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Amelia's Gallery


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Long story short, Dan convinced me to open a gal and I did.

I'm surprised how this thread is still running.

Sorry they are all in links but there's limit to image posting.

But if you want to go through the whole thread, be my guest.

[spoiler=Really really old stuff that is pretty horrible]
-----------Random arts---------------

First one, Luke fon Fabre.
I drew this for my art class. And got a 9/10. <3
And Tear Grants. Go along with Luke.
After that is the medic girl from EO. Drew for Ein. *coloring it*
Plan A for Enjo's birthday But then I think it's hard to do lineart and coloring with SAI, so plan B
What happened when English teacher was boring and I had a pencil, eraser, black pen, color pencils and some highlighters Tenshi Hinanai from Touhou.
Another one from Touhou. Hina, drew in Math class.
Lia, my OC. She got a class change. Since her class was cleric at first. I can't find that picture. ><
Hatsune Miku. Yay Vocalgenersis.
Reference for my SE mug. Class is peggie.
Newly done Mice fom Rune Factory 3. Now brb drawing Tuna~ <3

---------------OUJAY'S EMPIRE OA PROJECT---------------

These are only designs though. Except for Astra's OA. I think it's good enough to be an OA.
Will fix/add/update some more stuffs later. *Working on Enjo*
Rhythm's clothes design~
Furetchen design~
And Astra~

---Other more recently stuff---

Wedding Amelia why

Bunny the cat

Furet's request
Summer time


Newer stuffs:
Ninian's confession
Happy ending
The delicate one
dA Commission
Subarashii desu
My unit

Legendary Investigation Team
A song
Don't go!
Mysterious Maiden
Little miss pirate
Waifu birthday
Morning practice
Outer Science




Shoot me a PM if you want a commission. We'll discuss later.

Edited by Amelia
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It's hard not to immediately 0/10 anything that doesn't look like it's ripped directly from manga =/

Still, in terms of drawing style it looks very good to me but I don't like the coloring used in the first couple of drawings. Other color drawings are much better IMO. Especially the hair on ther Tailto one.

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Awesome! =D I like your style. It's cute and at the same time everything looks like it works. Like the cloth is wrapping the wright way, the folds are where they should be and the patterns on the clothes are awesome. Very good job! :D

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It's hard not to immediately 0/10 anything that doesn't look like it's ripped directly from manga =/

Uhhh, perhaps that's her style?


The world doesn't revolve around your likes and dislikes, sorry for the newsflash.

I so told you Amelia.

Of course that drawing of Mini Camus/Elty of me is awesome.

Edited by AstraLunaSol
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I don't like the coloring used in the first couple of drawings

Look, guv, nobody died and made YOU the authority on colouring. Whether or not she prefers the pencil style of colouring is not. Your. Fucking. Problem. Capisce? You think you can do better, than do it your goddamn self.

Rrrright. OP. *fanboy sludge drool*.

Edited by Furetchen
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It's hard not to immediately 0/10 anything that doesn't look like it's ripped directly from manga =/

Why should she have to draw something that looks directly from a manga? It's refreshing to see some that don't, as long as the style has the basics down correctly.

As artists, negative comments are not appreciated unless it does something useful. Therefore, make it constructive criticism, or don't say it at all. We as artists do not like seeing people bashing on our artwork unless they give a way to improve it.

That being said, I like Amely's style a lot. It's adorable and I see no significant errors. Keep up the good work!

Edited by Luminescent Blade
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It's hard not to immediately 0/10 anything that doesn't look like it's ripped directly from manga =/

But it's easy to give you a 0/10 as an art critic. Not everything has to be mango and each good artist should have unique, interesting style.

Anyway, I've always loved your drawings, Amelia. They're so adorable. ^_^

Edited by El Rey León
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It's hard not to immediately 0/10 anything that doesn't look like it's ripped directly from manga =/

Still, in terms of drawing style it looks very good to me but I don't like the coloring used in the first couple of drawings. Other color drawings are much better IMO. Especially the hair on ther Tailto one.

Look, I'm guessing you don't have the word "CREATIVITY" in your dictionary. Why should it look like in the manga? Art doesn't have to be one-style-only. What you said there is wrong, because if what you said was right, then people would never praise the art of Picasso and other great artists. Like Astra said, the world doesn't revolve around your likes and dislikes. So I don't give a damn about what you said, because THIS is my style.

As for the coloring, I don't care if you like it or not, because I prefer the pencil style of coloring, and that's that. Deal with it.

And for god's sake, if you ARE going to comment or criticize in an art thread. Please say something useful to help people get better or just a nice and simple comment to encourage them. Artists in general really hate bad and useless comment. No, they don't just dislike it, they hate it. So if you say bad things, you're just going to get crap in return. It's called "Critiquing for the sake of critique".

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Shit, my life isn't just like manga. What ever shall I do.

Anyways, I like it. Especially the Miku drawing. It made me daww.

Edited by Luka Megurine
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It's hard not to immediately 0/10 anything that doesn't look like it's ripped directly from manga =/

totally said like a million times but I feel like flaming someone

manga isnt the only type of art out there. try thinking before you post again lol am i talking?

Plan A for Enjo's birthday But then I think it's hard to do lineart and coloring with SAI, so plan B

---------------OUJAY'S EMPIRE OA PROJECT---------------

These are only designs though. Except for Astra's OA. I think it's good enough to be an OA.

Will fix/add/update some more stuffs later. *Working on Enjo*

Rhythm's clothes design~

Furetchen design~

And Astra~

holy fuck tailto =O

rhythm's clothing reminds me of lucia's, badass. i love how you make furet and astra look like they should. you know, furet and astra could learn a thing or two from you ya guys are only 14/15, you shouldnt look that old

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Excuse me while my GF helps me beat a dead horse

It's hard not to immediately 0/10 anything that doesn't look like it's ripped directly from manga =/



Now, onto Amelia's actual art..

IT'S SO DAMN CUTE. Like, seriously XD (this is a good thing)

I like the way you draw, but, I think you color better with colored pencils, than with Sai.

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Excuse me while my GF helps me beat a dead horse



Now, onto Amelia's actual art..

IT'S SO DAMN CUTE. Like, seriously XD (this is a good thing)

I like the way you draw, but, I think you color better with colored pencils, than with Sai.


Well, I think the linework in Sai could be a bit smoother, but the actual coloration otherwise is quite good.

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Well, I think the linework in Sai could be a bit smoother, but the actual coloration otherwise is quite good.

I do not disagree that it is good, but I think the colored pencil looks better.

Yay, comparative terms :awesome:

Oh well, personal opinion, who cares~

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Excuse me while my GF helps me beat a dead horse



Now, onto Amelia's actual art..

IT'S SO DAMN CUTE. Like, seriously XD (this is a good thing)

I like the way you draw, but, I think you color better with colored pencils, than with Sai.


Thakiee Sephy~


Well, I think the linework in Sai could be a bit smoother, but the actual coloration otherwise is quite good.

Yes, but I can't use SAI properly.

I'm not good at making art with programs. Totally not a fan with mouse, and tablet it retarded. >:

Please teach me lumi! ><

Anyways, I like it. Especially the Miku drawing. It made me daww.

Daww. Thankiee~

I do not disagree that it is good, but I think the colored pencil looks better.

Yay, comparative terms :awesome:

Oh well, personal opinion, who cares~

I have used color pencils for so long I can't even remember. So yeah, I have experiences with color pencils than other stuffs. =P

Edited by Amelia
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I don't know how SAI works, actually. But is there a way to switch to brush mode? It allows the lines to be much smoother. It looks like it's in pencil mode.

I use Photoshop only. >___<

Tablet takes a while to get used to. Don't look at the tablet, but at the screen.

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You need to use the Anti Alias mode, Amelia, on that brush.

Where's that SAI!Rin drawing you showed me.

I did that on MS Paint dammit. Which means no smoothness here. Stop with the spriting-talk already

I lost it! Resetup Window, remember? ><;;

I should have uploaded it on Imageshack /facepalm

I don't know how SAI works, actually. But is there a way to switch to brush mode? It allows the lines to be much smoother. It looks like it's in pencil mode.

I use Photoshop only. >___<

Tablet takes a while to get used to. Don't look at the tablet, but at the screen.

MS Paint screwed it. :'3

Ooooh. Okay.

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Thank you.

Aaaah. It almost gets to page 2. TIME TO BUMP THIS.


Random drawing of Amelia wearing a wedding dress. Cause it was math class and I was bored.

And a piece from a WIP drawing of DoF. Here comes Renair.


Thanks to Lumi for the proportion and design.

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