain   	13   75   29   12   -   10   11    7    11   0   Cavalier
Abel   	13   53   28   10   -   13   12    5    11   0   Cavalier
Ogma 	10   91   28   10   -   14   14    7 	6    0   Mercenary
Barst  	12   96   32   13   - 	10   13    11	9    0   Fighter
Lena  	20   --   19   0    8   16   10    18   3   17   Cleric
Nabarl  10    7   28   11   -    8   10    10   10   0   Cavalier**
Wolf   	6    37   34   11   -	4    9      6    6   0   Warrior** 
Julian 	5    17   19   5    -    7    13    9  	4    0   Thief 

Can't Figure Out This Code with just Copy/Pasting T.T

Athena  18   35   29   6    2	7    8      8    4   13   Cleric**
Caesar  8    91   24   6    -	11   14    6    8   0   Mercenary
Roger 	7    93   24   7    -   4    5      3    14    0   Armor Knight
Merric  12   12   26   -    6	8    11    7  	4	5   Mage
Draug  	9    0 	26	8	0	7   12    4 	3    0   Fighter ***

I tried to use the Arena to get a tiny bit more cash, but ended up losing too much, (and almost losing Cain in the process). I settled for broke, and saved enough $ for a Rapier, +331 gold. I had to sell the Levin Sword to afford the Wing Spear though...Check my funds to see how broke I am. I think I'll get by though without the Levin Sword, somehow.

Abel and Merric probably has the most gain from this level, as did Nabarl. Roger and Caeser had a good punch in this level as well.

Athena as a Cleric, after redoing this chapter probably a 2 dozen times, gained maybe 6 points of Mag in all my attempts put together.

Don't make Athena a Cleric. Ever.

Edited by Elieson
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Well, at least the next chapter has a Bullion.

Got the Bullion. now I gotta just live through the reinforcements and get to the store~

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If you recruit him, Jeorge can actually help out quite a bit if you hang around for the reinforcements. He can double some pirates with his silver bow (or an Iron one) but not his steel bow. Two healers will help if you plan on taking on the reinforcements.

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I don't get how people can't figure out the code tags. The text editor for this forum has a fixed width font. Otherwise, use Notepad. Problem solved.

Is this browser-dependent?

Also, for Code tags, it helps if the opening tag has its own line.

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Argh. Stupid reinforcements. The last one got a lucky crit on Nabarl and took him out. I was so close too>.<

Oh well, Back to the save point. This chapter is a lot easier than I thought it was going to be. I send Cain, Caeda, and Marth over to get Jeorge. Marth gets him, then the 3 rush back while Caeda gets close to the thief. Thief nabs the Wyrmslayer, then I kill him, so I don't use my precious keys.

The rest is fairly easy.

Edited by Elieson
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Beaten. Stats will be posted later .Somehow, I missed the Wyrmslayer among my dozen restarts, but Oh well, I'll let it be for now. Jeorge is still alive too. I'm reclassing him to a flier so that he can bait some of the cavs at the beginning of Princess Minerva.

I'm not looking forward to this...Forged Javelins and Silver weapons....The weakest thing I see in this entire fight is probably the Hero's Forged Armorslayer, and the Hauteclere>.>

ANyway, Stats later. Wish me luck now....I'll Need it.

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You can recruit Maria after the boss is dead.

The Levin Sword would sell for 800. Not tha tbig a deal to me.

Won't Minerva attack me though? Or does she not move until I recruit Maria.

Also, I want to recruit the Whitewings, so I at least need to recruit her (Does she need to be alive later to recruit the sisters or can I sac. her?)

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I believe Minerva will only attack you if you enter her range, and have not recruited Maria. The physic staff is huge, so make sure you grab it. If you can't catch the levin sword thief, it's not big deal. You only need Marth to recruit the whitewings.

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Units List
Funds: 1701
Name 	Lvl  EXP  HP  STR MAG  SKL  SPD  LCK  DEF  RES   Class
Marth 	11   44   26	9   -	6   11   13	8	0   Lord
Caeda 	11   93   18	7   1   11  20   17	8	6   PegKnight
Cain  	14   54   29   12   -   10   12    7   12	0   Cavalier
Abel  	14   31   29   11   -   14   13	5   11	0   Cavalier
Ogma  	11   59   29   10   -   15   14	7	6	0   Mercenary
Barst 	13   96   33   14   -   10   13   11	9	0   Fighter
Lena  	20   --   19	0   8   16   10   18	3   17   Cleric
Nabarl	11   87   28   12   -	8   10   10   10	0   Cavalier ***
Wolf   	6    72   34   11   -	4   9	6	6	0   Warrior ***
Julian 	5    17   19   5    -	7   13	9	4	0   Thief
Caesar 	9    54   25   7    -   11   15	6	8	0   Mercenary
Roger  	8    85   23   6    -   10   15	4	9	0   Mercenary ***
Merric	12   98   26   0   6	8   11	7	4	5   Mage
And those who aren't in this fight
Draug  	9	0   26	8	0	7   12	4	3	0   Fighter ***
Athena  DIED

Bantu  	I know you don't really care, so I won't post.



Wow. Getting into the castle is hard work. I've found the best strategy is to make a line of units strong enough to beat the initial Cav. wave straight across from the corner of the east-most part of the castle

_| Julian is somewhere up here

|_ everyone else up here in the hizzle


___| [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]



where 1 is reclassed Jeorge for obvious bait of the forged Javelin. Then it goes Cain, Abel, Barst, Nabarl straight across. [F] represents forests.

I set up Cain with Ridersbane, Steel weapons for all else. It works to take out the first wave, then I rush into the castle as fast as I can, taking out the thief on the way rather easily, and in the castle, alternating a guard while Merric uses some of his still high in uses Excalibur.

All I can say though is DAMN

Edited by Elieson
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Stop using Tab then. Use spaces only to separate the numbers. I think Notepad and SF have different ideas of how wide a tab is. Of course it's going to get screwed up. And count your spaces.

12   3
0   1

Each of those have 3 spaces between them. However, one of those numbers is two digits. Therefore, there should be one fewer spaces for the top line.

12  3
0   1

Now the top line has 2 spaces and the bottom line has 3 spaces. And now it lines up.

Edited by Narga_Rocks
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Line up the ones digits with the ones digits. Come on, man. It's not that hard.

you mean

12  3
0  1


I actually sometimes like the other way more.

12  3
0   1

But yeah, it's really not very hard. And as you said earlier (I think it was you anyway), SF uses a font in the post creation box that lines up everything based on number of characters in a line anyway. Sure, when you make it an actual post things grow or shrink based on width of the letter (except in code tags), but before that when you create your post you can even see if it going to line up or not (inside the code tags).

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Oops, I wasn't referring to you in exasperation. Sorry about that miscommunication. If the TC lines up the ones with the ones, then that should help a lot.

I think the biggest problem is his use of "tab". If he would just stop using that key then he should be fine. By using the spacebar to line everything up he shouldn't have a problem.

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O K !

Disregarding my inability to type up stats (which I'll work on right now), I've hit an annoying part of the stage. I just took out the first set of reinforcements, and the 2nd set is right on top of me. I think I can handle them, but it's going to be a fun fight...

How many sets of Reinforcements are there here? I read somewhere that they come for 5 rounds...I'm not looking forward to that...

Also, I scrapped the Levin Sword, but got the psychic (well, the thief just ignores it anyway).

[spoiler=Da Stats]

Units List
Funds: 1701
Name     Lvl  EXP  HP  STR  MAG  SKL  SPD  LCK  DEF  RES  Class
Marth     11   44  26    9    0    6   11   13    8    0  Lord
Caeda     11   93  18    7    1   11   20   17    8    6  PegKnight
Cain      14   54  29   12    0   10   12    7   12    0  Cavalier
Abel      14   31  29   11    0   14   13    5   11    0  Cavalier
Ogma      11   59  29   10    0   15   14    7    6    0  Mercenary
Barst     13   96  33   14    0   10   13   11    9    0  Fighter
Lena      20   --  19    0    8   16   10   18    3   17  Cleric
Nabarl    11   87  28   12    0    8   10   10   10    0  Cavalier ***
Wolf       6   72  34   11    0    4    9    6    6    0  Warrior ***
Julian     5   17  19    5    0    7   13    9    4    0  Thief
Caesar     9   54  25    7    0   11   15    6    8    0  Mercenary
Roger      8   85  23    6    0   10   15    4    9    0  Mercenary ***
Merric    12   98  26    0    6    8   11    7    4    5  Mage

And those who aren't in this fight
Draug      9    0   26    8    0    7   12    4    3    0   Fighter ***

Athena  DIED LAST  CH.
Bantu      I know you don't really care, so I won't post.

Edited by Elieson
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