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The Crusade of Hope

Light Lord

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Before the kid could cast Elwind on Estevan, a newcomer arrived and lifted the kid by the back of his collar. She was dressed in plain, Issacian armor with blue robes under it. Typical Issacian nobility. The kid must be causing all sorts of trouble for someone like herself to come after him. He thought to himself.


"Aeolus! What are you doing, running off like that again!"

"Sis?" He wondered out loud. "Crap, they're both nobles." But how can that be? The kid wasn't dressed in anything fancy like the older sister was. "So, kid, about what I said before... will sorry be enough? I don't want any trouble, especially with nobles, they are the most arrogant... but I'm certain you two are very reasonable people and wouldn't want any trouble either."

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Shirisu cursed under her breathe, Why had she bothered intervening? She glanced back and sure enough, there were guards right behind her, it might be her imagination playing tricks on her, but had they increased in numbers? She dared to look back properly, and sure enough, the man with the goatee, and the man with the scar on his cheek weren't the guards who'd been present under the tree. <Great, I'll have the entire village patrol after me at this rate.

Reaching her destination, she stopped turning to smirk at the guards. <"Screw it, I'm done playing damsel boys"> she hissed, unaware she wasn't speaking to them in a tongue they understood.

"She be hexing us Bob!" the man with the goatee shouted drawing his spear and lobbing it into the ground several feet to her left.

<Such horrible aim> Shirisu thought, before raising her hand, focusing her concentration on the tips of her fingers, only to have a burst of fire shoot up singeing her hair. "Damn it" she cursed, annoyed at making such a simple blunder, the men had caught up to her now and were moving to surround her.

With a wicked smirk on her face, she brushed her fingertips against a nearby branch which instantly caught aflame. "It'd be such a pity if the entire village burned down" she cackled setting several other bushes nearby on fire. "Now you have a choice boys, you can either catch the wicked witch, and have your precious village reduced to ashes. Or you can put these flames out while I make my escape"

The look of panic on the guards faces was all she needed to be assured. "I'm sure your lord would be happy to hear you captured a stray witch by sacrificing an entire village, can you hear the cheers of gratitude? The joyful voices of the homeless cheering you on as heroes?" pausing to take in her surroundings she nodded to herself, "Ah well, I suppose I've made my point clear, would love to stay and chat but don't want to be caught up in my own flames" she said giving the tree beside her a good kick before darting away.


It didn't take long for the the sound of shouting voices to disappear into the wind. Shirisu had made it a fair distance away, from village before the fire in her eyes died out. <Wha? Where?> she looked around and slapped the palm of her hand against her forehead. <Not again> she whined smelling smoke in the air, she glanced back towards he village and sighed with relief as the smoke seemed to be thinning out. <"Now what?"> she whispered as she slumped against a nearby tree.

Wanted, Peniless, and tired.... she couldn't help entertaining the thought of turning herself in exchange for some food and a place to stay tonight.

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((Kanami, I love that line "She be hexing us Bob!" XD I don't even know why. Also, I like this random soldier that I have made, so he shall bumble about for a while :3))

The guard, promptly named Dirk, was contemplating how he could have his revenge. Dirk was a simple man. He lived for himself and for money. By letting this girl get away, in front of a group of villagers, he was losing one of the things he lived for: money. He picked himself up off of the ground, and grabbed his lance, not caring about the blood continuously dripping from near his ear and his nose.

"I'll get you, girl, I swear it." he mumbled to himself, pushing his way past the group of people and trudging off towards the village.


Amera had found her way past the front guards into the village, only to notice some smoke coming up from a certain area of it. "Maybe that's her..." she thought. What else could have caused it? Well, there were a multitude of things that could have done it, but, it was better to check there than nowhere. Why am I looking for her, anyway? She's probably already gone, and I have to go meet with king Celice... But why should I, after the welcome I received? Her mind was wandering as she made her way to the source of the smoke, to find some village guards attempting to put out multiple small fires.

Not one to be trusting of the guards, but wanting to find out more, she nudged one of the ones who was taking a break, or what looked to be one, against one of the house walls.

"Hey, uh... What happened here?" She asked, hand near her hilt in the case of a poor reaction. The soldier was tired, almost too tired to respond. His reaction was delayed, but he shook himself awake. He kept his eyes closed as he turned in the direction of the voice he'd heard.

"Sorry, ma'am. I've been tryin' me h'rdest with the fire, an' I'm a mite tired." His accent was pretty heavy, but Amera got the gist of it. "There was a witch, scary one that, who set them trees 'n fire. T'was th'most frigh'enin' thing I ever sawr. If I can remember correc'ly, she passed out yonder" spoke the soldier, lifting a tired arm towards the village's exit.

Already gone "Thanks~" She said, quickly passing by the working soldiers, in the direction the one specified. Upon leaving the village, Amera spotted no one in the distance, a little disappointed that she couldn't even thank her savior. She was immediately cheered up when she spied a nearby tree. If she were a more intelligent person, she wouldn't have done this, but, alas, she climbed up the tree and found another branch to lay down on. "I guess I can take another rest. All that action from before's made me a little tired" she thought aloud, unknowing of the person sitting against the tree below her.

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Bullet was annoyed when no one seemed to respond to his jeering. Except that one strange girl, but she didn't seem to be doing anything. He sighed. Figures, no one these days wanted to fight. The mercenary wished he had a sword so he could go join some guild, but, of course, it was broken. Bullet never had any care for his weapons. So now he had to scrounge up money to buy a new one. He'd be a fool to challenge armed soldiers to a fistfight anyway, though.

He chased them anyway. He had nothing better to do.

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(OOC: Actually, Kai, he was about to test out Thunder on you for first time casting, but whatever. XD)

"Sis! Let me down! All I did was bump into him and he started threatening me!"

"You should watch where you're going, Aeolus. Don't read when you walk, or you're either going to cause others trouble or trip over your own feet." Camilla sighed. "Apologize to him." She let him down.

Aeolus wasn't quite ready to forgive the stranger for threatening him, but he's caused enough trouble for his sister already, and he doesn't particularly want a lecture coming. Plus, the guy already apologized first. Yeah... it was because they were nobles, but it was still an apology and Aeolus felt better about it. "Sorry," he muttered, but loud enough to be heard.

"And you," Camilla dismounted and turned to the man. "I don't know what you said to my brother, nor do I think I want to know, but please, don't threaten kids like that again," she said calmly, "However, I apologize for the troubles." She wasn't one to impose her rank on people--leaving Silesia to raise a small militia against the empire tended to have that effect, seeing that she fought against those arrogant Grandbellian nobles in the past before Celice liberated the continent. Commanding an army was one thing, since she earned that by her experience and martial capabilities rather than birth, but civilians are still human beings, and deserved to be treated with respect in her eyes.

"What did I say about not lashing out on strangers?" Camilla turned to her brother again, "come on, Aeolus. Let's go. You still have practice!"

"But sis! Why can't I just be a normal mage? And I want to see Rivough, you said it's where mom was born, wasn't it?" Aeolus protested. "Can't I just take off swordsmanship class for a day? Please?"

Camilla sighed. Maybe I should've let him on one of our past guerrilla raids... he acts like a ten-year-old sometimes, and he's almost fifteen!. However, her expression then changed to a slight smile, as she said, "ah fine. But promise me you won't run off tomorrow! I got enough work as it is!"

(yay color coding)

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Solaris was not having a fun day. She was riding on her horse with a party of 20 other soldiers, with a caravan of supplies following behind them. "First training was canceled, now we have to travel all the way to Barhara? The hell is this?" She pondered. She wasn't even told as to why she had to make the long trip there. Either way, it was the order from Emperor Celice that all Gruenen Ritter soldiers report to Barhara for an assignment. Oddly, there was no word from Oifey in the message.

They passed Dozel on their trip, and stopped at Freege for a break. Little do they know what awaited them on this trip.

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Both of the noble kids seemed to have forgiven him for his attitude. After doing so, the siblings had a conversation. Estevan soon found himself interjecting.

"I know its none of my business but the kid doesn't seem strong enough to wield a sword. I wager he would do better with a book in his hand opposed to a sword. Besides, it would be very unfortunate if he was sent out to battle with a sword when he doesn't know how to properly use one. Trust me, I've seen knights who were sent out to battle with lances when they were more skilled used to a blade. It was pretty depressing watching them die..."

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(too lazy to color code this one owo)

“See? The guy agrees with me!” Aeolus exclaimed, havin completely forgiven him at that point. “I’m just not cut out to be a swordsman!”

“You do have a fair point, sir,” said Camilla, “however, I didn’t expect him to use swords in battle in the first place. It’s just, as a descendant of Odo, he should know—“

“So? You don’t know how to even cast Wind! What about your Holsety half?”

“Touché, Aeolus. But at least I tried. I still haven’t given up, you know.”


The clip-clop sound of hooves got closer and closer, and a single rider approached, stopped when he reached Camilla. He promply rolled off his horse and dropped into a deep bow. Camilla recognized him as a soldier of Regiment 23.

“General, orders from the His Majesty King Shanan.” The messenger said, rising as Camilla motioned him to do so, and handing her a scroll. “The Lieutenant General will be arriving with our troops shortly, he sent me ahead with the message.”

Camilla nodded, opened the scroll, and read,

General Camilla of House Rivough,

On request from King Celice in order to investigate the remaining members of the Lopt Cult, I send you to the Yied desert to aid him in his efforts. If you are in need of any reinforcements, I will send Lakche over.

-Shanan, King of Issac

“Change of plan, Aeolus. You head to Rivough yourself. I have orders from the King to go to Yied for important business. My troops will come just shortly.”

“Can I come with you, sis?”

“No. You’re still too young and inexperienced.”

“Yeah! Because I never got a chance to gain experience! And I’m almost 15! You always kept me out of battle, s—“

“I didn’t want you to get hurt, Aeolus.”

“I was just a child then, but I’m old enough and capable enough! Look!”

Aeolus turned to the closest tree, and said, loudly and clearly, as he put Thunder into the bag he had on him, opening up the other book—a much more tattered and battle worn book, retrieved from the battlefield that his father died on—“ELWIND!”

The tree was cleanly cut in half. “See, sis? I can fight too!”

“Ah… fine.” Camilla gave in. “Come along, then, before I regret it.”

“Sir,” she turned to the man. “I suppose this is where we part ways---unless you want to come along or something.”

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Shirisu closed her eyes in frustration, trying to work out the best option she had available to her, for starters going to Barhara was now out of the question. She might not be the brightest person around but she wasn't stupid enough to charge at the capital!, the capital which would be swarming with soldiers and patrols, not when she was a wanted criminal (Bolded/underlined for LoAFers, yes I'm not going to get over that.)

She wasn't sure how effectively the continents nations communicated, but her chances of not being thrown behind bars would most likely increase if she left Grandbell as soon as she could.

She sighed again rubbing her temples, okay, so she had an objective, now to figure out the means of accomplishing that objective. She'd checked again earlier, and she was now certain that she'd lost her map. Going back to ask for directions was out of the question. And she really didn't feel like wandering around blindly in hostile territory.

Deciding there wasn't any point in staying still, she picked herself up and started walking, making sure to keep a good distance from the nearby village. Knowing the laziness of guards, it was unlikely they'd come after her after putting out the fire, but she knew a fair few which were more persistent then a nagging mother.

It wasn't long before she came across the wolf girl, once again perched atop a tree. Apparently she hadn't learned her lesson the last time. Though at least she was clear of the village and prying onlookers this time. Shirisu contemplated setting the tree on fire to get revenge on the girl but shook her head quickly. It had been her decision to meddle where she shouldn't have. She contemplated waking the girl and asking for directions but decided against that too. The last thing she needed was a foul tempered doggie yapping at her. And judging by the spectacle earlier, the girl was rather vicious after awakening from her slumber.

Slumping against the tree she looked up at the girl and frowned, what was a canine doing in a tree anyway? She'd seen cats in trees before, but this was the first time she'd seen a wolf sleeping in a tree.

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Odo and Holsety? That was a weird combination of holy bloods indeed. Estevan himself didn't have any holy bloods running through his veins but knew that he could fight with or without them. Promptly, a messenger arrived and handed the noble a scroll. She opened up the scroll and took a few seconds reading it before she wrapped it up and turned to her brother.

“Change of plan, Aeolus. You head to Rivough yourself. I have orders from the King to go to Yied for important business. My troops will come just shortly.”

“Can I come with you, sis?”

“No. You’re still too young and inexperienced.”

Well, that is something that I can agree on... He started to think to himself silently. However, he did see something else in the kid, he saw himself.

(Yeah, flashback)

"Lord Eltshan!" A Cross knight said riding up to the lion king. Lord Shagaal has arrived, it seems as if Sigurd has conquered Madino. He is requesting that the cr-

King Shagaal pushed the knight aside. "Move it, vermin. Eltshan! What the hell've you been doing!? Your negligence just lost us Madino! Aha! You are teaming up with the enemy to overthrow Agustria!"

"Your Majesty! How could you say that!?" Eltshan uttered speechless

"You got a problem with that? My father'd be so disappointed with you. A true knight doesn't sneak around stalling for time!"

"You're not even listening to me! Look, I... hmph. Okay, I'll get my men ready. I'll let you know I'm proud to be a Holy Knight of Agustria. If I'm to die, I'll die fighting. Your Majesty, please watch over Silvail while I'm gone." Eltshan concluded heading out. Estavan's father looked at his son sadly.

"Son, I have to leave. We'll win this fight, and when we do, we'll go back... the both of us... we'll go see your mother..."

"No father!" Estevan said tugging his fathers sleeve. "Let me come with you." His father glared at Estevan

"No son, its too dangerous."

"But dad, Lord Eltshan, he gave me a sword. I can fight."

"Orion, you're coming or what?" Eva asked. Estevan looked at his father sadly. "Father...

"Estevan, enough. Please, forgive me..."

"The kid, you cant bring him with you." He said right after the kid cut the tree in half. You'll be putting the child in danger." The paladin then turned to the child. My father was one of Eltshan's crossknights. I was there the day they were called out to attack Sigurd's squad. I begged my father to take me with him but he refused. That was the last time I saw my father."

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Amera turned herself over, her chin falling flat on top of the tree branch, eyes only half open now.

What to do, what to do...?" Her ramblings continued. Never one for thought, Amera slid her head off the tree branch to look down, surprised to see Shirisu underneath her, albeit frowning, but, still surprised. "Oh! You're that girl who helped me with the soldiers! Hi." She slipped out of the tree, sitting down next to the girl, a silly smile plastered on her face. Her gold jingled a little in her pocket as she landed on the ground, less painfully this time.

"So... Is there anything I can do to for you after you helped me?" she asked, still smiling, ear twitching happily. She slid a little closer, thinking of her as a friend, even though all she'd done was help her by throwing a pebble.


Dirk had managed to visit a church and get himself healed, spending the rest of this month's pay on a new steel lance, with which he hoped to drive into the heart of that "demon". He went through the village, finding the fire that Amera had passed earlier. He went up to the same soldier from before, who was a lot less tired.

"You! Has anyone strange passed through here recently?" His voice irate and in a hurry. The man with the accent just turned and said "there was a woman earlier, bu' she didn'ae look stran'e t'me." He simply pointed towards the village exit, and then went back to putting out the rest of the fires.

Dirk smirked, and made for the exit.

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OOC: @Kanami's LOAF rant: I was rofl. XD

A small group of men in guard uniforms wearing the insignia of Chalphy was marching on the road to Barhara. Many were armored, armed with lances, swords, anything really. There was some laughter and merriment. After all, things were at peace now right? This was an official visit from Chalphy's guard squadron to report any Lopt Sect members they'd seen. Of course they hadn't seen any, but this was their job and Emperor Celice did insist on keeping a lookout in case they returned.

And from the back of the line came a horrible bellow.






The horrible singing was cut off by a cuff to the offender's ear. Heran scowled at the man who hit him. He was singing in E flat. E flat! The most beautiful note in music and not only that, the man just cut off Heran the Greatest Singer Who Ever Lived!

"Owww....why did you have to hit me there? I was gracing you all with my gifted performance."

"What?" the other members of the squad said incredulously. "You? The greatest singer ever? That's a laugh. Were you hit on the head you fool?"

"Yeah, happened awhile ago, back when Sir Sigurd was still riding around. And I met that blue haired axeman on the horse. He had this Hero Axe and he hit me on the head with it twice. Man it hurt like hell, but the gods saw how much of a waste it would be to let me die. After all, without me, the world's music would suffer."

"....Just don't do it in front of Lord Celice alright? Or right now? Or ever? Please?" The guard who cuffed him said wearily. Thank god they were near Barhara.

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(Trees. More trees. Where the hell am I?)

Scarlet cursed her lack of direction. She had intended to go to Jungby Castle when she started out a month ago, but she had no idea where it was, and the other places she had been to didn't have maps for sale. All she knew was that her home was somewhere to the south. She did not want to go south.

(I really hate having no money, but the last village I went to wasn't interested in hiring me to help their food stocks. As long as there's edible plants, game, and water, I guess I'll be fine. I'd best figure something out by winter. . .)

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Shirisu snapped her neck towards the voice, her hand reaching for her dagger she kept concealed. The best she could probably do with her knife would be to fend of a few stupid obnoxious 14 year olds, but it was better then nothing. It was after all, a tool knife, not suited for combat. But her moves either went unnoticed, or the girl didn't mind and plopped down right beside her with a smile plastered on her face.

As the girl started speaking Shirisu's mind flashed back to the last person who'd sat next to her, a fat balding man who tried to grope her, and the "anything I can do for you" remark reminded her of that hairy merchant who'd conned her into buying several vials of plain water. If she'd learned one thing about people on this continent, it was that thieves and con artists ran rampant, and to make matters worse, the common folk seemed to have more air in their heads then anything else.

"Uh, ummm hi" she responded nervously, was it her imagination or did the girl just move closer to her?

"I-umm just wanted to-"

Okay, it wasn't her imagination, the girl was definitely too close for her liking. Feeling uneasy she stared at the girl ears for a few seconds. She twiddled her thumbs for a few seconds before shaking her head, unable to deal with the closeness, she jumped up and took a few steps back, taking several deep breaths to calm herself. <It's only a girl with wolf ears Shii, just tell her what you want, and you can be on your merry way>

"Which way-" she started to ask, stopping abruptly as the she noticed the girl moving closer to her again. Making Shirisu take a few more steps back, followed by another deep breath.

"W-want t-to ask directions t-to-" she managed, before finally giving up. As she noticed the girls tail make a swish from one side of her legs to the other.

Which way Barhara was was not the most important question, there was a more pressing thought which kept running through her mind and she couldn't concentrate until she'd asked.

"Are those real?" she asked pointing at the girls ears and tail.

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As Sherry walked through the market district of Manster, she clutched her staff in her hands carefully. She knew her journey to Verdane to see Brother would be very dangerous, but she seemed more concerned for his safety than his own. Silly me. Here I am worrying about Brother and I have to cross two countries all alone. A cleric. I have no money to hire help either.

Sherry walked towards the gates of the city, hoping to hurry, and get to Conote by nightfall. Suddenly, 2 young boys, not even 10 years old, came up to her. "Hey! Lady! Got any food? We're mighty hungry. We'd really 'preciate it!"

Sherry apologized, but was able to spare a few pieces of gold. Her training in the convent had made it hard for her not to help those in need. The boys thanked her and ran off, the smaller one saying something while they were still within earshot of her. "She must be part of the Magi squad! No one ever helps the kids round here!" Sherry's mind clicked hearing these words. She knew how to get to Verdane safely. She hurried back into the city, looking for an inn.

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” That was the last time I saw my father."

Memories flooded Camilla’s mind, as she remembered, years ago, waiting at home for he good news of the Grandbellian troops to be driven out of Silesia, for her father to return home victorious…only to have his coffin delivered to the front door, his Elwind tome atop it. She was not much older then than Aeolus is now when it happened… like Aeolus now, she wanted to head into battle with him, back when she was still hot-tempered and impulsive, and her mother had to knock her out to keep her from going… she could’ve gone, and she could’ve never returned… Camilla gave a involuntary shudder at the thought of Aeolus dying… or worse. Camilla’s grown into adulthood, but Aeolus… he’s just a kid! What if he gets captured! He may be more resistant to magic than she is, but the power of dark spells… she has seen what happens to people who get hit by them, the men and women in the militia she led.

“He’s right, Aeolus. You’ll get battle experience another time. Just head to Rivough yourself and wait for me, or head back to Issac.” Camilla turned to her brother.

“But… but… fine.” Aeolus looked rather dejected. I’ll stay at Rivough for now and follow her later! I know my way to the Yied desert, it’s not that far away… “I’ll got to Rivough and wait there, then.”

“Good. Here,” she motioned the messenger, who is still standing by. “Take Aeolus to Lady Mareeta of Rivough, and ask her, on my behalf, to give him a tour of the city.”

The messenger gave a small bow, put Aeolus on his horse and got on after him, and rode away to Rivough.

As the one set of hoof sounds grew dimmer and dimmer, another set was heard.

“Sir, forgive me, but, I still don’t know your name. “ Camilla said, as the Issacian army appeared behind her, ready at her command.

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Amera, confused to the reactions of Shirisu, continued to move as close as she had been before whenever the girl moved, that silly grin sticking with her the entire time. The stuttering was making her giggle, and by the time Shirisu had finally gotten her question out, Amera was almost full out laughing at her. She's funny. I think I'll stick around with her for a while longer.

She noticed Shirisu's finger pointing at her head, so she assumed she was pointing at her ears. She made them twitch, blinking a bit. "Well, yeah. They are. Why d'you ask?" Her tail swished and swayed a little, as she leaned over to the right until she was resting against the tree. "Do people where you come from not have ears like this? I mean, I haven't seen many on this continent, but still."

Amera leaned her back against the tree, letting out a long yawn, and relaxed herself onto it. "What was I going to do again...?" She started thinking out loud once more, tapping her finger on her chin. "Oh yeah!" She suddenly exclaimed, after about a minute of keeping to herself with a puzzled face. "I was supposed to go meet Celice" her hands reaching around herself for the letter as she spoke.

"So, what was it you were asking again?" She said, turning her attention back to Shirisu after she'd found the letter. "Oh, the name's Amera. You?"

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"Estevan, milady." Estevan replied scanning the battalion that had arrived. The paladin had always assumed that Issacian's were swordfighters and Mercenaries, boy was he wrong. This battalion, however, was just like one he had seen before. He had the honor of commanding one of these battalions before.

"Heh, quite an army you got there. You said you were heading into the Yied desert? Nodion's princess got lost in that desert, they still haven't found a body. Lucky for you, I know my way in and out of the desert, however, I don't plan on tagging along for free... You're a noble, cant you spare a few gold pieces for a lowly mercenary like myself?"

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(sorry for tardiness Acacia... :facepalm: )

"Here they are Rafael, your squad comrades for the current assignment." said Oifaye presenting him a division of knnights, which included around a few mages, swordfighters like him. Including a bishop that was hanging around with them. Most of the soldiers were obviously quite skilled and highly trained, Rafael was unsure whether he was ready to take such a responsabilty and fulfill the mission they would be assigned by Celice and Julia for humanity's sake.

"Umm, Oifaye, are you sure about this?" whispered Rafael to Oifaye, noticing the skill differences between him and the others. "I mean, it's obvious they are pretty skilled and will do better as a leader than me."

"Well, we're short on skilled soldiers at these moments, most of them being in the capital rebuilding it with everyone else. But I think you'll do just fine. I have this feeling. Men, listen to Rafael and be ready. I'll inform you of your assignment right now."

Rafael crossed his arms and got even more worried than before. If he messed up everything, they could be done for. He was unsure of his skills and almost got lost in his own thoughts, until Oifaye told them a bit about their mission.

"Soldiers, volunteers, mercenaries, Lord Celice feels something wrong could happen at any moment. Even if the Lopto Sect disappeared as soon as Julius and Manfroy fell in the las holy war, he and Julia believe that the Dark Lord could possibly come back. Lord Celice is asking for them to be captured and purged, if there's a way to do so, but the menace of the Lopt Sect must be taken care of."

The soldiers began talking between them, being a bit worried that the Lopt sect had powerful weapons and spells in store for them. "And, we're heading to the Yied Shrine to look for any leads on their whereabouts, is that right?" asked Rafael

"Exactly. If we can stop them from trying to bring back the Dark Lord, we'll ensure a better future for humanity. I trust we can count on you." replied Oifaye concerned. Rafael suddenly stepped up and approached Oifaye, turning to the squads.

"Men, I know this mission appears to be impossible. Whether we survive or not is a mystery. Thos of you that hink they're not capable of going through this, would do better staying here. However, this is our chance to be part of something big in life, of a greater plan. Those who really want to make a difference, I ask of you to lend me your strength in this mission."

As soon as Rafael finished speaking, at least half of the troops left, heading to register in the efforts of rebuilding the capital and the surrounding regions. The knights that stayed were given general instructions by Oifaye and Rafael, right before they left to the Yied region.

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As Bullet reached the tree (same one that Amera is at), he heard the telltale sounds of people talking. Making sure to conceal his presence as much as possible, he took a peek around a nearby building. It was the tree girl from before. And that foreigner, too. It seemed that the two were talking about the wolf-girl's ears and tail. The mercenary sighed silently. Yet another failed attempt to stir up trouble had just ended in his watching idle conversation. He turned to leave. Maybe he could draw out guards by repeatedly punching doors or something.

"I was supposed to go meet Celice"

That caught Bullet's attention. If he could get in to see Celice somehow, maybe he'd be able to convince the king to let him into the Gruenen Ritter. Maybe then he'd finally get paid. Bullet kept still, listening, trying to hear more.

((Yay, eavesdropping.))

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"They're actually considered ill...." Shirisu shook her head, "I mean, not where I come from" she said still fascinated by the ears as they twitched. <Probably best not to tell her that my ancestors purged our homeland of Kemomi over a century ago> she thought to herself. Animal eared people were the original inhabitants of her homeland, but she'd been brought up being told that the "freakish monstrosities" brought bad luck and had to be eradicated.

She stared at the ears a bit more <Freakish monstrosity that ate our babies? Her?> she thought, looking the girl up and down again. She looked stronger then Shirisu, but the match earlier had proven this supposed monster wasn't even capable of over-powering a single guard. Plus, how could something so cute be-

"Oh Yeah!" Amera shouted, bringing Shiris back to the present. She'd apparently wandered into the depths of her own mind and lost track of what was happening around her. Blinking a few times before registering what as going on.

"Yes, what? sorry?" she replied apologetically, just as the girl had finished asking for her name.

"I mean, uhh right, my name, right, Amatsukaboshinyerenyari Shirisunoo Higa-FFFFFKKKKKKKKAAAAA!" she finished with a screech, "Shiris! It's Shiris, just Shiris" she replied hastily, hoping that drilling her name into the girl would make her forget what she'd said prior.

She kicked herself mentally, why had she replied with her soul name? Only three people excluding herself should ever know her soul name, her father, mother and someone she chose to spend the rest of her life with. And this girl certainly wasn't the right choice. For starters she wasn't even male.

"Uh, pleased to meet you Amera, I'm Shiris" she restated rather forcefully, and I'm heading to.... well I don't really know now, I was heading to Barhara, but considering what I did back there" she said cocking her head towards the general direction of the village. "I don't think waltzing into Barhara is a good idea anymore. Still value life enough, you know?" she finished nervously glancing away, not wanting the girl to ask any further questions.

.... Shiris felt her heart skip a beat, as her eyes locked on to another pair of eyes peeking at them from the bushes nearby. "HShaaaa!" she wailed conjuring up a fireball, her face as red as the flames she'd just hurled at the man. "You're not leaving this place alive runt!" she hissed at the man as she summoned another ball of flame to her fingertips. She didn't know how long the man had been listening, but she wasn't taking any chances.

Edited by Kanami
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(Ah don't worry Light Lord, though I suppose it was getting boring to just watch and not act. Oh well...)

Damian watched as the troops staying behind left them. 'They aren't as brave as the Liberation Army was.' He thought. 'Well, I can't blame them for what we are against, I know that well. Now it's just a matter of keeping my cover.'

As last-minute preparations were being done, Damian grabbed a staff. 'Too bad I won't be using tomes for this. Well, it's for the best.' He sighed. He didn't really wanted to begin his new life with a wrong step. Not when he had been near death's doorstep already.

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"We're nearing Freege!" Yelled Solaris. The Gruenen Ritter sighed with relief. They had been traveling for days from Dozel to Freege, with no stops in between. They intended to get to Barhara as quickly as possible.

Once they entered Freege territory, they saw the true devastation that occurred during the last Holy War, and what battles were made, here. Solaris, however, was amazed at Freege's Army, boasting skilled Thunder Mages. They neared Freege Castle, and the soldiers standing guard took a defensive stance. But, King Arthur appeared and told them they were not enemies, but guests. The guards however were skeptical, how did Arthur know these we not impostors? Solaris un-sheathed her sword.

Though many years old, this Silver Sword still retained it's glory and beautiful patterning. There was only one sword like this, even with it's royal seal.

"Is this not enough proof for you?" Solaris asked the guards.

"T-That sword! We're very sorry!" They quickly said.

"Welcome to my home", said Arthur. "I hope you find the accommodations well suited"

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Bullet had a split second to react to the fireball headed straight for his face. The mercenary just managed to roll away from the bush before it caught fire. He cursed his luck, wishing he'd had the foresight to grab some tree branch to use as a weapon.

Oh well. No point it worrying about it now! Bullet had to dive to avoid the next fireball. He made a beeline for the girl who'd conjured up flames. It was understandable, but Bullet wasn't taking any chances. As he neared, he clenched a fist, trying to place it in the girl's jaw. Maybe then he'd get a chance to speak with the other one. Bullet felt his heart speed up. This was what he loved to do.

Then a burst of flame nearly scorching his eyebrows off got his attention back to his opponent. He leaped forward, rearing for a strike of his own.

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Darn it, this is just so frustrating. Rafael was thinking as the group was moving to Velthomer to make their first scheduled stop.Why? Why is my mind so confused? I have the feeling I won't be able to lead this group without any troubles. Even if I trained, I trained as an independent soldier, never with more people.

The soldiers were approaching the outskirts of the town and finally settled down. Rafael was still spacing out, but trying to conceive it. Once the group reached Velthomer, Rafael talked to his troops, Velthomer was also in reconstruction, even if it wasn't greatly affected by the war.

"Well guys, let's rest around Velthomer. Tomorrow we move on to Phinora and then to Yied comrades." said Rafael, determined. A soldier approached him and asked him a question "Sir Ralph, why not proceed to Yied directly? It would be easier to do so." said a bit confused of the course of action.

"Please call me Rafael. And we go to Phinora, since going through the Yied would be difficult and we need to be ready for any eventuality." replied Rafael, noticing the soldier getting a bit confused, but still following his order. Once he got far away, Rafael spaced out once again, while trying to help the citizens of Velthomer too.

I need to talk with someone, but most of this men are tough mercenaries and would care nothing about this...wait a sec...there's tha bishop that joined us, maybe he could help me place my mind at ease. As the sun was setting, Rafael began searching for the bishop that was in his group.

Edited by Light Lord
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