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No Wolf, Sedgar, Sigurd, Levin, Sety, Seth, Titania, etc. Allowed


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Yes, they're great units and all, but there have always been those overpowered units that don't get the credit they deserve, so I thought they should get the spotlight for a change.

So which playable FE characters do you think don't have their overpoweredness acknowledged enough?

For me, Gerik and Sonia (FE2, not that sick worm in FE7) definitely come to mind. Gerik has great bases and growths, as well as insane con, which allows him to handle practically every axe without losing AS. Sure, his speed growth is quite low for a mercenary, but that shouldn't be a problem with his high base speed. Also, his defense is insane, especially by mercenary standards. In fact, the closest thing he has that resembles a weak point is his resistance, and really, what physical unit doesn't have bad resistance?

Sonia, oh where do I even start. Just imagine a unit that you get when you're 5/8th's completed a Fire Emblem game. But this unit is a mage with double digits in most stats, so it's not like your typical late joining unit that is considered "bad". Sure, double digits isn't that impressive, but considering that this is an FE where characters have really low growth rates compared to other FEs, this is a really good thing since even mages you've favouritized up to that point won't match her stats (unless you've power levelled them insanely). In addition, she still has great growths (she doesn't have a single growth below 30%, except for resistance and no one in Gaiden has resistance growth anyways), though that's still considering it's Gaiden growths.

...and here's the best part about her: she's only a level 5 unpromoted mage, yet she's still that great. That's like having Nino join at her exact same level, with Pent's stats multiplied by 3/4's. Basically, Sonia has really great bases and growths, yet she still has an insane amount of room to grow. She's like the offspring of a Jagen and an Est with only good points taken from each of them (starts out great, turns even greater because of her high bases and growths, and she has a lot of levels to grow). You can't tell me that's not in the slightest degree broken. Sure, you don't have as much time to use her like you would Sedgar or Seth, but the fact that she starts out great (lol Sedgar) and turns out monstrously good once levelled (and she doesn't even need to have units weakened for her like other growth characters since her stats are as good as your other team members, unless you've level grinded intensely) outweighs that drawback a lot. It's a shame people haven't really played Gaiden much though. I also find it strange that people never acknowledge her as overpowered yet alone great.

Edited by Randoman
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Well, I'm going to say FE9 Ike is somewhat OP'ed, especially with Aether. But that's probably not what you're going for.

So I'll turn a few heads and say Myrrh. OP'ed dragonstone is OP'ed, even if you only get 50 uses out of it. That's still 10-12 more than you really need.

Of course, Chiki is pretty awesome in FE11 when you realize that you can Hammerne the Divine Stone.

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So I'll turn a few heads and say Myrrh. OP'ed dragonstone is OP'ed, even if you only get 50 uses out of it. That's still 10-12 more than you really need.

Of course, Chiki is pretty awesome in FE11 when you realize that you can Hammerne the Divine Stone.

inb4 People trashing the dragon girls because they aren't good on efficient runs.

I guess the closest for me would be Raven. WTF bases, good offense growths, supports with Lucius and Priscilla, axes after promotion, and good avoid with the HP to take hits.

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Lowen. He's so often overlooked in favour of Sain's deadly combination of insane Strength and high speed, and Kent's... ... ... like, sword rank or something. Lowen never asks for the spotlight. Lowen just is.

I see a lot of people trash Saleh. This always irks me, considering he's just a somewhat more balanced Pent.

I really doubt anyone thinks of Raven and Gerik as bad.

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I really doubt anyone thinks of Raven and Gerik as bad.

It's not about people thinking that they are bad. That's not the complaint. Just that people don't trumpet their win-ness as much as certain other characters.

And the dragon girl's problems tend to be in movement. Aside from that I love them. Having a 60mt weapon is cool, even if you only have like 3 str at first. (16 * 3 = 48 when it has effective damage and it gives +12 str)

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And the dragon girl's problems tend to be in movement. Aside from that I love them. Having a 60mt weapon is cool, even if you only have like 3 str at first. (16 * 3 = 48 when it has effective damage and it gives +12 str)

Bad move and terrible durability, usually. Not a good combination.

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Bad move and terrible durability, usually. Not a good combination.

The durability isn't a huge issue. They'll mainly be OHKOing things you've weakened and that's it. It's a waste to have Fa attack something if she's not about to KO anyway most of the time since she only has 30 uses. It's not like she's got 1-2 range and doubles or anything. Granted, getting doubled is annoying, particularly with only 16 hp. But 16 hp and 17 def, if she wasn't doubled, would actually let her survive a few things. As would 26 res. That 3 spd really hurts. If Fa had 7 or 8 move and proper flight instead of the weird quarter-flight she's got, and maybe 50 or 60 uses on her stone I'd try to raise her and she'd probably actually be okay by level 10. Well, maybe +5 to her spd base and +5 spd on her stone (to get 25 spd when she caps since her cap is 20).

Even as she is, though, she takes very little damage from Nomads in Sacae and 2HKOs them with half-decent hit. 131 hit against the nomads having around 50 avo or something. 80 isn't great but it's better than a lot of units. If the stone had 1-2 range, she'd actually be pretty cool in Sacae. Still wouldn't KO things, though, unless she pulls off a crit. Now, if they upgraded her flight then she'd be weak to the bows so probably better not to do that, but still if they gave her 7 move or something...

Edited by Narga_Rocks
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Imo Sigurd is the best character in the history of Fire Emblem. I know you said not to mention ones like him as underrated, but I still think he's underrated.

Edited by Inui
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FE9 Tanith. It's like getting another Marcia/Jill without even needing to train anything. And then she summons two Falcoknights that have stats that are just as good as hers.

Why can't all the prepromote Falcoknights be as awesome as Tanith...

...with worse stats than either of the two promoted. Tanith's saving grace is Reinforce.

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...with worse stats than either of the two promoted. Tanith's saving grace is Reinforce.

She's still a third flying unit with good enough stats to work. Reinforce is cool and makes her even better, but even without it she'd be worth having.

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Imo Sigurd is the best character in the history of Fire Emblem. I know you said not to mention ones like him as underrated, but I still think he's underrated.

No Wolf, Sedgar, Sigurd, Levin, Sety, Seth, Titania, etc. Allowed

EDIT: Understood, Narga.

Edited by Ouendan
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...with worse stats than either of the two promoted. Tanith's saving grace is Reinforce.

I'm not going to lose any sleep over the few points of strength/resistance that Marcia has on her. Especially when she has other advantages, like kickass avoid-boosting supports, really good weapon ranks (she can potentially use the Vague Katti), and the obvious one - that she doesn't require any of the training or BEXP we need to give to Marcia.

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Imo Sigurd is the best character in the history of Fire Emblem. I know you said not to mention ones like him as underrated, but I still think he's underrated.

No Wolf, Sedgar, Sigurd, Levin, Sety, Seth, Titania, etc. Allowed

Imo Sigurd is the best character in the history of Fire Emblem. I know you said not to mention ones like him as underrated, but I still think he's underrated.

You didn't tell him anything he didn't already know by doing what you did. I should probably warn you for a non-contributing post where you are just quoting people. I know other mods have warned for quote-posts. Just don't do it again.

I'm not going to lose any sleep over the few points of strength/resistance that Marcia has on her. Especially when she has other advantages, like kickass avoid-boosting supports, really good weapon ranks (she can potentially use the Vague Katti), and the obvious one - that she doesn't require any of the training or BEXP we need to give to Marcia.

She also doesn't get to help out in the chapters before 18. Which is why it's worth giving that bexp to Jill and Marcia. And also is why it is irrelevant that she doesn't need the bexp.

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Screw efficiency, I'm going by favorites (sort of).

Marcus (FE7) - B-rank axes on a level 1 Paladin? YES PLEASE!

Rath - Decent bases, and given the way Rebecca and Wil tend to level, he's the best out of the three. He salvaged my first run by being awesome.

Shinon (FE9) - Bastard always finds a way on my team. . .or it could be because I like using siege machinery, and Astrid can't do that. . .

Pelleas - In his case, it was Miracle that saved me from throwing my controller into the wall (stupid low-chance critical). I use him as a backup mage, with a side of Thunder.

Castor - His growths are such that he can abuse reclassing and dynamic growths,.

My Skittles - Each has his own reason--what do you mean you don't know who they are?! Fine, I'll list them separately.

Roshea - He's got naturally good Strength and Skill growth, and can reclass to Archer for Speed. As a Sniper, it means he'll be able to hit hard, accurately, and sometimes twice. Palla does the same thing. . .but she comes in nine chapters later.

Caesar - For some odd reason, he has good personal Magic growth, which means he can either go the Dark Mage route (and still gain Strength), or put his good Strength growth to use by gaining a few levels as a Fighter/Pirate, then going back to Mercenary for Speed/Skill.

Radd - When reclassed to Cavalier, his Defense goes through the roof. Alternately, he can fight as a Myrmidon and level as a Cavalier so he'll get the best of both worlds (good Strength/Defense growth coupled with the Myrmidon's natural Skill and Speed).

Roger - He's got good personal Strength growth, and is in the right class to take advantage of it (have him go Mercenary, and stuff a few Fighter/Pirate levels if his Strength isn't insane enough). He also gets better Luck than Caeda.

Tomas - Er. . .oops. Ah, well. . .he beats out Gordin in all the growths that matter, and does surprisingly well as a Dracoknight (as in, less fail than Jeorge, which says very little). For unknown reasons, he also gets mage-like Resistance growth, which means he'll make a decent magic tank if he goes Curate (though why you'd do that to your army is beyond me).

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She also doesn't get to help out in the chapters before 18. Which is why it's worth giving that bexp to Jill and Marcia. And also is why it is irrelevant that she doesn't need the bexp.

I never said that Jill or Marcia weren't worth BEXP. Just that Tanith's kickassness is free, which is great if you're using a lot of BEXP-hungry characters.

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Skasaher needs more love.

Yeah. I know. I'm guilty of it too, favoring Lakche all the time, but Skasaher gets badly overshadowed by Lakche. Sure, he has 3 less SPD than Lakche and no continue, but he's still an excellent unit with awesome combat.

I tend to do HolynSkasaher, so he has decent DEF growths (45% IIRC)-- not as broken as Lex!Ska's 60%, but still high enough(average is 21.6, .4 away from cap) --and 76 average HP to boot. That's pretty awesome. Adding on to a very good chance to cap STR/SPD, and practically 100% chance of capping SKL... yes please.

Ska's awesome. Just doesn't get enough recognition.

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I totally agree. It's not like 3 SPD makes a lot of difference when both Skasaher and Lakche ravage everything anyway. gee_wiz_emoticon.gif Lakche is just slightly quicker at that and is guaranteed to inherit some weapons. But both are stellar units.

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Skasaher needs more love.

Yeah. I know. I'm guilty of it too, favoring Lakche all the time, but Skasaher gets badly overshadowed by Lakche. Sure, he has 3 less SPD than Lakche and no continue, but he's still an excellent unit with awesome combat.

I tend to do HolynSkasaher, so he has decent DEF growths (45% IIRC)-- not as broken as Lex!Ska's 60%, but still high enough(average is 21.6, .4 away from cap) --and 76 average HP to boot. That's pretty awesome. Adding on to a very good chance to cap STR/SPD, and practically 100% chance of capping SKL... yes please.

Ska's awesome. Just doesn't get enough recognition.

Plus, Skasaher is smoking hot, like almost all Mercenary->Heroes.

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Plus, Skasaher is smoking hot, like almost all Mercenary->Heroes.

"Almost" implies there is a Mercenary>Hero that isn't hot. I can't think of any right now. Even Caesar and Oujay are kinda charming. wub.gif

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