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Stupid Teachers.


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I hate American Gov. Solely because of the teacher.

She basically teaches what she wants to teach us, and then, assigns us book pages to teach ourselves on. She makes us take Cornell notes on these very pages.

Because normal notes just aren't good enough for her.

Then she quizzes us on the very pages. So if you did the notes wrong, or didn't do them, guess who gets another 0?

You do.

And yes, I said another.

She grades your notes. The problem is, we don't know what we should and shouldn't take these notes on. I overheard her say something to this effect.

"I will take off points for this because are we really going to need to know such and such..."

We don't know. That's what your supposed to tell us.

Another problem is that she Doesn't Grade Anything

We end up with like 12 assignments a quarter. Do bad on maybe 2 or 3 assignments? Lolololololgoodbye10-20%


Edited by Joerachi
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This topic is about a stupid teacher, not stupid teachers. I'm going on strike in protest of this.

All of them are horrible.

There are just so many bad high school teachers.

Out of curiosity, what state do you live in? I'm always curious about these associations


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I gotsa diary! =D I used to people who wrote diaries were weird because it was absolutely pointless, but now I think it's good if you just wanna let things out and have nobody to tell things to. =I

In my school about half the teachers can be good, but there are quite a few who are bad as well. But not as bad as what all you guys are talking about. Wonder if school/town sizes make a difference?

But yeah, that teacher totally stinks.

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Teacher: ", which happens because of the--"

Me: "Actually, no, it's a--"


Yes, she said that. Many, many times.

Bring proof to prove your point the next day. :awesome:

Also, I'm glad i haven't really ever had such a teacher.

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My English teacher treats his class like a college class. And he's not even AP either. He treats as if all the other classes doesn't exist.

Yeah. That's supposedly what happens in college, but high school isn't college and isn't set up like college. We have to go to school EVERY DAY DAMMIT. With homework every day.

Seriously. My AP teachers are all a lot more lenient than he. And he acts like a obnoxious know-it-all with a crappy-ass attitude. GAH.

Why can't I have my Shakespeare teacher as my English teacher? She teaches the same class but at a different period and is about 1262602968x cooler than he.

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MY Shakespeare teacher was my philosophy teacher was my English teacher.

My art history teacher was my European history teacher.

I don't need any prizes; that was the prize. Thanks for offering though.

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I hate American Gov. Solely because of the teacher.

She basically teaches what she wants to teach us, and then, assigns us book pages to teach ourselves on. She makes us take Cornell notes on these very pages.

Because normal notes just aren't good enough for her.

Then she quizzes us on the very pages. So if you did the notes wrong, or didn't do them, guess who gets another 0?

You do.

And yes, I said another.

She grades your notes. The problem is, we don't know what we should and shouldn't take these notes on. I overheard her say something to this effect.

"I will take off points for this because are we really going to need to know such and such..."

We don't know. That's what your supposed to tell us.

Another problem is that she Doesn't Grade Anything

We end up with like 12 assignments a quarter. Do bad on maybe 2 or 3 assignments? Lolololololgoodbye10-20%


I was going to tell you that education requires both a teacher that is willing to teach and a student that is willing to learn.

I was going to tell you that sometimes you actually have to go beyond just passiveness in order to learn something, especially if you're not gifted in that particular field.

I was going to tell you that it's pretty fucking unlikely that the majority of school teachers just happen to be incompetent.

Then I remembered you're probably in an American Public School.

Carry on.

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Yeah but he's in Canadia, so that was most relevant.

It's true though, you can't bitch about "Americans" without bitching about half the planet. Either that's what you're doing or you're profiling and I'm offended.

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United States*

Canadia is part of America too

hurr durr connotation fuck

Though actually that kind of pisses me off when people do it.

If I meant North America or South America, I would say North America or South America. If I say America, I'm clearly referring to the United States of America, which often refers to itself by the same name.

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