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Best/Worst in the Series: Round 69


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Best: I'm gonna say Ayra, but it's tough.

Worst: Almedha. You know, most people, after doing what she's done, would probably feel awful and go live alone or commit suicide or something, but no, she has to continue to make life hard for everyone.

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Best: If Sanaki counts, I'm going with her.

Sanaki is an Empress, not a princess.

Also, I nominate most hardcore/least hardcore character.


Nominate Best/Worst Mount Name.

The mounts have names?

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No, she's not a dodgy character. She should never actually get there. In order to be a dodgy character she'd have to actually reach the requisite level.

Also, light doesn't just cost her avo, it also costs her cev. One of Clarine's coolness is being able to cut Berserkers down to 0% crit (or even hit) with just A Rutger. Well, C something would probably help, but isn't absolutely necessary. 45 cev just with 30 luck and A Rutger, though she's probably not getting there if you are remotely efficient.

Having potential to be a dodgy character if you take forever isn't nearly the same as actually being able to achieve dodginess (even if under efficiency it isn't perfect dodginess).

Well, I'm happy to call a character dodgy if they have the potential to be dodgy. Being underlevelled doesn't have anything to do with it, in my mind. For example, even though Edward's low level makes it difficult to get him to double enemies, I'd still call him a fast character. Just underlevelled as well. And even though Tauroneo doubles everything in his starting chapter, I wouldn't call him fast, just overlevelled.

A win is a win. It's usually at least a 6 damage difference on join time. At least, when I play. I don't remember her level for me, though I know I got her at 14/1 for the desert (being faster than you, actually). Where she ORKOd a ton of stuff with javelins or killers and doubled with crit on stuff she couldn't 2HKO. Okay, the ORKOing with javelins was only unpromoted mages, but Miledy at that time was only doing the same because I gave her a body ring and a speedwing. If she had missed even one of those two she wouldn't double with javelins.

And I had Tate at around level 14 herself for the desert and she had C Lances, despite going Bartre Route instead of Echidna Route and taking the same amount of time as you in Chapter 12 and 12x and 13. And she did fine there. So I still don't accept that Tate starts off in a huge hole, since I didn't find it that difficult to dig her out of it.

And enemies have more speed. Tana has an easier time doubling with heavier stuff, at least quickly. The difference between Vanessa and Tana at join time is much smaller than the difference between Thany and Tate at join time. And Cormag isn't as good as Miledy (not even close). That's my main point. I don't see a reason to bother with Tate when Thany is better when Tate shows up and Miledy is arriving in like 2 seconds (well, chapters). While there can be reasons to deploy 3 units with flight for movement purposes, there's not a reason to raise 3 of them (I don't think so, anyway). Thany beats Tate (at least for a while) and Miledy crushes them both. Tana actually beats Vanessa in like 2 chapters (if that) and doesn't have Miledy sized competition coming up by then (or ever).

But Cormag is like Miledy. Sure, his stats are lower, but so are those of the enemies.

And to be honest, I don't see a reason to bother with Thany when Tate shows up and becomes better later on. I don't think Thany's combat in earlygame is really worth it. Maybe it's worthwhile with an eye towards chapter 14, but Tate wins pretty much every chapter from then on. I don't get that impression with Tana, just because even if Tana does win later on, it's not like 'later on' in FE8 is that hard anyway.

Plus, I always go Ephraim Route, where Tana is pretty screwed (can't do anything in Chapter 9, and Fleets and Pirates in Chapter 10).

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Best: (points to sig) ...wait, she's not from FE

I guess I'll say Tana, then.

Worst: Almedha

Worst: Caeda/Shiida. 2nd place goes to Elincia. I can't stand these steriotypical emotional weaklings... (not stat-wise; personality-wise)

Caeda? Emotionally weak?

Have you even seen the anime, yet alone her recruitment conversations? Her headstrongness, firm beliefs, and her persuasiveness show that she's far from emotionally weak.

...just throwing that out there. Vote for who you will.

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The mounts have names?

Florina's mount is called Huey, IIRC Fee's mount is called Mahnya (or something like that), and there are others i can't remember because I need to sleep asdf

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Best: Minerva. 2nd place goes to Altenna. Both are awesome princesses who are tough enough to stand up for themselves, but Minerva also looks after her little sister (being an older sister, I can relate to that instinct).

Ayra fits the description as well, you know, being a warrior princess who looks after the her nephew, the heir of the country and who is not to be messed with.

Her Fujimori manga depiction is hilarious but epic.

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Best: Elincia :awesome: 2nd pick would be Eirika at least she does something to win back her country unlike Nyna or Ameldha.

Worst: Clarine you're not cute at all go away <_< (I found Serra and L'Arachel to be funny and cute :D).

Edited by Queen_Elincia
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Best: Minerva.

Even though she was bound by both duty and having her sister hostage, she made sure to do whatever it took both to protect her family and right the wrongs of her country. Even if she couldn't do it as well as her special forces could (Whitewings.)

I do like Tana and L'Arachel, but they kinda fail on the judgement part it takes to rule a country. L'Arachel gets trapped by monsters (intentionally,) and Tana's hotheadedness gets her captured and stripped of her weapons on Ephraim's Route.

Worst: Almedha. Definitely Almedha.

Sure, there's princesses who don't do anything, but then there's this one who makes obstructing progress an art form.

It's so caring of you to constantly bemoan poor Pelleas' fate and all that when you do nothing at all to help out. And then you blame Michaiah, Sothe, and Tauroneo who, rashness and other possible issues aside, actually tried to do something in all this; at Pelleas' request no less! (Haven't gotten around to a second PT yet to see how saving him changes her reactions.) That scene in part 4 where Nasir, (I think?) puts her in her place, forcing her to realize how she messed up EVERYTHING was very cathartic.

And since we have Best/Worst Princess here, why not have a nomination for Best/Worst Prince?

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Caeda? Emotionally weak?

Have you even seen the anime, yet alone her recruitment conversations? Her headstrongness, firm beliefs, and her persuasiveness show that she's far from emotionally weak.

...just throwing that out there. Vote for who you will.

I have not seen the anime, but I have read her melodramatic/inconsistant/schitzofrenic recruitment conversations. Maybe a better way to describe her would be "emotionally unstable."

Ayra fits the description as well, you know, being a warrior princess who looks after the her nephew, the heir of the country and who is not to be messed with.

I agree and I only thought about her after I'd voted. But yeah, she's right up there with Minerva and Altenna (I still like Minerva the best, but Ira is heck awesome too. It's insanely close between them with Altenna at 3rd).

And since we have Best/Worst Princess here, why not have a nomination for Best/Worst Prince?

I second this! :D

Edited by Mercakete
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Best: Minerva. She's somewhat tolerable.

Worst: Elincia. As a queen shes tolerable, as a princess I hate her.

Edited by Blasied
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I say again, I highly doubt Clarine even counts as a princess. Likewise for Lyn. I think that as far as Elibe is concerned, the only princesses that Elibe had were Guinevere (spelling?) and Lilina.

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If Lilina, the daughter of a marquess, counts as a princess, then Lyn, the granddaughter of a marquess, counts as well. Of course, Hector is also the leader of the Lycian League, while Caelin is a pretty minor place, but still.

On the other hand, unlike Lycia, Etruria does have a king (King Mordred) and by extension, a prince (Mildain/Elphin), and Clarine is not related to them, so I don't know why she was brought up. And so harshly to boot - I think she is hilarious. =O

Edited by Axie
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Lance refers to Clarine as "Princess of the Rigley family" in his conversations with her, so that would indicate that she is indeed a princess. I don't remember Lyn ever being called a princess, but I think her father was referred to as a nomadic prince some time during Lyn's mode, and "princess" can be used as a generic term for a woman married to a prince or the daughter of a prince.

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