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Well, no matter what I answer I sound like a horrible person.....But I would rather have a thousand people I don't know die. That option seems to happen every single day, I just don't realize it.

Would you rather try doing a barrel roll while on a Pegasus or on a Wyvern?

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Wyvern. A pegasus would hurl me off because I'm male.

Would you rather keep the member badge you have now, or have a badge shuffle tomorrow (where you risk ending up with something worse)?

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Keep the badge I have now, I like the Big T. (Of course, that might change tomorrow.....)

Would you rather have a Brave Weapon or a Killer Weapon? And once you make your choice, you can't change it for the rest of the game.

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brave, without a doubt. most times you double the enemy is dead, meaning they die before it's their turn to counter. better to always double than 30% chance to triple.

if you were a FE cavelier, would you rather main swords or lances?

Edited by whase
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I'd rather main lances, especially if I were a Shadow Dragon cavalier. That way, I would get to wield Gradivus faster. Besides, as Sain says, a lance looks more heroic!

Would you rather be a Djinni or a Summon? (If you don't know Golden Sun, look it up before answering this question.)

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archery contest, I like bows more and it would be less painful...

who would you rather have in charge of an army you would be soldier in, Eliwood or Hector?

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Eliwood, I think he would be nicer to his soldiers, and he seems to be the better tactician. Hector might order us all to charge recklessly to our deaths.

Would you rather be a villain opposing Ephraim or a villain opposing Roy?

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Opposing Roy. Reasons: His team is less awesome.

Would you rather join Lyn's Legion or the Dawn Brigade?

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I'd rather join Lyn's Legion.

Reason 1: I like Lyn better than Micaiah.

Reason 2: Lyn's chapters are easier than Micaiah's chapters.

Would you rather have all Iron weapons replaced with Steel or all Steel weapons replaced with Iron? (This goes for enemies too)

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Steel replaced with iron, that way there'd be no "lol I start off with a weapon I can't use" shenanigans.

Would you rather have holy lineage but be outcast from your kingdom or be a commoner forced into royalty, living a lie?

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I'd rather have the holy lineage, then I could use a Holy Weapon. You can't fake that. Besides, I might be able to start my own kingdom!

If you were facing an enemy that you had no chance in hell of beating, would you rather attack and throw your life away or run like a coward and live?

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eh, can't I just follow Ike's advice? (from the base conversation with the soldier in FE9)

oh well, run like a coward I guess. unless I would be in charge of protecting someone, then I'd throw my life away to buy some time...

what kind of magic would you rather use/ fit you best?

anima, by listening to nature. light, by having faith in a higher power. or dark, by knowledge and understanding.

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abandoned, I wouldn't wish anyone dead. (certainly not my parents)

be color blind or never again taste the food you eat (in other words, lose your "taste bud". dunno if translator translated this right)

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I'd rather lose my taste bud. I need to see colors in order to play certain video games, but I don't need to taste food to do that.

Would you rather be a Generic Soldier or a Mountain Bandit?

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Generic soldier because at least I wouldn't be stupid and ugly, just stupid.

Would you rather be locked to one weapon that you can get an S rank in, or be able to use every weapon but only be able to get up to B rank in them?

Edited by Strawman the SawKitty
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Locked to Swords so long as I can get Balmung. Otherwise I'll take Dark magic.

no question? 'kay than...

*ignores post*

1 weapon type please, I don't like switching weapons. (though staves would be very useful)

wear only bathing suits or only wear pajama's for the rest of your life?

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Wear pajamas, I wear them most of the time anyway.

Which enemy would you rather have to fight one-on-one (no help of any kind from anyone): Fomortiis or Berserk Ashnard?

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Wear pajamas, I wear them most of the time anyway.

Which enemy would you rather have to fight one-on-one (no help of any kind from anyone): Fomortiis or Berserk Ashnard?

Formortiis, he seems slower

Pajamas. This needs no explanation.

Altenna or Miledy?

Miledy, dunno why

have the moon disappear, or the stars?

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Formortiis, he seems slower

Miledy, dunno why

have the moon disappear, or the stars?

Moon disappear, the size of the universe means there's a good chance of life existing on other planets very high, chances are one of those stars are the equivalent to our sun for one planet.

Only being able to listen to folk music or death metal.

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