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Which FE characters would you like to have a support with?


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Which FE characters would you love to have support conversations with? You may state your affinity and their affinity (if they have an affinity) or give them an affinity (this rule applies to FE1/3/4/5/11 characters) and state either how many points or chapters required for supports...(depending on your choice, if GBA standard or Tellius standard will be used)

You may have a choice of 8 characters from the entire series...

CROSSOVERS with affinities is permitted for the lulz... XP

Well... my choices would be... (I used the GBA system, cause I like it more... and oh... my affinity is ICE!)

Option 1: Thany (Wind) - 56+4 - (6 turns for C support, 20 for B and A support)

Option 2: Kieran (Wind) - 54+3 - (9 turns for C support, 29 for B and A support)

Option 3: Oscar (Earth) - 30+3 - (17 turns for C support, 29 for B and A support)

Option 4: L'Arachel (Light) - 15+2 - (33 turns for C support, 40 for B and A support)

Option 5: Marcia (Fire) - 10+2 - (35 turns for C support, 40 for B and A support)

Option 6: Serra (Thunder) - 5+1 (65 turns for C support, 80 for B and A support)

Option 7: Clarine (Thunder) - 2+1 (78 turns for C support, 80 for B and A support)

Option 8: Ilyana (Light) - 0+1 (80 turns for C, B and A support)

Well... my choices possess a too obvious pattern... XP


P.S I suck at math... heck even the simple math gives me slight errors... :(

Edited by Frostbite
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Hmmm, this sounds as a build your supports.

Well, here we go:

Support 1: Jill (Thunder); 10+5.

Obvious reason for this one, and we earn a critical, critical evasion and avoid (cool huh?)

Support 2: Mareeta (and I'm giving a best guess, for she has no affinity if I recall well, Fire); 0+5.

Support 3: Roy (Fire; 25+3.

Up to there for the moment being.

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I'd probably be Fire judging by personality, so let's go with that.

I'm also going to put an explanation to most of the affinities there, since 5 of my supports are Judgralian.

Doing GBA-style supports because I"m not familiar with the Tellius type.

1. Seth (Anima)-80+5

2. Shanan (Light)-20+4

I took a look at the various GBA Swordmasters, and FE6!Karel fits the best to what I see in his personality, so...

3. Lakche (Fire)-30+3.

No explanation needed. Lakche doesn't suit any other affinity. At all.

4.Abel (Anima)-20+2.

I referenced Lance and Kent for him. Kyle is too serious.

5. Ayra (Fire)-15+2

See Lakche.

6. Lucius (Light) 15+2.

7. Holyn (Thunder) 10+1

Out of the GBA mercs, I'd say that Dieck and Gerik are the most similar to him, and they're both Thunder.

8. Skasaher (Thunder) 10+1

See Holyn. I usually have Holyn as his dad, so he'd inherit that like Lakche inherited Fire from mom. And he seems like the calmer type anyway.

Issacian nobles of FE4 chain support gogogo

Paired endings with Seth, Shanan, and Abel.

Edited by Luminescent Blade
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I think Affinity works more on a personality basis.

However, it's too complex to do a whole personality test in FE so they just went with birth month.

Mine doesn't match my personality at all.

Plus I'm really a Judgralian all the way, so screw Elibe. Except Lucius.

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My choices(Using the GBA system(With FE9/10's "Earth" and "Heaven" affinities). My affinity is Dark):

Option 1: Nephenee(Wind, 50+5, 6 turns for C support, 16 turns for B support, and 16 turns for A support)

Option 2: Leaf(I'm guessing Earth affinity, 50+3, 10 turns for C support, about 25(?) turns for B and A)

Option 3: Shanam(I'm guessing he's Wind affinity, 30+4, about 13 turns for C, 20 for B, and 20 again for A)

Option 4: Celice(I'm guessing Light affinity, 0+5, 16 turns for C, B, and A)

Option 5: Igrene(Ice, 10+3, about 24 turns for C, and about 27 for B and A)

Option 6: Mia(Fire, 10+2, about 35 turns for C, and 40 for B and A)

Option 7: Ike(Earth affinity, 0+2, 40 turns for C, B and A)

No option 8 at the moment...

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Tinny (thunder)

Do you know Pent and Louise start with an A, but you can see their support conversations in certain chapters?

That's what's going on here, so there's no points.

Otherwise, 80+30

Sety (light)


Skasaher (anima)


Arthur (wind)


Kannival (dark)


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FE7 says my affinity is Fire, but fuck it. I want my affinity to be Anima.

Anyway. I think I'd support the following people:

Option 1: Wolt wub.gif (Ice, 78+3)

Option 2: Serra (Thunder, 0+3)

Option 3: Arthur/Amid (Wind, 30+2)

I think Arthur's affinity would be Wind considering how he ended up using Wind magic even with Tordo blood on his veins. Also Amid included because he's one of the few substitutes I like.

Option 4: Rebecca (Fire, 30+2)

Option 5: Niime (Anima, 15+2)

Option 6: Skasaher (Thunder, 15+2)

I'd have to agree with Luminescent Blade's speculation. Thunder fits pretty well.

Option 7: Aless (Ice, 10+1)

... or Eltshan, I don't know, both are badasses and both make sense with Ice.

Option 8: Calill (Dark, 10+1)

I actually didn't play FE9 or FE10 yet, but I've read her Support conversations and I think I love her already. wub.gif

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Let's see...

My Affinity: Anima


1) Ellerean (Thunder) 20+3

Must be that Thoron

2) Fin (Anima) 10+2

I think it fits

3) Galzus (Dark) 0+1

Same here

4) Ray (Ice) 20+3

5) Canas (Anima) 30+4

6) Natasha (Ice) 0+5

7) Bastian (Wind) 5+2

8) Edward (Light) 5+3

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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My affinity: Either Light or Fire.

Lilina (Light) 20 + 4

Hector (Thunder) 30 + 2

Lyn (Wind) 30 + 2

Levin (Thunder) 10 + 1 I think it fits for him. And I was going off of one of Bianchi's posts when giving Levin the Thunder affinity

Sigurd (Anima) 10 + 1 Same case with Levin.

Jill (Thunder) 0 + 3

Merric (Wind) 0 + 2 He's a wind magic specialist. What else was for him?

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My affinity: Fire. AAAAAALWAYS.

Using GBA-style for everyone for simplicity's sake.

1. Mist (Water) (80+5)

2. Ike (Earth) (30+5)

3. Joshua (Wind) (20+4)

4. Lucius (Light) (30+5)

5. Jill (Thunder) (40+5)

6. Nephenee (Wind) (20+5)

7. Shanan (Thunder - he strikes me as a Thunder guy) (10+5)

8. Lyn (Wind) (10+2)

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My gosh, I would love to have support convoes with (in no particular order):

(any and all of FE9's Griel Mercenaries (Ike in particular))

Kieran (FE9)

Kent (FE7)

Nils (FE7)

Tormod (FE9 or FE10)

Ranulf (FE9)

Ena (FE9)

Ewan (FE8)

L'Arachel (FE8)

Lucius (FE7)

Zelgius (FE10)

Kurthnaga (FE9/FE10)

Leila (FE7) (IF it was possible)

Seth (FE8)

Ephraim (FE8)

Franz (FE8)

Forde (FE8)

Eliwood (FE7)

Lyn (FE7)

Sain (FE7)

Hector (FE7)

Colm (FE8)

Dew (FE4)

Artur (FE8)

Sigurd (FE4)

Cormag (FE8)

Glen (FE8) (IF it were possible)

Nolan (FE10)

Edward (FE10)

Vika (FE10)

Rajaion (FE9/10) (IF it were possible)

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Personally, I have no problems with my affinity, even if I don't see how August can be dark...

I would like IS/someone developed a new way to discover it. Next personal project perhaps

Well, I thought of modifying and adding supports:

Support 1: FE10!Jill (Thunder); 50+5

Obvious reason for this one, and we earn a critical, critical evasion and avoid (cool huh?)

Support 2: Mareeta (and I'm giving a best guess, for she has no affinity if I recall well, Fire); 15+5

Support 3: Roy (Fire); 25+3

Support 4: Fir (Fire); 10+3

Support 5: Sigrun (Water);0+5

Support 6: Leaf (since Earth is the nearet one); 30+3

Support 7: Lance (Anima); 0+3

Support 8: Katarina (guessing she's Dark possibly); 10+5

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My affinity: None of your business.

Since Shadow Dragon has no affinties. . .screw all of them! Also, this list isn't in any particular order.

- The. Entire. Wolfguard. (four people, because Hardin technically isn't a part of it)

- Tomas (because someone has to make his life a living hell)

- Hugh

- Legault

- Ranulf

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I have no problem with the affinity FE7 gives me (Ice).

1. Stefan (Heaven): 15+3

2. Knoll (Dark): 5+2

3. Pelleas (Water): 10+1

4. Marisa (Ice): 0+2

5. Soren (Dark): 0+2

6. Micaiah (Dark): 5+2

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My support options:

My own affinity is anima.


Leaf(Light) 72 +3

Julia(Light) 0 +3

Dalshien(Ice) 20 +2

Lifis(Ice) 20 +3

Altenna(Fire) 5 +2

Saphy(Light) 15 +2

Misha(Wind) 0 +1

Note that I replace Hector and that these Fe4 and 5 characters replace the following: Leif(Eli), Julia(Lyn), Dalshien(Oswin), Lifis(Matt), Altenna(replaces Flo*Hec, but fills in for Heath in the game data), Safy(Serra)and Misha(Farina). I get paired endings with Julia, Alty, and Misha.

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An interesting topic. My affinity should be obvious, but for those of you who haven't read my name, it is Fire (screw FE7 giving me Anima, I never go with it anyway when I play the game).

Priscilla (Wind): 72 + 4

Volug (Earth): 30 + 3

Mist (Water): 30 + 3

Jill (Thunder): 30 + 3

Ephraim (Fire): 20 + 2

Mia (Fire): 16 + 2

Rutger (Dark): 16 + 2

Raven (Ice): 0 + 1

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Me, I have a wind affinity by personality and birthdate. Wind affinity is okay in the GBA games, I guess.

Forde, Treck, and Haar (Wind, 15+3)

Sain (Wind, 10+2)

Gatrie (Light 8+2)

Every female character ever: (Whatever 241+0)

Shin, Rath, Jaffar, Hawkeye, etc. Boring silent characters (20+3) All supports involve me slapping them and yelling at them to be less boring and depressing

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