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IS hated Astrid too much in RD


19 members have voted

  1. 1. Does PoR Astrid look more like Catalena than Astrid(RD)?

    • Yes catalena's face matches PoR Astrid better
    • No RD Astrid has more resemblance to PoR Astrid than Catalena's face.
  2. 2. Do you think Part 2 was meant to have more chapters?

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Before I begin, Astrid's face from RD is weird! IMO Catalena's face matches original Astrid's face more than Radiant Dawn's Astrid. Do you agree or disagree?

Now to start with the discussion ^^' I'm almost sure they purposely gimped Astrid this much because they disliked her. Most of PoR's good characters are obviously still good here if not better than they were in PoR with only a few being gimped like maybe Boyd.

Poor Astrid was trolled by being paired with Makalov, although she was the evil senators fiance so she seems to have a fate being paired with negative people? She really didn't flirt with either Makalov, Sothe or Gatrie much ^^'. IS should of paired her up with Gatrie which would of made more sense because he actually seemed to have special feelings for her :3.

Just like Marcia (not Makalov he seemed undecided) she was supposed to go back to Begnion. I can see why they didn't though maybe both Marcia and Astrid were rejected becuase after all Marcia had left Begnion Knights so maybe the leaders decided not to accept her. As for Astrid, she was Lekain's bride to be so they probably restricted her from doing such a thing. [spoiler=Epilogue convos]Marcia: Ike! Hey, handsome! I've decided to return to service in the Begnion pegasus knights! Cool beans, huh?! Oh, I owe so much to you, Ike. Thank you so very much! I'll see 'ya around!

Makalov: I think I may try to start over in Begnion. Maybe it's too much, too soon... But I just want to live a more responsible life. Plus I'm tired of men threatening to break my knees... Good-bye, Ike!

Astrid: Good-bye, General Ike. This war has given me the confidence to enter the service of the Begnion knights. Thank you so much!

Another thing is that most characters are still similar to their PoR version except Astrid and maybe Ilyana and Lethe. Astrid doesn't gain crazy experience to make up for her stats like she did in PoR. She still gains decent experience ^_^ but nothing compared to the past Astrid. I think that maybe IS wanted to add more Part 2 chapters because it did seem too short tbh. They could of added a chapter or two right before 2-E and have Geoffrey's group be attacked on their way back to the castle and maybe another chapter on Geoffrey's group making their way in to the entrance of the castle (after all DB had two chapters on their way out of town ^_^).

Also something else she does not have in common with her older self is the enemies she faces + her stats =/= her stats + enemy she faced in PoR. I mean in PoR you could give her a forged bow so she can KO a bird in one hit and gain a level up pretty much but in RD she doesn't get to face a flier until 3-11 and she doesn't get to meet a flier she can hurt until after that! (maybe part 4?). It makes no sense to give her low str and low speed and bows if she's not going to face any fliers she can hurt for a long time! :facepalm:.

Nolan comes in with 12 str and he's unpromoted, all the other non-prepromos can work their way up but poor Astrid has 1 more str than Nolan and its just wrong that even Heather has 15 str! What a way to slap someone in the face! Make them stuck to bows have them be a low level (level 2) which makes the way to promotion a lot longer, have her be hardly available and to top it off they give the poor girl stats that someone like Nolan should start with (or Fiona should of started of with Astrid's bases ^_^)! On top of that the chapters that poor Lady Astrid is available in aren't matching her stats to begin with, the idea would be a lot more different if say 2-3 was a rout chapter, Astrid would benefit from that but instead both of the chapters she can reasonably gain CEXP are rush chapters! Exactly the opposite type of chapter a character like her or any of the CRK's besides maybe Geoffrey needs. If at least 2-3 was a rout chapter I'm sure she'd still be reasonably a non-bottom tiered character because of her exp gain and the crazy enemy reinforcements. Instead they choose to give her baby stats. They probably think that being lower leveled compensates for the low stats. But hello she never meets enemies she's supposed to hurt and she is hardly even available at least give her better stats if you're going to put her in rush chapters! Imo IS did a combination of not completing what they had planned and did this on purpose because they hated poor Astrid.

*She also falls way behind all the other CRK's i mean just because she's level 2 doesn't mean she has to have poor bases, it would be more reasonable if they made her level 7? and give her stats closer to Makalov. :facepalm: Her str only beats Leanne's, untransformed Nealuchi, untransformed Lethe out of P2 characters it makes no sense! <_<

**I also wonder how much better or worse she would be if she was in the Greil Mercenaries instead of CRKs, what do you think?

Edited by Queen_Elincia
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Well, it's important to note that IS has a long history of just throwing insanely bad characters at us. Take Sophia, or Wendy, or Lyre. Astrid is just a continuation of this 'tradition'. And it's also important to note that for all their flaws, many people still like these horrible, horrible characters. Many people are willing to give Astrid every kill in 2-3, for example.

And I couldn't possibly say what IS was thinking when they made Part 2, whether it was supposed to have more or less chapters. Just that many characters in this game don't get enough chapters.

Edited by Mr. Know-it-all-Anouleth
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Sophia can actually be used though...andwhenpromoted...she rocks....anyway ya poor astrid.in PoR she caneasily become 20/20 and on top of that shewill become one of the best cavalier unitsi the game. no matter what weapon she is given with her bow.

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Sophia can actually be used though...andwhenpromoted...she rocks....anyway ya poor astrid.in PoR she caneasily become 20/20 and on top of that shewill become one of the best cavalier unitsi the game. no matter what weapon she is given with her bow.

Compare her to Ray at 20/2. She loses HP, SKL, SPD, LUK, DEF, and CON. The only things she wins are MAG and RES, which they both have in abundance. Ray also has a superior support list since he has a pretty fast Lugh support. The only passable support on Sophia's list is Igrene. This isn't even getting into Ray's 11 level lead or the fact he joins two chapters earlier.

And Ray isn't even a good character.

But really, you just confirm my point. No matter how poor you make a character, some people will still enjoy using them.

Edited by Mr. Know-it-all-Anouleth
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Many people are willing to give Astrid every kill in 2-3, for example.


I wouldn't say part 2 was supposed to have more chapters. It feels good as it is. It just sucks that characters like Astrid got totally shafted as a result.

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I actually felt like part 2 was missing a chapter or two. Its fine the way it is, like Red Fox said, but it does feel like something is missing. As for Astrid, yeah she got the shaft big time. Shes balls hard to raise and even when you get her to third tier, her defense is shit. D: Shes cool with the Double Bow though!

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Well, it's important to note that IS has a long history of just throwing insanely bad characters at us. Take Sophia, or Wendy, or Lyre. Astrid is just a continuation of this 'tradition'. And it's also important to note that for all their flaws, many people still like these horrible, horrible characters. Many people are willing to give Astrid every kill in 2-3, for example.

And I couldn't possibly say what IS was thinking when they made Part 2, whether it was supposed to have more or less chapters. Just that many characters in this game don't get enough chapters.

They didn't have to pick on Astrid though :unsure:

and I don't like how most of their crappiest characters are always female :angry: it makes me upset! Although I still enjoy Fire Emblem anyways and I still use horrible characters like them anyways ^_^.

They should of gimped someone else that no one cares about like Rhys, not Astrid (but its done so who cares)! I think IS wanted to add more chapters, the whole part 2 thing was just too fast!

I also baby characters ^_^ but not to the point of giving them all the kills in one map, thats too time consuming.

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Astrid's face is totally weird, you're right. She also got unfairly shafted.

I don't agree that part 2 was "supposed" to have more chapters. I certainly would have appreciated them in that I always like more maps and chapters to play, but I don't think it's necessary to have them. And story-wise, I thought part 2 was pretty good as it was; not sure what could've been added on that wouldn't have felt forced - no offense, I don't like the "geoff knights attacked on way back" idea.

If at least 2-3 was a rout chapter I'm sure she'd still be reasonably a non-bottom tiered character because of her exp gain and the crazy enemy reinforcements.

I really liked the way that 2-3 was set up as it was: I always enjoy trying to get through without too many kills. I'd rather it not be changed into a bloated rout chapter where I spend most of the time watching geoffrey and kieran kill guys on the enemy phase.

I don't know sure they're absent for like forever

but at least they have good combat for a few chapters

even Vika.

Yup. Vika's two chapters of usefulness are definitely better than Astrid's no chapters of usefulness. The poor gal can't even shove.

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Well, at last she looks closer to her older self then a certain mercenary leader. Either way I think Catalena doesn't match Astrid's old face at all.

Though Catalena's expression does look like someone would, when being engaged to Makalov... Well, at last on a good day.

Also I personally think there was supposed to be another chapter. Because the script mentioned a trap being set up for the Royal Knights but they avoided it of-screen. I mean, why bother to bring it up if we don't get to see it and it doesn't change the story at all? To me, this scenario just seems suspiciously suited for another chapter.

Btw, here is the dialog I'm talking about:

From 2-3

Geoffrey: It's very likely we'll be ambushed on the way back to the capital.

Don't let anything escape your notice! We may need an alternate route back

to the capital... Send some men out to investigate the old highway.

From 2-F

Marcia: Thanks to General Geoffrey, we spotted an ambush on the main road and

snuck by on the old highway instead! The Royal Knights will be here soon.

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Well, at last she looks closer to her older self then a certain mercenary leader. Either way I think Catalena doesn't match Astrid's old face at all.

Though Catalena's expression does look like someone would, when being engaged to Makalov... Well, at last on a good day.

Also I personally think there was supposed to be another chapter. Because the script mentioned a trap being set up for the Royal Knights but they avoided it of-screen. I mean, why bother to bring it up if we don't get to see it and it doesn't change the story at all? To me, this scenario just seems suspiciously suited for another chapter.

Btw, here is the dialog I'm talking about:

From 2-3

Geoffrey: It's very likely we'll be ambushed on the way back to the capital.

Don't let anything escape your notice! We may need an alternate route back

to the capital... Send some men out to investigate the old highway.

From 2-F

Marcia: Thanks to General Geoffrey, we spotted an ambush on the main road and

snuck by on the old highway instead! The Royal Knights will be here soon.

They avoided it though. Those people aren't like us. They don't care about fighting for exp. If they can avoid a fight in order to get to the capital quicker they will. Would you prefer that Geoffrey just lets himself get delayed? Okay, granted it's not like he does anything in 2-E anyway since you can end it before he appears and even if you don't their hit rate will suck since they don't get Geoffrey's stars for some dumb reason nor do they get to use Elincia's. I suppose the best thing would be for them to figure out a way for Marcia to run forward and not join the new 2-4 and have Geoffrey and friends do it themselves. Then you still get Marcia for 2-E and the Crummy Royal Knights still get to fight for more exp. And maybe have it be an 8 turn chapter you can end early, and depending on when you finish they'll show up in 2-E some time between turn 8 and turn 15.

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They avoided it though. Those people aren't like us. They don't care about fighting for exp. If they can avoid a fight in order to get to the capital quicker they will. Would you prefer that Geoffrey just lets himself get delayed?

Sure, Geoffrey doesn't want to fight unnecessary battles given the situation. But even then it would still easily be possible for the scenario to be a playable chapter. It could be an escape chapter with a turn limit, for example.

The event doesn't affect the story at all because the player can impossible tell how long Geoffrey should take to arrive at the final battle without interruption. Therefore a justification is not needed. So why else bother to bring it up? It serves no purpose. However if the event was supposed to be playable it would explain it.

Not to mention that everyone except the mercs would need additional chapters anyway, so why would a perfectly suitable scenario like this happen off-screen unless it had to be axed during development?

Either way I was just giving my reason for my vote in the poll, as weak as it may be.

Edited by BrightBow-User
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Sure, Geoffrey doesn't want to fight unnecessary battles given the situation. But even then it would still easily be possible for the scenario to be a playable chapter. It could be an escape chapter with a turn limit, for example.

Actually that makes sense. I never gave that much thought. It COULD have been a playable chapter with an escape objective. Its fine that it wasnt made a chapter, but it would have helped the CRKs get more experience, because like Narga said, Geoff and his crew dont show up until a certain amount of turns into 2-E anyway. Marcia could have been excluded in the possible chapter to fly ahead and fulfill her role in 2-E.

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I agree as well ^_^ another escape chapter would be fun ^^'.

Also 2-3 is enoyable the way it is but the Dawn Brigade has 2 routs and CRKs have no rout chapters while the Greil Mercs have 3 or more.

The rout chapters for DB are almost Sothe exclusive anyway. However a rout chapter with a similar design to 2-3 would of helped raise the CRKs even Astrid, to some extent thats my point ^_^.

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The rout chapters for DB are almost Sothe exclusive anyway. However a rout chapter with a similar design to 2-3 would of helped raise the CRKs even Astrid, to some extent thats my point ^_^.

Bold: There's only two rout maps, 1-6-1 and 1-8. Sothe doesn't need to solo 1-6-1, since you get Captain Abs, Big T and Z to help out, along with any other units you want to train. In 1-8, which Sothe can't solo since he merely scratches the bandits and dracoknights, when we have a royal who WTFpwns everyone, even with a speed hit from saving a prisoner.

I don't think there would be more rout chapters for Part 2, as it wouldn't fit into the plot, since the CRK want to avoid killing too many people who are just being manipulated by Ludveck by their Queen's order.

Ironically, you want to kill more Crimea citizens when the real Elincia wanted peace between them.

Edited by Ouendan
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You can bench him after 1-4 and do the chapters perfectly without him, like I did in my run. =/

I mean, we got Zihark and freaking Volug. And then there's Tauroneo and his two chapters...

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Bold: There's only two rout maps, 1-6-1 and 1-8. Sothe doesn't need to solo 1-6-1, since you get Captain Abs, Big T and Z to help out, along with any other units you want to train. In 1-8, which Sothe can't solo since he merely scratches the bandits and dracoknights, when we have a royal who WTFpwns everyone, even with a speed hit from saving a prisoner.

Please don't do the same habit as smash of giving everyone and their dog completely retarded nicknames.

Besides, Sothe is easily your best character in 1-6-1. He takes no thicket penalty and has 1-2 range, which is really important for the left hand side and what makes him better than Volug. Tauroneo and Zihark are practically stuck on the right hand side.

In 1-8, Sothe can't solo it. Nobody can. But he can solo the right hand side. He's the only unit with 1-2 range that takes no thicket penalty, making him ideal to fight the enemies there. What are you talking about, barely scratches the Bandits (there's only one Dracoknight)? He's like, your best damage dealer behind Nailah and Muarim. Volug doesn't double the Bandits and has only 25 attack (lower than Sothe). Muarim needs to wait until turn 3 to transform and has a bad starting location. Nailah is the only one that can compare.

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