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Tales of Heroes Signups

Light Lord

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It's technically only a chess term if you count the fact that several strategies have the word "gambit" in them, and I'm going to stop arguing and getting off topic now.

Lopto's final stand? I have no clue.

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Lopto's final stand?

If anyone else says anything involving any form of closure, I will be forced to kill them.

You are exempt for a bullshit reason I'll think of later.

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XD Whoops, sorry about that. I don't really keep an eye on "Fanfiction" and saw the RP as a standalone thread. Well, considering how it's an RP I suppose it wouldn't be too big an issue if I joined in... right? XD (If it is let me know and I'll have my character wander off into the sunset /lame XD)

Figure I should write up a bio regardless.

Details: Shirisu (22F)

Nation: Wanderer (Nation across the sea)*

Bio: Shirisu was born on the small island nation of Yarmatai, having lost her mother during her birth Shirisu grew up with her brother and father. Her father was a renown fisherman in the village and they weren't ever financially in trouble, but being the only woman in the house did have it's disadvantages. Shirisu's father would eventually pass away due to an fatal illness. And her ungrateful older brother decided that their fathers passing was a good chance for him to travel the world. Starting with the large continent to the west.

Shirisu tried to convince her brother not to leave Yarmatai but ended up tagging along unwillingly when the ship decided to take off a few days earlier then schedule due to a freak storm headed their way. She tried to convince her brother to go back once they'd reached a port in Jugdral but unfortunately for her, her brother ran off to explore the continent, leaving her sitting in the dust.

Annoyed at her older brother, she's sworn to catch up to him and beat him to a pulp. But so far isn't having any luck locating him. For starters, she's decided to head to Grandbell as it seemed the most likely place her brother would visit first.

renown fisherman in their village and dreamed of travelling the world one day, but was unable to see his dream come true due to falling ill and passing away.

*Since I know next to nothing about Jugdral, I figured I would base myself from outside Jugdral, that way, it'd make more sense when I ask "Who's Celice?" XD

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Bored XD I spend 9 hours a day (on most days) having nothing to do besides staring at the computer screen >_<

College is over until February, and my good old boss decided he'd overhire young'uns for the Christmas break, cutting my hours by more then half >_<

Though you have a point, I feel like I'm stuck in a cycle of leaving and returning in regards to RPs >_< Ah well, can't say for sure yet, I might leave after a few days once I get bored of this Rp too XD *Hopes it keeps her interest for more then a few weeks at least, it needs to last til Feb* Please! XD

(Sort of feels like that RP Astelaine was planning, (I know it's completely different) and I was planning on signing up for that, might as well sign up for this nyeh?)

Edited by Kanami
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